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7th Arlington Purse 1500 SyearoIOs and upward Claiming Misstep 118 Miles July 20 1929150564128 3TOTE Claiming price 1750 if for 1500 allowed 3 pounds 3yearolds 110 pounds older 116 pounds PP Horse Wt Rec AWtnin AWtnin40tilla 40tilla Was 103 153 4 103X725 103X72518Quibbler 18Quibbler AP 110 153 C 111X720 111X72020Margatc 20Margatc Mia 108 154 7 103X715 103X71513Upsedaisy 13Upsedaisy Was 1001150 3 100 710 1C George De Mar Bel 103 153 8 11GX705 2 Theorist Jane LF105 l5Cs 4108X700 4108X7005Port 5Port Gar 31001005 31001005CSeths CSeths Ballot P G 109 154 4111X605 4111X60510Cartoon 10Cartoon Hav 110 15214 7 108 005 PP Horse Wt Roc AWtHan 1 Peter Was 110 150 4 113iCOO 3 King Kelly 3 110 090 0907GoId 7GoId Ridge PG 105 154 4 103X090 8 Miss Evat 31 3 105 COO 9 Sun Clover 5 11CXC90 11CXC90llRay llRay Ruddy CD 103 154 4 108X090 12 Aviator Mia 112 152 5 113 X COO COO14FIying 14FIying Express 3 105XC90 15 Jovial FriarWas 112 2OGh 3 107X000 17Prince Til Tii Was 105 157 10 10SXC90 19 Sandy Shore 4 11CXC90 The past performances ot the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs UlsTlme Tt Odds WtSt i StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Raci Otilla 1 rO B f 4 by Donnacona Marguerite B by Ballot BallotLast Last work 171 34 l20ft VJO Trainer F Rector Owner L M Severson SeversonJun2530Was Jun2530Was 1J l53ft 5 110 3 1 1s I1 RichardA 10 Florhill3LeWilsnllOMdcpMarvinl04 C Jun2430JWas 1J l53ft 7 105 3 4 4J 2 LennlcW2 11 CIoverClubl05SwftMandyl01MrAce 115 C Janl630TWa3 1J 207 ft GJ 103 5 4 2 2 MarcumJ 10 BsieRayllOFjofNsenlOSFireUcrlOG C Junll30 Wa3 IS l53ft 7J 110 2 1 3i 5 = LennieW1 12 Lk atLnlOSMcapMvinl04Mgte 107 C Jan C30Was 1J 217V sy3110 106 4 3 I1 1 LennieW1 7 RayRdyllOSperFclixll5MsterAce 110 C Jun 430TWas 1J l54ft 5 1011 4 3 4 4 LennieW 10 Quibbler 105 Congo II 107 Margate 100 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rJ Last year 26 26Quibbler 145 2225 This year 10 2 231 3 2600 Quibbler I B h 6 by Fair Play QuElle est Bella n by Kock Sand I Last work 171 341lG = ft L L Jan2l207Was IS l53ft 215 107 2 3 5 1 4 = 1 RichardA1 7 Jem 115 Feu Follet 110 Shady Rest 105 0 0Junl320TWas Junl320TWas IS l54ft 225 112 3 4 2 2J RichardA 11 TmyTicklellOPklyntllOBsieRay 115 0 0JunlO30Was JunlO30Was IS llCt 51 112 9 5 3J 41 RichardA 10 IreneT112ItiffIlaffllORalManager 115 C CJon Jon 4vOTWa3 lj l54V3ft 2110 105 7 6 3l I1 RichardA8 10 Congo II 107 Margate 100 Otilla 101 C CJan Jan 230Waa g 126 ft 235 105 9 8 51 2i RichardsA 9 CalgaryKaylOSTmyLadlOaRoodles HOC HOCJI JI j2930 Was 2 111 ft 11 112 12 9 G 2k RichardA 12 RedSpiderll2JimPryorll7SirJohnK 112 C CJty Jty SSOWaa 2 l13ft 57 113 7 8 7 1 2 RichardA 9 Nifty 103PauIRevere 118LeeCooper 118 C Clfaj1230Aur lfaj1230Aur 1 l44 ft 13 112 7 7 Gl G11 LoylandJ 8 TOrIeanianl62Tangraml04Facility 102 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year Jl 141 J 1800 This year 23 274 3118 3118Margate Margate 10 Br m 7 by Delhl First Ballot by Ballot BallotLast Last work 172 34 l18ft JUO Trainer L C Veatch Owner Serenata Stock Farm Stable StableJan2330lWas Jan2330lWas 1J 2OSft 225 106 2 1 1 2l LennieW1 12 OurPalll5Onupl05RalphIIartensteinll5 C 3unll30Was 1J l55ft 11 107 5 4 2 31 MarinclliJ1 12 Lk atLnlOSMcapMinlOlJLyCce 10G C Jun 430IWas IS l54V ft G2 100 5 2 2J 3J MarinelltJ 10 Quibbler 103 Congo II 107 Otilla 101 C J a730307CD If l46ft 8 103i 4 6 G 5 LandG 9 EverbluelOSlCirterBlklOSBrnFriillO C CJby2630CD Jby2630CD 1ft l47V ft 7J 106 G 3 oi 5J EllswhW 10 OldTimea lllUnitedArmylllBrnno 115 C 11 213000 1ft 151 gd 7 107 7 3 31 3 EllswthW1 b Brunoll2TmmyTicklell2FireOnder 1120 KajnSOCD 1ft l50sy 1C 102 11 9 10 10 EllswthW1 Woodlot 112Nevermore 112AissLee 10 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd WoJ Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 364 J 3527 This year 22 125 1470 1470Ppsedalsj Ppsedalsj TOO B 3 by st Oermans Fun D Peter Pan PanLast Last work 175 34115ft JV7U Trainer E Haughton Owner Greentreo Stable Junl930nVa3 IS l53ft 12 lOGi 2 7 8Ti 7 LennieW1 11 CabildollOMaliciousll5FtDearborn 113 C Jan330 Wa3 I l2Gft 11 107 7 G S 5 JoncaL 10 Betty Ann 103 Apt 101 Easter Boy 110 C Kv3130 Was ll40ft 4 110JU 8 7 7 JonesL 12 RingSvillOTitleOakl07PccTokafn 112 C J j2350ICD l l50ra 175 100 5 1 1 1 EllswthW1 8 SolandBoymWInslowlOSBustling 105 C K 7l450eCD 1 153 m 2110 107 4 2 2 1 43 JonesL 10 LadyWItt 107Pompon lOSMiss Lee 103 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starta 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 0 0 1 J 100 This year 18 413 3400 George De Mar MarLast 1 1 fi Ch Bt 8 by Colonel Vennie little Bit by TranivaaL Last work ItiS 5 3 l03ft JLJLO Trainer V Crane Owner V Crane Junl430 Aqu 1ft 215 5 ft 1S5 115 5 G G 5 GloriosoV G TlieTattler 117Sanford 117Dim Ray 108 0 Jon 930 Bel 1ft 147 17 m 8 110 6 5 4i lk GloriosoV G Sanford 117NightSignal 100 Voyage 112 O Jan 230 Bel 1ft 146 16 ft 15 110 10 10 8 71 QnbushG 10 Sanfordll4TheTattlerll4Xylophone 113 0 Maj2730 Bel IS 151 ilgd = 10 103 11 10 810 8 QnbushG 11 Naylorl01GenialHostll5IillieLnardllO C Majl630Bol 1 144 4 m 185 108 6 4 41 2 1 QnbushG 9 GrGuardll4CnPrInce 109DimRay 100 O Mvl330 Jam 1TO 143 S5 ft 41 113 7 5 51 51 HendrickF 7 TlieTattlerllSPomfrctlOaScofsGreyllO 0 Jlaj 1030 Jam IS 155 i5 ft 4 114 2 3 21 1 ° ODonnlS1 5 TurfWriter 117TheTattlerll8nnum 115 O Starts 3 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 17 7 4 3 6747 This year 7210 1600 TllCOriSt Jane 1 CQ B fl by Sobieski Malona by Black Sand SandLast Last work 17G 31 l17ft JVO Trainer D F Cannon Owner La Brea Stable StableJun2730UVas Jun2730UVas li 203gd 41 110 4 2 31 3J1 FincrtyR 7 31terAce 115RayUdy 107LeahJane 1030 Junl730Was 1J 154 ft 2S 112 2 10 111410 FinnertyR4 11 BansetlOBorhMongerll4SpotLight 105 O Junl230Wa3 15 lS9sl G 106 5 1 1 FlnnertyR 12 IIlustriousl04FireUnderlOORlChargell3 C Jan 7COJWa3 1J 2021hy 13 107 2 2 33S 3 FinnertyR 9 Blk onWtell2ErnSistyll2BkBrt 112 0 AprlO30 Tan l t IM tt 107 4 5 5 5 BairdS1 5 BobRogersllCSlrRaoul lOORiffltaff 112 0 0Marl530 Marl530 AC lj l5GHm 10 112 5 3 31 31 SchuttcH8 C Euonymous HSSIarengo 1070rarah 114 O Mat 5306AC 1 l43y4y 185 109 1 6 6 G HayT1 8 GaIlardol09ShastaXutll3SmilgPss IOC 0 0Starts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 This year 17 Port Gar 1 fC Bl f S by The Porter ° iarre by Maintonon MaintononLast Last work 177 lml47sy ° Jvv Trainer E J OConncll Owner Knebelkamp Morris Jan2330Was I 127 ft 33 9S 7 9 9s 8s MarnclliJ1 12 WkArwlOCJBrbrJnllOPrticiptG 115 0 Jan G30Was 2 l17sy 7 105 5 7 7 G NcalP1 12 DrnaLeelOSWskArw 108LecCooperll8 C V29301Was 3 111 ft 8 1061 G 5 7 7 = J LandoltC 12 KedSpidcr 112QuibbIer 112JimPryor 117 O Jna2a29Waa 8 l00ft 8 107 9 3 3 3 JonesL 12 TheoRocliesterllOCalcitellOAItavarllS O Jonl329Wa8 g 103 si 215 103 8 2 2J 31 JonesL 10 Altavarll2SidneyGrt 112ParnlBoy 112 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 16 1 3 8 1900 This year 3 3Setlls Setlls Ballot 111 B e by Ssto Ballot Eose by Ballot BallotLast Last work 171 3 4121ft Trainer G H Neal Owner G H Heal HealJon2130lWas Jon2130lWas 1J 153 ft 12 107 4 G 6 6l l G LennieW4 7 GdenRtllllRlMgerl05 Venezuela 112 0 Jun 730JWas IS 2W m 1110 115 5 2 I1 1 CorbettC 10 TheoRcdll2MissMyrdll2neleneM112 0 ibj2930Was 1J l54ft G5 113 3 G Glz 5 KelserH 7 Bansetl05BumpsIeRayll5BIewaway 110 O 3foj2330sAur 1 l52Vihyl910 103 1 2 21 lnk DupuyM1 G UosieWeidel lOGTorch HOTheOrln 100 Q May2130Aur lT0l4G5 gd 10 103 3 5 55i 5 DupuyM1 7 Cockrill 113 Leyland 113 Alto 113 O lSO FG 1J l57Hhy 51 III 1 1 1 1 CimerakG C Aregal 111 LaPaloma 112 Cisfield 112 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 43 3 3 4 2700 This year 13 6 2 2 5022 Cartoon 1 O Br g 7 by Chicle Sketchy by Peter Pan PanO Last work 174 12 52ft 1 O Trainer L Meripol Owner Dearborn Stable JualSSOnVas IS 151 ft 21 110 11 7 S S RichardA 12 MsterAcell5BunchofLiUesl05Nursie98 0 Oct2S29Aur 1ft l47gd 5 104 7 5 51 4 J MayT 12 ShastaBellel01ShadyUestl03Pegasusl05 d 3cU929 Aur 1ft 116 ft 3310 101 5 5 2 I1 MayT 7 TtleCoot 103CorinneStrl05StaBlyl02 O Octl729Aur 1 140 ft 6 104 1 2 1 1 MayT 12 PlUevere lllDbleDarelOCQuibbler 115 O Oct 829 Haw 1ft l43ft 19 107 5 3 3 3 MayT 11 HIDensonl01CorneStarl09Turqse 101 O Oct l208Haw 1ft l46ft 11 105 9 6 7 i 81 MayT 12 KittyMulyl07GenTraill05Traymorel05 0 Srp2629LF 1ft 147 ft 32 106 2 3 3 21 MayT 8 Ftli ofTayll4MissKernel lOOPnamalOS 0 0Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 34 3 94 3700 This year 1 Peter 1 1 O B g 4 by Meridian Mary Lydia by The Commoner CommonerLast Last work 17G 38 3Gft J LO Trainer R W Selden Owner H W Seldes Jun21303Was IS 133 ft 51 110 7 5 7 7 LaldleyO1 7 GdenRtllllRlMgerl05Venezuela 112 0 Junl930Was IS l52 t 47f 110 11 9 8 7 LaldleyO1 11 ElevnStyll5GTnRketlllRlCirgellO O Junl330Was IS l51ft 82f 115 7 7 11 11 LaldleyO1 11 TmyTicklellOQuibblerll2PklyHt 110 O Fdi 130FG 1ft l49ft 125 1 110 12 12 Ull LaidlcyO 12 LenaM 102 Black Alice 100 Griego 110 O JanlSSOFG 1ft 148 ft 41111 Left at post BenoitA 9 TurquoisclMBIackDanrllOWarbler 107 O Docl729JKyP 1142ft 45 110 6 4 4 4 FisherRJ G Bidaole 112 Blade 108 Mordrom 107 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year 19 223 2250 This year 5 5Kinjr Kinjr Kelly 110 Ch s 3 by My Play Mollie Elliott y voter voterLast Last work ICC 58102Sft JJU Trainer J H Limbird Owner F Schmidt SchmidtJun2330 Jun2330 Was 1 l43ft 22f 103 5 3 5 7 1 RichardA 12 Apt 101George Webre lOSRipfield 110 C CHvSlSOWas HvSlSOWas ll40ft 42f 110 7 G 81 10 RichardA1 12 RingScallOTitleOakl07PceTokan 112 O OMv2330Aur Mv2330Aur 1ft l52 hy 32 106 4 G G GS BoUcherJ1 G SethsBallotlOSReWcidellOGTorch 110 C CJLy2030Aur JLy2030Aur 2 116 hy G9 1001 7 8 S1 7 DupuyM 8 LtIeGypl03BobRogerslOSLaBelotte 100 0 0JhylO30Pim JhylO30Pim 2 lUS ft 51 113 4 4 5 5 StevensF 10 Wig 108 Guilder 111 Fair Bob 120 O OHaj Haj 730 Pim l l4Gft 225 112 6 7 71 7 StevensF1 7 Montferratll5Searingtnll5Naylor 100 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 2 This year 8 1 0 0 900 900Gold Gold Ridge 1 fl U ULast B g 4 by Flittergold Belle of Blue Ridge by Vulcatn VulcatnLast Last work 179 12 i 5 3ft t A Trainer G H Morton Owner Herman Stable StableJunl330Was Junl330Was IS l54ft 17 110 9 9 9Jan 6 G10 MarcumJ5 11 TmyTicklellOQuibbiorll2PklyHt 110 0 Jan 930Wag IS l5Ggd 13 110 2 1 1Jan 21 2r NealP1 9 Aviatorll5CtageBoyllORayRuddy 115 C CJan Jan 430Waa IS l51 l514ft 4ft 36 110 7 8 8JiajSlSOWas Gi G i CreeseR 10 Quibbler 105 Congo II 107 Margate 100 C MajSlSOWas IS l53ft 16 111 2 253 5 5lv2G30 3 CreeseR1 S BrghMgerll3Serajevoll4MMlandll3 O v2G30 Was IS l55ft 15 110 2 3 3Jlvl9303CP 5i Gl ShaddyJ C Dubric 115 Onup 110 Serajevo 115 0 Jlvl9303CP IS l59m 115 116 2 5 5 J 5 CreescR 8 RylSptllOMyllobbylllLyNancy IOC O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Start 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 21 435 435Miss 5 4146 This year 22 334 2750 Miss Evat 1 SantaJU 1 rvr f fLast Ch f 3 M by Hephaistos Daisy Platt by Marta Santa Last work 17Glra l lft1 JU V Trainer B Ott Owner French lick Springs Stable Junl730lWas 3 J13 ft 2Ce 103 5 2 G GJualOSOWaa 5 41 Marcumj 11 OuterIIorll2ShkeIfordllORalPlyllO M JualOSOWaa 1 l10ft 2Gf 103 3 4 3 3Mar2930Was g lO MarinelliJ 12 UhdMDonlllOVerlitelpSMalius 110 it Mar2930Was 2 l13ft 27a 103 3 8 11 11Uarl6roOCD G G AnrsonA9 12 CMMcKna HSLawyer llSNursie 107 A Uarl6roOCD 3 115 ft 4Ge 103 3 4 G GAng2229Haw 7si G DepcriniR1 15 Blot llOVermiculite 107MissBess 105 A Ang2229Haw 3 116 gd 52f 101 1 5 9 9Jon2729Was 8 71 BryantD 12 LnTobinlOSFloONeill lOSChfPjn 107 O Jon2729Was 5J f l07ft 14 109 9 7 7 6 6 AnraonA 7 UonsDancellaChengTullSAltavar 103 0 03rd Starts 1ft nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 4 4Sun This year 4 Sun Clover IK IKJunl930Fra 1 f Blk g 5 by Sun Briar Eed Clover by Disguise JLJLO Trainer J Heale Healey Owner J J Nesbitt Junl930Fra aGX f l23ft 6 131 131JuarrSO S FewclIB 7 FrgofFasnl37Mombasal30AnnDolIyll7 H H2to JuarrSO Br alftl53ft 4 155 155junH50Br 2to FewellE 4 SunFordlCOSeaMressl45NewsFlhsl45 A junH50Br a 1ft l35ft 4 142 142Ai 3 FewellE 11 Fgcf Fashnl40Oaklandl42DviIsDuel30 A Ai lG29CP l l ft 9 107 7 9 9Aosl229CP 11 WilsonT 11 Citltsbrgl01GrabBagl07Galneswdl07 0 Aosl229CP 2 114 ft 85 5 112 11 9 9JuL S S62 KsingerC 12 Balai dOrlOOEHaRufusl07DbleDare OG O JuL 329 Aqu 1 l42ft 4 116 1 1 la 21 WholeyR 8 Bdha llCMrKirkwdllGJnyCpbell 116 C C2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 2 2 1 1725 This year 3 01 2 350 Ray Ruddy 1 053 B e by SweeP On Chattel by Helmet HelmetLast Last work 170 34118ft JVO Trainer E F Reilly Owner 0 H Berz BerzJun2730Was Jun2730Was 15 209gd 215 107 2 a 4U 2J ChirchJ 7 JIterAcell3TheoristJanellOLhJanel03 0 0Jun23303Was Jun23303Was 1J 203ft 12 115 12 10 81 G ODonnellS1 12 Our Pal 115 Margate 100 Onup 105 0 Junl230Was IS l5Sgd 11 114 7 8 7 7 ODonnellS1 10 ElnSixtylllMterAeellSFjofNscnlOC O Jan 930 Was IS l5Ggd 4310 11514 5 4T 4 ODnellS1 9 Aviator 115GoIdRidge llOCtageBoy 110 O Jan G30Was 1J 217sy2710 110 7 6 4 = 1 2 ChirchJ 7 OtillalOCSempcrFelii lloMasterAce 110 0 0Uaj2330CD Uaj2330CD 1J 205ft 12 110 4 3 31 37i OiirchJ G Florhi 105TmyTickle 115Sharon 105 O Oiti72430CD iti72430CD IS l53V gd 91 103 8 8 7 5 EllswtliW 10 TmyTicklellOFireDderlOjJknganlO O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 8100 1050 This year 26 231 2270 2270Aviator Aviator 1 1 Q B n Under Fire Brown Eyes by Caugb Hill HillLnsi Lnsi wnrk 171 12 Sit t 4 J O Trainer W E Jones Owner J Heelan Jun2130Was IS l53ift 4310 115 5 5 41 a LeylandJ 7 Jem 115 Feu Follet 110 Shady Rest 103 O OJun Jun 930Was IS l56gd 61 115 1 4 I1 1 LeylandJ3 9 GoldRidgellOCtageBoyllORayRdyll5 C CJun Jun 530 Was IS l5sl 16 115 G 4 7 7 LeylandJ1 9 Duelist 112 Serajevo 115 Riff Raff 112 O OHay3030 Hay3030 Was IS l53ft 215 112 6 5 I1 I1 LeylandJ8 10 Otilla 102CottageBoy 107DnaSanta 102 0 0JLv2G30Wag JLv2G30Wag IS l55ft 1110 U5 4 4 2 2 i LeylandJ G MissMaryrdllOCommdllOJimPryorll5 O OMaf Maf 1730 Aur 1ft 146 ft 91 103 1 2 571 Gl LeylandJ2 7 GnUkson 9GTorch 109BigChlef 10G 0 Starts tarts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 35 4 11 6 5 55795 5795 This year 22 4 423 2 3 S 3837 3837gg Flying Express gg 10 I A pT Br g 3 by Flying Ebony Maladena by Malamont Last work 173 3 iml455ft J JvO Traim Trainer F W Filler Owner C E Dale Dales Apn2G305Tul 1ft s l52V lS2i4sl sl 9 93 C CApcl430Tan G16 DcPesoG 9 Caravan 109 CryBaby 111 Morocco 115 H Apcl430Tan 3 l17sy 104 4 3 4 4J = 1 43 DePesoG2 S Adltemcon lOSBaptiste 109RoodIes 112 C Kac2330 AC 1 l40ft 4710 103 8 2 I1 11 DePesoG8 9 MMonhnlOGSeroralOlUmbnPrcslOS 0 MatlG30AC 1 l42 l424hy hy 9 93 G 7 4 = 1 2k DePesoG 10 DpRiverllOBrooksie93BuckeBelle 104 O 3Iail330 AC 3112VSft 2112V ff 31 1071110 7 7i i 41 DePesoG 12 Brooksie 102Calcite 105ShtaCharm 100 O MM G303AC 3 l14m 81C IOC 11 9 31 1 DePesoG1 12 BolodoralOCGeeWhizl07GrudeWestllO 0 0tarts Starts tarts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9 t 1 2 1317 This year 15 2 2 1 1475 Jovial Friar 1 07 B 3 by Stl Henfy Lient Wine y Ormondale OrmondaleLast Last work 173 34118ft 1 v Trainer P Renter Owner Renter Stable StableJuu2CSOWas Juu2CSOWas lJ200hy 37 10S 8 9 9 7 CorbettC 9 Account lloCabildo 112nnanCtes 107 O Jun 730Waa 11 202V hy 25 1071 4 4 5 7 IlalbertF J Blk onWtell2ElnSixtyll2TtJane 107 0 Jun 330Was g l2Gft 209 10910 9 8 9ShaduyJ 10 Betty Ann 103 Apt 101 Easter Boy 110 C MaySlSOnVas 1 l40ft 136 110 4 11 II1 ShaddyJ 12 RingSeallOTitleOakl07PceTokan 112 C UV 1930 CD l lr r l52ra 10 110 5 5 5 G CreeseR1 CreeseR1Mvl530CD 8 Ilerendeen 112 Gotoit 107 Dorita 100 O Mvl530CD l l47gd 25 110 1 2 3 3 J CreeseR CreeseRU 12 RingScal03RalYmanl05LdCcord 105 O U j l30TLex 1 5 143 ft 51 10S1 2 5 9 9 CreesR 9 Monticello IOC Onup 107 Honi Soil 112 0 0Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 1 3 IS S 1250 1250Prince This year 12 1 0 2 925 925Bt Prince Tii Tii 8 Bt e 10 by S SDanJsh Pce II Queen Tii by Meddler Last work 153 78134ft Trainer R B Allen Owner E B Allen AllenJun23307Was Jun23307Was 1J 2OSft 36 110 725 9 MarcumJ 12 Oui Pal 115 Margate IOC Onup 105 0 0Junl930Was Junl930Was IS l52ft 47 103 9 7 7105t MarcumJ 11 ElevnStyll5GTnUketlllRlChgellO O 31774 Haw 1 18 l Ghy 85 107 6 5 6 1 6 A Tiner 10 Punkie 102 Dante 110 Post BJorn 110 Starts IsU 2n 1 3rd Wpn Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2Sandy Sandy Shore 1 1 fi B e 4 by Uocle Sandy land by Ko Vlew VlewLast HeadleyJun2030Wa3 Last work 179 1m l43ft JJLU Trainer W W Taylor Owner H P Headley Jun2030Wa3 1 l43V ft 57f 115 7 7 1010 SchaefcrL1 12 Ruane 1120rmonblrd 115BobKernan 110 O Ojun330Wa3 jun330Wa3 3114ft 20 115 3 9 7s SiJonesL 12 Kstin 112 Zeta 109 Big Sweep 115 C CMv31305CD Mv31305CD 1 l47V4ft 34 112 5 2 5 1 5 FinnertyR 8 Old Cally 110 Myth 112 Duelist 117 C CMaj2030CD Maj2030CD 1A l52hy 22 118 4 8 8 8 JonesL1 8 Boh Keruan 113 Ruane 113 Myth 115 0 0lLvlS30CD lLvlS30CD 1ft l52m 12 113 3 3 4 1 G McCrbsnC1 7 EllWeir 105 Ruane llSTeaCracker 103 O a10305CD 1ft l4814ft 235 115 1 2 4 1 7 RusseliK 7 TSthuer HOChariot 102Makenastel08 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 18 S 1 4 3318 This year 8 0 0 1 50