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EASTERN OUTLAW LIST Though the Virginia tracks placed under the ban by the Jockey Club ceased racing early in January its outlaw list is far bigger than that of St Louis It contains the names of 555 horses aside from 37 which are on the Western list and 109 jockeys in addition to the 15 riders who have ridden in both East and West Here is the list of outlawed horses in the East j up to the letter L LAndrew Andrew Andrew D Airplant Airplane All Night NightArline Niggardliness Arline Airline Arundel Roundel Argyle ArgyleAlva Argyle Alva Aleppo Artillery ArtilleryAl Artillery Al Helmbolt Hemolytic Austin Argyle III IIIAjan Ajan Jean Achilles Adjourn AdjournAffinity Adjourn Affinity Anxiety Andrews AndrewsAvon Andrews Avon Arda Rda Arthur G Annie T Bobolink Bones By Gordon GordonBeckton Gordon Buccanser Buccaneer Beckton Becton Brisco Frisco Bradley Bennings Jennings Billy Boy Blue Bird Billy Leggins Leggings Balmoral Balmorals Brogan Bolivar Bloodstone BloodstoneBldys Bloodstone Benefactor Bldys Baldy Victm Victim Brooklyn Blue Bonnet Black Hawk Berwyri Beery Baylor Taylor Belgravi Belgrade Ballinasloe Galingale BallinasloeBelvina Bob Miller Belvina Belinda Black Beau BeauBelden Bedaubed Beauty Bella Ella G Belden Beldam Busirus Bustiers BusirusBlackfoot Beuvolio Bevel Blackfoot Beatrice IV Bonneville Benevolent Baccarat Boisterous Bold Hornet Bob Blizzard Brightwood Bright Bagnot Bagnio Belle of Fermy Ferny rt u Harrison Body Guard Basil Duke Bella Ella Bradley Bon Voyage BellaChieftain Bellyache Chieftain BradleyCatechism Bradley Catechism BradleyC Bradley C Coal Mine Cadiz Caroven Carven Cuckoo Chief Justice Clovis Columbus Countess Clara Belle Clysmic Cystic Clansman Contest Carpenter Craftsman Columbus Jr Claurece Clarence Cody Cashmere Chillon Chill Chiswick Chiasmic Chink ChinkCeremony Cockade Ceremony Carnalite Carnalities CarnaliteCaldwell Carnalities Charma Charm Caldwell Canterbury CanterburyClassic Canterbury COD Classic Courtney Cy Cooper CooperDart Cooperate Dart Duke of Feif Fief Dama Dana DartDovola Barstool Dovola Dooley Devisee Dr Faust DovolaDr Ovular Dr Holmuth Helmut HolmuthDrumstick Despot Dutch Lou Drumstick Delia M Dr Ashe Asher DrumstickDrizzle Drumstick Drizzle Dr Reed Despair DrizzleDoc Drizzled Doc Birch BirchDillon Birch Dorcas Orcas L Dutch Lady Dillon J JDr Dr Dr Johnson Dare Devil Dr Parkhurst Parkers ParkhurstDaphne Delury Delay Dkeof Def Gloucr Lour Daphne Duke John Dervish DaphneDow Daphne Dow DowEclipse Dowel Eclipse Jr Earn Elizabeth ElizabethEquity Elizabeth Eufelda Eiffel Equity Electro Ellsworth BellSouth Eddie M Eondo Condo Evas Evans Kid KidFoundling Foundling FoundlingFonda Foundling Flakewood Lakewood FlakewoodFern Lakewood Fagin Fain FaginFatal Alginate Fonda Fern wood woodFassett woodlouse Fatal FondaFannie Fonda FatalFidget Fatal Fannie Beverly BeverlyForest Beverly Fassett Falsetto Fidget FassettFlorrie FidgetFarragut Fidget Forest Florrie Lorries Farragut Farrago ForestFrank Forest FlorrieFrancisco FarragutFredericks Frank Davidson DavidsonFox Davidson Francisco Fredericks Frederick FranciscoFinnwater Francisco FredericksFlorimor Frederick Fox Glove GloveFrank Glover Finnwater Innate Florimor Florin FinnwaterFrank Innate FlorimorFred Florin Frank R Harf Wharf HarfForager Harborage Frank Fuller FullerFlagrant Fuller Fred Minch Inch MinchFrank Manchurian Forager Flagrant Frank D DFluellen Flagellant ForagerFargo Forager FlagrantFlorist Flagrant Fargo Florist Fluellen Luella Gonzales Gold Fly FlyGranger Flagrance Gaiety Grampian Gambian Granger Genessee Tennessee GrangerGenesseell Gallatin Gallanting Genesseell Tennessee Gov Go Flfer Fleer GenesseellGold Tennessee Gretta Greta McG Gold Spec SpecGascogne Glengarra Glengarries Gloria Gascogne Gasconade Grand Prix GascogneGeo Gasconade Grey Gray Forest Geo Geol Dixon DixonGrassmere Georgia R George Hakes HakesHay Hakes Grassmere Grasser Gaston H HHyaway Hay Tay Stay Hyaway Headway Harry M MHazel Hazel Herndon Hazel Hands Off Hippona Hippo Harry Rhodes Half Mile MileHenrade Honest Tom Henrade Heralded He HeHarris Hearers His Grace Harris Hallie Halide Gay GayHammie Graham Hopeful Hammie Whammies Harry Keister Kaiser KeisterHerkimer Helen H Herkimer Jerkier Hanoana Hanson HanoanaHawk Shannon Higbie Thighbone Hawk Halcyon Hopeful HopefulIrish Hopeful Irish Pat Ida M Ike Ikea S SIrish Irish Iceland Irish H India Rubber RubberIrish Rubberier Intimidad Intimidate Irish Lass Ida Reynolds Ida May MayJob Mayo J JJersey Jersey Job Jersey Jewel JobJerome Oberon Jerome Joe Mack Juliet JeromeJennie Jerome JulietJohn Juliet Jennie Lamley Langley Jo Jap Jape John Croker Crocker Juanita Junta Jack Wynne Wynn Jilson Nilsson JilsonJohnMcGrrle Jack Wilson Jewsharp Jewish JohnMcGrrle Jarley Harley Jim Lamb Jim Donlen Dolmen Johnny Jack Barry Jack Murray Jack Lovell Lowell Joe Sherlock Joyeuse Joyous John Haines Jimie Jimmied James Joquita Jonquil Jennie T Johnny Weber Jessie Taral Aral Kerry Gow Glow Keime Kim Kentcky Kentucky Lady LadyKazan Lady King of Hearts Kazan Kaman King Paul PaulL PulL PaulLucille King Reno L Lucille Little Joe JoeLottie Joltier Lottie Loftier F La Prentice PrenticeLady Prentice Lady Richmd Rich Lady May Luke Richds Riches Lebanon Lakota Dakota La Petite PetiteLittle Petite Little Ralph Leporello Explore Lena H Laurella Luella LaurellaLongshanks Longshanks Longhorns Laurence II Lilliput Lilliputian Lady Watson WatsonLittle Watson Little Charly Charley Little Bravo Lady Brooke Little Alice