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: " - 0 u " 5 ■ ■• 5 11 . " ■" 0 u , i.", i it Monthly Racing Form for March Now on Sale In addition to the complete chart! of all races run on North American tracks dnrinc the month, comprel.en- sively and correctly indexed, the March book contains the following: Features: Complete index to Stakes run since January 1. 1923 Thirty leading owners since January 1. 1923 Thirty leading horses since January 1, 1923 Track records fcr all distances i Calendar table of April racing dates I Stake dates fcr month of April, alpha - betically arranged. In order to make it possible for the student of form to ascerlain |iiickly the quality of a horse, stake races are designated by italic face numbers in the regular itidex, which covers all lacing since January 1, 1923. Monthly Pacing Form is on sale as usual at this office at .00 per copy. If ordered by mail en cents additional must be included for registration, as no books can be sent except as regit* i tered mail. Daily Racing Form Pubiisjiii; Ca. ! 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. 157-159 E. 32nd St., New York. N. Y. 72 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y. | » l » . 2S 21 5 5: j I ; B j 7 9 111 ~ 111 j 12: ., If ! 3| 10 7 I 4 17 i | ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS At 2 Per Year i Will Now Be Accepted For MONTHLY RACING F0RM These subscriptions may begin any ! time and the books will be mailed each month to such subscribers. The trou-; ble of sending in an order each month may thus be avoided. The usual ten-cent charge for reg- i istration is waived in the case of such subscribers. Rush your subscription now! DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago. III. v !