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MORRIS PARK FORM GHART HART GHARTWESTCHESTER WESTCHESTER ESTHETE N Y May 30 Ninth day Westdhester Esthete Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Uol Oil R W Simmons Starter Thomas Flynn 1 T V FIKST FIST ttACE tae 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap VVt Vt St 54 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 1149 THE SVAIN VAIN 432 BUCKRENE BUCKRAMED 1195 AURELIAN AURELIA 354 354 41 A Clayton W A Chanler Chandler 1197 PKIG PIG 108 6 6 6 6 8 52 Simms Sims J McCabe 662 1195 DUTCH SKATER 100 8 8 8 8 6 6 Johns W Jennings 10 10 4 1099 BOMBAZETTE BOMBAST 95 2 454 51 554 554 7 Walker C Littlefield Littered Jr 15 20 8 1145 DOMINGO 117 5 7 7 7 7 8 Taral Aral FleischmanSon Freshman 2 245 245Time Time 2554 5054 10354 1 28J4 28J4Winner Winner G c 4 by Sir Dixon Gammacita Amanita GammacitaStart Amanitas Start good Won driving Buckreno Buckaroo just about needed the race to fit him for the next The race went to tho thou right horse Domingo was lame and strode short 1 VVr Vr SEJOND ENJOINED RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1192SHAKESPEARE II 118 1 1 215422 22 11 Taral Aral CFloischmnSon 13 16 out 1193 BENAMELA ENAMEL 108 3 21 H 154 154 25 Lamley Langley C Littlefield Littered Jr 8 10 out 1236 FORMAL 110 2 3 3 3 3 3 Littlefield Littered AHDHMorris Admirers 5 6 out outTime outline Time 26 52 118 14254 14254Winner Winner Ch c by Plenipo Pension Avondale AvondaleStart Avondale Start good Won driving Benamela Enamel swerved at finish Shakespeare was all out He ran a good gamo gammon race Wt St J4 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Cl PI 1234IDON DORO DORA 113 5 5DR INK 1K SK U Griffin Blemton Benton Stable 12 out DR SHEPPARD 118 8 8910CHALLENGER 2 K McCaffertyti J McCafferty 8 15 5 910CHALLENGER 113 7 7SALVADO 3 Doggett Doge Stockwell Stock Stable 4 8 3 SALVADO SALVADOR 118 1 1COCKERNONY 2 2H 41 Taral Aral Erie Stable 4 4Marcus 6 2 COCKERNONY COCKER 115 4 454 51 5154 T Sloan Marcus Daly Dally 15 15 6 1194 HAPHAZARD 113 3 7 6 6 J Hill Jbleischman Blemish Son 4 4 65 1194 HOROSCOPE 113 6 677 Simms Sims J R b P Keene 6 1194 DOMITOR DONATOR 113 2 8888 Hamilton C H Smith SO SOTime Softie Time 11 24 36 48M 100 11354 11354Winner Winner Ch c by Rayon dOr doer Belladonna BelladonnaStart Belladonna Start good Won easily Don DOro Dora is pounds the best colt shown here this year Dr Shep Sheep pard pared is also above the average There were three winners behind them themScratched hemstitched Scratched Scottish Chieftain 118 Caldron 118 Fortune 113 l O T Q FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward The Toboggan Slide Han JL I 6 O dicap dicta Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1004 HASTINGS 114 2 31 31 354 154 Griffin Blemton Benton Stable 13 25 out outU95HANWELL U95HANWELL 110 1 INK INI II INI II 22 Simms Sims MFStephenson 8 8 254 1230 SHERLOCK 102 5 41 41 5 3K W Jones FleischmannSon Freshman 8 15 5 1147 BELDEMERE BELDAME 115 3 2 254 2 42 Taral Aral Preakness Realness Stable 441 682 HA WARDEN 110 4 5 5 41 5 Doggett Doge WJennings Jennings 86 85 1001 CASTLETON CARLETON 88 Ran awaywithdrawn OLeary O'Leary O H P Payno Payne 60 80 20 20Time Time 1154 23 47 1004 112 112Winner Winner B c 3 by Spendthrift Cinderella CinderellaStart Cinderella Start good Won cleverly Hanwells Charnels race was remarkable and in line with his last Belde Elder mere likes weight no better than of old Hawarden Hayward was outclassed Sherlock is improving FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 1279 Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI DR McBRIDE 112 2 254 254 154 Littletield Littered AHDHMorris Admirers 35 12 out 1196 ROBERT BONNER BONER 106 6 31 31 2H J Hill J E Madden 6 8 254 1095 COURTSHIP II 106 3 154 1 32 T Sloan Maplehurst Maple Stbl Stable 10 6 2 2DON DON BLAS LAS 112 1 41 41 41 McCafferty J J McCafferty 562 562SCOTTH SCOTTH SCOTT CHIEFTN112 4 5 5 554 Taral Aral Marcus Daly Dally 5 5 75 1049 SIMONIAN SIMON 106 5 666 Sheedy Seedy A CJason Jason 12 20 8 8Time Time 25 37 49i2l01 Winner B c by Galore Holiday HolidayStart Holidays Start good Won cleverly Littlefield Littered eased up on McBride three times during the race Courtship tired when it came to a drive Scratched Lady Louise 106 SIXTH RACE 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward Memorial Handicap 128O Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 54 StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1238CL1FFORD 124 1 154 1K 1 154 154 A Clayton R L Rose 14 14 out 1238 KEENAN 120 2 2 2 2 2 2 Griffin Blemton Benton Stable 3 4 out outTime outline Time 265452124 1475421114 1475421114Winner Winner B h 6 by Bramble Duchess DuchessStart Duchesses Start good Won in a galop gallop Clifford ran the last half mile of the race in 4754 seconds ac ¬ cording to official time timeScratched timescale Scratched Belmar Bellman 107 SEVENTH RACE 5S Mile 3yearold and upward Allowances 1281 nd Horses Wt St 54 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 233 LADY GREEN WAY 80 3 354 2 254 1 Powers RBradley Bradley 15 10 4 233 ABUSE 100 5 1 INK 11 21 Hirsch AHDHMorris Admirers 452 233 TITMOUSE 97 4 554 6 SNK SANK 311 T Sloan Stockwell Stock Stable 462 094 RUNAWAY 109 9 8 41 4 42 Hamilton S Parker 65 85 35 233 CORN COB 100 7 6 51 51 52 Garrigan Arian F O Burridge Bridge 5 4 85 233 BESSIE ABBOTT 92 2 454 7 6 6 OLeary O'Leary W P Burch 15 12 5 192 BOWLING GREEN 92 6 7877 Herbert J McCabe 15 15 6 045 SURROGATE 82 1 254 3 8 8 Coylie Collie W B Knowlton Kowtow 15 1 047 GAY HAMPTON 97 8 9999 Hewitt Mrs Kernochan Kenosha 30 30 10 10IRKSOME IRKSOME 98 10 10 10 10 10 W Jones FleischmanSon Freshman 20 20 8 8Time Time lla la 23 35 2 47 100 100Winner Winner Ch f 3 by Marsac Marisa Miss Fox FoxStart Foxtrot Start fair Won driving The four behind were also hard at it Surrogate had some early peed peedScratchedPay ScratchedPay Scratched or Play ICO CO