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ST LOUIS FORM GHART HART GHARTST HARTS ST LOUIS MO May 9 First Day Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Judges J A Carter and J A Murphy Starter C C Chmn Hymn FIRST RACE 12 Mile Maiden 2yearolds 852 Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St 54 Vz Str Star Fin Im Jockeys Open Close Place TYPHOON 108 1 13 Martin 95 KRUNA KUNAI 107 4 4FORSYTH 21 Peun Pun FORSYTH FORSYTHIA 109 6 5 4 32 Ashley 773 DONT ONT SKIP ME 105 8 8OMAH 7 5 41 T Murphy OMAH OMAHA WOOD 105 2 2BRESCIA 13 11 5 Van Dusen Douse BRESCIA BRECCIATE 105 9 9SENATOR 6 66 Davison Davidson SENATOR PENROSE ENGROSSED 105 3 2NK 7 7 Garner 580 PRINCE LORMISS LORIS 108 7 7LADY 888 F Wilson LADY BRITTANIC BRITANNIC 105 10 999 Hampton 178 MABEL ABEL OLIVER 105 12 12KATY 10 10 10 A Barrett Barrette KATY BY THE DOOR 105 11 11HORSE 11 11 11 Strode HORSE SHOE TOBACCO 108 5 5GROGANETTE 12 12 12 T Lee GROGANETTE GROANER 1072 13 13 13 13 Hathaway Time 12 24M 3 Start bad Won easily second eased up The horses were strung out all the way Scratched Lincoln II 108 Galante Gallanted 105 Seiglinde Silliness 105 Mattie Belle 105 853 SECOND RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Open Close Place 338JJANE 102 6 41 2n 2 1 1 Garner 2 11 5 4 4BRAW BRAW SCOT 105 3 21 32 48 2 2 Davison Davidson 562 562CHISWELL CHISWELL CHISEL 108 1 SN 41 32 33 38 Penn 431 577 SANDOVAL SNOBAL 107 2 6 8 8 51 41 Martin 2 3 1 462 EL CAPITAN CAPITA 99 8 7 6 51 42 5 Schorr Scorer 20 30 10 10IMMILDA IMMILDA SIMILAR 103 4 12 12 IN 6 6 Colley Cooley 10 20 8 609 LA FIESTA 99 7 8 7 6 7 7 T Murphy 12 20 8 161 JACK BRADLEY 99 5 5 N 7 8 8 Hampton 30 40 12 12Time Time 26M 54 1 19 1 = 42 42Winner Winner G C Bennett Cos Coos br f 4 by Buckmaster Bushmaster Bertha C CStart Start Start fair Won handily next two driving Braw Scot came strong at the finish Ho was in ¬ terfered there're with up the back stretch 854 THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Wgt Wt St M Vz Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 464 VALUE KT S 5 6 4 INK A Barr 8 5 11 5 4 5 375 HIBERNIA QUEEN 6 4 2 2 Thorpe 9 5 7 5 1 2 579 MERCURY 4 1 INK 12 31 F Wils Wills Wilson WilsonT Wilson 606 AUREOLA AREOLA 3 5l2 3n 41 T MurphySchorr Murphy Mur Murk Murphy 755 MOPSY MOPS 886 5 Schorr Scorer SchorrMitchell 219 PRINCESS ROSE ROSECAPTAIN PROSECUTING 777 6 Mitcho Mitch Mitchell MitchellGarner Mitchell CAPTAIN PICKEREL PICKERELNELLIE PICKEREL 2i32 51 Garner GarnerPenn Garner NELLIE H III IIILARRY INK 2 8 8Fell Penn PennTabor Pentair LARRY KAVANAUGH CAVANAUGH Fell Tabor Time 13J4 262 52M 1 16 Winner Ruby Stables br c 3 by Iroquois Nettie Nettle Kent KentStart Knitter Start fair Won driving Larry Kavanaugh Cavanaugh fell at the quarter and was shot Albert S camo cameo with a great rush at end endScratched undistracted Scratched Damocles 92 Belle of Oak Grove 96 O er CT FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearoids and upward The Inaugural Handicap Value O O O 2500 Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St M Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 461ASSIGNEE 104 2 12 U1 22 INK T Murphy 3 4 85 588 BUCK MASSIE MASSE 128 7 3 31 3 32 2s Thorpe 2 11 5 4 s s271URANIA 271URANIA 108 4 5 4i K 51 41 31 Martin 354 MAGNET 113 3 22 22 2 1 45 Garner 4 4 85 628 FORGET 95 1 41 53 43 58 53 A Barrett Barrette 20 20 8 271 LINDA 109 6777 6 62 Tabor 10 12 5 5SCHILLER SCHILLER CHILLER 92 5 6 65 68 7 7 Davison Davidson 30 40 12 12Time Time 25i250 115 140 140Winner Winner C C OFallons Fallings ch h 5 by Spendthrift Maid of Athol Atoll Start good First two driving hard Buck Massio Mansion cut off on the first and second turns Mar ¬ tin laid back too long with Urania Urbana UraniaScratched Scratched Den Carillo Carillon 96 Laureate 111 Sir Play 98 Henry Youner Younger 109 Lady Inez Cine 104 856 E FIFTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St V4 X Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Clc Calc Close Place 238 TRADITION 97 5 3 22 22 11 A Barrett Barrette 8 195SALLIE CLICQUOT ALIQUOT CLICQUOTPINKEY 112 8 76 51 22 Martin 7 5 1 out PINKEY PINEY POTTER POTTERBATTLEDORE 94 3 SH 5 6 3 F Wilson 20 60 20 BATTLEDORE 94 2 4 3 3 41 Garner 8 8 3 725 TERRIERMAID TERRIER TERRIER 97 6 6 4NK 41 5 T Murphy 6 7 2 MAID OF HONOR HONORURSULA 112 1 IH INK IN 6 Webster 30 15 6 URSULAINKOSIKASS URSULA 92 4 21 7 7 7 Davison Davidson 6 8 INKOSIKASS INKOSIKASSREGEHOLT 92 9 8888 CMartin Martin 50 75 REGEHOLT FREEHOLD REGEHOLTIRISH 89 10 9999 Strode 60 75 IRISH CHIEF II IIFREDONIA WIFEDOM 92 11 10 11 11 10 Nailing 30 60 FREDONIA FREEDOM FREDONIAALTADENA 92 7 11 10 10 11 JThornton Thorn 50 75 ALTADENA ALTHAEA ALTADENAATCIBIADES 87 13 12 12 12 12 WJohnson Johnson 8 12 ATCIBIADES ACTINIDES ATCIBIADESEARL 89 14 14 13 13 13 T Lee 60 75 EARL BUG 92 12 13 14 14 14 Grogan Groan 60 100 Time 24 48M 101 108 108Winner Winner John Bowens Owens ch c 3 by Sir Dixon Alpena Galena AlpenaStart Alienator Start fair Won in a gallop Maid of Honor blew up Pinkey Pinkeye Potter and Alcibiades Actinides ran away sailingScratched sailings before the race Sallie Clicquot Aliquot could not catch Tradition when she got clear sailing Scratched Nicholas 114 Romance 97 Mannettia Magnetic 87 Salvablo Salvable 105 Sycamore 97 Siddubia Indubitable 87 Geneva C 92 857 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St V4 Vz Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 579 NEUTRAL 107 6 51 51 31 12 Martin 4 3 4 5 723 NELLIE SMITH 93 7 32 3 2 2NK Garner 8 5 1 out 464 FASIG FASTING 101 3 41 41 12 31 T Murphy 4 3 1 407 HIGH TEST 109 2 2 2K 5 41 Tabor 6 7 2 2BELLE BELLE STAR 102 8 886 51 JThornton Thorn 30 60 20 165 VICTORESS VICTORIES 107 5 7 7 41 6 Penn 30 20 8 THERESIA THERESA 96 4 6677 Schorr Scorer 683 590 LITTLE CLIFF 92 1 11 11 8 8 A Barrett Barrette 15 20 8 ST PANCRAS PANCREAS 109 Left at the post C McDonald 10 12 5 5Time Time 13 25 51M 115 115Winner Winner AnnapolisGood Annapolis P Corrigans Corrigan ch g 4 by Faustus Faust Annapolis Good start Won galloping Little Cliff looked like a winner until he struck the stretch High Test hung at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Sant Saint Ilario Hilarious 107