1st Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1929-04-10

past performance

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1 t tTAr TAr 12 MILE Purse 1200 2ycarolds Claiming price 2500 if for ISt DOWie more 2 pounds additional for each S250 Weight 112 pounds poundsWinners Winners 2 pounds extra for each race won Too Hiprh April 7 1928 4C 2 112 PP Horse Wt Eec AWtHan 8 Andra KyP 110 110GVioleta 50 118 735 73549h GVioleta Tij 111 49h 110730 5 MeridianeseM Dow 111 50m 109 725 13 Catados Bow 111 49 ra 111X720 1C Campfirc Maid MaidM M Cow 113 48 113 715 71550m 18 Braiich Bow 118 50m 113X710 113X71050m 17Jack AdamsBow 119 50m 117 705 12 Pauline Butler Bow 110 11 Peace Bud 51 Bow 111 4 Louis B M Bow 116 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 34958 1 Mary EIoiseM 113 C85 35320 3 Wander Lou M Bow 108 51 109 085 35334 10 Paywell M Bow 109 51m 109 685 685Z Z Phenomenon 109 7Argue 107 9 Sweet Tidings 109 14 Dolly Mack 113 15 Leller Bunny 109 19 Diana Mullen 109 20 Colinport 113 Eoss and A TTI W entry PI Ieller Bunuy E B McLean entry Sweet Tidings Colinport R W Carter and Alwington Stable en ¬ try Paywell Dolly Mack The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year Date Crs DisTinie Tr Odds WtSt 9i StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race ANDRA b f 2 118 118Trainer By Leonardo n Andrajosa by Royal Flush m mion Trainer J Wilson ion Owner J Wilson Breeder J H Morris E F FSimms Simms Simms50gd JI 30293KyP 30293KyPJtan27233KyP 50gd 65 119 2 2 21 11 BrownO G AnthaS 105Blind Pal 113Nelda W 105 A Jtan27233KyPJI Jtan27233KyP 50 ed 65 110 2 1 11 I1 GuerraJ 7 GtaGw lOGTxsLghn 109CoLd 101 C JI cl929lKyP cl929lKyPJtttll295Mia ft 50V gd 165 112 2 1 1 ° I1 lll StrettonS 7 GottaGonowllODnnlintallOCatados 112 A Jtttll295Mia Jtttll295MiaMM g 3Ghy S 112 4 4 V 3s T Mally 7 Tannery lloPlay Ball HSAntha S 110 A AMai MM 729 Mia MiaFax2029Mia g 36 ft 41 114 8 42 11 T Maly 9 Eversreenll4Dunlinettall4Marados 114 A AFax2029Mia Fax2029Mia g 36ft 31 109 3 23 4 JH Bke 8 SandFiddlerllSBranc 107lristadosl051 C CLatest Latest Workout rkout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 97 12 50sl Record for year to date 6 4 401 0 1 2875 2875VIOLETA VIOLETA b f 2 1 1 O By Volta Scarlet Oaks by Dick Welles WellesTrainer Trainer P M Burch Owner Nevada Stock Farm Stable Breeder Nevada Stock Farm Jial229Tij J 49hy 710 111 5 1 31 I1 F Mann 10 Lakeld 112EterSeth lOGIlootinany 110 C Crdx21291Tij rdx21291Tij 3J f 42ft 45 107 1111 Il F Mann 10 KgstonMintl08Winnowll5EsfrSethl04 C Fffcl429TiJ 31 f 42ft 125 115 1 i 1 1 F Mann 10 GdeWest lllGtieTsel04MissAngnl06 C jfek 729 TiJ 3J f 43Vssy 2 109 4 3 21 2 F Mann 10 EterSeth 104TontoRock 107Livorno 110 C 33810 Tij 33 3Shy 910 110 3 33i 41 R MorsonlO Correct 107MaeLRowe HOAnnona 100 A A335G3 335G3 Tij 14 23 ft 45e 103 3 2 2l F Mann 11 GladAlice lOSVorpeil 109EastcrSeth 104 C CLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 90 3S 38sl Record for year to date 7 320 1475 1475MERIDIANESE MERIDIANESE b f 2 M 1 09 By Meridian Orphan Agnes by Mediator MediatorTrainer Trainer J P Jones Owner P H Faulconer Breeder P H Faulconer FaulconerApt Apt 529lBow ft 49m 7e 111 2 7 4 4J McTagtJ J12 Dry Girl 109 Itso 112 Catados 111 C Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Record for year to date 10 0 0 50 50CATADOS CATADOS b f 2 111 By Lantados Capo by John A Scott ScottTrainer Trainer W A Crawford Owner B A Lane Breeder M J Barrens BarrensApe Ape 529 Bov ft 49m 61 111 1 4 31 3 StrettonS 212 Dry Girl 109 Itso 112 Meridianese 111 C CMac2329KyP Mac2329KyP ft 51gd 115 112 G 5 52 752 StrettonS 2 8 Dunlintall2TexLghrnl05GVanS 110 C CJlacl929 Jlacl929 KyP J 50gd 1G5 112 3 4 4 i 4 1 BrownO 7 Andrall2GottaGonowllODunlinetta 110 A Aliac liac 2295Mia 5 4Sft 12 119 2 4 5 G J E Legee sll El Eelicario 119Snowy 119Huesman 117 S STch25291Ma Tch25291Ma g 36 ft 4 115 2 11 2n JH Burke 9 JkAdams HSBobShann HSIrisos 115 A AKb Kb 629lMia g 37sl 1 112 3 V 2J C Grwd J Raincrow lllDnlinetta HSBCook 114 C CLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 77 38 38ft Record for year to date 9 122 1225 1225CAMPFIRE CAMPFIRE MAID b 1 2 M 113 By Campfire Sally N by Josh JoshTrainer Trainer J R Pryce Owner R T Wilson Breeder R T Wilson WilsonApt Apt 829Bow ft 48 ft 81 113 G 4 3 i 31 LeonardR 12 Mild lOGAlwingnDolly lllLouisB 11G C Ape 529Bow J 49m 17 112 9 9 S10 76i LeonardR 12 Dry Girl 109 Itso 112 Catados 111 C Hat 429Mia g 37ft 7e 109 2 4 1 431 R Leod 8 ByCook llGEvcrgrn HSDunletta 113 A AFdiL27291Mia FdiL27291Mia g 35ft 15e 113 5 47 4 ° R Leond 10 Tnery llGAmhaS HSHvlyMusic 113 A ArebL2029 rebL2029 Mia g 36ft 25 109 7 62 551 R Leod 8 SandFiddlerllSBranc 1071ristadosl05J C CIfebl429 Ifebl429 MIa g 35ft 8 110 7 6 S11 R Leond 9 SdFdler HSByCook HSTsLph n 105 C CLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 94 38 37f t Record for year to date 9 0 0 2 175 175BRANCH BRANCH ch f 2 113 By Uncle Twig by Pennant PennantTrainer Trainer J Whyte Owner Seagram Stalle Breeder H P Headley HeadleyApe Ape 529Bow ft 49m 32 118 7 3 5s 53 PichonL 12 Dry Girl 109 Itso 112 Catados 111 rebL2829Mia 1 36ft 3 112 2 331 22 L Pichn 4 6 JkAdams HSRncrow 113MtHelenl08 C Creb2029 reb2029 Mia g 36ft 8 107 5 45 2 R Yeltn 8 SandFiddler HSIristados 105jAndral09 C CrcK1329 rcK1329 JP 3J f 41ft 2110 114 1 4 4 = 1 41 P McGis 10 My Virginia 112Wdylloss 112PtGarlll C Kb 829 FG g 37sl 195 113 4 21 1 L McDtt 12 MyDlla 112PrtGar lllMyVjrginia 112 0 33737 FG 38 3Csl 235 112 8 3 5 1 L McDott 12 ParBound HSLaRobia 109MyDella 109 C 33536 FG 38 SShy 4 112 5 11 1 L McDottl2 BtyBellell2HtleSeth HGTPatrick 115 C CLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd trd Won 99 38 3Gft Record for year to date 8 220 2050 2050JACK JACK VandergriftTrainer ADAMS ch c 2 117 By Dunboyne Miss Leeburr by Vandergrift Trainer A S Lewis Owner F Wettach Jr Breeder Serenata Stock Farm FarmApe Ape G29 Bow ft 49sl 8 119 G G 45i 5i Bolleroj 10 PlayBall HGAVildApple lllPceUoy 111 A Fdx28291Mia g 3Cft 75 118 3 I2 12 O Bron G Branch 112Rncrow 113MrctHelen 108 C CIWx2529Mia IWx2529Mia g 36 ft 6 113 G 21 1 O Brown 9 Catados HSBobShan 113Iristados 115 A Ar r A2029 Mia g 36ft 107 6 7i 7 J T Mally s 8 SandFiddlerllSBranch 1071ristadosl05i C CLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 91 38 37f t Record for year to date 4 2 0 0 1500 1500PAULINE PAULINE BUTLER b f 2 111 By Black Servant Gladiola by Dark Ronald RonaldTrainer Trainer J J Keith Owner Palmo Stock Farm Stable Breeder Nevada Stock Farm FarmApt Apt 329Bow ft 48 ft 43 110 9 9 816 7 SmithJ 12 SandFdler llSPortsttr llCPlayBall 116 A HanSO29JP 3ft f 41ft 11 110 4 2 3J 331 FlnnrtyR 12 TAmerican 98DoLee 118M Virginia 109 C liacll29JP 3J f 42ft 85 109 2 1 li lnk R Finny 12 MyVginia lluMinturn 120ThmaL 112 C Jlaz 829JP 3J f 41ft 44 107 1 1 31 4 R Finny 12 Lueile HSDorotliy Lee lluCampion 115 A list 429JP 3J f 43m 28 109 4 5 8 8 R Finny 12 MarieJstonllSMaryVa HSMinturn 107 C 3353G FG 3 3Shy 19 112 3 83 8i K Horvthl2 Branch 112BettyBelle 112HtieSeth 116 C CLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 76 38 36 gd Record for year to date 7 1 0 1 800 800PEACE PEACE SweepTrainer BUD b c 2 M 112 By Peace Pennant Lamp Post by Sweep Trainer W F Poison Owner W F Poison Breeder W F Poison PoisonApt Apt 329Bow ft 48 ft 148 111 11 11 10 = ° 914 AnrsonA 412 SandFdler 113Portsur HGPlayBall 11G A AMac2329JP Mac2329JP 3J f 42 gd 63 112 R 71 5 AnrsonA 8 Lueile 117 DncleMat 116 JolIyPal 114 A Areb2229JP reb2229JP 3J f 45hy 27 116 7 5 7 7 A Andn 1 Lueile 113AdmiraISeth 116LaEobia 113 A Arax20293JP rax20293JP 3J f 44hy 43 115 11 11 9 9 A Andn 12 GbyeSmer 109MrieJston lllMild 1103C Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 37 38 38 Record for year to date 4 4XOUIB XOUIB B br c 2 M 114 By Omar Khayyam Hester R by Plaudit PlauditTrainer Trainer A Swenke Owner Mrs A Swenko Breeder C A Clay ClayApe Ape 829Bow ft 4S ft llf 116 3 3 4 = 4J RobertnA 12 Mild ICGAlwnDolly lllCfircMaid 113 C MAi2329JP 3 f 42 gd 49 112 5 7 8 0 8 PhillipsC 8 Lueile 117 UneleMatt 110 JolIyPal 134 A ttn2529JP 3J t 42gd 65 1111 8 7 5 F Moon 8 DthyLee 107Jean 113GenlJackson 110 A 33476 FG 38 36 ra 26 116 8 9 93 D McAffe 9 Howtiz llOPncllIVnd llGUncleJltt 116 A ALatest Latest Wontout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 79 38 36ft Record for year to date 4 0 0 0 50 50HARY HARY ELOISE b f 2 M 113 By Ormondale Ghetto Girl by Ben Brush BrushTrainer Trainer G R Bryson Owner E K Bryson Breeder Audley Farm Farm1329JP 1329JP Si f 44hy G5 114 S 7 Gi 74i L Mors 12 Sinithers lluOmarMd 112AndrneG112 A Wxl229 FG 3 36ft 58 115 3 9 1 9 L Morris 10 Timour 118 Hades 118 DorotbLee 115 A ALatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 79 38 39f t Record for year to date 2 2WANDER WANDER LOU br f 2 M 1 09 By The BrynMawr Wanderer Virginia Flannery by Bryn Mawr MawrTrainer Trainer K Patterson Owner Mrs J W Bean Breeder J W Bean BeanApe Ape 329Bow J 48 ft 91 103 5 10 lls ° ll MergrJC 12 SandFdler 1131ortsur HGPlayBall 11G A Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Record for year to date 1 1PAYWELL PAYWELL FayetteTrainer ch f 2 M 1 09 By Vindex Paygirl by Fayette Trainer E Trueman Owner R W Carter Breeder L Collins CollinsApt Apt 529 Bow J 49m GO 109 11 11 111010 MergrJC 12 Dry Girl 109 Itso 112 Catados 111 C Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Record for year to date 2 2PHENOMENON PHENOMENON ch f 2 M 1 O9 By Scotch Broom Dictation by Escoba EscobaTrainer Trainer Woods Garth Owner S Ross Breeder S Ross RossLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonRecord Record for year to date dateARGUE ARGUE ch B 2 M 1 O7 By Thunderstorm Argument by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer H G Bedwell Owner H G Bod well Breeder H G Bedwell BedwellLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonRecord Record for year to date dateBWEET BWEET TIDINGS ch f 2 M 109 By Messenger Garden Rose by Colin ColinTrainer Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean Breeder E B McLean McLeanLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonRecord Record for year to date DOLLY MACK ch f 2 M 113 By Mackenzie II Irene by Trap Rock Trainer E Trueman Owner Alvington Stable Breeder H Nesbit Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Record for year to date 0 LELLER AeronautTrainer BUNNY gr f 2 M 1 O9 By Royal Canopy Cynthiana by Aeronaut Trainer Woods Garth Owner A Hallow Breeder H W Frost Jr Latest JrLatest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonRecord Record for year to date dateDIANA DIANA OssaryTrainer MULLEN br f 2 M 1 09 By Volta Blushing by Ossary Trainer W Weir Owner J J Meyers Breeder Nevada Stock Farm FarmLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 5rd Won WonRecord Record for year to date dateCOLINPORT COLINPORT ch f 2 M 113 By The Porter Colinder by Colin ColinTrainer Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean Breeder E B McLean McLeanLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd Ilrd Won WonRecord Record for year to date

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929041001/drf1929041001_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1929041001_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800