General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1914-04-10


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f GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY J 1 I : 1 - 1 . ! [ i • ■ The Ontario Legislative has panmd • bill barring Chinamen ftom rmntoytng white girls. Theodore Roosevelt is expected to sail for this .oiinlry from a RrazUisn port Max 12. John D. Ri.kefeller has presented Wellesley College with 50,000 io replace the buildings recently destroyed by tire. Lands Kantor, a San Francisco chnnTenr, has been sentenced to two years in the penitentiary for run uing aver and killing a man. A friend of e Il evident Oomez. who is believed io have lu-en the oldest Inhabitant of unba. Bias Casanova, died in Havana al the age oi 120 years. There is opposition among senators ai Washington in iii- payment of 5,006,900 to Colombia In connection With the -elllellienl of the eon tioversy over I. mania. The bead usher in the Inion Station at St. Louis ].;t- resigned after Having accumulated 0,008 sinl from tips received from travellers during the past ten years. General Chief BeyferUcfa of the CSUcngo Fire Department died from the effects of a eoM ion- Ira. led while attending to his oSehtl duties some ten days ago. The medical health OaVers of London have declared thhl fly -sw.mii g is useless, and appeal to Hie publie ami Hie authorities to get rid of the breeding places of tbe Hies. linporiani tobacco interests declare the big com ponies Intend to aboliah the practice of giving away .ash and ill other coupons with lohaeeo. thus saving about 2,000,000 annnaHy. The city of hicaaos share of the net earnings-of liie Chicago Railways company for the year ended Januarv ::i . 1914. was ,885,822, an increase oi more than 00,000 over thai of the previous rear. the American altitude record for nn aeroplane lias been oOrially awarded to Theodore C. Me-Caulev by the Aero Club of America for a light on Fehroary 25 al San Diego. CaL, when he attained an altitude of 12.130 feel. Relfasi, Ireland. April 9. — Suffragettes continued their lirebrand campaign in Ilster today by burning Orlando, an old mansion near Garrickfergus, or Rtdfastborougli. The usual suffrage literature was found ahoot the grounds. tleneral Villa yesterday t iok over the four principal hanks of Torreon. His prize does not include nionev or negotiable aecorities, however, as the blinkers tcHjk the precaiilion of shipping these Out arheo General Velesco evacuated the city. The entire force of Texas rangers, totaling at present liiieen mounted men, has been assigned lo duty on the Mexican border at Ravmondvill" in re sponge to an appeal from fitly three persona there for protection agaiust cattle thieves and "killers." Paris. France, April 9. — M. Heuniou. prefect of police, today forbade the holding of the proposed Ix.xing tournament for women to decide the worlds championship. Many protests were received by the department of police agaiust the proposed tourna meut. A militant suffragette smashed ten cases containing exhibits in the Asiatic section of the Rrilish moat am. She used a haichet, but beyond breaking a few specimens of valuable porcelain, she did little damage to the glass cases. The woman was ar-rested and refused to give her name. Tokvo. April 9. -The Dowager Kmpress Haruko died early today from a sudden heart seizure. At 1:40 oclock Hie emperor and empress and other members of the roval family were summoned to the bedside. The dowager empress had lieen Buffering from angina UCCtorTs. She was horn in 1S50. Los An-ebs. CaL, April 9.— W. A. Sciipps. eighty, principal owner of the news association bearing his name, and proprietor of several new* papers in the Doited stales, is critically ill with pneumonia ai his palatial home in Alladena. He caught cold two weeks ago at bis country home at La Jolla Returns from every county in Alabama except one give Oscar W. Underwood a majority of ::o.44: votes over Richmond Pearson Hobson for Hie Demo cratic nomination for Doited States Senator. Ray Rushton was defeated for the nomination for short term Senator by Frank S. White by approximately 20.000 vote-. Washington. D. C, April 9.— Figures were made public in a treasury department statement show- iug that the revenues from the customs during the nbeal year which ends June 30. 1914. almost cer taieiy will meet aid probably will exceed the esti-! mates made when congress panned the new tariff law. Vera Cruz. Mex.. April 9.— Fighting at Tampico, which has been in progress for two days, became more severe today. The rebels have determined to capture lie cil.v in this attack ami the straggle ft* possession of the imiKirtaut gulf port, earryrag with It control of oil fields worth tens ..! millions of dollars probably will develop the next decisive en gagement of the revolution. American war shins are taking refugees on board and will s-tand oil the harbor for the protection of noncombatants and neutral properly until the bailie is concluded. Marines will be landed if necessary t r Otis purpose. Washington, D. C. April 9. — Joint informal celc-lu iiinns of i he end of the civil war took place here todoy and this evening and were participated in by veterans ol the confederate and federal armies. The great straggle officially ended just forty nine years ago todoy, when Geo. Bshrrt k. tee aor-rendered at Appomattox. Denver. Col.. April 9. — The Supreme Conn e-t.rda.v issued a habeas corpus for the release of ■Mother Mary Jones, held as a military prisoner in Hie coal strike zone al Walsenhnrg. The will is returnable in ten days, file action of the court is the result of a petition presented by Horace N. Hawkina, attorney for the striking coal miners. Washington, D. ., April 9. — A bill to regulate lobbying in the house was Introduced by Representative Floyd of Arkansas for the judiciary committee. It would reqnire every legislative counsel and agent employed by any person, corporation or association lo proinole or defeat legislation to register and to render an account ot all money expended by him in such capacity. Stockholm, Sweden, April 9. — King Ous.ave was operated « n today at the Sophia Hospital. The surgeons toond he was suffering from extensive ulceration of the stomach. The operation, which was in charge of Prof. John Wilhelm Berg, a wll known Swedisii surgeon, lasted Meventy-hve minutes. it was announced that the royal patients condition was satisfactory, although his majesty was weak. Washington, April 9. — Open hearings on the administrations bill to repeal the toU exemption clause of the 1aiiama canal act iK-gan today before the senate committee on intoroceunic eaiials. to continue lifieen days. Authors of nine pending subsume bills or resolutions — live republicans, three democrats and a progressive— had been asked to appear lirst to explain their proposals. San Francisco, CaL, April !. — Betting has opened on the lightweight championship battle to be fought hy Willie Ritchie and llarleui Tommy llnrphy on April 17, with Ritchie the favorite at tentative odds of 10 to 0. The champion was down today lo 137 pouuds. He said he would have no difficulty in making the stipulated 13S pounds. Murphy, according lo ft ports, tips the beam now at 138, Madrid, Spain, April 9.— Winston Churchill, first Lord of the Rrilish Admiral it] , is expected from Paris. In odieial circles it is staled that he is coining to confer with Premier Dato in reference lo the projected construction of a second sipiadrou for the Spanish navy. As Spain is practically attached to the triple entente, Croat Britains advice in the reorganization of her navy is important nt the present time. Washington. D. C, April 9.— Taking of testimony by the interstate commerce commission on the application of eastern railroads for a live per cent, increase in freight rates was concluded, ho lar as the present phase ot the proceeding is con cerned. Protestants against any increase in the lake and rail rates closed their case with the test! . niony of Julius H. Raines of Dulutb, who urged that the lake-ami rail carriers were not entitled to an advance in rates heeause their service was antiquated and unnecessarily expensive to shippers. Washington, D. C. April :t. — Fearing the introduction into the United States of the melon fly and the Mediterranean fruit fly, the department of agriculture to la. issued a new order providing for the sev re punishment of those who attempt to violate the quarantine declared in 1912 against certain Hawaiian fruits, nuts and vegetables which might be the means of bringing these two dangerous pests into this country. Anyone who attempts to violate the embargo will be subject to a 00 line or imprisonment for a year or both. Pueblo, Col. April 9. — After breaking their way from box cars in which they had been locked, over ixiwering a dozen police and railroad detectives. 1U5 members ot "Geo." Kelleys army of the unemployed left a Denver and Bio Grande freight train two miles north of this cil.v today and marched back to town, demanding food. The men were escorted to the city corral, where the police made arrangements to supply a menu of beans, bread aud coffee. It was planned to send the army east as soon as cars can be provided. Washington. D. C, April 9. — Death levied a heavy toll on the aviators of the world during the foot three mouths of this year, according to records kept here. Retweeu January 1 aud April 1. thirty-eight men in all parts of the world lost their lives through the uncertainty of air currents of the failure of their flying machines. The United States with five killed stands fourth on the list, which France heads with ten dead. Oermany lost eight in the same period. Great Rritain seven. Turkey three and Chile. Spain, Argentine, Switzerland and Italy ore each. Since Lieut. Thomas II. Bel fridge, U. S. A., was killed at fort Mvor. September 17, I CoutlnueJ ou second page. GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY, .Continued from first page. 1908, the lirst man whose death la recorded as doe to experiments w i t Li heavier-than air l.vins craft. 482 aviators In all parts of the world have died for the cause of science. A bill to elevate the American legation to Chile to aa embassy was Introduced by Chairman Flood of the House foreign affairs committee. Tlie bill has the approval of the Btate department. 1 In- llnssian uiinister of linance during the session of the budget committee of th.- taaaa drew the attention of the committee In tin evpodiolK y 4.f cir cumspectiou in the disposal of public feeds, fte-i taring that the money might be required for military purposes. President Ban Johnson declared war upou the Federal League when he learned that the Kansas Citj Federals had signed pitcher Earl Hamilton, under eontraet to the St. Loon Browns. "The iiicric..n League will stop Hamilton if it takes veiy dollar in the treasury." said Johnson. "He signed a liberal three-year eontraet with the St. liOuis Browns, and nothing will be left utidoue until we check him of his willful violation of his contract." Omaha. Neb.. April •■*. — Officers of the national bank of Omaha have drawa BO a formal protest to Secretary of the Treasury IfcAdeo, objecting to the ; placing of Omaha in the Kansas City district of the reserve banking ay at—, the protest asks that if Omaha may not bare a regional bank of its own 1 it may be thrown into the Chicago district, as the tread of Ita business |g in that direction. It asks ■ amO that Wyoming, along with Nebraska, be thrown 1 into the Chicago district. Washington, .pril 0. — Debate over the selection i of tbe twelve regional reserve ities for the new-federal banking system was fr mimed la the senate todav. The discussion followed the calling up by Senator Hitchcock of his resolution providing that the organization committee of the federal reserve board submit all Ita data and the reasons hikiii which the fixing of reserve districts was based. Its inlrodueliou followed a hot debate participated in mostly by southern senators, over the selection of Atlanta and Dallas as against New Orleans. London. Fug. April : . — The Pall Mall Gasetta parliamentary representative, wiiting of tin* chances of compromise, says there is general belief that some definite offer will be forthcoming from the ■ Prime Uinister before the critical stage of tbe L Home Ku|.- hill is reached. Advanced unionists are ■fff stjl] standing out for an appeal to the eouutry on the terms of Boaar Laws last offer and they will no-t abate this demand unless they get oipiivaleut concessions, such as permanent exclusion of Hater pending the formation of an imperial federal scheme. New York. April h l.dwnid Mendel, a modern lekyH-Hyde, who Wiis a respected boa and steel merchant b day and a thug in New York by night, ami sentenced today to paaa the next eighteen years of his life in Sing Sing prison Mendel, who Ml Newark waa a member of many fraternal orders had clubs, lured Mrs. Pauline Keetsel to an upper west- aide freight yard in New York and there tore her diamond callings from her eats He was cap tilled as lie was running from i iie ycard. In court later three other women identified Mendel as tin-thug Who had Similarly assaulted and robbed them. Deer Lodge. Mont.. April 8.- Work is to lie commenced tomorrow on the important project of sob stltntiug electricity for steam as the motive power on the transcontinental line.- of the Milwaukee railroad. The line between peer Lodge and Three lerss has been selected as the first unit for eleetri-Scathm. it is expected that the work will be com pleted and in readiness for the running of electric trains between these iwo points by the end of rhis ear. The plans call lot tie- erection of live electric RUB stations to provide the extra power heeded oi: the Steep mountain glades. Memphis, IVnn.. April :i. Freezing and near freezing temperatures were reported from West Tennessee Arkansas. Mississippi and Oklahoma by lie weal weather bureau today. At Fort Smith. »!! • the mercury fell to 30 degrees. At Jackson. Miss., a temperature of 36 was recorded and Vicks burg repartee 3s. la ilrmphh he Creesiag point waa reai hod. Nashville and Chattanooga reported 32 degree temperature. Indications arc tint araeh ol the fruit and vegetables in exposed place- has I" ii killed. Today the sua is shining and a decided rise in temperature Is promised. Much damage was reported to the gardes truck and fruit in Arkansas, wiiei. in maaj sections ice formed. Farmers ami orchard owners used smudge pots during the night in an effort to protect the frail tree.-. Berlin. April ■ .- Professor Czerny. a celebrated □eldeiberg surgeon, publishes In the current nuruhot of the Deutsche Berne a gammao • the results observed h aim in 1,000 cases of caacer treated by radium since 1998 Hi- coaclBskw is that cures have undoubtedly been effected by means of vadium .ind tin -"thorium, although they have been | er-maaeat in onlj home of the ease-. - Professor Cserny favor* the acqutsitioo by the imperial government of large supplies of radio active aubstaaces for ivv. .Hi.- entitled to tin- benefits of the stat Insurance sysleiv. lb tiiiiiU- it premature lo substitute radinm for operations, and favors the remove! ol cancers bj the knife, an.] rti n the appi catlea at radium for the prevention • a recurrea f the area th

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