Lexington Horses in forward Condition: Majority of Those in Training There Practically Ready for Racing-Yesterdays Moves, Daily Racing Form, 1913-03-24


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LEXINGTON HORSES IN FORWARD CONDITION. Majority of Those in Training There Practically Ready for Racing — Yesterdays Moves. Lexington. Ky .. March 23. The weather today was bright and warm, but an exceedingly lush wind was blowing and that had a somewhat retarding effect mi tin horses that worked out over a Arm. t i-t Hack at. Hie Kentucky Association grounds thin morning However, there wsa souse s| i on tap ami a pretty good crowd turned out to see the boi • gallop. The forwardness of the borsei here has 1* come a matter nt general comment si the traekshte. If the meeting were Hcbeduled i" open next Wednesday Instead "i i month from that dat lhe mii"i!i ,if tin- j. ,ii ie ,i racers here would be ready. The most Interesting move of the morning was that of tin- Derby candidate foundation, owned by Ihailo. McKeuna and trained by Will Me Daniel Wiih ai hasi 135 pounds, ami perhaps as much a- I P p, niiiil . upon his hack and hud In Id all the way, in worked ■ mile la 12%. -•. "7-... mi-, i ".; in1 . 1:33%, Pin--., and cantered out tin- mil.- and an eighth in L.UJ. If tic mil ted he would have run the mile in I lo or thereabouts. A little while before Founds I ante ant. Jack Im in- s.ini Johnson N. Camdens Derby candidate, Helios, a mile in 1:50%, well rated, with about ILo pounds up. ami it was the coucenaua of opinion i that In. too. could have dune tin- mile jn ahull 1 P had his trainer s.i desired Mi Keen* worked hjv Derby candidate. Lord Mai hall, a mile in I :.".! Continued on soesanl sage. LEXINGTON HORSES IN FORWARD CONDITION. Continued from first page. 1 The chief trouble from now -.n will be to get these horses settled nnd prevent their getting t.«. rani.. Jasaet P. Boas permitted his Derby .-.nidi. late. Uncle Hart, to uo three-quarters in 1:20%. This is ■ good looking big horse. T. C. McDowell bad out The Manager and he pulled up in fine shape after going three-quarters In 1:20. McCorkte. also from j the McDowell stable, went three-quarters In 1:19. liev. from the GaDaber stable, worked fire-eighths in 1:03. Crease de Mentbe, which is being trained by .1.-1.11 Smiii for II. II. Hewitt, worked three-quarter* , iu l.li. at.. I Impression, from the same stable. •rent a halt in ■"•-. pulling up. William Wallace per ! mined The Widow Moon to go a half in 49*4, stopping to 1 canter la the last sixteenth. The Peter Quince— Sparkle colt from the Camden -table worked i a half in 51, and Woodford Clays two-yeai old sister 10 Nimbus, trained by French Brooks, worked then eighths in 36. Ratefgh Colstons Princess Callaway and Pellowman worked 1 igetber a mile in 1 :" 2. r. 1 McDowells sain Countess Inns and llasi ns Monarka twi year-olds went Hi 1 eighths in 37V4. • Will Youngs two-year-old Toronto, by Nasturtium Affect w.-iii thie. eighths in 36% and .lane- p. p..-.- Carpet his worked tbret quarters in 1:07%. .lane- P. Boss received « telegram to the effei t 1 that Hie stables of T. 8. Harrison and .1. r. Nea man are on the wav from Juarez to Lexington. 1. U . May also wired from Charleston that be will I srritre her.- with bis horses next Wednesday. TnilH.t Bros. Wainamolnen has a tine filly foal 1 by Slat- SI i The mate will g-. to the court ..; ; Ogden this season. Taptola and Estrada, also owned I bi Tall... it Bros.. I1.1v been 1 ked b Ballot. .1 iCii Woodford, the Bourbon County tnrfman, . was at the track today and said thai be bad ha 1 ta 1 farm bouses destroyed by lire the past week, - last j Sundaj and the other last Thursday. The Woodford leasts will b. here 1roni .Inaiez the eoiniii--. week.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913032401/drf1913032401_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1913032401_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800