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OAKLEY ANKLE FORM GHART HART GHARTOAKLEY OAKLEY ANKLE O Juno 10 Eighteenth Day Cincinnati Jockey Club Summer Meeting of Thirty Days Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge Jas Jabs H Rees Starter C H Pettingill Petting 1 A OK FIRST RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Ul PI 1402 ROSIN ANTE 110 1 1THE 12 H 15 is Scherrer Sherrie Baker Gentry 14 15 out outWi outwit THE PLUTOCRAT 106 4 Wi 4 31 21 T Walker W M Wallace 10 30 S 1301 LADY KEITH 53 51 4n 3 F Williams FThompson Thompson 20 20 6 13SGCHERRY LEAF 41 21A 2 4 VanKuren Anuran Montroso Montrose Farm 6 6 45 1401JOLLY SON 106 6 666 51 Bunn Bunny Montroso Montrose Farm 6 6 45 45TIMEMAKER TIMEMAKER TIMELIER 106 5 21A 32 5 6 Brewer J E Pepper 10 12 3 3TONY TONY HONING 106 7 7777 Randall Oakley Ankle Stable 10 12 3 Cpupled Coupled Coupledjn Coupled in betting Time I2y2 25H 51 1 05 Winner B f by Cliaraxus Clara Ethie Ethel Start good by machine Won pulled up Second easily It was merely an exercise romp for forRosinante corrosion Rosinante Obstinate The Plutocrat liked the mud and ran a good race Cherry Leaf gave it up last fur ¬ long Honing had no business at the races 1 A Q i SECOND KACE ACE 34 Mile 3yoarolds and upward TmT TNT Horses Wt St H Si StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Ul PI 1355 PRCE PRE IMPERIAL 106 4 2 21 13 Thorpe S V Linton Clinton 483 4831341CHICOT 1341CHICOT 106 1 53 3 32 2 Perkins C J Kelly 2 135 45 451123STRATHREEL 1123STRATHREEL 97 2 12 12 23 3 Scherrer Sherrie Iroquois Stable 65 1310 put 1830 ROBINSON 88 5 41 43 43 45 Biggins Higgins Englpman Engulfment Fields 5 6 85 1406 SUMMER COON 99 6 6 6 51 52 Bunn Bunny V P Grimm 50 60 20 20BONNIE BONNIE LOUISE 93V4 3 SH 53 6 6 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 30 20 8 8THE THE MERCIIANT1002 7 7 7 7 7 T Walker W M Wallace 8 10 4 4Time Time 25 52 118 Winner B h 5 by Emperor Ildico Silicon IldicoStart Idiot Start good by machine Won easily second and third driving Prince Imperial was by far the best horse and had no trouble Strathreel Tracheal was tiring fast at finish and swerved badly Chicot Chic just lasted long enough to secure place Bonnie Louise was knocked out of race soon after start Scratched Fred Barr 91 Doorga Dora 97 Landseer Lander 88 THIRD RACE 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling 1487 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op 31 PI 1052 ORION 103 3 I3 13 13 Schorrer Chore C R Jaynes Haynes 710 710 out 1402 LADY JULIET 101 1 23 23 23 Randall W J Smith 30 60 15 15WINKER WINKER 107 4 51 3 31A Gleason Lesson R McMillan Macmillan 6 8 2 1384 OAK LEAF 105 6 6 43 42 VanKuren Anuran P P Johnston 672 672EVA EVA WELLS 101 2 3 5 51 FWilliams Williams Nichols Talbott Talbot 50 60 15 15LITTLE LITTLE NIGGER NIGER 102 5 4s 6 6 T Walker W M Wallace 4 4 65 1404 CANDY 99 7 7 7 7 C Reiff Riff Ohio Stable 20 15 5 5Time Time 25l3 50 58 Winner Ch c by Hanover Blessing BlessingStart Blessings Start good by machine Won in a gallop second easily Orion outclassed his field and showed it in the race Lady Juliet ran a good race Winker will do soon Eva Wells made a feeble bid early Little Nigger Niger is a bad mud horse horseScratched horsecloth Scratched Good Order 106 Princess Teck Tack 105 Katie May 102 Mortio Morton Reed 101 J H C 101 t A O O FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap JLttOO Lotto DECLARED OFF I I OQ FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op J1 PI 1425 HELEN MAR 93a3 32 2n IK 12 12 Q Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 65 75 12 1406 MISS EMMA 85 5 42 412 42 32 22 Gregory S Ferris 10 15 6 1421 KINGSTONE KINGSTON 84 1 21 3 52 42 31 Brendle Brindle C J Kelly 883 1255 LEAFLET 105 7 5 5 3 2 45 Thorpe Talbot Bros Brows 65 85 35 1421 MYRTELLE MARTELLO 97 2 12 1 21 51 52 Gleason Lesson C D Chenault Health 12 15 6 1302 ST HELENA 101 6 6 6 6 6 6 A Isom Ism T Baxter 12 15 6 1203 ALETHIA ALEUTIAN ALLEN 101 4 7 7 7 7 7 Huston Houston A Duffy 10 8 3 1403 RUPEE 99 8 8 8 8 8 8 Dunn J W Thompson 50 50 20 20Time Time 27 53 1 21 1 48 48Winner Winner B f 3 by Hanover Medjo Edo MedjoStart Start fair by machine Won easily second and third same Boy pulled Rupee up at start Helen Mar was never extended Leaflet off badly ran well to the stretch turn where she tired It was a very bad ride on Kingstono Kingston Myrtello Martello was speedy for three quarters Miss Emma finished strong strongScratched Scratched Elsie D II 87 Uncle Henry 99 Judge Payne 103 SIXTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 149O Wt St J4 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1421 DAISY BOLANDR BORLAND 106 1 3 4 22 1 T Walker G P Porter 3 7 2 1425 OLD CENTRE CENTREX 111 2 42 3 1 215 Thorpe WTWoodard Atwood Jr 85 85 35 1403 B OF FORDHAM FORD 101 3 21 1 35 33 Scherrer Sherrie A G Woston Weston 3 2V2 1 1328 JAPONICA 101 5 51 52 53 45 Bunn Bunny Ed Corrigan 862 1341 ELSKET ELSE 112 6 6 610 625 51A JbWilliams Talbott Talbot Bros Brows 10 10 4 1341 PHILOMENA PHENOMENA 112 4 11A 21A 4 650 Ray McNghtnMuir 10 8 3 1421 M V J 112 7 7 7 7 7 A Isom Ism J R Jewell Jewel 80 100 40 40Time Time 26 52l 119 133 133Winner Winner Ch f 3 by Linden Ethel EthelStart Bethels Start good by machine out of chute Won driving hard Bolander Blander took kindly to the mud and stood a long drive gamely Philomena Phenomena wabbled warbled all over the track in the stretch Fordham Ford had enough at the half Old Center was ridden hard all the way but could not reach the leader