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FORSYTH FORSYTHIA FORM GHART HART GHARTFORSYTH HARTFORD FORSYTH FORSYTHIA IND INDO Juno 13 Seventh Day Forsyth Forsythia Jockey Club Summer Meotine Motioned of Fifteen Days Weather clear track fair and improving Presiding Judge M Nathanson Nathan Starter Kichard Richard Dwyer I p O FIRST RACE 78 Mile 3yoarolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeya Jockey Owners Op 01 PI 1505 HIND A 92 I 2 3 Wz 12 1 T Burns G Q Moshier Mushier 1331 NERO 98 12 6 62 52 21 22 J Healy M II Healy 10 8 4 1416 DR PARKE PARE 96 V2 i Z1A 1A 4 3 Oleary O'Leary Seguin Segueing Stable 15 15 5 1444 BARGUARD ARGUED 101 4i4 11 154 1 31 42 Warren F Starkweather Starkest 5 1416 PRINCE 94 2 12 9 92 91 52 C Fears R R Rice 20 20 8 1505 EFFIE EFFUSE T 92 3 31A 4 61 62 61 Craig D Waldo Weald 652 1444 COLLECTOR 99 61A 754 83 Si 81 71 Everett Louisville Stable 6485 1292 LITTLE SADIE 96 81A WiWlA Wilma 72 7L2 Wi Hothersall Others Oakdale Loadable Stable 762 1350 IDA WAGNER 87 91A 51 21 22 52 91 Clay Springdale Stable 414 5 2 1163 LONDON SMOKE 102 11 9 12 10 102 IQI II Fox W M Mulveil Millville 30 30 10 1331 KING HENRY 98 5 10 7 11 11 11 Sheridan Calumet Stable 30 20 8 8SWIFTON SWIFTON SWIFT 111 10 11 11 12 12 12 H Penny A McCauley 70 60 20 20Time Time 13V2 25M 38 51M 1 05 4 1 19 1 132l2 32l2 32l2Winner Winner B m 4 by Hanover Display DisplayPost Display Post 2 minutes Start good Won handily second and third driving Nero ran all around his field is good right now Ida Wagner is of no account tired badly on the end Prince was interfered with shortly after start ran a good race considering the ride Effle Reflex T could not last lastScratched Scratched Critic 195 Zaldivar Salivary 105 5EC SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling 1564 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M ya StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl P1 1334 PROVIDENT 103 914 814 3 13 Hothersall Others G W Poole 4 4 85 1474 TERRIFIC 103 2 22 21A 22 Dorsoy Doors Ed Brown 6 15 6 1474 VANESSA 103 3 3i4 31 41 3 354 A Clay W H Roller 4 7 52 521474TOM 1474TOM ANDERSON 106 10 9 6 42 C Sloan H McUoulsky Emulously 4 3t 3i 85 1390 THE GLEY GLUEY SLAVE 100 4V2 5 5 53 D Davis Suburban Stable 30 20 8 846 BELLE OF NILES 103 81A VA 9 64 Warren J Delong Belong 10 15 5 51373JETHEL 1373JETHEL FARREL FARRELL 103 11A VA 8 Wi Everett Monmouth Stable 583 1504 SIEGFRIED SIGRID 106 5 A 11 1 81 J Murphy Merry Glen Stable 2 85 35 1474 SISTER ADELE 103 1 61 72 92 T Burns L Ezell Bezel 10 40 12 95 BROTHER FRED 106 6 10 10 10 H Davis J D Millin Milling 20 60 20 20Time Time 12M 24 38 50 1044 Winner Ch f by Bramble Forethought ForethoughtPost Forethought Post 2 minutes Start fair Won handily on the end next three driving Provident is a real good lllly She was off badly and in pocket boy rode with rare judgement judgment Tom Anderson ran a good race was away poorly and cut off on turn Siegfried Sigrid had speed to give away but tired badly Ethel FarrelFs Carrels race wouldnt wouldn't do THIRD RACK 34 Mile 3yoarolds and upward Owners Handicap 1565 Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 54 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1478 FERRYMAN II 84 1 1 1 1 16 TBurns Burns Monmouth Stbl Stable 2 85 25 1352 SIMMONS 9254 2 2 2 K 254 22 Cleary Clearly Chas Cella Ella 2 135 45 1507 GLENOID GENOCIDE 97 354 42 3l2 32 32 Hothersall Others W H Suarley Surly 2 115 7H 710 1508EXTRA 94 4Kz 3 4 4 4 Everett E Trotter 15 15 3 1478 BOB LEE 94 5 5555 DDavis Davis GARobertson Barberton 6 12 3 3By By Superior Time 12M 25 373 51 1 04Ka 1 18 18Winner Winner Blk Balk g 3 byFordham beforehand May Kennedy KennedyPost Kennedy Post 6 minutes Start good Won pulled up second and third driving Bob Loo Lolo acted like a crazy horse at the post Ran away threequarters treasurers Simmons none too well ridden ran a good race ilenoid Eileen could never get up Ferryman is a good horso hors right now nowScratched cowcatcher Scratched Sunny 87 F FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap 1566 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 1447SUNNY 104 I 11A 15 12 15 li Clay J Steppe 1 65 12 1506 DEJURE ADJURE 83 2 3Vt 31 21 2W 2 T Burns Winslow Stable 6 12 3 1392 TOOTS 94 41 4 5 454 354 31 D Davis P J Miles 552 5521418DOCTOR 1418DOCTOR G 93 5 5 4 5 Wt 42 Cleary Clearly Merry Glen Stable 6 5 32 321496ASHLAND 1496ASHLAND 91 31A 22 22 31 5 5 Magnusson Manson Laraghetta Larghetto Stbl Stable 3 5 32 32By By Springbok Time 6 19 31 43J4 56 110 117M 124 138 143J 1515 Winner B c 3 by Terra Cotta or Folsom Sunshine SunshinePost Sunshine Post 1 minute Start good Won with something left second and third driving Dojure Adjure ran a good honest race Ashland did not like the track was under drive all the way Doctor G per ¬ formed poorly Toots ran as if stale had no speed F FIFTH RACE 1 14 Miles Handicap Over 5 hurdles 1567 7 DECLARED OFF S1X SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 3yoarolds and upward Allowances 1568 Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 Vs fti ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1423H3AESARIAN 110 2 33 310 IKE IKEA u HPenny Penny Cougle Coulee Gum 1505 HARTFORD I BOY 103 4H 454 22 21 32 22 Clay M MCMoore Memories C Moore 8 10 2 1395 WILMAH WILMA G 88 31 11 12 21432 TBurns Burns J W Green 3 52 35 1478 JOE MANCINI ANACIN 93 6 4 42 42 45 Magnusson Manson Ruddy Bros Brows 10 10 2 1414 CORELLA COROLLA 88 9 854 62 51 53 Donaldson Donald Malmaison Malaise Stable 30 25 10 10GRACIE GRACIE C 100 854 71 72 61 65 J Healy Douglas Park S 20 40 15 927 LEPANTO LEBANON JR 105 1 5 52 71 72 Colby W Woods 30 100 20 614 MARGARET ANN 100 52 62 83 8 8 D Davis A McCauley 30 30 10 10COEUR COEUR CODER DE LEON 102 754 9 9 Broke down Fox HelfertODonellfO 75 25 25Time Time 12 23J 36J4 49 1 03 Winner B h 4 by Faustus Faust Cleopatra CleopatraPost Cleopatra Post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Caesarian did not take kindly to the starting machine and refused to break the first throe trials Hartford Boy ran a greatly improved race watch him Wilmah Wilma G is speedy but has no courage Scratched Santa Cruz 100 Lady Fairland Fairyland 88 Laura Cotta 88 SE SEVENTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 1569 Wt St A 1A 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeya Jockey Owners Op Cl PI 1505INSPCTORHUNT101 101 2 52 55451 51 1 I 115414 TBurns Burns New City Stable 254 2 45 1448 LOUDON LONDON 111 10 61A 654 3a 3 354 32 22 Irving HankinsJohnson 683 1533 BISMARCK 114 SNK SANK 254 21 21 21 31 Sherland Shetland Liberty Stable 15 30 12 1476 ALTO JUNE 106 9l2 854 93 95 6i 4 TMcHughHJ Cassard Caesar 883 1506 KING BORS ORS 116 154 354 61 62 5K 554 J Murphy Ben Falk 8 7 254 1538 EXCUSE 100 Sj 4H 41 51 41 62 H Ward T D Carter 4 454 85 1476 PEARSON 81 TA 72 Clay B Schreiber 12 7 3 1333 TERRA ARCHER 98 75410 10 10 954 82 Cleary Clearly Chas Cougle Coulee 10 15 6 1476 CHENOA CHEN 112 6 954 7 7 82 95 Freeman T M Berry 15 20 8 81475LITTLE 1475LITTLE THORN 101 81A 1 I1 4 aO 10 Warren J Dolong Doling 683 683Time Time 12 25 37 50 1 04M 1 18M 1 31 31Winner Winner B c 3 by Inspector B Bon Ton TonPost Topmost Post 1 minute Start good Won galloping second handily third driving Loudon London ran good race is in form right now will bo hard to beat next out Alto June got miserable ride Was in pocket first half had to pull out and go around the field in stretch ran splendid race Little Thorn stopped to nothing King Bors Boors was under drive all the way wayScratched Scratched Spendolino Semolina 114 Camelia Camellia 90 Warren Point 101