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PRINCE LIEFS LIES GLORIOUS DERBY DERBYPrince Prince Licfs Cliffs race in tho thou National Derby at St Louis was a noblo noble one and worth 14600 not to tho thou clover Kentuckian whose Sir Dixon Katydid colt Maceo Maceio won tho thou twoyearold toehold Dia Diaz ¬ mond monad Stakes worth 2900 about tho thou same time at Oakley Ankle Macoos Marcos five furlongs in 1004 under 121 pounds was tho thou speed bit of tho thou Oak loy cloy racinp racing day and the best of tho thou twoyear twofer old division of 1896 Lief Leif s 234 is the boston recoid recopied for a Derby that can bo recalled Spo Spot ¬ kanes kane 23124 in tho thou Kontucuy Kentucky event of 1889 with 118 pounds up is the next best Then comes Halmas Haulms 2314 under 127 pounds in last years Latouia Latvia Darby of 1895 1895Tho Tho Theo fastest American Derbies woro woo thoso those of Boundless and Roy el Santa Anita 236 Sabiuo Sabina ran the distance at Wahiugton Washington Park in 1891 as a fouryoarold furor under 103 pounds in 21 J4 tho thou real citculur acicular track record though Lamplighter as a thruoyearold in 1892 with 109 pounds up holds tho thou American record of 232J and Fo renze rene with 117 pounds ran a rnilo nil and a half ill 1S90 at Cotiey Cootie Island Prince Liof Leif s Derby time gave the St Louis track a now record and cii ii placed Miss Woodfords Woofers 2135 made in 18c6 with 117 pounds up upJ up J he 1 C04 of Maceo Maceio also gives Oakley Ankle a now track record displacing Clomontiuod Commotion 1 01 made in 1891