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RACING GOSSIP Dare devil Fritzpatrick Fitzpatrick one of the best of American riders in his day is the Milwaukee starter Chris Fitzgerald who is scales clerk for the Jockey Club tracks could not get away to fill his engagement So far the work of the other Fitz Fritz has been above the average Why not Fitzpatrick was a good horseman as well as a good jockey and he should con ¬ trol troll boys well and generally apply his exper expert ¬ ience Vince to the sport of racing The Milwaukee meeting by the way is not a financial success though its racing is more than good It has no local clientele The Chicago cloture of 1895 made it what it was then But Charley Bush and Henry Johnson who furnish the Milwaukee sinews there are cultivators The best testimonial in this line is their success in New Orleans They lost early to gain later on that meeting The Milwaukee field is promising and the Bush and Johnson offerings gilt edged No matter what Milwaukees Milwaukee business may be its promises will be kept to the letter