untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-04-20


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Howard TERMS 5 DAILY TWO HORSES DAILY Yesterdays Two Releases SANDY FORD 1480 Won ITSO 1140 Won My followers are reaping a harvest over the results of this infor ¬ mation Every day its the same old story It is information like the above that has made this office the most popular turf agency in racing circles circlesTWO TWO HORSES RELEASED TODAY TODAYTodays Todays two horsqs come to me from the same people who ac ¬ counted for yesterdays two winners and clients can rest assured that there will be no mistakes mades Both these horses have been care ¬ fully prepared for their respective races and they should have no trou ¬ ble in defeating the cheap contenders they are asked to meet I will personally interview all clients calling at the office Let me show you what I can do But one days trial is sufficient to convince you Outoftown subscribers can remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph Remit 5 to HOWARD GREGORY GREGORYSuite Suite 507 31 East Congress St Chicago III

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929042001/drf1929042001_15_13
Local Identifier: drf1929042001_15_13
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800