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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUKE XXXI. 1IUJIBER 157 HpH M s.x.iul tl.i-« aa rili.r. April J. UK f the iwM ofrnp at CliU-iigo. lUim i , under Act ol Unrrli I. 1STS. W. J. McMurrav, Publisher and General Manager IhilT Purine Winter Month*. Onlly Eirept Sunday Balance of the Tear. A llailt ■ fill III ■ of the American Turf BjTeleitnipli DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLTMOUTH COUBT CHICAGO, ILL I57-1S3 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO ONT »20 EAST THIRD fcTKEET. CINCIrTKATI. OHIO SCltSCIIII-nON ItY K1KST-CI.ASS MAIL: liny • November. Inclusive M 00 per monll. l.ereniber to April. InrlnatTe .00 per mouth r.YAUl.« IN ADVANCE RACK MXIliKUS BY MAIL ir. CKNT8 BACH. TEt.KrllOSK Ltl"T. IIAURISON. , fFnr hiwineas .ind clmilalion ptirnoae* only. ThU telephone has no connection with the neivs •r eititori.-il departments and cannot be uaed to roniiuiinirnte nilh than:. 86508 is first index of Tg25