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RACING CIRCUIT OF 1898 ALL THESE STAKES CLOSE FEBRUARY 21 1898 STAKES FOR HIGHLAND PARK DETROIT MICHJUNE MISCHANCE 7 TO 23 THE DETROIT DERBY 2000 A sweepstakes nomination 10 additional to start The value less to 1090 then 2 Ibs Dibs allowed for each 5100 a sweepstake allowed 12 Ibs Dibs extra Five fur for threeyearolds fols fools of 1893 10 entrance of the stake to be 1001 of which 700 to first less to 503 Starters to be named with the longs to accompany the nomination 90 additional to J20U to second and 100 to third Nonwinners Snowiness sellin selling price the day preceding the race Ssveu Sven longsTHE longest THE GARLAND STAKES 1000 For twoyear twofer start The value of the stake to be 2 CO of of a threeyearold stake of 8JO value allowed 5 furlongs old tallies 5 to accompany the nomination 10 which 1500 to the first 35U to second and 150 Ibs Dibs of two rases erases in 1893 of any value Bibs furlongsTHE furlongs THE BANNER STAKES 1300 For twoyear twofer additional to start The value of the stake to to third Winners of a threeyearold sweep ¬ maidens 12 Ibs Dibs One Mile MileTHE Millet old i to accompany the nomination 50 addi Addis ¬ be 1000 of which 700 to the first iUO iOU to the stake of 1500 value to carry 3 Ihs extra of THE BREWERS STAKES SELLING 1000 A tional tonal to start The value of the stake to ba second und 100 to third Winners of a sweep ¬ two of any value 5 Ibs Dibs extra beaten nonwin knowing ¬ selling sweepstakes for threeyearolds and up ¬ t3JO of which 1000 to the first 200 to the stake of 00i value to carry 3 Ibs Dibs extra of two ners nears of a stake in 1897 allowed 5 ibs dibs nonwin knowing ¬ ward i to accom Tacoma iany any the nomination 10 second and 100 t the thiid hid Vinaors Aviators of two of auv uv value 5 Ibs Dibs extra nonwinners nominees of a race ners nears of three races in 1897 allowed 8 pounds additional to start The valun valium of the stakes to sweepstakes of any value or one of 1500 to of 00 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs of two races of any value beaten maidens 15 pounds One and a quarter b3 1000 of which f 700 to the first WO to sec ¬ carry 5 ibs dibs extra of three or more of any value 7 Iba Ia maidens beaten two or more times 12 miles milesTHE mildest ond bond and 100 to third Those entered for 2500 7 Ibs Dibs extra Those not having won a sweep ¬ Ibs Dibs Starters to be named through tha than entry THE MICHIGAN STAKES 51000 For three to carry weight for age Allowances 2 Ibs Dibs for stake allowed 5 Ibs Dibs and if such have not won box the day precading preceding the race Five furlongs yearold earl fillies 5 entrance to accompany the each 250 to 1500 1 lo allowad allowed for each 100 two races 8 Ibs Dibs Maidens if never placed in FOU FU FCXRT ERIE OJSTTJTJjISrE 35 TO JULY HIGHLAND PARK CLUB LESSEES THE CANADIAN DERBY 1500 For threeyear three value of the stake to bi 100 of which 700 to tha than race Winners after publication to carry two yers Ayers old Sota Ota ac3ompiiy the nomination olds foals of 1895 10 entrance to accompany first iQ to second aad ad 00 to third fhise hissed 5 Ib extra Acceptances to ba mid i through VO additional ti start Ttia Attica valua value of tha than stake the nomination 100 additional to start The entered for 5000 to cirry curry weight forage 3 Ibs Dibs entry box tha than diy pracadin procaine tha than racs races Oie Joie to he SlOJ Oslo of which 700 t firdt first 203 to secoud second value of the stake to ba 2500 of which 1800 to allowed for each 0 hss hiss t iJOO Jo thsn than I Ib for mile and an eighth eighthTHE eighth and 1 to third Nonwi Nonwhite mars of a raca Racal of 00 the first iu to sscond second atd ad 2UO to third Win ¬ each 200 loss to 100 2 Ibs Dibs allowsd allows f r each THE NIAGARA STAKES 1031 Fr twnyaar tawny valus values allowsdS allows Ibs Dibs of two raies rabies of anyvitua antitank ners nears of a threeyearold stake of the value of 100 less to 700 rft raft irtors mirrors to ba namid amid with sell ¬ olcl Moll colts aad ad geldings to accomoauy accompany the 10 Ibs Dibs baatea bateau maidens allowad allowed 15 Ibs Dibs Five 14 M to carry 3 Ibs Dibs extra or of two of any ing King pries the day pracading preceding tha than race devau devalue nomination 1 adlitioail additional to start ihe he valua value furlongs value 5 Ibs Dibs extra boa ou nonwinners nominees of R firlongs furlongs of tb9 stake to ba 10 i of which 201 to second furlongsTHE furlongs THE WEBLAND WETLAND STAKES SJOOO For twoyaar Toyama state in 193 allowed 5 lb noa nova winner of thrae Thrace firlongsTHE furlongs THE CANADIAN SPORTSMAN HANDICAP 1303 and 1 0 t third Winuars Incurs of two swrnpstakes sweepstakes olds i entrance to accompany the nomination races in 189S allowed 8 Ibs Dibs beaten maidens 15 Por Poor threeyearolds and upward 10 to ac ¬ of any value to carry 5 Ibj Fib extra Fhoienot Foment iadditioapl additional to start To c irry airy 105 Ibs Dibs Winners Ibs Dibs One nile and a half halfTHE hafted company the nominatioa nomination U additional to hiving won a sweepstake allowed 5 Ibs Dibs and if of a raca Racal of 30 to carry 10 Ibs Dibs extra or of two THE CASCADE STAKES Selling 1000 For start Thivalae Hialeah of ths this stake to b 1310 of such have not won tw i racas fracas of any value 8 Ibs Dibs sweepstakes of any valu value IT Ib extra Those threeyearolds and upward 5 to accompany wlich lich 100 1 to first J t second and IOJ CIO to miideus milieus 10 Ibs Dibs Five furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs be Ueo Fuego in a sweepstakes and not having won al ¬ the nomination 10 additional to start Thi Thai tmrd trod Weights tiappaar tipper thraa strata days prior to THE QOEENSTOWS STAKES 1033 Fjr Fjord fillias fillies lowad load 5 Ibs Dibs Five furlongs STAJgZES Stages EOR OR WTJSTDSOR OnSTT Const TJGTJST 3 TO 18 HIGHLAND PARK CLUB LESSEES THE CONSOLATION STAKES 1000 For three ination inaction 10 additional to start The value of Ibs Dibs Winners of two sweepstakes to carry 5 Ibs Dibs Ibs Dibs maidens that have been beaten 20 Ibs Dibs yearolds earls 5 to accompany the nomination 10 the stake to be 1000 of which 703 to first 2 0 extra of three 8 Ibs Dibs extra Nonwinners Snowiness of a Five and a half furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs additional to start The value of the stake to to second acd aced 103 to third Those entered not sweepstakes that have not won three races THE BELLE ISLE STAKES 1000 For fillies be 1000 of which 700 to first 200 to sf cond condo to be sold to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra if for 3000 selling purse racas fracas oxcepted excepted allowed 7 Iba Ia twoyearolds toeholds to accompany nominatio nomination i tO and 00 to third To carry 110 Ibs Dibs Winners weight for ago Allowances t Jb f r each 250 Maidens 10 Ibs Dibs Five furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs additi addition mal to start The value of the stake to of otie tie three yearold earl sweepstakes of the value to 20dO 1 Ib for each 103 to 1000 2 Ibs Dibs for ba iOOO of which 700 to flrst first S200 to tecond second THE 1000 For HOTEL STAKES twoyearolds toeholds of 120d to carry 12 Jbs Jabs extra of two of any each 100 to JOO JO One mile and an eighth and 100 to third To carry 110 Ibs Dibs Winners of the nomination 10 additional 5 t ynr yr 15 Ibs Dibs extra those not having run second MEBCH AMEBIC For J accompany two sweepstakes for fillies or ona Mona for THE ANTS STJVKESLIOOC twpyear wiper to start The value of the stake t be 1000 of in a sweepstake allowed 5 Iba Ia maidens 10 ibs dibs old colts and geldings 5 to accompany ffie fie which 700 to first 200 to second and tO la c ie n l fi lies to j3Arry li Jbs Jabs extra Non One mile and a quarter quarterTHE quarter nomination JO additional to start The value third Nonwinners Snowiness of a sweepstake allowed 10 winners of a sweepstake allowed 5 Ibs Dibs and if THE ESSEX WESSEX STAKES Selling 1000 For three of the stake to be SICOO SIPCO of which 7 0 to first Ibs Dibs nonwinners nominees of two races of any value 15 such have not won two races selling purse races yearolds earls and upward 5 to accompany to nom ¬ 200 to second and 100 to third To carry 115 exempted 8 Ibs Dibs Five furlongs ADDRESS ENTRIES TO O PARIMBR PRIM SECRETARY 215 Hammond Building Detroit Mich Micah NOW READY COPYRIGHTED 25 CENTS IN PAPER 50 CENTS IN SOFT MOROCCO MOROCCOAmerican Moroccan American Sporting flanital fantail of 1898 1898A A HANDBOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON EXPERTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO IT George Siler Silver on Pugilism Tom Gallagher on Billiards F H Brunell Runnel and C C Riley on Racing Ed Sheridan on Baseball Louis Sass on football cycling and athletics athleticsAN athletics AN OFFICIAL COMPENDIUM OF RECORDS RECORDSFACING RECORDS FACING TROTTING PACING BICYCLING BILLIARDS BASEBALL ATHLETICS X X X X PUGILISM AND THE PUGILISTIC EYENTS EVENTS OF 1897 1897Hl Hl HlNgDICAJPPrNG NgDICAJPPrNG ND BOOKM BOOM KESTG EST TABLES NEW FEATURES IN THESE LINES SUMMARIES BY EXPERTS ON EACH SUBJECT DISCUSSED DISCUSSEDEDITED DISCUSSED EDITED BY FV H BRUKEIvIv DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL