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JEFFERSON PARK ENTRIES. O : . . . . 0 The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the. best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1917, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. o Probabilities: Weather cloudy; track muddy. Racing starts at -2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. Fair mud runner. Al Maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Special Weights. Track record: Dec. 31, 1917 1:08 3 10S. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 441.48 War Garden 3 115x725 41019 Speedster OS 1:0S 4 115X720 44053s Aliss Manage 3 112. .715 44440 Sir John Vergne ...10431:09 3 115X715 44270 Lloyd George 10!i 1 :09 3 115.. 710 37744 Foxs Choice 102 1:095;-. 4 115X710 44048s The Gallant ...... 3 115.. 710 39730 Bessie Atkin 101 l:13h 3 312.. 705 4404S Rappahannock III.. 3 115.. 705 44018 High Voltage 3 115.. 700 44411 Coronado .. ..... 3 115.. 700 Polygamist. br. ?. b y O g d e n Unseen 3 115 Harry "Rudder, eh. c. by Skilful True Step 3 115 Socond Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 30, 19181:035112. 44457 Alidia 109 l:02.s 107X725 44007 Golden Dawn 107720 Todays Tnd norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 44099 Rattle Alountain ..109 1:02 109.. 715 44833 Rapid Stride Al . .112 1:00 303 X 715 43C0O Dandy Van ..112 1:04 112X715 42033 Rainbow Division.. 104X715 44050 Little Sandy 109 1:00 112.. 710 42995 Clear the Way 109X710 44500 Cancion 107 1:02 109.. 710 44280 Viva Cuba 109 1:00 100.. 705 42459 Double Van 112.. 700 Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 31, 1917 1 :08 3 10S. 43280 Choir Alastcr 100 1:07 4 111725 41390 Sandy Lad 101 3:09 5 1HX720 44404 "Thus. F. AIcAIahon.HO 1:05 3 105x715 44509 Dahinda 105 1:08 3 107X715 41908 Al Pierce 108 1:07 0 111715 44031 General . 110 1:07 9 114713 14350 Alilda 110 1:08 3 107.. 710 44377 Little Princess ...10S 3:07 4 108x710 44101 Cadillac , 137 3:08 5 114X710 40820 Salgeorge 109 1:0S 3 105X705 41504 Ladv Eileen K!0 1:07 4 1OS07O5 4147! James F. CummingslOS 1 :OS 5 100X700 14001 Indian Spring .....107 1:09 3 110.. 700 300.83 Rertodano 9 1110700 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the alMjvo be scratched: 43005 Tiajan 107 1:07 0 1110715 37105 Edna F 107 1:07 5 1080705 Fourth Races 1 Milo and 70 Yards. 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 15, 19191:455102. 44100 Shamrock Green 3 102.. 725 44542 Dickery Dare 10S 1:48 4 KM5X720 432S23 Leta 10511:45 4 108X715 40370 Star Shooter 110 1:45 7 1110715 42309 W. H. Ruekner 100 1:47 4 111X715 42030 King Neptune 115 1:44 5 1110715 4380S Statim 109 1:45 5 108X710 44533 Audrey K 10031:15 4 103 X 705 41300 Yowell 4 111.. 705 44033 Senator James 1111:47 9 ,111705 44135 Tours 100 1:48 7 111X700 44330 Bronco Billy 110 l:4Sh 5 31107UO Fifth Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and u-ward. Allowances. Track record: Alarch 14, 19191:40397. 42009 FLYAWAY 105 1:39 3 97X750 44044 War Alask 123 1:39 3 100X740 44404 Chief 100 1:41 4 105.. 735 44053s Breeze ..112 1:44m 5 111X735 44.:0S Trusty 5 107X730 44070 Jiffy 10S lilO Yr, 4 111X725 44053 Alistress Polly 100 1:41 4 113X725 Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record:-Dec. 22, 10171:144100. 44591 Green Gold 112 1:13 4 110X725 44071 Redland 105 1:12 7 1150720 44071 Nepperhnn 98 1:12 4 115x715 43807 Goldvale-. 3 105X710 44508 Aliss Kruter 110 1:13 S100X710 44304s Koh-i-Nnor 108 1:13 5 107710 41307 Tom Goose 103 1:13 4 115X710 44070 Flapper 107 1:14 4 1OSX705 41998 Astraea 97 l:17h 3 314X705 42259 Little String 100 1:10 7 110x700 42277 Sleetli 10S 1:13 10 1130700 42025 Korfhage 108 1:125.-. 8 113X700 Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Alarch 15, 19191:155102. 44422 AVaterproof 100 1:45 7 1110725 445915 Alexander 102 1:40 5 331X720 44595 Leah Cochran 112 1:44 0 103X715 44410 Aland Bacon 10411:48 5 1OS0715 44514s Early Sight ...108 1:49 0 1110715 44834 Aztec 102 1:44 4 111x715 41070s Prevaricate 3 105X710 41530 Bombast 105 1:45 4 111X710 44154 J. C. Stone 107 l:52lr 0 111.. 710 43548 Esmeralda 0 30S. .705 43938. Aliss Filley 104 1:45 4 115X705 41132 Vodeles 112 1:48 7 100 x 700 42050 Verna B. Al 101 1:47 4 108 X700