untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1896-06-14


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FOR OR BEAST BEASTCures Features Cures Brights Rights Disease Dropsy Inflammation of the Kidneys and Bladder Diabetes Rheuma Rheum ¬ tism ism Restors Restores Lost Vigor Painful or Suppressed Menstrution Menstruation And all complaints arising from a diseased state of the urinary organs of either sex sexCures seCures Cures Inflammation of the Kidney and Bladder Regulates Retention and Excessive Urine Pink Eye Rheumatism and all complaints arising from a diseased state of the urinary organs WE REFER BY PERfllSSION Perfusion TO THE FOLLOWING WELLKNOWN WILKINSON GENTLEMEN Eugene Sullivan official veterinary surgeon F T McMahon official veterinary surgeon Chicago surgeonChicago surgeon fire department ChicagoW Chicago Chicago surgeonChicago surgeon Jack ONeil Neil trainer and driver Chicago W D Moone Mooney 20212023 Wabash avenue Chicago Fred J Hammill Mammilla 4758 Champlain avenue Monroe Salisbury Pleasanton Pleasant Cal H I Saxton Saxon Grand Grove Farm Morgan Park A McDowell driver Azote Azotes Pleasanton Pleasant Cal 111 111C M E McHenry Cherry driver John R Gentry Freeport FreeportJack Freeport C H Stiles Stiles Stock Farm Wheaton 111 George West trainer and driver Chicago 111 Jack Curry driver Joe Patchen Patch Chobanse Cowbane 111 F S Gorton 2120 Prairie avenue Chicago E F Goers driver Robert J Buffalo N Y Hon Judge E Hanecy Chancy 3116 Michigan avenue Budd Buddy Doble Dole trainer and driver Chicago GW Barstow Barstool supt sup Siogel Siege Cooper Co stables W B Fasig Fasting Horse Exchange Cleveland O Rob Carnathan Carpathian trainer Minneapolis Minn Inn Dave Waixel Ariel trainer and driver 3325 Vernon Vernonavenue Vernon Anderson Transfer Company Chicago avenue A Hanson supt sup Uinta Quintal Stock Farm Wyoming Matt Fisher 137 and 141 Twentysixth Twenty street streetChicago stretching Citizens Brewing Company Chicago Chicago John McCoy 3444 Forest avenue Chicago Arms Co Chicago stables 21292131 Indiana Indianaavenue Indiana W R Wylie Kylie supt sup Catons Cantons Stock Farm Joliet avenue James F Davis 453 Rookory Rookery building Chicago KIDNADINE KIDNAPPING is sold under an Absolute Guaranty to Cure or money refunded For sale by all druggists Ask your druggists for it and ho will get it Price por poor bottle 100 100WHEN WHEN ORDERING KIDNADINE KIDNAPPING STATE WHETHER FOR MAN OR BEAST BEASTKIDNADINE BASTINADOING KIDNADINE KIDNAPPING TiEDICINE Triadic CO 404 Inter Ocean Bldg Bulldog Cor Cora of Madison and Dearborn Sts SATs Chicago

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1896061401/drf1896061401_5_4
Local Identifier: drf1896061401_5_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800