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2nd Aqueduct purse 1000 3yearoHs and upward Claiming John P 1 Mile Grior Junc 25 1921 3 3S i127 i127yOTU yOTU Claiming price 1500 Xonwlnncrs of two races since June 1 1930 3year olds 117 pounds older 125 pounds Ronwinners of 700 In 1930 allowed 5 pounds Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtDan 42924 St Otis M 3 11 1143G83 43G83 My Son Bel 120 139 K C120X720 C120X720492CG 492CG Ardmore M Bel 110 140 3 112 715 43999 Star Gold BB 110 141 5 120X710 49100 Bright Steel Sar 102 141 8 113705 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 19161 Wild Broom 4 120 700 48823 Alayer AP 110 141 4 120C93 120C93491G1 491G1 Prince Bonnie BonnieM M Bel 114jl40 3 107 C90 The past performances of the horses entered In this race together wltn latest workout and racing record Date CM DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race St Otis I 1 O B c 3 M by St Henry Marthas Dream by Otis OtisLast Last work 17G 1m 1 48ft Trainer W S House Owner V S House HouseOct Oct 929Jam 5J f lOSft 2i 114 2 5 45J 4tslColtilettiF 312 Charon HORoyalTrce HSFnsFntmlll 0 Spp2329IAqu 2 l14ft 2J 115 5 3 4J S KelsayW 10 Native Son 115 Annan 115 Easter 112 A Bcp2029Aqu l14ft 30 11814 9 7s G51 KelsayW 14Stanton 118 Rumor 118 Dark Sea 118 A JuL1729Emp CJ f lOS ft 135 113 1 4 4J 2l KelsayW 14 Fantad 114 Lust 115 May Agnes K 110 O JullO23Emp gl02 ft 15 11313 S 9 J13 KelsayW 14 Fosbolt HSCharon lllRain orShine 113 O JuL 52DEmp 5JflOSft 12 11711 8 7 = 2 Gi KelsayW 17 ForgerlOSAlwtnDlyll2R n orShine22 0 0fPIaced fPIaced third through disqualification Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 0 1 2 400 4003ry 3ry Son 190 B h 6 by Ballot Wallflower H by Meddler MeddlerLast Last work 175 12 52ft J W Trainer F L Moore Owner Mrs M Segal SegalKb Kb 129Emp 1 147 si 1 120 7 5 5i G KattiP 12 SgeStruckllSGrnFlaglloVulcnPkllS 0 Oct2G29 = Emp 1 147 ft 32 12111 3 4J 3J RattiP 12 PunishU OStageStrkllSCeylnPrce O O Sep 529Bel 1138 ft 12 120 787 710 RattiP 10 Son ofJolin lllPlayB HCDangerous 120 0 0s2329 s2329 = Sar 1 142 sy 31 115 7 1 I1 1 RattiP 12 Roumis 103 Blabber 119 Nat Evens 112 O OAaS AaS 929Sar ll43 m 20 11511 5 2 = 1 RattiP 13 SchcnlllClarifierlllMatius Msterll2 O JuL2t29Emp Iff l4Sft 10 115 G 7 G5J GT1 HareyW JuL1729 = Emp l l47 ft 5e 11211 9 45J 3 = i FischerR 12 Buddha 112 Boyish Bob HOMelmor 114 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Last year r 21 31 312 2527 2527ArdlllOro ArdlllOro IIP r C M by K Kc ° c minstcr Inaugurate by Ballot BallotLast Last work 145 38 39ft Trainer R A Smith Owner Audley Farm Stable StableJun2330 Jun2330 Aqu 1 142 ft 30 112 4 1 21 2l SheridanS2 9 Tpointcrll2Ceylonlcell7MyEloisel05 O OJunlG30r JunlG30r JunlG30rAqu Aqu ll41ft 15 112 12 14 14 13 J Mann J 17 WiugUrtll2SnyMornllOFsSeymrl07 O Jun G30 ° Bel ll39VflT 50 110 8 9 916 951 MannJ 10 Monibasall5Spantaftl05CrsWarr 105 O Jbj 330Pim 1 l4G ft 25 107 8 7 7 Gs MannJ S Razzle 107 Sun Falcon 110 Joshua 107 M MApn2430IIdG Apn2430IIdG 1 l4Gft 59 110 9 8 10l ° 105l MannJ 11 BelliCasusllllrinc sHcnrylOGAngryllO M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 5 0 1 0 200 Star Gold 1 90 C h y Golden Guinea Planutess by Planudes PlanudesLast Last work 173 78 l30ft Trainer C K Mooro Owner Mrs A L Burton BurtonXo Xo 2G297Bow lSl5Gft 20 112 11 10 11s = 12 = WhitkrF 12 Rockslide 312 Blanco 104 Krick 101 0 Sertll29Del Ifs l59m 4910 112 SJ JosiahJ 8 FirstEditionll5ShFlaprll2Epigraml07 C CSeplO29De SeplO29De IS 23sy 75 113 4 MooreET G HavkEyell2GpingDawnl02Booster 101 O 5Dor ll4asy 225 1141111 9 92 LeonardR 11 Supanall2jGoeIand9GStuartsDraft 103 O OJuL2C29iMR JuL2C29iMR 1 l13ft 95 117 4 BmeryD 9 Brass Band lOSCutBush 107FairLad 112 O OJuLlS29Dor JuLlS29Dor 1 l47ft 4910 112 6 7 51 5 LeonardR 8 Negotiator 109 Critic 109 Fair Lad 105 0 JuL1529 Dor l lg g l47ft 195 112 4 2 4 3 LeonardR 9 BndgDecplOGQnEmmalOGAlKripp 108 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 17 0 4 2 480