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TERMS 5 DAILY TWO HORSES DAILY EVERY DAY IS A WINNING DAY FOB COBURN AND HIS FOLLOWERS Riches Await All Those Who Subscribe to My Service YESTERDAYS TVO HORSES CHARMING LADY 408 324 2nd BLACK PRIDE Lost Sanrdays Two Horses HorsesCHATTER Fridays Two Horses HorsesPARTISAN CHATTER ANNE 2420 Won WonGO PARTISAN 51800 Won WonLADY GO AWAY S220S Won LADY TIIYSTER 1760 Won I have owned and trained horses and twentyfive years of actual turf experience enables me to release the above brand of winning information to you youTODAY TODAY A GIGANTIC DOUBLE HEADER GOES TODAY TODAYBOTH BOTH HORSES SHOULD WIN AND PAY 100 FOR 2 2These These two horses come to me with a recommendation such as I have never received before My connection informed me to notify all my clients to wager the extreme limit to win only as they were never more positive of two horses winning than they are with these two speed marvels today Get yours today with Coburn Two good jockeys have been engaged to ride Time lost is money lost HORSES RELEASED IMMEDIATELY XO WAITING WIRE 5 IMMEDIATELY FOR TODAYS TODAYSTWO TWO HORSES HORSESFRANK FRANK H COBURN 1476 Broadway Room 1118 New York City