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HAGGIN HAGGLING YEARLINGS SELL WELL NEW YORK May 25 The sale of the Rancho del Paso yearlings was held at Morris Park Those who brought 400 and over are as follows B c by Salvator Salvatore Ailee Alee S Leake Leakey 1000 Br f by Maxim Altitude Matt Allen 700 700Ch Ch f by Owas Was Cuyama Guyana W A Chandler 500 500B B c by Maxim Daniella Danielle Marcus Daly Dally 1500 1500B B c by Sir Modred Molded Dixianne Divine J McLaugh McLaughlin lin Olin 1300 1300B B f by Maxim Faux Pas Matt Allen 500 500Ch Ch c by Salvator Salvatore Fluerotte Fluorite J H McCor McCoy mick 2600 2600Br Br c by Sir Modred Molded Glorianne Loraine Marcus Daly Dally 1250 1250B B or br c by Salvator Salvatore Iris Burns Yvater Vaster house 500 500B B c by Midlothian Militia Kissing Ring Marcus Daly Dally 81700 81700C C c by Sir Modred Molded KissMoQuick Missouri Oneck Neck Stable 750 750B B c by St Andrew Lorilla Lorillard Burns Water house 750 750B B c by Sir Modred Molded Loto Lotto Arthur White 600 600Ch Ch f by Islington Wilmington Louise J S Robinson 1400 1400B B c by Morello Marcello Lulu Burns Waterhouse Warehouse 1600 1600Br Br f by Islington Wilmington Lydelia Yodel A J Joyner Joiner 625 625B B c by Sir Modred Molded Miss Laura Al Lake ¬ land 650 650Ch Ch f by Salvator Salvatore Miss Woodford Woodward Marcus Daly Dally 1200 1200B B c by Maxim Music Marcus Daly Dally 1500 1500B B c by Midlothian Militia Nana Burns Water house 1550