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RE YOU interested in a tried and proven handicapping system Are you fully in t formed as to the records of owners trainers trainersjockeys jockeys and horses racing on American tracks i Would you like to have the track records of all the North American race tracks with diagrams diagramsof of the principal ones rules of racing bookmak ing percentage table record payoff odds scales of weights history of national and international stakes a detailed explanation of parimutuel parimutuelwagering wagering remarkable jockey feats and a com ¬ prehensive statistical review of 1929 racing etc etcIf If you ARE interested and all lovers of the sport of kings are you will find all the above and a great deal more statistics and important data contained in 1930 American AmericanRacing Racing Manual ManualNow Now On Sale SaleThe The American Racing Manual answers every question concerning racing in 1929 and previous years It stands alone as the greatest racing publication in the world Although an everincreasing number of copies is printed each year the demand has always exhausted the supply To delay ordering is to risk disappointment Early pur ¬ chasers have their choice of three bindings Paper 250 Special 300 De Luxe Leather 350 If ordered by mail add ten cents additional for wrapping and postage postageDaily Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 441 riiYMbUTH COTJHT CHICAGO ILLINOIS ILLINOISCUT CUT OUT AND PILL IN THIS BLANK NOW r DAILY KACING FORM PDB CO 441 Plymouth Court Chicago Enclosed please find for which please send me copies of American Kndng Manual forlOSO in binding Name Street and Number i j State I IPlease Please PRINT name and address plainly