Oakland Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-03-15


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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CAL March 14 Fiftyfifth Fifty day California Jockey Club Winter Mooting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter J B Ferguson The recall flag is used Eacing Acing starts at 2 15 p m AWf AW FIEST FIST EACE ACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3596 DON LUIS 103 2 2 1 1 13 is Thorpe E F Smith 4545 BAERACAN AMERICAN 103 1 1 2 63 41 21 Spencer H L Frank 4 10 4 8 4545MOEINGA 10711 10 8 10 7i 3 E Narvaez Larvae J Conway 6 15 6 12 4527 7545083MORDECAI BOW AND AEROW AERO 107 3 5 61 51 2 41 Gray T W Coulter 30 100 30 75 45083MORDECAI 106 5 6 5 4i 6 52 Conley Coney W E Griffin 6867 4549 HIGHLAND BALL 114 8 7 7 7 8 61 McNichols Conchoids E B de Lopez 10 12 4 8 4549 WATOMBA ATOM 105 9 9 10 9 9 7 J Woods W D Eandall Randall 12 15 10 12 45272 TOWN TOPICS 109 7 4 4 3i 31 82 H Martin D Gideon 3 3 3 3 4549 MAGNUS MANUS 107 4 3 SH 2 10 9 Hennessy Hennas C Parker 30 75 30 60 3074 CHAELES CHARLES LEBEL LABEL 99 6 8 9 8 5 106 H Brown W M Taylor 10 30 10 25 4526 ST ANGELO 9910 11 11 11 11 11 Euiz Etui I Eamsdell Easel 20 10020 75 4549 MEL BUENHAM BUENA 110 Left at the post McDonald J Cochran 20 60 20 50 4494 ELIDAD ELIDED 107 Left at the post Barringer Bringer H L Haskell Hake 30 80 30 75 Time 25 50 1 16i 1 30 30Winner Winner Ch c by Midlothian Militia Alameda AlamedaStart Alameda Start fair Won in a gallop next seven driving Luis was best lucky and well ridden The colt is good Barracan Barrack was poorly handled cut off on first and stretch turns but closed strong He is ready Moringa Mooring ran his race He is consistent Keep him on the tab He closed stoutly and is good Was badly ridden Bow and Arrow and Mordecai Mordacity were both good horses at the finish Watch them Ball was overweighted overweighed and used too much Watomba Atom was short and is only a sprinter Watch her though So tab Topics Watch him also Lebel Label is a dasher was short and outclassed Magnus Magnums cannot go a route routeScratched outstretched Scratched Sadie Schwartz 97 Kummel 97 Glen Ann 97 Morana Moran 98 Brambella Barbell 105 Els Ells more 107 Douator Donator 110 Go To Bed 110 Prince Blazes 110 110Changes Changes in weight Town Topics 3 pounds on 4581 A K Q I SECOND SECON ECON RACE 13 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A V K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4546 MOSSBEAE MISBEHAVE 102 4 3 23 11 Clayton W B JenningsCo6 867 8673808BANEWOE 3808BANEWOE 105 1 1 IH 21 Thorpe BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 1 85 1 65 6545283FOBMEEO 45283FOBMEEO 112 2 4 42 3 H Brown W B Sink Jr 22165 221653932OLINTHUS 3932OLINTHUS 108 3 21 31 410 H Shields J G Brown Co 8 8 6 8 4296 LA JUANITA JAUNT 99 6 5 61 56 W Miller E J Baldwin 30 50 30 40 4528 PHYSALIS PHYLLIS 99 j7 8 72 66 Gray W M Murry Murray 20 10020 75 100MIDIA WATOSSA ALTOS 102 45 61 5 7 Beaton Eaton Cy Mulkey Mule 30 100 30 100 MIDIA MIDI 99 8 788 E Narvaez Larvae T G Jones 15 10015 100 Hy Time 24 361 49 49Winner Winner Br c by Watercress Shasta ShastaStart Shasta Start good Won ridden out The right colt won There was a drive for the place Mossbrae Mossback was lucky and will Tavor Tabor a route BaneworJJwasshort She is game This race will fit her Formero Former ran as if stale Watch him though So tab Olinthus Plinths He was vilely ridden Juanita Junta can bo kept in view showed speed and was short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Eacivan Reactive 99 Eainier Rainier 99 E Come 108 4582 THIED TIED EACE ACE 1 11G Miles Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 4512 EAEL EEL COCHBAN COCHRAN 113 3 3 SH 2 31 11 Conley Coney 3 3 2 2 4513 TULAEE TULANE 111 9 8 71 7 I 21 Weaver W Weaver 3433 44553VEEAGUA 113 7 7 11 10 51 33 Spencer A Nickells Nickels 3 3 2 3 42232OUTGO 113 5 61 51 5 62 43 VanKuren Anuran J B Brandon 12 15 8 10 4492 MISS EUTH UTAH 111 2 2 6 3 41 51 E Jones H Goehring Glowering 20 20 8 15 4420 METAIEIE METAFILE 113 15 10 82 61 72 63 McDonald M D Miller 20 20 20 20 45273LUCKY STAE SETAE 109 6 12 12 14 8 7 Stufflet Stuffiest A Dolan 10 12 8 10 4547 WILLIAM OB 116 1 11 12 11 2 86 E Narvaez Larvae T H Boyle 15 15 7 10 4223 DON DANIEL 113 8 13 13 13 11 92 Euiz Etui M Johnson 30 150 30 100 4223 GEOEGE GEORGE PALMEE PALMER 109 10 11 10 11 12 102 Kerin Erin Lee Shaner Saner 15 40 15 40 4223 POLLOCK POLLACK 113 11 14 14 12 13 1H Hennessy Hennas C Moyer Mayer 12 30 12 30 4547 STENTOE STENO 10912 4 4 4 9 123 Eeidy Needy H L Jones 15 30 15 25 3387 TEEEA AECHEE ACHE 113 4 9 9 9 10 132 Mooney E M James 40 50 30 40 4238 MC FAELANE FELINE 113 13 51 21 8 14 14 G Wilson T Mulqueen Mullen 15 50 15 50 4053 ALLAHABAD ALLAH 113 14 15 15 15 15 15 Gouin Gouging A A Sandahl Sandal 30 100 30 80 80Time Time 25 50 1 04 1 17 1 42 1 50 50Winner Winner B g 5 by Siddartha Skidder Jennie H HStart Start Start good The first four were driving A false result Tulare Tulane should have won Cochran was luckiest and best ridden Tulare Tulane was away none too well and used too much Tab him Veragua Vera was second best He was cut off on first and stretch turns badly ridden and a good horse at end Outgo and Miss Euth Ruth were closing strong Watch both The latter was badly ridden So was William OB Watch for him and Star among their own kind kindScratched indiscreet Scratched Nervoso Nervosa 113 Navy Blue 113 Jay Wheeler 109 Cardwell Caldwell 116 4 X FOUBTH FOURTH EACE ACE 1 18 Miles Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 44762SENATOE BLAND 107 2 1 11 12 is 11 Spencer H L Frank 45 45 12 35 45652OSTLEE JOE 117 1 31 32 3H 21 23 Thorpe W D Eandall Randall 2322 4476 SCAEBOEOUGH SCARBOROUGH 103 3 4 4 42 32 33 Hennessy Hennas AtkinLottridge 30 30 20 25 449DGLOEIAN 96 5 5 5 5 5 4 J Woods W B JenningsCo8 10 5 8 4476 MEECUTIO EXECUTION 103 4 2 2 22 4 5 H Brown G H Peters 10 40 10 30 30Time Time 24 50 1 02i 1 15 1 4H 1 54 54Winner Winner Ch h 5 by Inverness Wood Violet VioletStart Violets Start good Won driving Bland was far the best He was lucky and weakened a bit at end He may be cowardly but was probably short Joe ran his race He is game and ready Scar boreugh borough is about fit too Watch him for next race He closed strong Glorian Gloria was sore in pre ¬ liminary luminary and pulled up sore Throw out this race and keep him on tab Mercuiio Merci is a crazy horse and was outclassed Do not overlook him in duller company Scratched companyScratched company Scarf Pin 98 98Change Change in weight Glorian Gloria 2 pounds off 4584 FIFTH BACE ACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St i4 y2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4567BELLICOSO 115 J IKK VIKKI IH 13 is H Martin J N Burk Burke 451 35710 3571044932BEFUGEE 44932BEFUGEE 112 3 31 32 4 23 H Brown W B Sink Jr 4433 44334510CHIHUAHUA 4510CHIHUAHUA 98 5 51 4 22 31 Clawson Lawson T H Casey 4433 3516 FEEE LADY 102 4 4 5 3 4 Spencer W P Magrane Marianne 15 15 8 10 4567 E Q BAN 115 2 22 21 515 515 Gray E W Purser 10 40 10 30 4439 MAbOEEO Abele 112 7 6 6 63 62 G Wilson J Lodge 20 60 20 60 2980 MANDOLINA MANDOLIN 110 6 7 7 7 7 W Taylor C T Henshall Enthrall 30 30 30 30 30Time Time 24 48t 1 01i 1 14t 14tWinner Winner B h 6 by Peel Janet N NStart Start Start bad Won in a gallop Bellicoso Bellicose outclassed his field He is keenly on edge So is Eefugee Refugee for mellow going He was a good horse at the finish Chihuahua ran a smashing race on a speed basis He was away badly and has but little courage Lady is about ready Tab her Ban was outclassed He is but a sprinter Masoeros Masers race was as dull as a dead herring Mandolina Mandolin weightScratched weights is nearly fit for a race at a distance under light weight Scratched Dr Marks 98 Prompto Prompt 101 Outlay 101 Odds On 103 Sly 107 Caliente Alienate 115 A K ± J K SIXTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 300 4yoarolds and upward rt t J O J Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St y ± 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4530 OLIVE 108 10 51 41 12 13 McDonald G T Bertolacci Barstool 6 10 6 8 4527 TWINKLE TWINK WINK 105 1 1 SH 3 23 Gouin Gouging D Cameron 10 15 10 12 45672MAMIE SCOTT 108 9 4 21 42 32 OConnor O'Connor W B Knight 5655 4531 LONE PEINCESS PRINCESS 105 2 2 1 2 4n VanKuren Anuran S Eeagan Meagan 20 60 20 50 3934 MEADOW LAEK LEAK 110 5 7 11 61 5 Spencer W Boots Son 6746 3990 CEOMWELL CROMWELL 113 3 3 7 8 61 Gray E W Purser 6 8 5 7 4548 CABEILLO CAHILL 113 6 61 6H 5 71 Weaver W Weaver 5655 4053ALMA 105 7 9 8 71 81 E Jones MrsNHarrisnColO 10 10 10 4566 WALTEE WALTER J 113 11 10 10 12 93 G Wilson F McDermott 20 30 20 25 45133PAUL PEY PREY 113 8 11 12 11 10 Clayton C T Henshall Enthrall 5645 4563 HOW AED ED 110 4 8 5 9 11 Hennessy Hennas E E Dolan 8 10 8 8 4455 DON FULANO FULANI 11312 12 9 10 12 Conley Coney MFFeeney Fifteen 6655 6655Time Time 24i 50 1 02t 1 15 1 22 22Winner Winner B m 6 by Apache Virgie Virile Start VirgieStart Wiriest good Won very easily There was but little action from the eighth pole in Olive outclassed the lot Her price was false She is good Twink Wink ran her race and was lucky She is but a sprinter and in her class is fit Scott was coming at end Was away badly and not well ridden Watch her Also keep eye on Princess She had a world of speed today Lark had no chance from start and was shut off sharply when closing on first and stretch turns Cromwell is ready for what he can do He was short today Cabiillo Cahill was badly ridden He is an acrobat Fulanos Flans legs hurt him He isnt isn't much Pry is nearly ready for a distance race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched La Mascota Mascot 108 Sutton 110 Sardou Scabrous 110 Pat Murphy 110 Benamela Enamel 113

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898031501/drf1898031501_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1898031501_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800