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DAILY RACING FORM ISSUED EVERY DAY COPYRIGHTED COPYRIGHTEDDAILY COPYRIGHTED DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO EDITOR F H BKUNELL KUMMEL 126 DEARBORN ST CHICAGO ILL TERMS TERMSPer Terser Per Month 200 200Half Half Year 1000 1000One One Year 2000 2000Single Single Copy 10 Cents SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Entered in the Post Office at Chicago as sec ¬ ond bond class matter CHICAGO APRIL 10 18S6 CINCINNATI OFFICE 408410 Vine St StJ St J R HAWLEY Agent On Sale at Noon Memphis form as it appears in these columns is a facsimilo facsimile of the charts supplied to the book ¬ makers at Memphis DAILY RACING FORMS men makes the racing data for the New Mem Memo ¬ phis Aphis Jockey Club ClubThere Luther There has been a tawdry display of morality and its trimmings about the refusal some papers to display the racing prospectus of certain race tracks What rot 1 DAILY RACING FORM declined to print the same advertisement but made no bluster over its action Newspaper demagogism demagogic is extremely prevalent nowadays