untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-28


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CENTS CENTSPER CENTS CENTSPER PER PER PERCOPY COPY PERCOPY COPY ESTABLISHED 1910 20 YEARS AMERICAS LEADING TURF WEEKLY THE ONLY BOOK WITH A REPUTATION THE PLAYERS FRIEND 1500000 STOCK FRAUDS FRAUDSTHAT THAT WAS UNDER THE HEADING OF NEW YORK JOURNAL JOURNALWhich Which coes to show YOU if you are a follower of this CLOCKERS REVIEW you have NOTHING to worry about any STOCK FRAUDS etc Thousands of horse players throughout the country from coast to coast are making big money following this CLOCKERS REVIEW They dont have to worry about any STOCK MARKET losses Ilayiug our WINNERS stops them from any worriment If you are not one of them you still have time by starting with US now today todayA A LIFETIME PROPOSITION FOR YOU YOUTODAY TODAY BIG OPENING LATONIA OCCASIONAL OCCASIONALThey They have kept this one under covor and TODAY is the day Why WhyIF IF YOU KNEW WHAT WE KNOW TODAY TODAYyou you would UNLOAD all you have as Ibis one TODAY cau hardly1 miss and andW W SHOULD PAY 30 FOR 2 Thousands of dollars have been spent by this organization to make this IRONCLAD BO you see yon are betting on a good tiling today todayENTIRE ENTIRE 37DAY LATONIA MEETING GIVEN TO YOU YOUWrite Write or wire for special terms for this 37day LATONIA meet This is just to take care of office expenses etc We Have Spent Thousands of Dollars to Make This 37 Days 100 Per Cent for You YouWE WE EXPECT TO GET 12 TO 15 OCCASIONALS in this 37 days You can rest assured of getting 4 to 5 WINNING OCCASIONALS out of every G we send and prices that will more than surprise you youI I ASSURE YOU YOU NEVER WILL MAKE ANOTHER WAGER WAGERafter after this 37day LATONIA meet is over UNLESS YOU HAVE OUR INFORMATION ASK YOUR FELLOW PLAYER what he thinks of the CLOCKERS REVIEW That will convince YOU that this CLOCKERS REVIEW is as solid as the ROCK OF GIBRALTAR Nuff sed sedREMEMBER REMEMBER we ask you to keep this confidential Dont let this INFO leak out when you get it Its for your BENEFIT as well as OURS Now lets hear from you today TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE WEEKLY REVIEW 1C71 BROADWAY SUITE 014 NEW YORK CITY

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930062801/drf1930062801_22_3
Local Identifier: drf1930062801_22_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800