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3rd FairmOUnt pirse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming My Bandy 34 Mile sw 7 was iiii3 IOG IOGXOTE XOTE Claiming price 51000 3ycnrohls 112 pounds older 118 pounds 3fonwin ners in 1930 allowed pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan 48735 llCuevas Tij 103 113 5 113X725 113X72548G79 48G79 7Webster Mia 111 113 4 108 XTJO XTJO4S740 4S740 SMiles PriorAur 114 113 0 108X715 487403 C Stormy PortAur 117 114 G 113X710 47072 9 Turf King Pirn 111 115 C 118X705 48G78 12 Princess Dare FG 101 115 3 107X700 35175 5 Louisville and andNashville Nashville Mia 107 11575 9 10SXC95 Ind PP Horse Wt Kec AWtnan 4771G1 1Mystery Ballot FG 111 110 4 103 G90 G904S501 4S501 2 Determan Havl07 114 C 113 GOO 18790 3Avarice MFP 10G 115 3 97 090 48291 4 Tidy American FP 105 114 3 102 090 41027 10 Jim Shanalian ShanalianM M FG 11G 115 3 107 GOO The past performances ot the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTlme Tr Odds WtSt i StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race mCh g B by Kunnymodo Salatho by Salvation Trainer W Webster Owner S H Soper JuallGOFP 3117 m G 113 G 5 G7J 41 PeggC 11 LyONeillOSGdenOriontlOOMosque 113 0 Jua G30FP 5115 ft 20 107 11 9 811 9 SkyrmF1 12 CPclienl02IyONeil l04JntyGirl 102 0 Jlv3030lFP 3 115 ft 7 109 5 G 33J 74i BradyT1 12 SurgeonlOSKingHalmallSByBring 103 O Kv2S30FP 57 101 3 3 3 4 2 DayW 8 Arrogant llORagabaidlOlUeadCer 115 O n330FP 330FP 3113ft 14 111 5 4 4 1 4 BelyskiA BelyskiA2nd 9 LeFlorelllQunWhimslOGPebsLast 111 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 535 This year 18 Webster WebsterLast Bl c i ° y Sand Mole Lexicon Dy Golden Maxim Last work 149 58 100 ft Trainer W Mitchell Owner J H Edwards JunlO30FP 13V l47j ft 115 109 1 1 21 5 = 1 HanfordB 7 UcIePkslOOEdieLmanlllPotFull 111 C CJun Jun 730 = FP 2 114 ft 9 106 5 5 3 = 1 21 HanfordB 11 Mortanal09KindWordslOSColFallonl08 C 430 = FP 2 l14ft 16 106 5 G 5i 4 = 1 CimcrakG 9 NlieBaltl05ChPchenllORuthLongl02 C CMaj3130FP Maj3130FP I70 IMS ft 39 104 4 4 6tJ HanfordB3 10 Classy HOEgrcenQn lOlMacFgle 112 C C2S303StJ 2S303StJ 2117 sy 20 119 8 11 ll1010 WimerM4 12 Acquire 105Nayarit 107Handiworkcr 08 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 28 231 52002 This year 19 0 3 0 370 370Miles Miles Prior 1 f Q Ch B 6 by Torloisk Allspice by Cicero CiceroLast Last work 157 34 l20ft LvQ Trainer E E Major Owner E E Major MajorJunll30FP Junll30FP 2 117 m Sif IDS 11 8 Gi 51 WlmmcrR 12 HySmerslOOKingBankllSStmyPrtlOS C CMajlO303FP MajlO303FP IjV l50ft 16 114 2 4 5 7 ° i RoseM5 8 TirtcAriousll4Finlaiidll4Focter 114 C CJan23303FG Jan23303FG 1J l59sl 175 109 1 6 6 G11 RusscllK 12 Force 109 Isostasy 114 Quibbler 114 C Cn n 230FG 11 202hy 61 112 1 5 3 1 25 LandoltC1 8 TbeHuguenot 107Padonall2IIchukal 109 C CDec2529JP Dec2529JP l ° IMS ft 51 112 6 8 10J S1 LandoltC 12 Ilme andReasonll2Indral09Lemnos 112 C COctll29Fr Octll29Fr 1J 201 m 8 111 2 1 4J 3 RoseM 8 Clyde C 100 Punkie 108 Fetching 100 C Last year 0rt I I O B h 5 by The Porter Storm Nymph by Joe Chamberlain jj ici 38 38ft LLO Trainer H R Waid Owner Manewals Stable StableU130 U130 FP 2 I m 21 108 G 3 4 = 3 i CallahanC3 12 nrySmcrsl09KingBanUllSColFlonll3 C CMaj2930cFP Maj2930cFP 2 l13ft 12 110 2 2 3s 3 CavcnsJ 8 Impcrator 112ThcMajor lOSUosctte 100 C CTiUlOSOFG TiUlOSOFG 1fg lM7ft 10 109 3 8 12 12 DellJ2 12 TommyTickle 109DarFur 114 Coy 109 C CDccl629 Dccl629 = JP 2 l14Aft 10 103 1 2 2J 3 Martini 12 KingHalma 108 Jeb 108 JohnSpecd 111 C CDec Dec 929JP 2 l17hy 14 115 G 2 4s 5 LeylandJ 12 Ilagus 105 The Dago 118 Zurich 11G C Ct t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 7 0 0 1 100 This year 3 0 0 2 100 Turf Kins B g 6 by Vulcaln Turf Star by Nasturtium llaj l307Pim 1J l56Hft G 107 1 8 S 8 SerioJ2 11 RubanRgel07lmbrosll2Mainsheet IOC C CApn2930 Apn2930 Pim 1J l55ft G 111 2 4 4 47J MorrisL1 C BliieDterl05Laurie 109llcdgefence 07 C CArr2430cHdG Arr2430cHdG 11 l55ft 14 111 7 10 101 S10 MorrisL 10 VowdVengnce HOMulatto 105JEra 108 C CJIar29307JP JIar29307JP 11 2OOVisl 2710 113 t 2 3J 5 MorrisL 12 TroyMisslOSFrelwell 113Mysterious 103 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 0 2 2 G50 This year 8 1 0 1 5 SOO SOOPrillCCSS PrillCCSS Dare 1 07 Br by porting Blood Audacity by Wrack Last work 15S 58 l03 ft Lv I Trainer J W Johnson Owner Meadowbrook Farm JunlOSOFP 2 114 ft 10 108 2 7 7 S FowlerG0 f Tnlsh 1000innSshinel08AlBght 101 C CFtbl930 Ftbl930 = FG lfs l47ft 6 101 2 4 45 3s EllswhW3 11 EvenSkylOOUpsedaisy 108BdApple 101 C CFtUl430 FtUl430 = FG 1 149 ft 17 103 4 3 2 lnt EllswhW10 11 ZderXcc 102DisicDanl08BakApple 102 C CFeb Feb 630 = FG 2 l13ft 22 104 10 10 111310 ° RussellK 12 JoanK lOlMrsChoice lOlMaePrlce 104 C CJan Jan 230 = FG 2118 m G j5 910 9 S18 EllswhW8 11 CoralBcl112MngBmsl07JnGrnerll4 C Cf f Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 1 0 0 5 700 This year 5 1 0 1 5 825 825Louisville Louisville and ITaslnille 1 OR Ch B 9 by Bulse Rosewood by Magneto MagnetoLast Last work 1C2 58107sy JLvO Trainer W M Cain Owner W M Cain CainMat2229KyP Mat2229KyP 2 l16gd 15 119 2 4 5s 5 MerglerM 8 LadyLoose 112 Dorrie 101 Special 124 C CFeb Feb 829Mia 2 l14ft 12 107 3 7 G31 7 M Rose 12 Uamblel05AdamsAplel07MilesPriorllO C 33809 Mia 1116148 ft 104 444 4 ° Rose 6 Isabella 100 Mikado 110 Florenda 1040 10403370G 3370G Mia 51 f lOGft 3 108 2 5 5 311 M Rose 9 Caporal II HGWVgCIoud lOSVolsel 9G C C33C34 33C34 Mia 34 l13ft 2i 106 4 3 4 4 = 1 M Rose 7 SftsDraft lOlMcIntsh lllFestival lllC Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 0 0 1 5 75 Mystery Ballot 1 OR Ch El 4 by Ballot Mary Cary to Sain SainLast Last work 149 12 5l7sgd LWO Trainer J Chcsney Owner Mrs J Chesney ChesneyJIaj2030FP JIaj2030FP I0 l51hy 32 107 1 2 2i 2 ° DayW 7 Punkie 11011kyWay HOBbyBasil 112 C CJIaj JIaj 1630FP 2 l15 4ft 41 112 7 9 10 10S11H S11H CimeraUG1 12 TheMoonl04Cm Ladyl07KatArmsll2 C CJIat29307JP JIat29307JP 1J 200 sl G4 108 1 8 1211 LandG 12 TroyMiBSlOSFrctwell 113Mysterious 103 C M 19305JP lfe 204 hy 42 IOC 955 7CI McysME 12 LtIcSIinistrlllGiidmaG104Cnblt 111 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 21 This year 7 0 1 0 119 Dcteilliail I 1 Q h s s Rock Santa Clara by Ormondale Last work 1G1 38 38ft JLXO JL J Traine Trainer T F Bornman Owner Miss E Kelly Jun C30TFp l l15ft 149 110 1 5 4 1 4 J GrossE3 10 GriffW107PatuxautllOGaineswood HOC JIaj2930FP 1 ° l43ft 20 107 1 G 5IJ 5l HanfordB 8 ThleSpyl03nassCcellOPbsLastl07 O JIa27304FP 1 ° l45ft 137 107 7 2 G4J 781 GrossE1 8 AlexWdlfellOKGgerl08AlmaVital02 C CMajl3303FP Majl3303FP 1 l49ft 56 113 2 6 61 6 = GroosE C HighLife H3Bearcry 103Patuxant 113 C CJfcr2730 Jfcr2730 StJ 1 147 ft 43 113 6 8 3C2 9 BryantD10 10 Laurie 108 Spurrier 110 Clarificr 108 C Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 11 0 2 0 5 350 This year 17 124 1330 1330Avarice Avarice Q7 B f 3 M by Bondage Greed by McGee McGeeLast Last work 142 lml44ft Trainer E McCuan Owner E McCuan See yesterdays first Fainnount Park chart chartJIay2930FP JIay2930FP 1 l43Vft 52 S6 4 4 6 6 6s = s GreenC1 8 ThleSpylOSHassCcellOPbsLastlO O 1132730 lj l44ft 40 9G 9 8 813 81G GreenC1 9 Parnell llOJIIighLifc HSUncleBoot 107 C CUajl630 Uajl630 FP 2 l15tt ISf 100 12 11 ll = 10 HanfordB 12 TheMoonl04CmgLadyl07KatArmsll2 C JIajl230 FP 2 115 ft 46 106 6 8 7 9 HanfordB 11 Vagrantl03ThleJeanlOSTkyCIonel 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 0015 100 This year 4 Tidy American B f 3 by American Ace Tidy by The Manager Last work 130 12 53ft 53ftJun Trainer A J Pershall Owner Blue Star Stable Jun 230cFP 2 l13ft 20 1C 1061 7 5 41 5o CavensJ4 S WrnPcess 110BirdassaOSTlileJeanl05 C a2730 FP l ° l45ft 29 105 4 3 2 61 CavensJ 8 AlexWdlfellOEGgerl08AlmaVital02 C CJIay21303FP JIay21303FP ll47i ft 84 97 4 2 2 5 HanauerC 9 AVarNph lOlMelita lOSThoCossack 113 C CApr23305Whe Apr23305Whe i l00ft 46 100 6 7 7 7 GoodrichE 7 DrIIickman 111 Lenny 104 Hoatzin 108 C Starts 1st 2nJ 3rd Wcn Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 1 01 5 750 This year 9 9Jilll Jilll Sliaiialian 1 07 c M y uy ortune Sunny Kansas by Hilarious HilariousLast Last work ICO 34ilCft L V I Trainer I M Holmes Owner Mrs I M Holmes 112420 0 2 l14gd 40f 112 3 G O10 KellumJ 12 Solus 115 Mae Price 110 Paquette 102 C Cn730 n730 = FG 2 l13ft 18f 111 255 fl l KellumJ 12 MosChoicel05WstnLitllODixicDnll5 C CJanlO303FG JanlO303FG 2 I12i4ft 40f 116 4 6 7 7 KellumJ8 12 Gambol 111 Kincsen 111 Gotoit 111 A AJuL JuL 10293Tdn 5 f 111 hy 109 S 7 6 G KellumJ S TontoRkllSNitSignal lOGBtsieBoollO A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year 3 This year 3