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JATWA TJ f 2 li 116 By The Porter Kathleen by Scmproniuf ScmproniufTrainer Trainer JF Schorr Owner E B McLean Breeder E B McLean McLeanLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 129 3S 35 f t Record for year to date Record for year to date 116 By United Verde Guion by Dr Rice Rices s v KUto ssa ar Record for year to date 116 By Craigangower Golden Feast by Golden Sum 129 12 50ft Record for year to date GRECIAN BEAUTY ch f 2 M 116 By UpsetIonia by Martinet MartinetT1Lt5t T1Lt5t ° Wner wSJS St Won WonRecord Record for year to date dateAT Z DelhiZ AT rvRA MAY ch f 2 M 116 By High Noon dueen High by Delhi So Sof DelhiSo ° 8 f Owner VuSbs Runnels ed er W H Cr ord 13038 37 f t Record for year to date KOLAWAY ° ch f 2 M 116 By Midway Eoldgold by Mentor S5tf iS Owner Bhady Brook Tan Stable Breeder Mueller 129 58 1 05f t Record for year to date B FinnB UAWTJTR RRTRHT b f 2M 116 By Ormondale Boyal Purple by The Finn 5 ° ij sura HJFS w 129 3S 36ft Record for year to date dateVATR r Gleneskyr VATR RnsATTND h f 2 M 116 By Chatterton Monachia by Glenesky r ua o ois is MUM straA H3rlwo H3rlwoRecord Record for year to date dateTITTCIKY TITTCIKY MAIDEN blk t 2 M 116 By St Henry Alice Haigh by Star Shoot ShootTrlin Trlin 1 sjence Owner Audley Farm Stable B der Audley Farm Ic L A ALatest Latest Workout SUrt ° IstT 2nd 3rd Won 128 12 50 ft Record for year to date dateHIGH HIGH GRAVITY ch f 2 M 116 By Lucky Hour Fulminate by Friar Rock RockTrainer Trainer H W Smith Owner Lone Star Stable Breeder Xalapa Farm FarmLatest Latest Workout Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonRecord Record for year to date dateWHOOPTEDOO WHOOPTEDOO ch f 2 M 116 By Hilarious Mood by Martinet Trainer E Kaser Owner B B B 0 Hickman Breeder B 0 Hickman HickmanLatest Latest WorkoHt StartB 1st 2nd 3rd Won Won12C 12C 58 l08m Record for year to date