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RAGIISTG FORM WASHINGTON PARK HOMEWOOD ILL FRIDAY JUNE 13 1330 Washington Park 1 18 Miles Seventeenth day New I Washington Park Jockey Club Spring meeting of 30 days Weather cloudy I Stewards Charles P Price M Nathanson and Robert M Sweitzer Judges W II Shelley A E Blanchard and Charles Henry Starter Harry Morrisscy Racing Secretary AV H Shelley I Racing starts at 215 p in Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs IJ blinkers Flg tires in parentheses following the distance of eacli raco indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance flQQfPd FIRST RACE 31 Mile Black Beetle Juno 8 1029 111 4 105 Pursa 1300 jrlOOAJTc 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1COO second 200 third Junc133MVas thirdJunc133MVas 100 Claiming pries 3000 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48728ESTIN w 7 112 2 2 2i 41 2 2t Il W Lennie Harned Bros 702100 i 48443 ZETA WB 5 109 1 1 11 I3 1 21 J MarnclH W I Kohn 437100 48284 BIG SWEEP w 7 113 4 4 44819TL1LLIAN 21 31 3i 33 T May Lewis Kemp 433100 4819TL1LLIAN TOBIN w 3 93 C C C48201s 51 G1 G = 41 G DuPcso J J Coughlin CoughlinJO1 43310090SO100 90SO100 48201s MARYS TOY w 5 107 5 11 JO1 101 S1 5 J Marcum J N McFadden 90SO100131G100 131G100 48031 NYMPH ICING WB 4 115 10 U 71 5 i 5 = C N Huff E B McLean 131G100t3723100 t3723100 47051 = GEORGE WEBREwB 3 109 S 10 11 11 103 7l O Laidley E P Prichaid t3723100t t 48202 SANDY SHORE WB 4 115 3 3 9 95 7 S L Jones II P Headley Headley8i 1953100 48102 TVROL w C 113 11 S S46949JALGOL 8i 71 91 91 j Parmlee P M Grabner 1141100 46949JALGOL w 5 113 12 5 31 4 41 io11 J D Mncy J Costello 240100 48604 MIKE CAREY w 3 10 12 12 12 11 ° L Pichon Stcele Howard HowardGi 1 48327 8327 KASTBU BOY w 3 108 9 97 7 Gi 8 = Hi 12 C Meyer Mrs E Dcnemark 1973100 1973100fMutucl fMutucl field Time 2J 16 J 114 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ESTIN 100ZETA 51001 73G 454 702 100 2G8 100 127 100 ZETA ICOBIG 558 342 173 100 71 ICO BIG SWEEP 304 97 100 100Winner Winner 15 g by Westy Hogan Veracity by Golden Maxim trained by M R Harned bred by Mr W S Payne Winner entered to be claimed for 3000 3000WENT WENT TO POST 219 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart drivingESTIN Start poor out of machine Won easily second and third driving ESTIN close to the leaders wore down ZETA in the stretch and won easily ZETA showed the most early speed but tired in the final drive BIG SWEEP close up from the start easily outstayed the others LILLIAN TOBIN ran well MARYS TOY began slowly but made up much ground JUKE CAREY stagesScratched and GEORGE WE1JUE were awiy badly ALGOL tired after racing close up in the early stages Scratched 17010 Proctor Hug 110 48102 Bramstar 115 48100 Borough Monger 114 41336 Good ¬ bye Summer 8 28101 Passalong 108 4S327 Zublena 103 103Overweight Overweight George Webre 1 pound ISQQ K SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs General Grant Sept 10 1927 105 2 118 l dtOO dtOOCP CP RamWer Purse Purse 1200 2yearolds Maidens Colts and Geldings Not June1330Was NotJune1330Was valuo to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index llorsea AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48557 CHARMER WB 11G 11 9 I1 1 1 I5 E Spshiro Rancocas Stable 1161100 48557 NORIAS w 11G 3 2 41 31 21 2J A Anrson Paradise Stk Fm Sta 43S100 46474 DUNFERN w 11G 12 12 41 41 3 C Meyer P M Walker 8740100 48557 FOREN EXCHANGEw 11G 11 2 2 31 4 S ODnell Mrs T J Regan 151100 18009 BOILING w 11G S 8 lOl S1 Gl 5 J Smith E R Bradley 3S4G100 48413 = TOO MUCH TALK w 11G 53 71 7S 73 G0 G Arnold Black Dot Stable 2913100 2913100J48444 J48444 ARUNDEL w 11G 4 4 11 = 11U 81 71 J Parmlce J N Camden 309100 3091004G889 4G889 BOBS PLAY w 11G 911 S 81 9 = S5 P Neal W E Hupp C04G100 48149 MARK ANTHONY W 116 2 6 G1 5 C 9 W Losee C C G Y Hicatt 21f t234C921 DUBLIN HILLS w 116 7 7 12 12 12 10 P Garitty El Galivan Ranclio t23 4C921 DR LOS HAMMAN w 11G 6 5 3l G 10 = 11 = C McCrsn W C Goodloe t OLD TUCK w 115 10 10 91 10 111 12 R Finnrty W F Axton t tMutuel field Time 23 17 100 107 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS 100NORIAS CHARMER 2522 1224 1006 1161 100 512 100 403 100 NORIAS ICODUNFERN 426 414 113 100 107 ICO DUNFERN 2586 1193 100 Winner 100Winner Br c by Lucullitc Siren by Man o War trained by F M Taylor bred by Mr H F Sinclair SinclairWENT WENT TO POST 254 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start drivingCHARMER good out of machine Won easily second and third driving CHARMER went to the outside to take command on the first turn and opening up a good lead after going half the distance was never threatened NORIAS raced close up from the start and held ithe others safe in the stretch DUNFERN finished well FOREIGN EXCHANGE began quickly and J had no excuses BOILING finished fast and gamely ARUNDEL could not get to the leaders DR LOUIS HAMMAN tired after showing early speed speedSrraUhec SrraUhec 18729Spar 11 C 48444 Magic Flute 110 48444 Gun Fire 110 48729 Beige 116 45331 i Pangolin 110 48334 Silver Lake 110 A THIRD RACE 1 Mils and 70 Yards out of chute Canaan Juna 10 1923 141 J5 5 ytOO rfO 109 Purse 1300 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner June1330Was winnerJune1330Was 1000 sscond 200 third 100 Claiming price 4000 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48553 LIEUT RUSSELL w 4 11 2 4 2J 21 2 11 II Schutto Audley Farm Stable 1437103 48402TYPIIOON w 5 107 8 7 4 41 3i 3 = 21 G Land Harned Bros t2SSS100 J48734 t2SSS100J48734 DON FERNANDOwu 4 112 12 11 71 71 41 4 3 k P Halbert Rosehome Stable 2102100 148728s 2102100148728s JACK HASKELL w4 107 10 2 1 1 = 1 21 43 G De Peso Lewis Kemp 7SO100 48GOG = DEVON w 7 107 4 5 9 9 71 5 5 1 J Marcum J J Greely 233100 233100479C4BOB 479C4BOB KERNAN iv 4 112 5 G S5 G1 8l G1 Gi P Neal Leader Stable 332100 48202 CUDDLE w 5 107 9 3 Gh S1 9J 71 75 R Finnerty K Pitt 1951100 4860G3YAM 19511004860G3YAM TOY w 4 114 11 1 3 3h 5 8J 81 A Andson Paradise Stock Fm Sta 802100 802100148191NEALON 148191NEALON KAY w G 114 1 9 11 = 11 = 11s 11s 9i P Keiser Mrs B E Chapman 3033100 303310048284FIRST 48284FIRST 71210048G09 MISSION WB 5 107 G 10 103 10Gio5 101 101 O Cooper Miss B Watson 712100 48G09 LADDIE w G 115 7 8 51 Gi V 91 11 = 5 j Parmlee Royal Stable t 48GG8LANDVOGT w 4 107 31212 12 12 12 12 W Lcnnie Glen View Farm Stable t fMutuel field Time 23 47 112 13S 144 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS XIEUT ODDSXIEUT 10DTYPHOON RUSSELL 3074 1578 1100 1437 ICO 689 100 450 10D TYPHOON 100DON Field 2218 974 1009 100 387 100 DON FERNANDO 1102 451 100 Winner 100Winner Ch c by Sr Barton Honey Girl by Friar Kock trained by S M Henderson bred by Messrs M B B Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 4000 WENT TO POST 329 AT POST IJ minutes minutesStart Start drivingLIEUT good out of machine Won handily second and third driving LIEUT ItUSSELL racing close up from the start caught JACK HASKELL at midstretch and Vacing fast held TYPHOON safe and scored handily TYPHOON raced close up and saving ground in the stretch finished well DON FEUNANDO moved tip fast approaching the stretch turn and met with i interference in the final drive but was going fast at the end JACK HASKELL tired after setting the pace DEVON was outrun early and could not get to the leaders BOB KERNAN was shut off on the back stretch and showed little thereafter YAM TOY tired badly badlyScratched Scratched 4S353ltuane 109 4S447 Frances Milward 107 480810 31 McICenna 114 Overweight Laddie 3 pounds 4QQ T y FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs General Grant Sept 10 1927 105 2 118 OC3 OC3aJ aJ 0 Purse 1200 2ycarolds Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 Junc1330Was 200Junc1330Was third 100 Claiming price 5500 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odda Strt 48GG95AUNT DEB VBl0311 G H 1 J 1 1 A Richard Estate of I E Clark 4S3100 2S310048103SVOLTABUSH 48103 = MARY COBB w 103 3 3 GU GJ 4 2J G Land Hupp Judy 2S3100 48103SVOLTABUSH w 110 2 2 41 4h 21 3 = R Morson Nevada Stock Farm Sta 391100 X48J92GABBO 391100X48J92GABBO will 5 5 105 9 9s 4h J Marinelli C B Irwin 2792100 48GG7TRAPSTAR 279210048GG7TRAPSTAR WB 110 10 7 5 5J 51 5 C Meyer P M Walker G97100 G971004808G3MISS 4808G3MISS CHILLA w 113 44 3l 2 3 Ch C McCrsn C Van Duscn G09100 48086 TALNTED PRINCE w 113 G 10 S 8 = SJ 73 C Legnon C II Trotter G315100 47923 WIGROSE w 110 1 1 21 3h 7i 8 W Garner Mrs J Drcyer 19S9100 19S91004G7G1 4G7G1 KAUKA WB 10S 88 7 = 71 Gl 9 J Marcum Oakhart Stablo 1572100 48200 MONKEY tS07G100BARNEY SHINE w 110 12 9 9 103 10 = 103 R Finnerty W F Axton tS07G100 BARNEY SEXTON w 115 7 11 11 ° H6 11s 11 = J Parmlee J Lowcnstcin t 45720 CONFEDERATE wn 110 9 12 12 12 12 12 A Andersn Paradise Stock Farm Stable t ttMutiicl tMutiicl field Time 22 47 101 107 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS AUNT DEB 1170 534 464 485 100 167 100 132 100 MARY 100MARY COBB 480 393 110 100 96 100 VOLTABUSH 100VOLTABUSH 428 114 ICO Winner ICOWinner Br f by Porte Drapeau Balma Vestal by Luck and Charity trained by J B Theall bred by Dr I K Clark Winner entered to be claimed for 3500 WENT TO POST 400 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won handily second and third driving drivingAUNT AUNT IEIJ got to the front soon after the Mart and showing good early speed led to the end MAIIY COBB met interference but closed gamely and was gaining on the winner VOLTABUSH close up from the start tired at the end GABBO was shuffled back early but was going gamely at the end MISS CIIILLA was being eased up before the end was reached TUAISTAU ran fairly well wellScratched Scratched 1803 Glidelia 113 113Overweight Overweight Barney Sexton 5 pounds A 2QC FIFTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute Misstep Jtina 8 1929 137 4 126 Whita TboO C City Handicap Purso 1700 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1 300 Juiic133 300Juiic133 MVas second 250 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt 11 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48195 = THE NUT WB 4 113 2 3 33 2U 21 11 I3 W Fronk Warm Stablo 391100 485G4 391100485G4 = STAR O MORN WB 5 10G 3 1 I3 I3 H 2 = 23 G Arnold Black Dot Stablo 413100 48G71 41310048G71 = MARTIE FLYNN w 5 10G 4 2 2 3 33 3s 33 C Meyer S Peabody 224100 48495 STARS A BARS WB 4 114 1444444 L Jones Grecntreo Stablo 1G3100 Tims 1G3100Tims 2J 47 112 137J Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDSi ODDSiTHE THE 100STAR NUT S D88 626 No show pricss 3D4 100 213 100 STAR 0 MORN 463 134 ICO Winner ICOWinner Br e by Mad Hatter Afternoon by Prince Palatine trained by J T Taylor bred by Mr II P Whitney WhitneyWENT WENT TO POST 432 AT POST J mtnute Stwt good out of muchinc Won easily second and third driving THIS NUT wlthia striking distance of the leaders came fast iu the stretch and passing STAIi 0 MORN won handily The latter had the most early speed and tired at the end MARTIE FLYNN made a game challenge approaching the stretch turn but was not good enough STARS AND BARS was outrun from the start and weakly ridden in the stretch Scratched 48145McGonigle 98 flOOrtflj SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Black Beotb Juna 8 1929 111 4 105 Cherry Hill TrOO MO Golf Purse Purso 1300 3yearolds and upward Allowancas Net value to Junc1330Vns winnsr 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 4 84 4 8 = CAMP BOSS wn 3 108 4 1 11 lnk P Neal J Marsch 10G100 43295 IIYPOLTJXO WB 4 112 5 3 343G70 2 23 G Arnold Black Dot Stable 1421100 14211004h 43G70 CULLODEN WB 3 110 1 2 248283ZACAWEISTA 4h 3 E Spshiro J N Camden 181G100 48283ZACAWEISTA WB 4 115 67 674819G 53 4 L Hardy Three Ds Stk Fm Sta f232100 f2321003h 4819G GENERAL GRANT w 5 112 3 5 5415G08 3h 5 W Garner E Ccbrian G2S100 415G08 WACKER DRIVE w 5 112 7 G G4309GBILL Q 0 G1 G J D Mncy J J Coughlin 14293100 142931004309GBILL 4309GBILL LOONEY w 3 10G 28 2848GO 9 9 7 73 P Halbert J N McFadden 6761103 676110348GO 48GO AVAR TIME WB 4 112 8 4 445G78 4 71 81 SI G Mooro Three Ds Stk Fm Sta t t45G78 45G78 BUTRED TOAST wn 4112 9 99 9 8 = 8l 9 9 J Smith E R Bradley 12419100 12419100tCouplcd tCouplcd as Three Ds Stock Farm Stable entry entryTims Tims 23i 47 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EOUIVALNT BOOKING ODDSn ODDSnCAMP CAMP BOSS 412 322 286 106 100 61 100 43 100 100HYPOLUXO HYPOLUXO 850 560 325 100 180 100 100CULLODEN CULLODEN 676 238 100 100Winner Winner B c by Campfire Merry Princess by Spanish Prince II trained by C Howard bred by Balair Stud StudWENT WENT TO POST 502 AT POST 5J minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won driving second and third the same CAMP sameCAMP BOSS began fast and racing well withstood the stretch challenge of HYPOLUXO arj held the latter safe at the end HYPOLUXO was always prominent and although making a gamu effort in the stretch could not head the winner CULLODEN raced well and saved ground in the stretch ZACAWEISTA was off slower than usual and never threatened the leaders GENEItAL GRANT suffered interference hut raced well The others were never serious factors factorsScratched Scratched 48494FIyer 108 48COOParaphrase 112 48001 Long Run 103 47840 Whisp 103 103Overweights Overweights Cullodcn 5 pounds Bill Looney 1 4OQQk SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles Montanaro June 26 1929 150 4 95 Purse OOOvx 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second Tuno1330 secondTuno1330 Wns 200 third 103 Claiming price 1800 Index Horses AWtPPStJ4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strf 48030 = TOMMY TICKLE WB 5 110 G 2 I1 I3 1 1 1 1 J Marnelli Leader Stable 252100 48672 QUIBBLER WE G 112 4 3 G Gi 41 21 23 A Richard Miss R S Copeland 412100 41210048610PRICKLY 48610PRICKLY HEAT WB 7 110 1 1 2 = 23 2 3 3 G Land C B Irwin 894100 89410048G10 48G10 BUMPSIE RAY w v 4 115 1154809GNANCY 910 71 8s G 5V 41 R Morson Lyda Mae Stk Fm Sta 2320100 4809GNANCY SETII X VB B 4 112 11248GioztGOLD 2 4 S1 T1 8 = 41 C1 C Meyer Valley Lake Stable 574100 48GioztGOLD RIDGE w v 4 no noTENNESSEEAN 3 9 9 IP3 91 Cl Gi J Marcum Bcrman Stablo 1740100 TENNESSEEAN w 3 108 7 6 51 5 31 7i 75 p Keal R Caldwcll 8247100 48408 = CONGO II w v 8 112 11 810 D1 11 9J S W Lennio Harned Bros 403103 4 t81G910048G72 84 93 AMELIA MAY w v 3 9S 9S48G72 S 5 31 41 5 Sh 9i G DcPcso M E Syufy t8169100 48G72 CARAMEL WB 3 103 5 11 11 Jl 10 = 10 = 106 C Turk E F Prichard 2508100 45133 PETER WB 4 115 115fMutucl 10 7 41 3 7iH 11 O Laidley R W Selden t fMutucl field Time 2 24 48 113 140 154 Track fart 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSTOMMY TOMMY 100aUIBBLER TICKLE 704 528 416 252 100 161 100 108 100 aUIBBLER 452 402 126 100 101 103 103PRICKLY PRICKLY 100Winner HEAT 772 286 100 Winner B g by Spur Malmsey by His Majesty trained by F Swain bred by Shandou Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1800 1800WENT WENT TO POST 537 J AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start drivingTOMMY good out of machine Won easily second and third driving TOMMY TICKLE took a good lead on the back stretch and opening up a big lead approaching tho stretch turn led to the end QUIBBLEH met Interference but finished fast and was gaining with every stride PRICKLY HEAT raced close up and lasted to hold BUMPSIE RAY safe The latter finished well NANCY SETII made a game effort in the stretch CONGO II was never a factor Scratched factorScratched 48333Scths Ballot 112 48G72 Jack Alexander 110 4850t2Aregal 115 48730 LouVe Wilson 103 47812 Elizabeth 108 48728 Kakiedoodles 110 47931 = United Army 110