Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, July 1, Daily Racing Form, 1922-07-01

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LATONIA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SATURDAY, JULY 1 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. Racing starts nt 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00. 62810 bCorson IOC 1:45 6 100X715 Superior mud ruuner. X Good mini runner. 61000 bOmond 105 1:16 6 105X715 : Fnlr mud runner. til Muldcns. Appreutict 62951s bFirst Consul 108 1:47 6 105X715 allowance, b Blinkers. 62950s Grace Dauglicrty. . 95 1:40 4 100X710 rirst Race 3-4 Mile 62519 Grace Minard .... 4 100X710 Turse ,400. 3-year-dds and upward. Claiming. 62S64. Nurture 107 1:47 4 10SX710 Track record: June 7, 1921 1:10 G 110. fZf" ?"V0"3 100 1:47 4 2hB Todus 62519 bRichelieu 103 1:47 B 100 X 70. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.lIan Pcmvcll ?t1:?Z f-S- G2907bGround-Swell ....112 1:11 C 101 X 723 ff vVVn" 2913 bLast Brush M. 3 im 100.. 7o0 62865 May Jiodinc 100 1:13 4 108..720 1 4S 100 700 bUope 105 7 X 62090 Clintonville 115 1:11 5 112X720 f3 " INvin klcB lnc ... .104 1.48 62782 Archie Alexander. .109 1:12 6 110X715 02952 uX M 110 1.49 3 101. .700 62805s bSewell Combs ....110 1:11 7 103X715 62948s Royal Dick 103 1:12 4 107X715 Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 8108 Sir Lawnfal 111 1:12 4 105.. 710 Whiskaway Handicap. 62990bGuvnor 107 1:12 4 109 X 710 Purse ,800. 3 year-olds and upward. 62865 Youneed 110 1:12 6 111X710 Track record: Nov. 3, 1917 1:41 3 12G. 62948 Ruggles 93 1:18 3 100.. 70. 62SS5 DISTINCTION ... 5 129.. S00 62851 Gammer Gurton .103 1:13 3 107.. 705 02814s Ncddam 109 1:43 5 93X790 62865s ltcg Pardon 1011:12 4 107x705 62S35 Lady Madcap 4 112.. 785 62750 Bright Leaf 109 1:13 8 99.. 705 751 bKinburn 105 1:43 5 95X765 61443 Guaranteed 110 1:13 5 96;c70: 62SS31 Cherry Tree 3 94X760 62051 bPlato 115 1:14 4 100V700 62S95 Brown Eyes M ..103 1:18 8 10L..700 Wth Kwe-1 -,,, 1-Z Hiles. 62948 Prince Welles ....103 1:14 8 101.. 700 Fortieth i. x. Running Latonia Derby, f 15,000 Added. 62236s Escarpolette 115 1:16s S 101X700 , 3-year-olds. Allowances. , Track ,m record: July 10. 1920 2:29 lin.j r"" ftl".:::::::: iiKS JS"T? "t !M03- WE? an:: Sx 62949s Irish Rose 112 l:04h 112.. 725 ve8761 Yoshimi 126X820 62949s Playful Misa ....112 1:02 112..720 m Ti. i r . Whitney wmincy entry entry. 62991 Bcndita 112 1:04 m 112.. 715 62784 Pleasure 112 1:02 112.. 715 Sixth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 62323 Lady Vcnnie 112. .715 Coney Island Purse. 62949 tuturette 112 1:05 112.. 710 Purse ,500. 2-ycar-olda. Special "Weights. 62436 Grasj Maid 112 1:02 112. .710 Track record: June 7, 1909 1:05 3 93. 62949 Lily M. 112 1:02 112. .710 62952 Skeczix 102 1:07 115. .725 62991 jCheckerette 115 1:00 112.. 710 62098 Hopeless Ill 1:07 115.. 720 61813 Victoire 112x710 62S31 Regent Queen 112 1:0S 112. .715 62637 bSunny Ducrow 100 1:02 112.. 705 62949 Tip Toe Inn 112. .715 62949 Blue Bird 112 l:05h 112.. 705 62952s Metric 109 1:07 115.. 715 62949 Newport 112 l:07h 112.. 700 62870 Leslie 106 1:07 115X710 62949 Margaret Ware ...112 l:C5h 112.. 700 62952 Fair Alice .......100 1:07 112. .710 62995 Phenol 112 l:05h 112.. 700 02S08 In Memoriam 112 1:07 115. .705 62721 Ncllida 112 1:08 112. .700 62952 Doctor Glenn 112 1:0S 115. .705 Mary P. Gardner.. 112 Lathrop 103 yol 112 Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. tMontfort Jones entry. purge . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Third Race 1 1-16 Miles. Track record: Nov. S, 1917 1:41 3 120. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. G2S11S Blarney Stone ...106 1:43 4 102X725 Track record: Oct. 7, 19101:43 3 122. 629S0 Pongee 113 1:44 4 102X720 62836 Green Gold 110 1:45 7 103X 725 62911 Lady Astor 8 S9X715 62749bSam Frcedman ...105 1:43 5 100. .720 62054 bAmerican Roy 109 1:45 6 104X715 62109 bApproval 104 1:40 7 103X715 59362 bMatinee Idol 10511:44 7 104X710 62871 Cut Up 104 1:46 4 103.. 715 62836 bCantilcver 109 1:45 6 104X710 LATONIA JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From January 1, 1921, to June ID, 1022, Tnclnsive. At or At or Over Over Jockey. F.O. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.O. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 8L Pool, W SO 06 210 41 20 37 Smith, F 10 107 268 28 24 21 Garner, M 20 103 760 154 119 134 Zoeller, J 10 107 347 35 40 S3 Van Dusen, 0 19 100 43 9 9 2 Roelim, E 10 105 29 8 1 6 Kennedy, B 18 102 739 135 114 114 Allen, L 09 107 43 4 S 6 Wilson, F 18 102 4C9 75 51 68 Francis. J 09 107 672 63 81 69 Howard, J 1G 105 130 21 14 12 Frieshon, A 09 95 133 12 25 10 Wilson, A 15 103 CCO 84 85 84 Breuning, G 09 100 278 20 80 31 C 09 90 314 29 48 40 Wirth, L. .15 105 13 2 2 1 lls, ,, ,,. ,, , Martin, E 09 107 243 23 19 27 Fclds, G 15 103 771 119 93 0 103 WUU. 0 09 107 248 22 19 84 Burke, H. J 14 111 503 77 66 78 Arvin, A 03 80 100 9 4 14 Connelly, D 14 110 351 50 41 40 Barnes, N. J 03 107 301 25 80 33 Heupel, J 14 101 354 50 47 37 McGraw, S 07 99 133 10 22 12 Studer, C 13 97 614 67 76 74 Yerrat, A 06 9-1 70 4 5 9 Barrett, N 13 110 279 88 30 18 Harrington, H, .. .05 100 225 12 19 9 Kcderis, J 12 102 179 21 22 7 Stutts, H 04 93 25 1 0 4 Owens, J 12 95 251 29 83 32 Anthonv, B. 04 102 137 6 7 7 Bobbins, J 12 103 32 4 0 7 Roach, A 93 30 0 0 2 Bcobie, E 12 103 712 S3 89 99 Robbins, B 100 17 0 8 0 Gray, H. 12 104 83 11 14 7 Wolstenliolm, S 113 14 0 0 1 Anderson. M. 12 103 93 11 9 12 Pierct, G 93 1 0 0 1 Taylor. W. W. .. .11 112 149 17 10 24 Moore, F. L. 90 8 0 2 0 Burke, J. JX 10 107 123 13 14 IS Kaiser, J 95 1 0 0 0 Murray, T. 10 110 838 89 33 63 Harvey. B 95 5 0 0 0 1pi DA OC Blilc 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. June 7, 1921 I 51 niUt, 1:10 4-5 110. J Index Course DIst Time Tck Odds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Startefl Order of Finish GROUND-SWELL, ch. m. 8 101 By Whisk Broom IX Rockwater, by Laureate ox Trainer, R. McGarvey. Owner, B. McGarvey. Clifford. 62907 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 19-6 S9 1 2 1 Is J Owens 11 Grayson, Doric, riantoon 62750 Latonia S-4 l:13fast 3 110 10 10 10 9" H J Burkel2 Youneed, Grayson, Pyx 62156 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 10 108 1 3 31 J Owena 9 BenBolt, Youneed. Blue Paradise 61809 Churchill 3-4 1:15 slow 47-10 107 1 1 1 Is J Owens 8 TonySue, Col.Taylor, Grayson 61585 Lexton 3-4 l:13f:ist 9 111 6 8 6 62 J D Mney 8 Icon, Grace Minard, Philanderer 6C416 F.Gnda 3-4 l:12fast 18-5 103 3 6 6 6s 6:J J Owena 7 A.JacklL, A.Alexder, Honasty 60232 F.Gnds Ei f l:06fast 5 112 S t 6 6 9,e F Weiner 11 Bl.Paradise, Col.Taylor. R.Rock 6S575 F.Gnds 61 f 1:07 good 7 103 8 S3 Sl Is F Weiner 11 Runquol, Redmon, Rising Rock 19455 F.Gnda 3-4 1:14 slow 6 HO J 3 1 2s 21 H J Burke 8 Hid.Jewel. Sagamore, Monasty MAY BODINE, b. f, 4 108 By Golden Maxim Mary Bo dine, by Star Bioot. Trainc, R. T. Watts. Owner, B. T. Watta. 628C5 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 13-5 10S 1 5 3s lh J Owena 10 B.Pardon, Sew.Combs, A,N.Akin 62782 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 2 130 B 3 31 2J J Owens 8 A-Alexder, HonorMan, Mahony C1977 Churchill 7-S l:25fast 3 103 1 1 1 J Owens 13 A-Alexder, Penwell, FdKinney 61769 Churchill 7-8 l:2Sfast 31 104 2 1 1 1 J Owena 15 Wm.Oldt, Troilus, Com.dAmour 61500 Lexton 3-4 l:14fast 19-10 102 11 5 A Wilson 11 Col.Taylor, Brit.Maid, Plantoon 61465 Lexton 3-4 l:14fast 16-5 104 11 8 2 1 J Owens 12 Marimba, Settle, Philanderer J0637 F.Gnda 1 1-1C l:4Sslow 12 S3 211112J Owens 8 Merchant, Attorney, Murray W367 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13fast 5 Ml 6 3 4 31 2J J Owens 11 Grayson, Marse John, Blue Jean CLINTONVTLLE, b. m, 6 112 By Transvaal Maid Militant, by Rainbow. Trainer, J. H..Nickols. Owner, S. K. Nichols. 62990 Latonia 3-4 1:13 good 10 107 8 7 5 51 R Harton S High Co3t, Bullion, Gnvnor 62659 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 18 10S1 9 7 6l 3 R Harton 9 J. S. Reardon Angon, Ararat 62435 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 5 113 6 6 61 6 M Garner 9 NtyNlsbi. MissMfins, Hadrian C2183 Churchill 1 l:3Sfast 8-6 113 3 4 6s W W Tlor 7 S.ofFlcasure. Tomahol, Bro.Love 62012 Churchill 1 1-1C 1:45 fast 6 112 1 1 21 21 M Garner 7 Jouett, Tippo Sahib, Tody 61874 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 2 110 6 1 1 In J Kederis 8 Flags, Hadrian, JobnS.Reardoa 61591 Lexton 1 l:3Jfast 13-5 107 1 2 21 11 J D Mney 6 Tody, Rep, Wickford ES209 Churchl 3-4 l:123andrust 18-5 115 9 Lost rider. J D Mney 9 BegPardon, J.Goodmnn Orlova 68108 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 39-10 108 7 4 3 21 Is J D MneylO J.Goodman, BenBolt Rerugeell 67677 Latonia 3-4 l:iafast 17-10 116 S3 S 2s E Fool 11 Orlova, ColbiaTenn, St Michael 67200 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 19-6 108 13 7 6 4 O Willis 12 Abadane, Redmon, GloriaFracce 6343 Latonia !-4 l:12fast 9-6 112 4 41 3 E Pool 12 Mahony, G.France, CumbtaTenn bl-576 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 8-5 U7 8 6 6 2J 2 M Garner 8 Freecutter. Green Grass. Gtaii ARCHIE ALEXANDER, ch. g, 6 110 By Harrigan Anytime, by Yahkea. Trainer, J. Randolph. Owner, J. Randolph. C2782 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 12 106 4 6 Xs 1 C Ralls 8 MayBodine, HonorMan, Mahony 62693 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 12-6 106 10 3 1 li J Owens 12 Machiavelli, Doric. BritisliJIald 62C01 Latonia 8-4 l:12fast El 112 10 9 7l 41 D ConnllylO PindarPcel. BenBolt, HonorMan 62210 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast 66 107 8 6 6s 6 J Owens 8 Tacola, Marse John Tlraron C2156 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast H 113 7 7 6 6J 3 Schefrei 9 BenBolt, Youneed, Ground-Swell GJ977 Churchill 7-8 l:25fast 6 109 2 S 21 2s G -Breung 13 M.Bodine, Penwell FredKinney 61872 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 12-6 107 4 6 21 21 C Studer 12 Nenette. Dad, Arravan 61585 Lexton 3-4 l:13fa!it 9-6 131 6 6 41 41 W Pool 8 Icon, Grace Minard, Philanderer C1451 Lexton 3-4 1:14 fast 9-6 112 7 8 4k 2 J Owens 11 Gravson, Louis A.. Col Taylor 60416 F.Gnda S-4 l:12taat 16-5 110 6 6 6 31 21 A Wilson 7 Ap.JacklL. Monastery. Col.Tcnn BE WELL COMBS, ch. h, 7 105 By Jack Atkin Royal Captive, by Golden w.-rjm, Trainer, J. C. Gallaher, Owner, Gallaher Bros. C2865 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 18-5 110 2 1 21 31 J Heupel 10 M.Bodine, BegPardon, A N.Akin 62601 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 7 HI 9 6 61 61 B Harvey 10 PindarPeel, BenBolt. HonorMan i2435 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 42 108 1 2 31 4i B Harvey 9 NtyNisba, MissMfins, Hadrian C2296 Latonia 3-4 l:Ufaat 8 107 2 8 8 8,s B Kenndy 8 NtyNisba, WwdLndy. Bullion 61552 Lexton 3-4 l:15hvy 4-5 110 4 2 4 6"3 E Noble 8 Hold Me, Rep. John S. Reardon 61437 Lexton 3-4 l:14good 14 110 2 1 11 21 E Noble 9 Centimeter, S.Rider, T.dHonur 68397 Lexton S-4 l:12fast 31 107 3 3 3 4s 3 B Parke 8 Honor Man, Orlova, Auntie May ES2S9 Lexton 3-4 l:12fast 6 103 3 4 2 6 41 B Parke 6 Rapid Day, Abadane, Orlova 68172 Churchl S-4 l:llfast 10 111 4 $ 7 9110s H J Burkell Centimeter, Bstero, J.S Reardon 67593 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 2 101 3 2 1 11 1 B Parke 9 A.N.Akin, Guvnor, Mile Dazie 67271 Latonia 3-4 l:12rast 6 112 4 S 3 61 6T H J Burke 8 Ben Holt, Guvnor. Mile Dazie 67012 Latonia S-4 l:13good 8 110 4 4 6 41 41 H J Burke 5 Ginger, Rouleau, Angon 66766 Latonia 8-4 l:13slow 15 107 $ 1 3 6s 7l H J BurkelO Cho Clio. Rangoon. Angon ROYAL DICK, ch. g, 4 107 By Dick Finncll Eunous, by Marta Santa. Trainer, F. Wright. Ocrner, G. Knebelkamp. 62948 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 27-10 113 4 2 21 3S1 G Fields 11 JakeBcrger, CapRock, Travesty 62557 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 38 109 3 3 4and 5s E Martin 7 Hadrian, High Cost, Angon 62327 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 41-19 107 2 4 4s 41! II Gray 5 RoyalPalm, LordAIIen, ElmerK. 61941 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 33 112 2 2 3 21 J Robbins 6 Ararat, Miss Mufns, My Rei"el 61832 Churchill 3-4 1:14 mud 19 ICS 4 2 21 2s J Robbina 5 ElmerK., II. Cost, T.otliMorng 61515 Lexton 3-4 l:15mud 25 ICS 2 2 41 3 J Robbins 9 Mys.Girl, BulletProof, Cinderella 68333 Lexton 3-4 l:limud CG 1001 3 1 ! 5i A Wilson 8 Centimeter, Estero, Tuscola 68013 Churchl 1 l:37rast 73 101 3 2 3 5 6 6" H Gregory 5 Brkholt, LadyMcap Bui Proof 6752S Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 64 HO 6 6 6 6s 6,s J Francis 8 Abadane, WbiteStar, JlmDalBj 67366 Latonia 3-4 l:lfast 26 106 6 7 6 6s Cl F Porretto 9 Am. Ace, Centimeter. P.Pennant 67169 Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 43 100 2 2 2 2 6s 6 F Porretto 9 Advocate, Parader, UnitedVerde 66946 Latonia S-4 l:12faat 61 108 7 6 4 41 4 J McCoy 8 Guvnor, Bullet Proof, Ben Bolt 66820 Latonia 3-4 l:14slow 20f 98 4 4 4l 1 F Porrettol2 BenBolt, AceUigh, JudgePryor 66549 Latonia l 1-16 l:46fast 16 110 7 fl 6 7 10 10s1 J FrancU 12 Botheration, Umphy. B.Hckle 16349 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 77 106 6 61"1 F Paul 6 B.IdleUour, Fallacy, Brunswick K3S8 Latonia 1 1-1S l:43hvy U 110 7 4 6 4 I1 8" B Pool 12 Firebrand, BlcheMac. Wil.Tre 66171 Latcnla S-4 l:12fast 29 107 J 6 71 71 H King 10 B.IdleHour. Brnnswick. Fallaci SIR LAWNFAL, b. c, 4 105 By Sain Rerla, by Meddler. Trainer, R. Williams. Owner, G. J. Long. 6S108 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 15 102 4 7 8 9 9 1 G Fields 10 Cltonville, J.Goodman, BenBolt 55497 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 17-10 110 C 4 6 6 61 5,s D Connlly 0 DarkUorse, BungiiBuck, Uettiiia 5DSC6 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 6-10 111 1 1 1 1 Is L McAtee 7 Rnnzaf, J.S.Rcardon, All R. Sir 55290 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 41-10 112 U 11 7 7s 341 J Francis 12 Surmount, Loveliness. Ras 6C078 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 69 97 6 6 6 61 6 E Scobie 9 BuddieKean, MarvinMay, Estero 542C7 Churchl 1 l:37fast 62 110 6 5 5 6 6 6 H Lunsfd 6 Coyne, Darjeeling, SirThos.Keao 54103 Churchl 7-8 l:25fast 51 109 3 6 6 7 7 7" H Lunsfd 10 DJceling, B. Valet, Castlereagh 51396 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 33 1061 5 7 9 91 8" N Barrett 10 Coyne, Ris.Rock, Blow.llubbles 51355 Churchl 7-8 l:2Gfast 18 HO 1 6 4 7 101 10 H Lunsfd 12 Coyne, Red Legs, Sir Thos. Kean GIT7NOR, ch. g, 4 109 By Superman Verdict, by Tyraat. Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, M. Goldblatt. 62990 Latonia 3-4 1:13 good 29 10S 2 2 3s 351 L Penman 8 nigh Cost, Bullion, Pongee 02868 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 45 105 C 2 6and 61S L Penman 9 Mar.May, Chatterton, PindarPeel 62557 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 32 109 5 6 6T G Fields 7 Hadrian, High Cost, Angon 62435 I-itonia 3-4 1:12 fast 13 113 3 3 71 9 D Connlly 9 NtyNisba, MissMfins, Hadrian CI 037 Havana 3-4 l:12fast 7-6 115 5 2 2 2 M Garner 6 Last One, Ararat, The Boy 60873 Havana 61 f l:06faat 6-G U4 3 S l1 1" M Garner 7 Ararat, List One, The Boy SC5C7 Havana 51 f l:09hvy 1-2 112 1 1 2 1 21 L Penman 0 Aiken, Col Chile, The Boy 60437 Havana 61 f l:09hvy 1-2 112 1 11 1 1 L Penman 3 The Boy, Gen. J. M. Gomez 40376 Havana 3-1 1:12 fast 31 107 1 1 1 1 ll J Peyan 5 Last One, The Boy, CubaHm-anto 0294 Havana 51 f l:05fast 6-5 110 4 3 2 2s 41 C Robson 0 Ultimo. Last One, Mayor House 60217 Havana 3-4 l:12fast 41 110 3 3 2 21 3s C Robson 5 Judge Pryor, The Boy. Meliora 50047 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 1 U0 2 1 1 1 4s L Penman 7 The Boy, Aiken, Ararat YOUNEED, b. h, 6 111 By Ogdcn The Nurse, by Yankee. Trainer, R. J. Gilmore. Owner, D. Gilmore. C2865 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 11 118 6 2 t 5 W W TMorlO M.Bodine, BegPardon, SllCombs C2750 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 6 115 3 1 1 ll D Connllyl2 Grayson, Pyx, Rapid Stride 62601 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 7 112 2 4 4 6s? W W TlorlO PindarPeel, BenBolt, HonorMan 6221G Churchill 7-S l:25fast 4 138 1 1 21 31 W W Tlor 7 Ruby, Travesty, Buddie Kean 0215G Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 6 112 3 1 21 21 W W Tloi 9 BenBolt. Grd-Swell. B.Paradise 62109 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 37-10 111 2 1 1 l1 J Kederis 11 BenBolt, WdgThrgh, C.Taylor 61938 Churchill 61 f l:19fast 6f 113 3 2 1 2" M Garner 15 Approval, Lugs, Ring Rose E6900 B.Bonta 3-4 l:13fast 6 115 11 11 11 11 112 J Gneisenll Pinard. Mess Kit, Plain Bill 56703 Dorval 3-4 l:13fast 16-5 120 4 4 4 6 l 4 W Hinphy 7 AmernEagle, RockSilk, Wraith 5C531 Dorval 3-1 l:12fast 33-10 114 4 4 5 61 7i H Thurberll Cormoran, Sister Susie, Ettahe 6323 Ft.Erie 3-4 l:14good 9-5 117 1 3 6 61 4 H J BurkelO Thor. Way, V.Welles. Phan.Falr 56270 Ft.Erie 3-4 1:14 fast 1 118 3 1 2 21 2 II J BurkelO L.Luxury, W.Tank, P.T.Barnum 56139 Dshire 3-4 l:12fast 41-10 118 3 2 2 2 23 J aiooney 11 Hereafter, Nurse Jane, S.Reh 56028 Dshire 3-4 lShvy 7 120 4 3 6 7 s 7,e J D Mneyll NightMtiik, C.Lydecker, M.Dora 567C1 Kwtrth 3-4 l:14-good 12 108 4 4 6 9 9 A Pickens 12 Fitz-Bdle. R.Traveler. MeUora RUGGLES, ch. c, 3 100 By Frizzle Precocity, by McGee. Trainer, J. O. Whitlow. Owner, F. E. Courson. 62948 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy. 2C 98 2 10 91 8,s C Ralls 11 J.Berger, CapRock, Royal Dick 54710 Latonia 41 f 54fast 22-5f 110 1 1 Is ll O Willis 12 BillyStar. Salamnder, R.Wlleld GAMMER GURTON, ch. f, S 107 By Von Tromp Balerian, by The Commoner. Trainer, G. V. Barnes. Owner, C. W. Clark. G2951 Latonia 3-4 1:13 hvy 17-6 102 1 1 1 1 L Penman 11 F. Consul, W.Thrugh, DeBonero 02812 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 4 93 10 6 71 82 J Owens 14 Cautious, FirstCcnsul, BindgTie 6C506 F.Gnda 3-4 !:35hvy 16-5 93 2 2 2 41 610 J Owens 8 LastEffort, G.Foster, BerniceK. 60429 F.Gnds S-4 l:12fast 7 103 1 1 2 21 2 A Wilson 11 Avispa, Lottie Loraine, Foy 69637 F.Gnda 3-1 l:l4fast 4-5 HI 2 11 11 21 M Garner 11 Mnt.Mary, V.Collcen, Dare 59414 F.Gnda 51 f lsfast 4 107 2 11 ll 11 M Garner 11 Petie, Lit.Ammie, H.Kemble 54757 Latonia 4i f 67 mud 27-10 113 2 4 4s 4 N Barrett 6 Whirl, C. uAmour, F. Weather 5443C Churchl 41 f 65 mud 8 106 6 4 2s 21 S WlUa 8 Wm.Oldt. BerniceK.. Alam.Girl 34344 Churchl 41 f 54Hfast 35 107 1 1 l1 Is S Wlda 10 L.Itochestcr. Alvtrida. EdnaSlk 54tS9 Churchl 1-2 47fast 19 115 9 9 N Barrett 8 BerniceK.. NuhtyNIsba. At.Ga BEG PARDON, b. c, 4 107 By Smoke House Morning Hours, by Yankee. Trainer, J. McKimiey. Owner, R. P. Marshall. C28G5 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 15-0 110 3 3 1 2 A Wilson 10 MayBodine, SllCombs, A.N.Akin 62557 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 39 109 2 2 7 71 B Kenndy 7 Hadrian, High Cost, Angon 62435 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 10 113 4 7 9 8!1 J Zoeller 9 NtyNisba, MissMfins, Hadrian 62240 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 9 112 3 1 4s 651 D Connlly S J.S.Rcardon, W.Lady. HonorMan 62074 Churchill 61 f 1:21 hvy 6 112 3 2 21 341 A Wilson 5 Col. Baker, lien Valel, M.J.Daly 68209 Churchl 3-4 l:12faat 26 101 4 3 2 2 lk A Wilson 9 Joe Goodman. Orlova, Last One 681G9 Churchl 3-4 l:12iast 17 110 2 6 4 61 6J3 J Francis 10 M.theTime, Benllolt, UncleVelo 5S10S Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 16 102 5 2 2 3 6 A Wilson 10 Cltonville, J. Goodman, BenBolt 67528 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 82 101 6 3 2 6 41 A Wilson 8 Abadane, WbiteStar, JimDaluy 67425 Latonia 3-4 l:lChvy 29 104 6 2 2 1J l1 A Wilson 9 Dimples, Sea Court. Wapiti 56990 Latonia 3-4 l:16hvy 63 103 2 4 6 617 B Parke 0 While Star, Runzaf, Guvnor E6291 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 60f 107 3 4 7 8 Su J Francis 11 J. Daisy, Bud.Kean, Botheration 54103 Churchl 7-8 l:25fast 144 1081 2 4 4 4 51 61 T Murray 10 Djccling, B. Valet, Castlereagh BRIGHT LEAF, ch. f, 3 99 By Bulse Triad, by Star Shoot. Trainer, W. Buford. Owner, Hal Price Head ley. 62750 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 10X 98 11 7 7!1 72 G Breungl2 Youneed, Grayson, Pyx 62510 Latonia 3-4 l:14hvy 29 99 6 2 34 41 C Ralls 9 Dimples, Pindar Peel, Grayson 62186 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 20 ICS 6 6 Ch 41 J H Burko 7 D. Buckncr, M. Winsor, Grgette 62129 Churchill 3-4 3:32fast 37 1111 2 6 8 8" W W Tlor 9 Janku, J.B.Brown, WaywdLady 61904 Churchill CI f l:18fast 65 1061 7 4 3 64 J II Burke 9 MthaFallcm, Pr.I.ula, B.andCoo 61619 Lexton 3-4 l:13fast 43-10 102 1 3 Gs 61S G Breung 9 HoldMe, Lot.Ixraine, C.dAmour 68362 Lexton FC 3tllslov 21 ICG 8 8 5 41 41 E Barnes 12 Ompotcnt. P.Pccl, UnclcSonny 68294 Lexton FC l:10fast 24 106 3 2 3 71 SJ E Barnes 9 Omnipotent, B. andCoo, CoI.Girl 6S240 Lexton FC 1.10fast 6 ICS 6 4 4 61 81 E Barnes 8 Ird Allen, Billy Star, Refcab 57S09 Latonia 3-4 l:17mud 7 112 2 S 4 61 6" E Barnes 6 RedLf, Prec.Lula. WaywdLady E7727 Latonia 6a f l:07faat 17 112 1 11 11 1 E Barnes 12 CoI.Girl, Prec.Lula, Way.Lady 6769S Latonia 3-4 l:13faat 6 109 H 3 2 11 11 E Barnes 12 Salamander, Or.Dale, Lit.Polly GUARANTEED, br. m, 6 96 By Hilarious OzcL, by John F. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, W. F. Knehelkamp. 61443 Lexton 1 1-16 1:47 good 10 103 7 5 61 8" B ScheffellO AmcricanBoy, Rep. Escarpoletto ES403 Lexton 1 1-8 l:52fa3t 6 105 6 6 6 6 4 4si E Scobie 8 Jouett, Plus Ultra, Gen. Uaig 68266 Lexton 1 1-16 l:45fast 13-10 103 5 3 3 2 Is 1 E Scobie 8 F.Orient, Rap.Stride, .lackstraw 58214 Churchl 1 3-16 2:00fast 6 103 6 4 4 3 21 2k E Scobie 8 Exhorler, Cheer Leader, D. Ruff 5S109 Churchl 1 1-1G l:47fast 17-5 1U 6 9 4 4 IP 62 D Connlly 12 Fos.Embry, Amanda, FalrOrient 5S040 Churchl 1 1-8 l:52fast 9 104 1 2 3 3 21 31 E Scobie 12 YgAdam, Dr.Rne, IlarvestKing 57772 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 8 108 2 4 2 2 21 11 T Murray 12 Furbelow, Cut Up, Nelle Yorte 57661 Latonia 1 1-16 l:52hvy 7-5 107 8 5 6 6 7s 7" R McDoit 8 Allivan, Amanda. Loveliness 57423 Latonia 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 6 108 6 5 3 S 2s 2" R McDott 8 Biddledee, Miss Fontaine, Grace 56470 Windsor 1 1-16 l:50slow 2 107 2 3 3 4 5s 5 L McDott 8 L.Lillian, Lazy Lou, Woodthrujl; PLATO, ch. g, 4 100 By Uncle Dike, by Dixon. Trainer, D. McDermid. Owner, R. L. Heavilin. 62951 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 3Sf 110 11 11 11 10" J Heupel 11 G.Gurton. F.Cousnl, W.Thrgh 62243 Churchill 1 3-16 2:C0faat 33 108 7 8 8 S" E Scobie S Jordan, Uncle Velo, Corson 62112 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 15f 106 13 12 12 12ss A Frieshonl3 NglityNisba, Troilus. Sportsman 61900 Churchill 1 1-8 l:62faat 19f 110 7 10 10 10s E Scobie 11 CutUp, Countess, WadsthsList 61871 Churchill 1 1-4 2:06faat 0 99 6 6 6 6" G Brcning C HonoliiluBoy, Wickfd. LyLilln 61536 Lexton 1 1-8 1:59 hvy 84 107 6 7 7 7" B Scheffel 7 MmnElder, Tulsa. MarieRpoId 61516 Lexton 1 1-16 l:E0mud 34 111 7 7 7 "J D Mney 7 Br.Maid, MissPpcrity, Nordeck 60942 Mobile Ab 1 5-8 2:51 fast 12 107 3 4 71 s R Rice 8 L.Moss, OakliiBelle, MissDixi 60921 Mobile Ab 1 1-8 1:63 fast 10 113 9 9 9 7" R Rice 10 Lt. Perkins, LnKruss. Lor.Moss 60799 Mobile lm70y 2:02hvy 3 112 2 6 6 6 6 6 W Hinphy 0 Am.SoIdier. Capt.Tom, DickieW. BROWN EYES, b. f, 3 M 101 By Caugh Hill Katy of the West, by Spendthrift. Trainer, C. Mitchell. Owner, W. C. Goodloe. 62395 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 27 108 1 10 12 12" C VanDunl2 Spats, Cautions, Glengarry 61789 Churchill 7-8 l:2Sfast 66 105 32 13 13 13s C VanDunl4 Castlereagh, Be Good, Bojul PRINCE WELLES, ch. o, 8 101 By Dick Welles Tallahassee, by The Commoner. Trainer, E. C. Crockett. Owner, A. N. Buick. 62948 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 21 101 6 9 Sl 6J G Breungll J.Berger, CapRock, Royal Dick 62632 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 21 103 1 4 4 455 E Scobie 12 R.Mountain, Cautious, Bob.Shea 62322 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 17-10 97 4 8 f 33 W Fool 9 Col. Taylcr, Grayson. Hereafter 62239 Churchill 7-8 l:2Gfast 7-5 103 S 1 2 2s E Scobie 7 Com. dAmour, Bond, Locarno 64686 Latonia 41 f 63fast 5 112 1 1 2H 3s J Butwell 0 JohnFinn, Qu.Garden. LordAIIen 64548 Churchl 41 f 64fast 6-6 115 1 2 ll ll W W TlorlO Ch.Tree, Bob.Uair, Little Polly ESCARPOLETTE, b. m, 5 101 By Fitz Herbert Belancoire, by Meddler. Trainer, T. F. Devereaux. Owner, T. F. Devereaux. 62996 Latonia 1 1-8 l:53good 11 102 4 3 3s 2 G Breung 6 Pictor, Repeater, Countess 62913 Latonia 1 3-16 2:01mud 7-6 99 1 1 1 1 G Breung 8 M.Elder, M.Prosperity, DamorU 62832 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 15 107 1 7 7s 6J F Smith 12 Billy Star, Red Logs, Opulent 62437 Latonia 1 3-16 l:59faat 38 103 3 2 3 31 F Smith S ParisMaid, Mar.Corps, Bal.WhT 02297 Latonia 1 1-8 l:63faat 17 105 2 6 6s 52 B Ksnndy 8 Lecal, Countess, Flying Priaco 62131 Churchill 1 1-36 1:46 fast 20 105 3 6 6 4" G Breun B r. Tulalip, Padua, Cinderella C2046 Churchill 11-16 1:47 good 10 109 3 7 6 R Pavies 7 Alex Jr., Wickford, Harlock 61977 Churchill 7-8 l:25fast 25 113 10 10 9s 611 R Daviea 13 M.Bodine, A.Alexander, IenwcU 61550 Lexton 1 1-16 l:E0hvy 6 111 1 3 3 2 R Davies 8 Merchant, Pimlico, Pictor 61496 Lexton 1 1-16 l:51mud 2 112 4 1 Is Is R Davies 8 Bertha S., Talalip, Megan 61443 Lexton .1 1-15 1:47 good S3 108 3 3 3 Si J H BurkelO AmcricanBoy, Rep, HonoluluBoy 60532 F.Gnda S-4 1:15e1ow 12 135 4 4 7 61 6-J J D Mncyl2 Betsinda, Trautula, Eternity nr DA PC 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. aialdens. Fillies. Special Weights. CUU nAutl June 22, 1910 59 2 109. IRISH ROSE, blk. f, 2 M 112 By Broomstick Rosie OGrady, by Hamburg. Trainer, C. CMaUeyl Owner, R. B. and B. O. Eickraan. 62949 Latonia 6-8 l3hvy 21 132. 6 S 21 2s H Gray 12 Tip Toe Inn. Play.Miss, Phenol 62831 Latonia 61 f l:08faat 11 112 8 8 81 6i J H BurkelO Reg.Queen, Lucky Run, M.Mazie PLAYFUL MISS, br. f, 2 M 112 By George Smith Misplay, by Fair Play. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, W. Perkins. 62949 Latonia 6-8 l:03hvy S H2 6 2 S 3 D ConnUyl3 TipToelnn, Irish Rcse, Phenol 62-784 Latonia- Bl f l-0Sfast - S2 -H2 4 2 S . 3! and Pool 8A. Blue Gown, Begum, Pleasure C2599 Latonia 6-8 1:01 fast 16 132 8 7 P 6JO Willis 10 D.Flowcr; A.B.Gown, Frestolite-BENDITA, b. f, 2 M 112 By Ormondale Lady Vincent, by St. Blaise. Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner, T. P. Hayes. 62991 Latonia 6-8 l:02good 17-10 112 10 5 6s 61 A Wilson 12 Rolgold, Piedmont, Misa Jane 62517 Latonia 6-3 l:Hhvy 12 115 6 2 2 B Kenndyll Tokihime, Minne B., Roldgold PLEASURE, ch. f, 2 M 112 By Manager Wait Delight, by The Manager. Trainer, S. Chenault. Owner, T. C. McDowell. 62784 Latonia 61 f l:08fast - 10 132 2 0 41. 4 E Martin 8 A.BlueGown, Begum, Play.Miss 62238 ChurchiU 6-8 l:01faat 87 112 6 3 3 3i J H BurkolO Man.Maid, Tokihime, Fcrnaudoj LADY VENNIE, b, f , 2 M 112 By Colonel Vennie Presentation, by Brutus. Trainer, J. S. Everman. Owner, E. H. Lane. 62323 Latonia 41 f 64 fast 78 115 7 7 7" J Francis 8 A.M.Hnmphrey, E.Morn, G.Maid 60580 F.Gnds 1-2 60hvy 50 109 H 10 9s 9 L Coney 11 Dearie, Lilac Time, Miss Claire FUTURETTE, b. f, 2 M 112 By Ormondale Futurist, by Golden Maxim. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Montfort Jones. 62949 Latonia 6-8 lKhvy 8 112 8 4 6s 6 FJ Pool 12 T.Toelnn, IrishRose, Play.Miss 62130 Churchill 41 f 64 faat 24 108 8 6 VI 7" E Scobie 10 Pun.Gorda, Barb.Palracr, Bdeau 62075 Churchill 41 f 65hvy 7 115 4 C Ei 6 E Pool 8 Panna, Swt Lady, Mcure Maid 61905 ChurchiU 41 f 63fast 1 115 S 4 6"E Scobie 8 Kindred. Oui Oui, Bclphrizonia GRASS MAID, b. f, 2 H 112 By Short Grass Pan Maid, by Peter Pan. Trainer, J. I. Smith. Owner, H. H. Hewitt. 62436 Latonia 6-S l:01fast 6 312 6 6 6 6 D Connlly 7 Lavinia, Al Stehler, Actuary 62323 Latonia 41 f 54 fast 10 115 3 3 41 3 D Connelly 8 A.M.Humphrey, E.Morn, StLady 62238 Churchill 5-8 l:01faat 6 112 f 7 71 Es2 D ConnellylO Man. Maid, Tokihime, Pleasure LILY M., b. f, 2 M 112 By Short Grass Rosewood, by Magneto. Trainer, J. M. Goode. Owner, J. W. Paxrish. 62949 Latonia 5-8 l:03hvy 9 112 4 10 9s 9" F Smith 12 T.Toelnn, IrishRose, Play.Miss 62781 Latonia 61 f l:08fast 91 H2 Q 7 7 7,s F Smith S A.BlueGown, Begum, Play.Miss C2599 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 93 112 4 4 5s 4i F Smith 10 D.Flowcr, A.B.Cown, Prestolite C2075 Churchill 41 f 55hvy 40 115 6 7 61 E S McGraw 8 Panna, Swt Lady, Mcure Maid CHECKERETTE, b. f, 2 M 112 By Ormondale Checkers, by Ogdcn. Trainer, K. Spenoo. Owner, Montfort Jones. 62991 Latonia 5-8 l:02good 29 113 11 8 81 S" H Lunsfdl2 Rolgold, riedmont, Misa Jane VICTOIRE, ch. f, 2 H 112 By Uncle America, by Yoter. Trainer, A. Baker. Owner, Baker and Nichols. 61813 Churchill 1-2 48 stow 7 U4 7 6 61 El M Garner 9 Sympathy, Sweetheart, Belzonia 61588 Lexton 41 f 64fast 6 U0 1 4 41 2 A Wilson 6 FairAgnes, MissMinerva, Cortn 61531 Lexton 41 f 69 hvy 13 132 2 6 S 2 A Wilaon 6 Sweetheart. SwtCookie. OmOul BUNNY DUCROW, br. f. 2 LI 112 By Black Toney Acheron, by Bapid "Water. E Trainer, C. E. Rowe. Owner, C. E. Bowo. 62627 Latonia 5-3 l:00fast 37-10 ICO 5 6 G 6 C Rails 7 Skzlx, run.Gor.ia, EdFeaiRcion C CI 742 Churchill 1-2 47fast 1S-5 115 10 6 4l 44 F Smith 10 Sympathy. OuiOtii, Kciplirijouia 0, 60230 F.Gnds 3-8 35fast 6 113 8 6 4 F Muri.hy 12 Allle Ochs, Dearie. Ken-pie H- 51 BLUE BIRD, br. f, 2 II 112 By Zeus Ravenroost, by Prince of Honaco. j Trainer, L. Johnssn. Owier, G. 31. Enobclkamp. " n 62949 Latonia 5-8 1:03 hvy 37 112 1 C 7l 7" F Wilson 12 T.Toelnn, IrishRcse, G0187 F.Gnds 3-8 35fast 15 107 6 Sl 74 J D Mneyl2 Daniel, Teter Drown. Ilughtc B9S7G F.Gnds 3-8 34fast 8 114 8 61 6i J D MneylJ M.Minervsi, KpIeS., St.Angi-iina E9593 F.Gnds 3-8 35 fast 20 107 6 51 5J J D Mnej 12 K. Williams, Prince K.. Daniel 69553 F.Gnds 3-8 38 slow 5 114 8 9410" D ConnIlyll Duster, Corto, Kewpie S. NEWPORT, b. f. 2 II 112 By Ballot Hill Top, by Clifford. G Trainer. J. H. Nichols. Owner, S. K. Nichols. 6 2919 Latonia 5-8 l:03Uhvy 23f 112 12 11 10 10" R Hartonl2 T.Toelnn, IrishRose, riay.MiS3 G G2GG0 Latonia 51 l:0Sfast 105 112 3 10 lll 11" E Scoble 12 Ft Ward, May.Carrel, Admire: 6 KARGAEET WABE, b. f, 2 M 112 By Astronomer Pin Feather, by Dalhousie. ! g Trainer, W. Grater. Owner, C. A. Bsdcncope. G 62949 Latonia 5-8 l:03hvy 62 112 3 7 64 64 A Wilson 12 T.Toelnn, IrishEosc, Play.Miss p PHENOL, ch. f, 2 M 112 By Orb Lnkcramus, by Xuks Ward. Trainer, S. Berry. Owner, I. E. Clark. c 62995 Latonia 51 f l:07 37 104 7 7 7 C10 F Wilson 7 PuntnGorda, JakieHny, J. Racer 62949 Latonia 5-S l:03hvy 29f 112 7 C 4 4 It Mthewsl2 TipToelnn, IrishKose, PfulMiss 62784 Latonia El f l:0Sfast 175 112 S S 8 8" N Barrett 8 A.BlueGown, Begum, PIay.Miss ; C2517 Latonia 5-8 l:01hvy S6f 115 11 11 11 llsl A Ycrrat 11 Tokihirao. Bendita. Jliuuiu B. . NELLIDA, ch. f, 2 M 113 By Adalid Nellita, by Crnzados. I Trainer, L. J. Keating. Owner, L. J. Keating. C2721 Latonia 5-S 1:01 fast 21-Cf 112 S 10 10 10" G BreunglO LadyGorham, Kennmare, Tower 0 First start for the following: f KARY P. GARDNER, b. f, 2 K 112 By North Star ILL Votexina, by Voter. . Trainer. S. Chenault. Owner, H. P. Gardner. I.AYOL, b. f, 2 U 112 By "Whisk Broom II. Loyal, by Loyalist. Trainer. II. Goldblatt. Owner, H. P. Whitney. C t 3rd RACE 1 1-10 o1.08" -ycaJ"-oys ansl upward. Claiming. Oct. 7, 10141 ji 3 GEEEN GOLD, br. g, 7 103 7 Celt FoUio Levy, by Golden TiTaTim. Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Owner, Florisant Stable. 62836 Latonia lra70y l:44fast 17-5 IOC 1 1 Sl S E Pool 9 Ashland. Paris Maid, Way.Lady c 62GG5 Latonia lm70y l:44andfast 4-5 101 3 1 4l 54 J Owens 8 UncIeVelo, LcuisA., MarscJonn C229G Lator.ia 3-4 l:12fast 37-10 110 6 1 3" 44 D ConnIly S NtyNisba, WwdLady, Bullion 5 G18G9 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 37-10 113 2 1 ll In E Pool 8 Col.lSaker, IlonorMan, RapidDay 5 ESSC-6 Jeff son 1 l:46hvy 9-20 106 4 1 1 1 1 l E Barnes 4 AVickford, Grayson, Translate 5 ES7S9 Jeffson S-i 1:14 fast 9-10 107i 1 1 1 ll lJ 11 Garner 10 Baigneur, T.dllouneur, Bunzaf 5 67949 Chunhl 1 1-15 l:55andfast 13-10 110 1 1 1 1 1 l5 M Garner 9 Cimarron, Amer.lSoy, Dix.Carroll i 57497 Latcnia 1 1-1G l:40?.KOod 5 105 111 1 l1 l4 M Garner 9 llarse John. Cantilever. The Wit 5 57335 Latonia 1 1-1C l:47V;3low 21-5 104 1 1 1 1 11 2h B Kenndy 6 Ctilcver, Kimpalong, Dan.Spray 5 B7037 Latonia 3-4 l:i;igood 8-5 120 3 3 2 2 2 H Lunsrd 11 Honorllan, Cozutte, BapidStride -, E67S2 Latonia 3-4 l:l6hvy 3-5 115 2 1 1 1J 1 H Lunsf d 9 Peggy C, I.ermout, Blaise E6717 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 7-5 110 2 2 2 2 2s H Lunsfd 9 Kinglike, Jimlleffering, Kama SAK FBEEDMAN, b. h, 5 108 By Pataud Femesolo, by Sir Dircm Trainer, J. ITmensotter. Owner, O. Behm. 62719 Latonia 1 1-15 l:48V4fast Sl-10 105 2 1 l1 l1 J Owens 12 Berciont, Bit of Green, Bob 4S0G9 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 13 124 5 10 91 9s H ThurbcrlG C.lilossom, ByGolly, JI. llynes 4294G Latonia 5-S l:01mud 11 123 1 2 21 2 K Lapaille 8 M.Moore, ByGolly, P.Pennant 42899 Latonia 41 f 53 fast S-5 113 1 4 4 31 H Thurber G By Golly, M.Moorc, Sterling APPROVAL, b. g, 7 10S By Plaudit Autuina Leaves, by Prince of Honaco. 1 Trainer, W. P. McCaffrey. Owner, W. P. LIcCaf f rey . E 62109 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 11 113 11 10 106 10i J Owens 11 Touneed, BenBolt, WdgThrgii . C1938 Churchill 61 f l:19andfast 15 ICS 11 5 2 1 B Scheffel 15 Youneed, Lugs, lling Bose 6173G Pimlico 3-4 l:12?5fast 7f 113 7 7 51 31 P Walls 7 LKffare, Ilid.Jewel, ViveMcGee 61312 ILdcGce 3-4 l:15Vifast 25 109 10 8 8 8" H Thomas 12 Vice-Chrman, Camflage, Tidgs , 61054 Havana 1 1-16 l:49andslop 2 102 5 2 1 11 P Walls 7 Tony Beau, Haman, Molinero , 61022 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 21 1G6 8 8 51 31 P Walls 8 Bermont, OldSinner, Gol.Chance 60874 Havana 1 1-15 l:4Gfast 21 101 1 1 ll 1 P Walls 7 Tony Beau, Molinero, Tlielirate 60570 Havana lm50y l:45hvy 3 105 2 1 1 1 2 lnk L Penman 0 Petrarch, Tlcacey, Hazel W. , 60433 Havana 1 1-15 l:49slop 6 108 5 1 1 1 ? 8 J Carroll 6 Osgood. Golden Flint. Hocnir 60405 Havana ImOOy l:43fast 31 104 7 4 6 6 8 S D Prible 8 Bamkin, Marcella Boy. Harlock j G00G4 Havana 51 f l:C5fast 41 115 4 5 5 6 51 J Maiben 5 OldSinner, ColChile, EdGarrlson j CUT UP, b. f, 4 103 By Wrack Janina, by Tho Scriba. Trainer, J. UcKinney. Owner, B. P. liarshall. ; 62871 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 7 105 1 3 3s 3 A Wilson 8 LouisA., WalnutHall, UncIeVelo ! 62G38 Latonia 1 1-8 l:53Afast 18-5 ICS 1 4 6 6 C Ralls G LyLillian, Conntcss. Bal.Wheel C2115 Churchill 1 1-8 1:53 fast 9 10S 3 1 2l V1 A Wilson 7 LyLillian, PateMcGee, Nurture 6190G Churchill 1 1-8 l:52fast 8 103 3 1 11 11 A Wilson 11 Countess, WadsthsLast. Dr.Itae 1 61815 Churchill 1 1-1G l:47slow 11 110 3 5 6 5IS A Wilson 7 Legal, Louis A., Flor. Blossom 1 61747 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46andfast 8 103 4 2 41 31 A Wilson 10 Merchant, Topma3t, Alex Jr. CS071 Churchl 1 1-16 1:47 fast 21-10 102 2 4 4 4 41 45 A Wilson 12 Mar.Corps, M.Fntaine, B.Maid 1 57772 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Sandfast 22-5 101 6 7 6 4 31 3 A Wilson 12 Guarantd, Furbelow, Ncl.Yorkt. 1 E7673 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fat 14-5 107 5 6 5 5 4s 4T B Parke 9 Cimarron, Willow Tree. Ace E7070 Latonia 3-1 1:13 fast 7 101 7 10 9 Sl 6i B Parke 11 J.S.Bdon, UncIeVelo, BiagUocV 65555 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46ifast 4 103 1 3 3 1 11 1 B Joslah G Miss Fontaine, Ace, AlIBigktSu COESON, ch. r. 6 1G9 By Ivan the Terrible Frogrnore, by Quicklime. ! Trainer, B. C. Banbury. Owner, B. C. Banbury. 62810 Latonia 1 1-10 l:47andfast 11-5 101 1 2 41 471 W Pool 9 WarPrire, ChrLcader, L.Widrig ; C2243 Churchill 1 3-16 2:00fast 13-5 106 3 2 51 4s B Scheffel 8 Jordan, Uncle Velo. Corson ; 62135 Churchill 1 1-15 l:47fast 61 106 8 5 ! 2 G Breung 11 Penwell, Virgo, Cheer Leader ; Gl 978 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46fast 14-5 112 8 3 3 31 A Johnson 12 BlkThong, Faux-Col, Blkllackle 61835 Churchill 1 3-15 2:01mud 6 107 1 3 6s 6 C Studer 7 Nurture, Nordeck. Alex Jr. 61775 Churchill 1 1-16 l:4Cfast 11-5 10S 4 4 41 31 W Pool 9 TonyBeau, BrifhMaid, Faux-Col COGO F.Gnds 1 1-S 1:54 fast 7 106 4 4 3 2 11 11 H Thomas 11 Att.Mulr, CurtEvents, LazyLou eor;5 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 1-2 102 1 .2 1 2 2 l1 A Gantner 7 Mark West, Quito, Le Bleuet 60172 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:4t5ifast 4 108 7 4 3 3 3 21 A Gantner 8 Zone dArmee, OllieWood, Pansy E65C7 Dshire 1 1-10 l:16fast 18-5 110 11 8 7 7 6 6SJ R nolwayl2 WalkUp, SirJ.Vcrgnc, F.Shann E6512 Windsor 1 1-8 l:52fast Sl-10 106 2 3 4 2 21 3! R Hoi way 8 OmerK., SirJnVergne, FrankF, E6220 Ft.Erio 1 3-16 l:59sSood 17-5 106 5 4 4 4 4 2" C Lans 0 Prospctor. Explosive. Tricksterll. E5S95 K worth lm70y l:49slop 19-10 ICS 6 4 4 3 E1 6s W MorseylO Cavcadourll., Ctllever, Disrnaj E5SO0 lCworth 1 1-16 l:47fast 8 115 7 6 7 7 61 41 H J BurkelO F. Shannon. Docod. Benevolent OHONB, ch. h, 0 105 By Lomond Gateshead, by Walmsgits. Trainer, J. Boed. Owner, K. Quinaj. Tijuana 2 3:29 fast 22 97 4 Tulled up.T Wilson 9 East Indian, Belario, Veteran D610G0 61015 Tijuana 1 1-2 2:34 fast 10 93 4 6 6 41 C Studer G Bueklioru II., Veteran, Suimyld GC9G3 Tijuana 1 1-4 2:06fast 24 102 3 11 11 11" T Wilson 11 Mulciber, Bifle, Kegreso 60576 Tijuana 1 1-8 1:57 slow 8 105 8 6 6 6 51 51 T Wilson 8 Be Frank, Breeze, East Indian C0111 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47fast 15 9GG44 3 1loT Wilson 13 Furbelow, Breeze, Veteran C0357 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:49 fast 5 107 1 2 3 4 31 l"k C Studer 7 Gath. Don Dodge, Glen Well 601S3 Tijuana 1 1-8 2:00 mud 31-10 101 6 5 3 2 21 31 C Studer G Yorkist, Ballotcar, Boisterer 60071 Tijuana 1 1-15 lv4Sfast 112 95 12 11 9 8 71 5i C Studer 12 East Indian, Furbelow, Brecza 60028 Tijuana 3-4 1 16 good 56 111 C 6 6 6 6 P Caron 6 SisterSusie, Sedan, BapidStride E9550 Tijuana 1 1-15 1:53 hvy 6 100 6 6 6 6 6 6" H B Bwer 6 Jake Schas, Wild Flower, Midi ITIBST CONSUL, b. g, 8 105 By Zeus Sans Gene, bjr Bock Band. Trainer, J. Gass. Owner, Waddcll Bros.. 62951 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 37-10 110 3 5 31 21 D ConnIlyll G.Gurton, W.Thugh, DeBonero 62G12 Latonia 3-4 I:13fast 13 ICS 9 7 21 2nk B Kenndy 14 Cautious, Binding Tie, Plautocn 6251G Latonia 3-4 l:14hvy 33 114 7 7 5 510 B Kenndy 9 Dimples, Pindar Peel, Grayaon 6232G Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 29 111 10 11 91 83 II J Burkel2 Louis A., Pyx, Troilus 617G9 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast Sf 114 3 14 14 14" H J BurkelS May Bodine, Wm. Oldt, Troilus C0G42 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 6-5 110 3 2 2 2 Is A Pickens G Old Sinner, Hutchison, Bermont 60492 Havana 3-4 l:14islop 31 105 2 4 2" 31 31 J Maiben 7 SngVaie, T. Beau, Gallon-Berry C019G Havana 3-4 l:12fast 6 102 3 2 2 2 2"i J Pevic 8 Col Chile, Fos. Embry, M.Jumbc , 6W68 Havana 1 1-S l:10Vfast 8-5 110 5 4 2 2 2" 2 W Keisay 8 ForgeAliesd, Gold.Kliut, Blbbler ESS08 Havana 51 f l:03fast 21 . 114 1 11 l1! 14 W Keisay 8 GoId.Flint, WarMap, Lul-Meme , ES6S4 Havana El f l:07fast 3 110 4 1 1 l1 14 W Keisay 7 Sunrose, Lyric, Norfolk Bella E7919 Va.Falr 3-4 l:lSfcs!ow 121 1 H Garner 1 Togolnnd, Asama, Mary G. C4600 Dorval 1 1-16 2:00 hvy 33-10f 103 4 1 1 Si G E AtklnsnlO Sundurla, Blazonry, Am. Soldier GBACE DAUGHEBTY, ch. f, 4 100 By Frizzle Euth Carter, by HandsaL Trainer, B. T. William3. Owner, M. IJurnan. G2950 Latonia 1 1-S 1:59 hvy 8 102 3 4 31 24 A Wilson 7 Link Boy, Virgo, Chin. Walsh 1 G27SG Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 39 100 8 6 5 5" H Stutts 12 Dr.Gilbert, Damoris. War Spirit : 625G3 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 6 100 9 7 7s 711 W Pool 9 Atravan, Dr.Bae. Flying Prince 1 G2401 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Sfant IS 10O 10 6 51 44 II Stutts 10 Millersburg, Arravan, OllieWood 1 62297 Latonia 1 1-S l:53fast 76 100 8 4 51 41 H Stutts 8 Legal, Countess, Flying Princo 62131 Churchill 11-16 1:46 fast 27 102 6 4 51 6 13 B Scheffel G Tulalip, Padua, Cinderella 620IG Churchill 1 1-1C 1:47 good 33 102 4 3 4 4s W Pool 7 Alex Jr., Wickford, Harlock ES175 Churchl 1 1-16 l:45;ifast 87 101 9 10 10 10 10 10" V Thelen 10 Dantzlc, M.Fontaine, Marchona 1 E8071 Churchl 1 1-16 1:47 fast 19f 102 11 8 8 10 10J 10! G Fields 12 Mar.Corps, M.Fntaine, B.Maid 1 57835 Latonia 1 3-16 2:07Hmud 20 9i 7 7 8 8 8 7" B Scheffel 8 CapitalClty. TimMeGee, PeggyC. E7679 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 81 107 8 8 8 7 61 6 J Kederis 9 Cimarron, Willow Tree, Ace B7G22 Latonia 1 1-16 l:52hvy 22 97 6 2 2 2 3l 3 A Boach S B.Stone, Mavehona, H.ofT.North 1 57390 Latonia 1 1-S l:5Slislow 54 94 3 7 7 9 9 9" B Scheffel 10 Pit. Nonskld. Alex Jr. GEACE XIINABD, br. f, 4 103 By Frontenac Boses, by Wagner. Trainer, C. Kitehell. Owner, W. C. Gocdloe. 62519 Latonia 3-4 1:16 hvy 13 1C6J 5 2 2 21 E Martin 9 Greenland, Blaise, Wm. Oldt 62297 Lator.ia 1 1-8 l:53fast 79 107 3 1 21 61 E Martin 8 Legal, Countess. Flying Prince 65:243 Churchiil 1 3-16 2:00l4fast 21 ICO 2 7 71 7" C Van Dn 8 Jordan. Uncle Velo, Corson G21S7 Churchill 1 1-15 1:43 fast 12 103 4 5 6 7" E Martin 8 Harry B., Warsaw, Link Boy 62109 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 33 106 7 8 81 71 C VanDunll Youneed, BenBolt, WdgThrgli 1 6193S Churchill 61 f l:19ifast 9 103 6 7 6 9lk J Owens 15 Approval, Youneed, Lugs 61G53 Lcxtor. 3-4 l:154sIow 21-5 105 5 2 2 2 L McDott 5 Marimba, My Ballot, Plantcon 61585 Lex ton 3-4 l:13fast 56 99 4 2 21 2 L McDott S Icon, Philanderer, A. Alexander : 61532 Lexon 3-4 1:13 hvy 7 107 1 4 7W 711 E Martin 8 Bagazza, Dr.Canncn, NthSborc t ES05S Lex ton 3-4 1:15 slow 82 103 12 8 4 61 7l J Kederis 12 Meliora, Doric, Port Light ES2G2 Lextnn 3-4 l:13fast 36 105 4 4 6 84 82 E Barnes 12 Gd-Swell, GIpsyQueen, Meliora 1 B7C62 B.Grpss El f 1:03 mud 1 106 11 C VanDun 4 Gallant Lad, Bog, DorotuyUine E6970 B. Grass 6-S l:00fast 5 110 2 C VanDun 5 Peasant, Mad.Byng, CrdeFeu NUBTUBE, ch. g, 4 103 By Kartinet Druid, by Sir Dixon. Traiccr, P. J. Williams. Owner, Williams Bros.. 62GC4 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47andfast 6 106 2 2 2J 3 G Breningl2 Bed Legs, Damoris, Penwell 62302 Latonia 1 1-S l:53fast 9 107 5 2 3 3 J Owens 8 ClicerLeader. Biddlcde, Penwell 1 62115 Churchill 1 1-8 1:53 fast 19 108 4 4 4 4 B Scheffel 7 CutUp, LyLillian, PirateMcGce 5 61S35 Churchill 1 3-16 2:01mud C 108 4 1 11 14 J Kederis 7 Nordeck, Alex Jr., Countess 61510 Lexton 1 1-16 l:52hvy 31 103 6 4 41 21 B Scheffel 0 Tony Beau, FrankF., Millersburg ! E519S Latonia 1 1-15 l:43hvy 54 110 1 9 9 8 8 l 41 J Francis 12 Firebrand, BlcheMac, Wil.Treo a E4445 Churchl 3-4 l:15mud 21 110 5 7 8 64 54 J Francis 14 t.Air, Hphrey, C.Theisen a H.U Ch jrchl 1 l:40,tfast 2 1C5 2 3 5 5 5l 51 J Francis 15 Badio, Wlshmaker, BldBuddy 541C1 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47fast 30 107 5 1 1 2 24 24 J Francis 8 S. Court, Corllla, MaryJaneBaker T 63851 Lexton 1 1-16 l:43raud 80 105 6 6 6 8 6 6" J Francis 7 B.Serrant. UncIeVelo, T.OffJela! 1 DAHOEIS. b. f, 4 95 By Sain Altuda, by Alvoscot. Trainer, E. Williams. Ownor, G. J. Long. 62913 Latonia 1 3-16 2:01imud 7 9S 2 3 4 4 W Pool 8 Escarpolette. M.Eldcr. M.Prosy G27RG Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 31 100 2 1 21 21 W Pool 12 Dr.Gilbert, WarSpirit, SeaCourt t G2CG-1 Iatonia 1 1-15 l:47fast 33 53 9 4 44 2 J Owens 12 Bed Legs, Nurture, Penwell 12518 Latonia 1 1-1G l:52hvy 11 100 7 6 41 5 C Balls 11 C.Henry, Blackltock, WarPrizc b 62135 Churchill 1 1-1G l:47fast 12 106 6 10 101 1011 W Pool 11 Penwell, Corson, Virgo 6190G Churchill 1 1-S l:52fast S3 100 9 3 64 6" G Breung 11 CutUp, Countess, WadsthsLast t 61835 Churchill 1 3-16 2:01mud 14 93 6 5 E 5" B Scheffel 7 Nurture, Nordeck, Alex Jr. C?297 Jeffson lm70y 1:45. fast 10 101 8 5 7 7 41 2k E Scoble 10 Verity, Flypaper, Sentimental E9152 Jeffson 1 l:42good 4 103 3 2 1 1 1 l1 E Barnes 11 Domingo, Flypaper, Kchobmd ES314 Jeffson 3-4 1:16 good 31 112 3 2 3 2l 2 J Francis 12 Marjorie M., Domingo, Boy O. 5SS53 Jeffson 1 l:48hvy 1 108 2 2 2 2 3 3 J Francis 8 Car, Concentrate, MarieBappold d E8793 Jeffson 3-4 lU5fast 31 109 3 1 2 2 2l J Francis 12 Gal.Foe. NetYet, EtwdPrlncesa 3 1 ES725 Jeffson 51 f l:097ifandat C 108 6 2 2 2l 2l J Francis 12 Trader, Cremona, Not Yet E C 0, 51 j n G 6 G 6 ! g G p c ; . I 0 f . C t ji 3 c 5 5 5 5 i 5 5 -, 1 E . , , , j j ; ! 1 1 1 1 ! ; ; ; , , 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 : t 1 1 5 ! a a T 1 t b t d 3 1 KICHELIEU. ch. g, 5 100 By Celt Network, by Eon. Trainer, J. McKeon. Owner, W. A. Banmgart ner. G2519 Latonia 3-4 1:16 hvy 9 110 4 7 64 6Ji J H Burka 9 Greenland, Grace Minard, Blalso C0507 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:49hvy 15 101 2 5 5 6 5 5" F Welner 5 B.8toue. Wynnewd, Past.Swala 5953S F.Gnds 1 1-8 2:00Vhvy 8-5 112 4 3 3 1 1 H I D Mney 7 Pickwick, YoungAdam. GlQiU j353 F.Gnds 1 3-16 2:01 mud 7 112 2 1 1 1 1 1 J X Mnoy 7 Y. Adam. Gourmand. J. OTertou 59310 Jeffson 11-8 1:54 fast 8 106 7 5 5 41 5J R Holway 7 Wad.s Last. OnHigh, J.C.Stona 59151 Jefrson 1 1-16 l:49slow 8 107 4 1 1 1 14 11 R HoIwayl2 JocJoe, Ballybcll, Zone dArmee 53075 Jeffson 1 1-8 1:56 fast 3 106 7 4 t 2 11 R Holwayll Magicn. B.ofPhoenix. J.Overtoa 3S035 Jefrson lm70y 1:48 slow 20 10C1 4 4 4 4 4 41 R Holway 9 Copyright. Jerry, Link Boy 58950 Jeffson lm70y l:54hvy 7 10S 8 5 7 7 4 5TI R Holway 8 Crim.Rambler. LlttlcEd. IroaBoy PENWELL, b. f, 4 93 By Dick Welles Penalty, by Marathon. Trainer, C. E. Richards. Ownor, Eohn and Thoisen. G2953 Latonia 1 1-8 l:5Shvy 30 110 8 8 7 64 H Gray 9 Aph, Sun God, Madge F. G2K1G Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 16 105 C 7 7" 7" II Gray 8 Pictor. Troilus, Aph G2GG4 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 18 106 10 8 5 l 4 II Gray 12 Red Logs, Damoris, Nurture C2137 Latonia 1 3-16 l:9fast 32 1041 6 8 7""r71 H Gray 8 Par.Maid, Mar.Corps, Espoletta C2302 Latonia 1 1-8 l:53fast 12 107 6 S 4 4 H Gray 8 CheerLeedcr, Biddlcdee, Nurturo 02133 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47faat 12 105 10 4 21 1 H Gray 11 Corson. Virgo, Cheer Leader G1377 Churchill 7-S l:2Sfast 46 103 5 4 3 4 3 H Gray 13 M.Bodine, A.Alexder, F.Kinney C1938 Churchill Gl f l:19ifast Of 103 13 12 94 54 II Gray 15 Approval, Youneed. Lugs C17G9 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast 8f 104 14 9 9 7J B Scheffel 15 May Bodine, Win. Oldt, Trollo G151G Lexton 1 1-15 l:50mud 10 103 2 3 21 4 H Gray 7 Br.Maiil, MissPperity, Nordeck EECGl Lexton 1 1-16 l:47slow 61 1001 7 6 8 8 6l 4 A Wilson 10 Countess, Bond, Marse John 5S262 Lexton 3-4 l:13fast 50 105 9 12 10 71 7i E Pool 12 Gd-Swell. GipsyQueen. Meliora 5S175 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46fast 6S 1011 3 11 2 S G4 IT Gray 10 Dantzlc, M.Fontaine, Mavehona 5S071 Churchl 1 1-16 1:47 fast 68 107 10 10 9 S 7 7i H Gray 12 Mar.Corps. M.Fntaine. B Jlald 57622 Latonia 1 1-10 l:52hvy 39 103 3 7 8 6C" H Gray 8 B.Stone. Mavehona, G.Dau-hrty HANDEL, b. c, 3 . 95 By Jack Atkin Niko, by Ossary. Trainer, J. H. Moody. Owner, T. E. llueller. G2992 Latonia lm70y 1:47 good 10 105 11 8 71 5 J Kederis 12 Tex. Bojul, Flyins Prince G27S3 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 31-10 106 12 6 24 2 E Pool 12 Bob, Charline, Bojul C2478 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 7 101 8 3 3s 43 A Yerrat 8 Sportsman, AlamaGirl. OoIaLa G23G1 Latonia 1 1-15 lSAfast 20 105 7 1 2 2k A Yerrat 7 Alam.Girl, Sportsman, Oo La La G207G Churchill 1 1-15 1:43 hvy 17 61 8 6 3l 34 A lerrat 8 Pictor. Tulsa. Flying Priace 61855 Churchill 1 3-15 2:01 hvy 20 94 8 7 6 G" A Yerrat 8 Legal. Alex J., British Maid 01795 Churchill 1 1-1G l:47fast 41 106 8 8 8 8" A Ycrrat 8 Megan, Stonewall, Oo La La 61747 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46andfast 67 96 7 8 7 7" A Yerrat 10 Merchant, Topmast, Cut Up G103G Havana lmSOy 1:44 fast 8-5 107 6 5 4 2 J Maiben 7 Stonewall, Article X.. Don Pep G0981 Havana 1 1-16 l:51Lmud 7-10 95 5 1 l10 l1 A Yerrat 5 Huen, Bill Hunley, Bigodon G0935 Havana lm50y l:43good 12 96 4 5 5" 5 A Yerrat G Lady Astor, Quesada, Lighter G0S75 Havana 1 l:39fast 6 106 4 2 2 2i B Kenndy 8 Beliability, Diversity, King B. LAST BRUSH, b. f, 3 M 100 By Ben Brush Tildees Last, by Ornament. Trainer, J. Everman. Owner, G. L. Hoffman. G2913 Latonia 1 3-16 2:01mud 144 99 5 S S 8" S McGraw S Escarpte. M.Elder. M.rrpcrity G2783 Latonia lm70y l:44fa3t 14f 103 7 12 12 12" R Harton 12 Bob, Randcl. Charline G2G00 Latonia lm70y 1:45 fast 210 1071 6 8 8 9" J Francis 10 BrssTacks, Bojul. Flor.Blossom 57071 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 132 112 10 10 10 10 10: B KeiindylO WMgThgh, B.Betty. BnieCrest 5GUS9 Latonia 51 f l:12hvy 43 109 10 10 10 10 10" O Willis 11 F.Blossom, Georgette, IdaMcGea 5C763 Latonia 51 f l:09andslow 34 U3 12 12 11 104 9" B Kenndy 12 Glyn, MaretWinsor, CollegeGirl 55550 Latonia 51 f 1:08 fast 39 107 8 6 9 9 9" G Fields 0 Mooresque, Salamander, F. Lark 45523 Litonia 51 f 1:08 fast 33 112 6 7 7 8 8" G Fields 8 CrossIes3. BlackFlag. OurBetsy 5247 Laionla 5-8 l:004fast 124 112 10 7 10 10 10" J Francis 10 PieciousLula, Chcwink. Marimba 55235 Latonia 5-8 1:06 hvy 16 112 10 9 10 10 10" J Francis 10 Riga, Blue Deep, TheCol.sLady HOPE, br. m, 7 100 By Bryn liawr Lintila, by Linden. Trainer, C. W. Chappoll. Owner, C. W. Chappcll. G2953 Latonia 1 1-8 l:5Shvy 10 102 5 3 5 54 A Wilson 9 Aph, Sun God. Madge F. G2749 Latonia 1 1-16 l:48fa3t 18 105 9 6 74 7 E Anthonyl2 S.Frdman, Bermont, B.ofGreea G25G3 Latonia 1 1-18 l:47fast 137 105 4 2 4l 4 E Anthony 9 Arravan. Dr.Bae, Flying Brines 6215G Churchill 3-4 l:12fast Bi3 1C8 9 8 8 82 N J Brnea 9 BenBolt, Youneed. Ground-Swell G2077 Churchill 7-S l:2GsIow 63 107 3 6 6" N J Brnea G ChryTree, Kteslde, J.S.Iteardon 61977 ChurchUl 7-8 l:25fast 1U 103 7 11 11 11" N J Brnesl3 M.Bcdine, A.Alexander. Penwell 53815 Wheelg 61 f l:24andgood 64 117 9" N J Brnes 9 ULgfellow. Dr.Cpbell, Oj.Girl 53776 Vhcel 3-4 10 mud 22 112 Fell. N J Brnes 9 Tom Goose. Selma G.. All Ther 53716 Wheelg 3-4 l:16fast 7 117 44 N J Brnes 5 Stir Up. Chandelier. No Trumps 3274 Havana lm50y 1:45 fast 10 98 7 6 8 I S 811 C Parrish 8 B.Idea. S.W.Johnson, L. Hester TWINKLE BLUE, ch. f. 4 100 By Plaudit Grace G., by Albert. Trainer, L. V. BeUaw. Owner, Chandler Stable. G2907 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 22 106 5 7 71 7 E Martin 11 Ground-Swell. Grayscn, Doric 62332 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46andfast IS 103 10 U 101 10" G Pierot 12 Billy Star, Bed Legs, Opulent 62GG4 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 6-5 103 4 3 3 6J A Wilson 12 Bed Legs, Damoris. Nurture G2179 Latonia lm70y l:45fast 11 101 6 2 .5 3 G Pierot S Korbly. Bed Legs. Bojul 62109 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 8 105 10 9 9 SJ A Wilson 11 Youneed. Benllolt, VrdgTlireh 5S1S0 Churchl 1 l:39fast 5 107 2 3 3 2 21 lk A Wilson 14 Bermt, Wil.Tree. BlkWatcuII. 58065 Churchl 3-4 l:B!Vifast 17 103 9 9 9 91 9" B Kenndyll IIon.Man. B.ofEliztn, Murray 57267 Latonia 1 1-16 l:467ifast 6 101 3 2 2 4 4 4l F Porrettol2 BtUackle. L.Widrig. Biciieileu 57112 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 13-5 109 10 10 S 61 5" G Fields 12 J. Pryor, BI. Buddy, Blnck Baby 55579 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 13. 90 3 4 4 61 54 E Joslah 11 Youneed, Gip. Queen, CoI.Tayloi 55163 Laionla 3-4 l:llfast 24 931 4 6 7 54 51 E Joslah 12 Cltonville. Gco.Starr, D.Carsuen 5C3G6 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 61 101 4 2 4 41 5 E Josiah 7 SirLnwnfal. Bunzaf, J.S.Rrdoa BOJUL, b. g, 3 H 101 By Sidbow Julia H. Faulkner, by Autclight. Trainor, G. P. Uattingly. Owner, G. P. Kattingly. 02992 Latonia lm70y 1:47 good 20 103 4 2 2l 2" H Gray 12 Tex. FlyingPrince, AlamcdaGirl C2733 Latonia lm70y l:41fast 9 106 2 3 41 411 H Gray 12 Bob. Randcl, Charline G2600 Latonia lm70y 1:45 fast 7 111 7 2 2 24 H Gray 10 BsTacks, Flor.Blossom, OoLaLa G2479 Latonia lm70y l:45fast 10 101 5 3 41 44 B Kenndy 8 Korbly, Bed Legs, TwinkieBius G2237 Churchill 7-8 l:25ifast 17 104 7 7 41 31 H Gray 10 Castlereagh, Blaise, Machiavelll G2189 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47fast 102 2 5 G 64 H Gray 7 CheerLeader, SunGod, BckThong G2008 Churchill 1 l:33Vsfa3t 43 105 6 S 5 3 T Wilson 15 BrassTks, Opulent, AlamcdaGirl C1875 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 16 110 1 7 7 7" A Wilson S Megan. Dorius. Casey G1789 ChurchUl 7-S l:257ifast 15 110 4 7 41 3" A Wilson 14 Castlereagli. BcGood, Fly.Prlnca ES210 Churchl 7-S l:2C4fast 19 115 7 S 7 6 6 G4 A Wilson 11 UncIeSouy, OurDear, SamFranS 58104 Churchl 1 l:40,fast 31-10 102 5 3 3 3 31 3 A Wilson 10 Charline, Sam Frank, Fiucastla 57344 Churchl 7-8 l:23ifast 12 112 8 4 5 4 4 2 A Wilson 8 Maximac. Lt. Colonel, Fincastla 57676 Latonia 1 1:42 fast 54 102 7 6 7 7 6 4T A Wilson 10 Georgette. Bright Trash, Pumpi 57526 Latonia 3-4 l:13?fast 28 101 8 8 9 8 8" H Gregory 12 FlyBall, BlackBetty. Fiucastla All DhfC 1 Blilc and. TO Yards. AVlji.jUavcay Hantlioap. G-year-oIds and 4-111 RHbu upward. Nov. a, 1017 1:41 4-5 S 1. DISTINCTION, b. m, 5 129 By Tho Manager Alanarka, by Allan-a-Dale. Trainer, S. Chenault. Owner, T. C. HcDowell. G2835 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 12-6 132 4 1 1 1 D ConnIly 7 Bracdalbane, Angon, M.Jemima G2GG3 Latonia 1 1-16 l:41fa3t 31-10 122 1 1 1 lk E Martin 10 Firebrand, ltOTTTau, Parader 625G1 Latonia 3-4 l:llsfust 1-2 126 2 1 Is 1 E Martin G Mar.Fallon, Mar.Mny, M.Hrnes 62440 Latonia 3-4 l:llsfast 6-0 126 7 2 2 2nk B Martin 7 Brdalbane, Advocate. Mar.May 02132 Churchill 3-4 1:11 fast 8 122 4 2 21 1 J KederU 6 Brdalbane, Centimeter, M.llynes ES100 Lexton 3-4 l:12fast 13-10 125 4 5 4 41 4T J Hov.ard G Centimeter, JimDaisy, Ain.Ace 58238 Lexton 3-4 l:llrast 7-10 121 4 1 1 11 In J Howard 0 Centimeter, Amer.Ace, BrooKht 58063 Churchl 61 f l:17fast 1-3 112 2 1 1 1 1 1 J Howard 6 American Ace. Planet, Bettina S7S81 Churchl 1 l:37?sfast 11-10 107 3 1 1 1 1 14 J Howard 5 Clio CIso, Adonis, DarJccIIng S7S46 Churchl 8-4 1:12 fast 11-10 127 5 1 1 31 41 J Howard 5 MissJcmima. Brookholt, A.IIigh 57536 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 8-5 B 4 1 1 I3 1 J Kederis 9 HigiiCosc. Brookholt, M.Jemima 57494 Latonia 3-4 l:12Vigood 1 113 8 1 1 1 1 J Howard 8 High Cost, Mln. Man, Darjeclins 57333 Latonia S-4 1:13 slow 8 115 7 6 . 6 2k 74 J Howard 8 Guy. Miss Jemima, High Cost 57311 LatonlA 3-4 1:15 mud 16-5 116 4 4 4 4 4" J Howard 5 Brkholt. MuteMan. Centimeter NEDDAM, b. g, G 23 By Ormondale Hiss Kearney, by Planudes. Trainer, L. Johnson. Owner, J. Greenberg. , 62814 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 16-5 110 113 35 F Wilson G PindarPeel. Gangway, LyAstor 62602 Latonia 1 l:28,fast 10 103 1 4 3k 34 F Wilson G Pawxdcr. John Finn, Advocate 62440 Latonia 3-4 l:ll?ifast 16 103 1 3 2k 54 B Kenndy 7 Brdalbane, Dtinction. AdvccaU 62111 Churchill 1 1-16 l:43fast 9-10 111 2 1 21 lu A Wilson 4 Jouett, Tomahoi, Wapiti G2010 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 10 101 2 2 3k 21 A Wilson Brdalbane, Ctimeter. Mar.May G1793 Churchill 61 f l:lS7sfast 11 102 1 4 3l 3s A Wilson 5 Dr.Clark, Cmeter, H.E.Coleran CC533 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13slow 6 111 4 3 2 4 43i A Wilson 0 Centimeter, A.Jaekll., Col.Tena G0J57 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:45fast 1 107 1 1 1 1 Is 14 A Wilson 4 Gourmand, Slip. Elm, Byg.Daya 602G1 F.Gnd3 1 1-16 l:46igood 3 110 3 11 1 11 2l A Wilson 5 Gourmand, BygoneDaya, LuneJta 60189 F.Gnds 3-4 1:13 fast 10 110 3 4 4 41 44 A Wilson 8 Elmer 1C, Mibs Jemima. Valor 53SC2 F.Gnds 1 l:45hvy 1G-5 105 5 6 4 4 4 4 3J A Wilson 7 Maaoevre, DukeJohn. Blar.Stona 56719 F.Gnds 3-4 l:15hvy 8-5 112 1 2 2 2 14 A Wilson 6 Mercury, T.dUonncur, St-AIIan 59639 F.Gnds 3-4 l:ifast 21 110 1 3 4 21 21 C Lang 8 ElmerK., Mercury, BrightLighta 59476 F.Gnds 1 l:4imud 7 408 2 2 2 3 313 34 C Ponce 5 By.Days, B.Buck, K.sChampn 5541G F.Gnds lm70y l:42fast 9-5 1C9 3 2 2 2 2 2 C Ponce 4 Thimble, Past.Swain, WarZona 5S375 F.Gnds 1 1-13 1:45 fast 31 113 4 2 3 2 74 S J Butwell 11 Guy, S.ofPure, TippityWItchet 59054 Jeff yin 1 1-1S 1:47 good Sl-10 103 3 2 2 1 1 1 C Ponco 0 War Zone. Incog. Veto LADY K AD CAP, br. f, 4 112 By Dick Finaell Affable, by Hastings. Trainer, J. C. Hilam. Owner, D. Breckinridge. G2835 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 6 113 7 6 6l 5T W W Tlor 7 Distinction, Bracdalbane, Angon 62751 Latonia 1 l:39fast 8-5 114 3 5 45 21 E Pool 0 John Finn. Yoshimi, Barracuda G2CG3 Latonia 1 1-16 l:14faat 9 116 8 6 74 Sl J Zoellor 10 Distinction. Firebrand, Rouleau 62300 Latonia 1 1-1S l:44fast 5 112 2 3 3 1 M Garner 7 Parader. Minto II., Rouleau 62160 Churchill 1 1-16 l:44fast 33-10 115 4 3 2 21 E Scobie 4 Firebrand, Minto II., Bonus 61975 Churchill 11-16 1:44 fast 9-10 113 3 2 11 11 M Gamer G MintoII., Marj.Uynes, Bro.Lova G1873 Churchill 1 1-8 1:50 fast 50 1U 2 3 21 24 J Howard 9 Extermtor, Blcau. S.ofPleasuia 61812 Churchill 7-S l:251slow 4 10G 1 2 2 2J J Howard G M.Jemima, M.Fallon, K. ONeill 61589 Lexton 1 1-16 l:44fast 3-4 105 3 3 11 11 J Howard 5 Bouleau, T.dIlonneur, Bl.Stor.e 61454 Lexton 3-4 l:12fast 9-5 107 1 3 lk 14 J Howard 8 Minto II.. Jim Daisy, Furbelow ES292 Lexton 1 1-16 l:45andfast 3-2 104 1 3 2 2 21 2k J Howard 5 J.S.Iteardon, Bouleau. W.Priro 5S172 Churchl 3-4 l:llsfaat 21 103 7 7 6 5l 5 J Howard 11 Centimeter, Bstero, J.S.Iteardon 58105 Churchl 7-S l:24bfast 5 103 2 4 4 4 41 44 J Howard 7 M.Jemima, Westwood. Brookholt 5S013 Churchl 1 l:37fast 14-5 103 5 6 2 2 21 2 J Howard 5 Brookholt, Bnl.Proof, MUc.Dazia 57674 Latonia 8-4 l:12fast 4-5 109 2 3 1 11 2 J Kederis 8 B.ofWhlte. M.Mufus, J.S.Rdoa 57338 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 1 107 4 4 3 3 2 J Howard 5 Adonis, J.S.Bcardou, larje.;llnj 5G347 Latonia 1 346 l:57fast 11 53 2 13 1 2 3i E Scoblo 12 Fbrand, AphieDear, SusoiITra 555S0 Latonia 1 3-16 l:5C!.fast 10 55 4 C 3 3 V 6" J lilcCoy 8 BestPal. LsBcble. Kxtr.cato. 53325 Latonia 3-4 l:llHfast 11-19 i0 4 S3 11 14 J Howard G Brunswick. M.Mtifflns. Bud. Scan KINBUBN, ch. h. 5 S5 By Duval Eoyal Captive, by Golden Haxim. Trainer, J. C. Gallaher. Ownar, GaUahar Bros.. G2751 Latonia 1 l:39fast 78 100 1 6 6 G J IIcupcl G JohnFinn, LdyMadcap, Yoshimi 62399 Latonia 1 l:37fast 72 101 5 6 7 7" F Wiison 7 Minto II., Dr. Clark. Paradpr C1975 Churohill 1146 1:41 fast 5S 1011 5. 6 6 6" E Scobie G Ly Madcap, MintoII., M.IIynea 61833 Churchill 1 l:39mud 6-5 103 4 1 2k 2 B Kenndy 5 BlancheMac, Bonus, Marj.IIynea C1553 Lexton 1 1-16 3:4S.hvy 13-5 108 3 2 3 3 E Noble 5 Woodtrap. Gourmand, Ashland 61441 Lexton 1 1-1G l:43good 26 110 5 6 7 7" K Noblo 7 UnitedVerde, Advocate, Bouleau 5S100 Lexton 3-4 l:12fast 50 105 6 6 6 6 6" F Weiner G Centimeter, JimDaisy, Am.Aeo 5S106 Churchl 7-S l:21fast 64 109 7 7 7 7 7 71S H J Uurke 7 M.Jemima, Westwood, Brookholt 57623 Latonia 1 140 l:43ihvy 4-5 109 1 1 1 1 1 1 E Scoble 4 Adonis, S. Greetings, P. Pennant 74il Latonia 1 146 l:43hvy 23-10 112 4 4 4 5 5 5" E Pool 5 BlcheMac, Gen.Halg, P.Pennant 57237 Latonia 1 1-8 l:51fast 22 114 6 4 7 8 81 8" H J BurkelO Rangoon, Woodtrap, Parader 56785 Latonia 1 l:41hvy 11-10 109 1 2 1 1 14 l4 H J Burke 6 Bullet Proof. Jouett, AUaBoylL CHEBET TREE, b. c. 3 D-l By Broomstick Ceriso, by Voter, Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, H. P. Whitney. . 62993 Latonia 3-4 1:13 good 13-10 102 4 5 3 34 L Penman 5 Easteside, Tuscola. Underwriter 62813 Latonia 1 1-16 l:467fast 6 93 4 4 2k 2l W Pool 7 SirTh.Kean. Tulalip, Blar.Stona 62GG3 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44fast 49 96 7 10 31 3" C Ralls 10 Distinction, Firebrand, Bouleau 62439 Latonia 1 1-4 2:05fast 3 111 5 5 6 24 B Kenndy 5 Deadlock, PrecusLula, Tomahoi 62300 Latonia 1 1-1C l:44fast 13 100 7 7 6 Ci J Owens 7 Lady Madcap. Parader, Minto II. G2077 Churchill 7-S l:2C;slow 4 35 6 4 31 1" B Scheffel 0 Easteside, JaS.lteardon, Adonis 01972 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast SI 103 10 8 4 4 B Scheffel 10 Deadlock. Dolores, ColonelBaker 61052 Havana 1 1-8 l:54Vjfast 8-5 112 1 2 51 44 L Penman 9 Rebuke, Lady Astor, Qnesada 60810 Havana 3-1 l:12fast 1 119 6 5 3l 1 M Garner G Rebuke, L.B!aekSkoep, ColChila 60713 Havana 51 f l-.CGfast 6-5 112 3 4 2k 14 M Karner 8 ColChile, Leghorn. CubaEncanto G0197 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 740 113 2 4 2 2s L Penman 5 0. Encanto, Leghorn. Hutchison G00G5 Havana 3-4 l:12Sfaat 2 118 8 6 El 2" L Penman 9 Leghorn, LadyAstor, C.Encanto 59G02 Havana 3-4 l:13Vsfast 740 120 6 4 31 34 C Robson 8 Llewellyn, CubaEncanto, D.Pepa 59423 Havana 51 f l:0Gfaat 4-5 115 3 2 3 l1 L Penman 8 Lknow, L.B.Sheep, Hutchison 58978 Havana 3-4 l:12faat 1 97 2 3 3 21 L Penman 4 The Boy, Fitz-Bcodle, Louli A. 58897 Havana 1 l:47hvy 740 105 4 2 2" 24 B Kenndy 4 Cydonla. Smiling Lad. Leghorn 58540 Pimlico 3-4 l:12fast 36 112 13 13 12l 12" L Penman 13 Good Times. Belay, Picnic 58393 Laurel 1 l:41fast 9-10 105 8 9 8l S4 J Mooncy 10 Missionary, AHF.iir, Span.MaiKa 5S1GG Laurel 2-4 lUlVigood 7-5 105 3 I i 24 F Cltlletti 5 Alexll., SpanishMaize, Ultima U Ef-U nli"vr 1 1-2 Miles. I,atonia Derby. 3-year-olds. Allowances. July u Din HAUL 10, 1020 2:120 ;-5 a no. THTBODATJX, eh. c, S 120 By Cunaid Electro, by Electioneer. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, W. Perkins. 62834 Latonla 1 1-4 2:02fast 37 12C 4 3 2 21 El Pool 5 Whiskaway, Morvich. Pillory 625C0 Latonla 1 1:40 fast 2 115 7 2 l1 1 J Zoeller 8 Bonns, Cliatterton. Billy Brush 1 61942 Churchill 1 l:37fast 9 107 2 2 l1 ll B Pool 8 Bonus, DorotbyBuckncr, Ashland I 61702 Churchill 1 l:37fast 42 106 6 4 41 4 A Wilson 0 P.Pliantom, Frc.Lula, Chatrton C1512 Lexton 3-4 l:16!andhvy 25 107 7 7 6 67 A "Wilson 7 C.MeMcekin, FrecLula, Ashland 58402 Lexington 1 l:35fast IS 109 7 9 9 91 H J Burke 0 Rockministcr, LadyAstor, Bonus 58267 Lexington 3-4 l:13fast 7 100 12 7 SI 8 B Parke 12 Gentility, UiicleSonny, CapRoek 1 i 68192 Churchill 7-S l:2ofast 61 103 4 4 S 3 B Parko 8 Rkminter. M.Flon, O.McMkin j 68131 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast 6f 112 4 2 21 3s B Parke 14 Precious Lula, Bonus, Cap Rock 57948 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 46 1031 6 6 6" 611 H J Burke 7 F.rbantom, OlegeGirl, B.Fistiei r 67771 Latonla 1 l:40-fast 11 112 7 1 11 In H J Burke 8 Lt.Colonel, Blue Deep, CharDnc 67G48 Latonia S-4 1:14 good 214 112 6 4 El 6" H J BurkelO BudFisher, Treasurer, Bro.John , 67560 Latonla 3-4 l:17hvy 13 112 9 9 9" 9" T Murray 10 Tulane, Clougbjordan, Maxiinac j 5549G Latonla El f l:07fast 48 112 8 8 8 8" D Connelly 8 BillyBrush, Hephalatog. lecaiui OLTUPTJS, br. g, 3 126 By Boyal Eagle Paradise n., by Adsum. Trainer, J. Rowe, Jr. Ownor, H. P. "Whitney. i 62G90 Aqueduct 1 1-16 l:45good 7-20 10S 3 2 3 21 L Penman 4 F.Cloud, PccJames, TwoFthcrs E 61314 H.deGce lm70y 1:45 good 1 105 2 1 l1 1 L Penman 4 Boniface, PollyAnn, BungaBuck ; GG245 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 41 130 1 1 4l 6 L Fator 8 Sir Hugh, Bighcart, Column , 55994 Saratoga El f l:06fast 6 130 5 6 4 41 C Kummer 7 MissJoy, Kai-Sang. LdBtimore 55382 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13slow 8-5 112 3 2 P 1 C Kummer 7 MtdSeed, WilliamA., Violinist 55230 Aqueduct 6-8 63fast 3 112 7 71 31 C Kummeil3 Broomster, Toil, Sunreigh 55001 Belmont B-8 st l:0Ofast 2 115 6 G 31 C Kummerl4 Broomflax. KntGrass, BriLRay , BROOKSTER, b. g, 3 126 By Broomstick Spun Glass, by Bock Sand. i Trainer, J. Rowe, Jr. Owner, H. P. "Whitney. I 62151 Belmt 61 f MC l:17fast 2 106 4 2 3 43 L Penman 7 Dimmesdale. Routledgc, Exodus 1 61373 H.deGce 3-4 l:12fast 12-5 108 1 1 1 21 L Morris 7 Mainmast, Hildur, Missionary I 61281 ILdeGce 8-4 l:14hvy 7 109 11 11 11"H L Penman 12 Extermntor, B.Kclly, Dexterous I 55382 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13slow 8-5 130 6 3 3 51 L Penman 7 Olympus, MusfdSd, WilliamA. ! 55230 Aqueduct B-8 69fast 3 113 3 2 11 1 L Penman 13 Toil, Olympus, Sunreigh 55069 Aqueduct E-8 ESVifast 4 115 8 7 7J 65 C KummerlO Sweep By. Bigheart, Pillory 64944 Bolmont E-S st 1:02 fast 21 115 1 1 11 ll C Kummer 7 Modo, New Orleans, So It Goes 64832 Belmont 51 f st l:05andfast 15 115 2 5 6 6 C KummerlO WilliamA., Sweep By, Bigheart 51543 Belmont 5-8 st 57fast 80 115 1 2 6 F CltilettiH Column, NancyF.. Mustard Seed 54243 Jamaica 5-8 l:00fast 9-5 117 E 4 4 5" F Cltilettl 7 Column, Bud Fisher. Budana 63670 H.deGraco 1-2 48fast S-5 112 3 2 2 In C Kummer 5 Mawrcoron. Unctainty, S.Blrd KARGARET V7INSOR, br. f, 3 121 By Huon Bronze "Wing, by Stalwart. Trainer, B. -Cehan. Owner, D. Behan. 62910 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 21 103 5 4 X l1 J Hcupel 5 J.Bowdre, N.Nisba, Mar.Fallon C2720 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 12 104 6 4 3 21 IL Harton C J.Bowdre, Mom, DorothyBuckner 62241 Churchill 1 1-S l:52fast 24 116 4 3 31 4" It Harton 8 Startle, Marg.Fallon, PrecsLula 62186 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 16 105 4 2 21 2 R Harton 7 D.Buckner, Georgette, BhtLcaf G1904 Churchill 61 f l:18fast 27 105 4 7 71 6" J Kedcris 9 MthaFallon, Pr.Lula. B.andCoo 61773 Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 18f 102 9 13 12 121 J Kederis 12 Ggway, DthyBuckner, C.Baker ES016 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 7 110 5 6 61 3s D Connlly 8 J.Bowdre, Prcc.Lula. LinaCIark C7S30 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 33 106 8 3 3 3 2 It Harton 9 Gran. Ware, Q.Garden, Cnenter C7363 Latonla 3-4 l:13faat 37-10 112 3 1 1 Is Ink t Murray 7 Georgette. BlckBetty, OurBctsy 67071 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 5 112 8 9 61 51 G Stack 10 WdgThgh, B.Bctty, BnieCrest 66831 Latonia El f l:07fast 18-5 113 6 6 4 31 31 W W TlorlO Col. Girl. Bon. Crest, W.ThrougL E6763 Latonia 61 f l:09slow 12-5 113 11 I 4 21 2 W W TlorJ2 Glyn, College Girl, Our Betsy 65094 Latonla 5-S l:02slow 37-10 112 9 9 6 6 6" W Lllley 10 StaCIara, PhmBlue, BlllandCoo E5003 Latonla B-8 l:O0HIast 22f 115 3 1 1 2i 2 O Willis 11 Bob.Hair. Inquisitn, Prec.Lul YOSHIMI, b. c, 3 126 By Ballot Gold Bady, by Goldcrest. Trainer, A. Baker. Owner, T. C. Bradley. 62751 Latonia 1 l:39fast 32 SS 6 3 2 31 J Owens 6 J.Finn, LadyMadcap, Barracuda 62560 Latonla 1 1:40 fast 17 115 C 7 74 7" W W Tlor 8 Tnibodaux, Bonus, Chattcrton 61455 Lexton 1 l:SSfcfast 3 9S 6 3 21 31 F Wilson 0 Broth.Love, SirT.Kean, Bcl.Qan 68402 Lexington 1 l:39fast 10 108 8 7 6l 61 J Kederis 9 Rockminister, LadyAstor, Bonus 68192 Churchill 7-8 l:25fast 29-10 1091 7 7 61 5 D Connlly 8 Rkminster. M.Fallon, Thibodx 67650 Latonia 1 1:40 good 32 107 6 4 l In D Pool 8 Bet Mosie, Bill and Coo, Demot 57462 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 7 102 3 5 6 61 E Scoble 6 Violinist. F.Phantom, JounFlnn 57391 Latonia 3-4 1:15 slow 16 109 12 X V W Morseyl2 Carpenter, Janku. Tom Hare Jr. 67110 Latonla 3-4 l:13fast 15 109 10 9 81 5"J E Pool 10 Carpenter, Washington, B.Brush 66821 Latonla El f l:07slow 17 113 6 5 21 37 E Pool 7 Braedalbane, Carpenter B.Brngli 55527 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 38 105 6 4 4 4 F Smith 6 BetMosie, Rminister, D.ofAUal 65329 Latonia El f l:07fast 40 115 8 7 E VI H Lunsrrdl2 Dr.ofAllah, WaydLady, B.Haii 64810 Latonia 41 f 58hvy 9 115 6 4 2 1 E Pool 12 Leochares II., Dad, Autocrat 64548 Churchill 41 f 54yfefast 6 115 9 8 71 7J E Pool 10 Pr. Welles, Cher.Tree, Bob.Htli 54305 Churchill 41 f 53fast 27 115 4 6 61 4 L Allen 8 Bemcefnl. Demoi, GmanJt jiL, nirtr G 1-2 Fnrlongs. Conev Island Pnrsc. S-year-oltls. Allowances. UlU tlAUU Jane 7, lOOO 1:05 2-5 a 03. BKEEZIX, b. g, 2 115 By Sweep Margaret T., by Sempronius. Trainer, C. C. Van Meter. Owner, F. J. Kelley. 62952 Latonia El f l:CShvy 7 ICS 6 2 l1 l1 B Kenndy 9 Certain. Metric, Kent L. 62752 Latonla Bl f l:07fast 41-10 102 5 4 3 31 B Kenndy 5 Donges, Certain, Metric 62C37 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast U 104 4 3 Is 1 B Kenndy 7 Pnn.Gorda, EdPendleton, J.Hay 62398 Latonla 41 f B4 fast 41 111 7 S ST B Kenndy 9 Hopeless, HughcsGham, Slderer 62181 Churchill E-8 l:01fast 3-6 H5 3 1 1 1 B Kenndy 6 Kent L., Jupiter, Col. Whallcn 62134 Churchill 41 f 51 fast 9 114 7 6 4l 3 B Kenndy 7 HughesGuam, OldTop, Roldgold HOPELESS, b. e, 2 115 By Huon Kolinsky, by TJncla. Trainer, W. Btrford. Owner, Hal Price Hoadley. C269S Latonia 61 f l:07fast 12-6 111 1 1 l5 1 "W W Tlor 9 DreamMaker, Vcnnle, JackBauer 62521 Latonia 5-8 l:01hvy 5 115 2 3 41 2 W W Tlor C Cherokee. Banter, Dream Maker 62390 Latonla 41 f 54 fast 23-10 112 S 1 1 1 W W Tlor 9 HuglicsGraham, Skzix, Slderer 62242 Churchill 6-8 59V6fast 19 113 C 6 6 6 W W Tlor 0 Donges, Sympathy, Triumph 61580 Lexton 41 f 55?,f.iiit 16-6 115 12 8 21 ll J H Burkel2 Bess L., Stone Age. Gail Ford 61511 Lexton 41 f 58 hvy 9 115 7 7 CI 6" J E Burkel2 Full o Fun, Miss Claire. Power REGENT QUEEN, ch. f, 2 112 By The Finn Elizabeth D. R., by Star Shoot. Formerly ran as Easter Morn. Trainer, P. Coyne. Owner, J. E. Madden. 62S31 Latonia 61 f l:0Sfaat 9-6 112 1 1 1 1 B KenndylO LuckyRun, MissMazic, Donegal 62784 Latonla El f l-.OSast 3 112 6 3 61 sl J Zoeller 8 A-BlueGown, Begum, Play.Mis3 62323 Latonia 41 f E4 fast 19 113 1 2 2 2 B Kenndy 8 A.M.Humphrey, G.Mald, StLady TIP TOE INN, blk. f, 2 112 By Hessian Lizzio Dixon, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, J. Everman. Owner, I. Weil. 2919 Latonla E-S l:03hvy Zf 112 2 1 1 1 S McGrawli IrishBose, PlayfulMiss, Phenol METRIC, br. c, 2 115 By Short Grass Star Maid, by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. X. Smith. Owner, H. H. Hewitt. 62952 Latonia 51 f l:C8hvy 19 109 2 3 Sl 3 D Connlly 9 Skeezix, Certain, Kent L. 62752 Latonia 51 f l:07fast SO 109 1 3 4 41 D Connlly 5 Donges, Certain, Skeezix 62212 Churchill E-8 l:01fast 11-6 115 1 1 1J 1 D Connlly 8 Taylor Hay, Wida, Tender Seth 62161 Churchill 6-8 l:C0fast IS 112 4 6 64 6" D ConnUy 9 Donges, Dream Maker, Prince K. 61870 Churchill 41 f 54fast 27 115 7 1 2 D Connllyll Belzoni, TrueAmerican. Caladm LESLIE, ch. c. 2 115 By Mont dOr or Peter Quince Skyo, by Goldcrest Trainer, J. M. Goode. Owner, J. M. Goode. C2870 Latonla 61 f l:07fast 61 ICC 1 1 1 l1 L Penman 5 JakieHay, FirstWard, H.Graham 62725 Latonia 61 f l:07fast 9 1C6 6 4 41 4 J Zoeller 7 Fair Alice. First Ward. Kent L. 62G37 Latonla 6-8 lWfast 11 104 1 2 6 5" E Martin 7 Skeezix, Pnn.Gorda, E.Penton 62400 Latonia E-8 l-01fast 7 112 4 2 1 2 B Kenndy 8 Kent L., Ten Sixty, Dearie C2134 Churchill 41 f 54 fast 14 114 4 6 61 7" D Connlly 7 Hughes Gham. OldTop. Skeezix G1495 Lexton 41 f E7mud 7 112 10 10 13 12" S McGraw 12 Anna Tod, Poppye, Palladium C0137 F.Gnds 3-8 35fast 7 116 8 71 6T1 E Pool 12 Daniel. Teter Brown. Hughie K37 F.Gnds 3-8 37 hvy 10 115 3 E1 4lJ E Pool 7 Duster, Prince K., Peter Brown E92S9 F.Gnds 3-8 38hvy 13-10 116 2 21 lk E Pool 9 B.Gibson, Koellla, Bil.Whisken E9S93 F.Gnds 8-8 35 faBt 6 111 8 81 87 H J Burkel2 K. Williams, Trince K., Daniei ES506 F.Gnda 3-8 37hvy 15 116 3 41 44 S McGiaw 12 Hughie, Bet.Luck. T.Mskinntf FAIR ALICE, b. f, 2 112 By Luke McLuke Forest Lady, by His Majesty. Traiser, G. H. Keene. Owner, J. O. and G. H. Keene.. 62952 Latonia El f l:CShvy 24-5 1061 4 7 6 61 B Pool 0 Skeezix. Certain, Metric 62725 Latonia El f l:07fast 13 1C6 3 3 U 1J B Kenndy 7 First Ward, Kent L., Leslia IN KEMORIAM, b. c, 2 115 By McGee Enchantress II., by Collar. Trainer, G. Land. Owner, C. Weidemann. 62908 Latonia 61 f J:07fast 18 112 3 2 2 1 F Wilson 11 Kingsdere, Pce TjiTil. Donegal 62833 Latonla 3-4 l:13fast 26f 112 7 8 81 7" A Wilson 10 Donges, Dust Flower, Kent L. 62748 Latonla 61 f lSlifast 24 112 7 71 71 E Pool 10 Doc.Glcnn, Kingsclere, Donegal 026C2 Latonia B-3 1:01 fast 9 110 4 4 61 6" G Fields 7 Cherokee, Banter, Actuary 62521 Latonla E-8 l:01hvy 24 109 6 S 6 6" M Garner 0 Cherokee, Hopeless, Banter DOCTOR GLENN, ch. o, 2 115 By Dick Welles Floral Day, by Nasturtium. Trainer, L. V. Bellow. Owner, Glenn and Laffocn. 62952 Latonia 61 f l:08hvy 15 ICS 1 4 4 7" E Martin 9 Skeezix, Certain. Metric 62833 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 30 115 3 6 6 61 J H BuxkolO Donges, Dust Flower, Kent I. G2748 Latonia 61 f l.-CSfast 19-6 112 2 2 21 l1 A Wilson 10 Kingsclere, Donegal, Rustem 62G33 Latonia 6-S 11 fast 17-10 115 2 1 in 21 E Martin 8 Ban. Bearer, Kingsclere, Wida G1976 Churchill 41 f 53fast 12 117 5 4 7" T A Wilson 12 Triumph, D.K.OSulVn, J.Bauer CI 746 Churchill 41 f 54andfast 31-10 109 3 1 1 3 A Wilson 7 D.E.OSuln, Sc.Buglcr. Lchmnt LATHROP, b, c, 2 M 103 By Dick Finnell Poky OMaJley, by Charles OMal. Trainer, E. Trotter. Owner, Florisaat Stable, ley. First start. DA PC 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-yenr-olds and upward. Claiming Nov. in nAot a, 1017 i:4i 4-5 3 12c. BLARNEY STONE, b. g, 4 102 By Berrilldon-r-Top Rock, by Sockton. Trainer, J. Hanorer. Owner, Reiser Bros.. C2911 Latonia 1 1-8 1:55 mud 8-6 105 6 4 2 8 Ti Penman 6 Baigneur, S.ofPsure LdyAstor C2813 Latonla 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 106 7 5 4 4J G Fields 7 SirTh.Kean, CherryTree, Tulalip I 62C99 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 15 107 3 5 3" 21 G Fields 6 Sir Th. Kean, Tulalip, Tomahoi C2G04 Latonia lm70y l:43fast 89 106 6 6 41 5S1 G Fields 7 Jouctt, S. of Pleasure, Tulalip C2141 Latonla 1 1-1G l:4514fast 15 111 6 8 6 51 C Ralls 8 Jouctt. S. of Pleasure, Bro. Lore C2078 Churchill 1 1-4 2:04slow 17 95 2 3 3 381 J Owens 4 Extmtor, Fbrand, S.ofPleasure C2009 Churchill 1 1-16 1:45 fast 17 111 3 6 61 3s! H J Burko 8 Radio, Hold Me, Jim Daisy 61873 Churchill 11-8 1:50 fast 64 981 3 9 9 PJG Breung 9 Extermtor, LadTMadcap, Rleau CI 853 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47hvy 31-10 108 6 4 21 2 G Brening 7 Rep, Frank W.. Tharon C1G57 Lexton 1 1-4 2:0Cslow 21 93 6 4 3 3" L McDott 7 U.Verde, Surf Rider, Gourmand 61589 Lexton 1 1-16 l:44fast 28 108 4 4 4l 41 J Zoeller 5 L.Madcap, Rouleau. T.dHonnur 61494 Lexton 1 1-16 1:49 mud B 99 4 4 3l 31 F Wilson 4 Advocate, T.dHonnr, S.ofPIure 60591 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:Xihvy 7 104 Lost rider. F Weiner 8 Bun. Buck, U.Verde. S-ofPlsuro 60507 F.Gnds 1 1-15 l:49ihvy 7 108 6 4 4 4 21 1 J D Mney 5 Wynnewd, Paa.Swain, G. Gables PONGEE, br. f, 4 102 By Rock Viow Centre Shot, by Sain. Trainer, J. C. Gallaher. Owner, Gallaher Bros.. C2990 Latonla 3-1 1:13 good 46 103 6 6 41 4i J Henpel 8 nigh Cost, Bullion, Guvnor C2830 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 94 107 6 6 B1 67 J Heupel 8 NghtyNisbn, Ararat, HlghCosf . 67774 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 1 100 5 7 7 8 8 8l B Parke 8 Easteside, Dodge, High Gear 67041 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45igood 17 102 6 4 6 6 61 El B Parke 7 Rangoon, Guy, Sandsoflleasure 66158 Dshire 1 1-4 2:04 fast 8 106 6 3 6 7 6l 6" H J Burke 8 Guy. Bygone Days, dandy Beai 66056 D shire 1 1-8 2:O0Vhvy 11-6 110 3 1 1 1 6" 61 E Pool 7 Sandy Beal, Dodge, War God B5778 Kworth lm70y l:14fast 5 113 111 1 11 11 H J Burke 7 KcntlsuBoy, DarkHorse, Plmllco 65739 Windsor 1 1-16 1:60 slop 19-10 100 1 1 1 1 1 1" C Lang 0 Our Flag, Bunga Buck, Petrarch 66660 Windsor 1 1-16 l:45fast 23 100 2 4 4 4 6 41 A Claver 8 Irish Jig, Jim Daisy, Bunquoi LADY ASTOR, br. t, 3 S9 By Sweep Martha Leo, by Marta Santa. Trainer, W. B. Finnegan. Owner, W. F. Knebelkamp. 62911 Latonla 1 1-8 1:65 mud 6 96 1 E 41 47 B Scheffel 6 Baigneur, S.of Psure, Bl.Stone 62814 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 35 93 6 6 4a 4 B Scheffel 6 Pindar Peel, Gangway, Neddam C2241 Churchill 1 1-8 l:52fast 9 116 3 7 7" 7" B Scheffel 8 Startle, Marg.Fallon, PrecsLula 61851 Churchill 1 1:39 hvy 17-10 94 2 2 in 1 B Scheffel 4 Dor.Buckncr, Dolores, Travesty C1052 Havana 1 1-8 l:54?faat 3 111 6 6 41 21 B Scheffel 0 Rebuke, Qucsada, Cherry Tree 60935 Havana lmBOy l:43good 2 101 1 4 2 11 B Scheffel 0 Quesada, lighter, Leghorn 60005 Havana 3-4 l:12fast 6 109 2 9 8 41 3a B Scheffel 9 Leghorn, CherryTree, O.Encanto 69S09 Havana 61 f l:07yfast 8 105 3 4 J 1 B Scheffel 6 L.B.Sheep, O.dAmour, ArfleX. 68402 Lexton 1 l:33Hfast 29 102 S 81 21 E Scoble 0 Rockmlnter. Bonus, Mar.Fallon 68336 Lexton 1 l:42limud 18 98 1 3 2 21 2 E Scoble 7 Rekab, ErclynWhlte, BillyStar K016 Churchl 3-4 l:12fa8t 78 105 8 T 1 71 7 B Scoble 8 J.Bowdre. Prec. Lula, M.Wlnjox u 1 I 1 i j r , j i E ; , , i I 1 I I ! AMERICAN BOY, b. g, 5 104 By Sapcrman Adelinette, by Melton. Trainer, F. Brooks. Owner, T. W. Mount joy. 62954 Latonia 1 1-16 1:43 hvy 14 113 8 5 o1 6 R. Harton 9 Tharon, Kew.ONoil, Mar.Corp 62G99 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 17 102 4 2 6 5S G Breung G SirT.Kean, BlaryStone. Tulalip 62522 Latonla 1 1-16 1 :47"thvy 47 114 1 5 7 7" W W Tlor 7 Eastesid.-, Make Up, Tody C2441 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45yifast 34 112 1 2 6 6 V7 W Tlor S Jouctt, S.ofPleasure. Bro. Loyo G2012 Churchill 1 1-16 1:45 fast 15 115 7 7 7 7" G Brcun-g 7 Jouctt. Clintonville, TippoSahib 61853 Churchill 1 1-16 l:474hvy 6 113 4 C 6s 611 T Murray 7 Rep, Blarney Stone, Frank W. G1471 Lexton 1 1-S l:53M,fast 11-6 117 3 1 1 l5 G Breung S 1aiisMaiil, Nordcck, T.Swimmr G1443 Lexton 1 1-1G 1:47 good 4 112 1 2 11 11 G EreunclO Rep, Esorpolntte, HonoluluBoy ES241 Lexton 1 1-16 lMeandfast 5 112 7 5 4 2 21 2" E Pool 8 Tan Son, Wickford, Diana 57949 Churchl 1 1-16 l:45fast 29 107 9 8 8 8 61 37 E Barnes 9 GrnGold, Cimarron, Dlx.CarroJl MATINEE IDOL, b. g, 7 104 By All Gold Matinee, by Broomstick. Trainer, B. Walters. Owner, M. Goldblatt. 53362 Havana 1 3-16 l:5Sfast 21 111 6 5 5 3 4 53 B Kenndy G Cromwell, EleanorS.. SeaPrince 5i;302 Havana 1 1-8 l:53fa3t 3 113 3 6 2 1 21 21 L Penman 5 T. Pirate, Ticaccy, Lackawanna 59223 Havana 1 l:46slow 6-5 114 6 6 6 6 6 44 B Kenndy G Accelerate. Lads Love, Betty J. 53136 Havana 1 1-16 l:45fast 2 114 4 3 3 3 31S 31 B Kenndy 5 Lackawna, EleanorS., SeaPrince 58S96 Havana 1 1-16 1 :531th vy 6-5 110 3 2 2 1 1 1" B Kenndy 3 Lads Love, Lackawanna 5f63 Havana 1 1-16 l:45fast 4-5 111 3 4 3 3 3 3s B Kenndy 5 Inquiry, EleanorS., Pastouresu 5S017 Churchl 1 1-16 l:45fast 39 103 4 6 6 6 6 671 G Fields 7 Herd Girl, Dodge, Jouett 57652 Latonla 1 1-8 l:62igood 30 104 2 3 6 7 7 8" F Porretto 8 Wickford, Jouett, Cantilever 57367 Latonia 1 1-J5 l:45fast 8 99446 E5 6,,G Fields 5 Bl. Mac, Bro. Love. Kew. ONeii CANTILEVER, ch. g, G 104 By Kanbridge My Salaame, by Hastings. Trainer, G. Richardson. Owner, F. Peyton. 6283G Latonia lm70y l:44fast 13 110 7 9 9 31 B Kenndy 9 Ashland. Paris Maid, Way.Lady G2GG5 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 29 103 6 3 6 45i B Harvey 8 UncloVclo, LcuisA., MarseJoha 62522 Latonia 1 1-15 l:47hvy 33-10 ICS B 4 4 4,e E Martin 7 Easteside, Make Up. Tody 62328 Latonia 1 1-1G l:4Cfast 30 114 2 1 2 2 B Kenndy 8 Make Up, Marse John, Tharon 6S331 Lexton 1 1-8 l:54mud 6 100 2 1 1 1 23 2 B Parke 4 UtcdVerde. S.ofPlsure, Rleaa 68268 Lexton 1 1-16 l:45fast 60 111 1 4 3 2 41 51 B Parke 8 Jouett. Ben Valet, Herd Girl 67652 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52Hgood 14 101 4 2 2 3 3 3s B Parke 8 Wickford, Jouett, Kinipaloug 57497 Latonla 1 1-16 l:46good 27 113 6 4 4 4 3 3 A Wilson 9 Green Gold. Marse John, TheWit 57395 Latonia 1 1-16 l:471islow 61 110443 2 2 1 B Parke 0 Gr.Gold, Kimpalong, Danc.Spray

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