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MILWAUKEE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2648 Joe ManciniS Machinist 89 2598 Umbrella 3 94 2410Belle Boyd 3j 95 2648Crocus a 96 2555 Tom Rutter Ruttier 4 98 i849TheSculptor698 2618 Whiff 4 101 2669Begue 4 98 2412 Designer 5 101 2646 Cossack 6 102 102Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Handicap HandicapInd Handicapping Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2530 Devoir 96 1990 Lillian Wilkes 95 2673 Yours Truly 104 2418 Cogmoosey Compose s 96 2475 Scarf Pin 103 2475Orion 114 1063 GlenAlbyn Goldenly 92 2673 Sister Adele 98 2616 Fervor 102 102Third Third Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wtft Watt 2645 Doctor G 3 92 2617 La Gascon Gaston 5 98 2645 Paros Pros 3 101 2645 Constant 5 103 2645 Lady Rose 5 103 2408 Peytonia Petunia 5 103 2617Uncle Jim 6105 2617 Sandoval Anodal 4 106 Fourth Racu Frau 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2618Buckwa 5 118 2643 MerMoncha106 2442 Lillian E 31 96 2648 SenMorrilla Senorita 99 2647 Dick Behan Bean 4 101 2538Meddler 5 109 1092643David 2643David 4 118 118Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2619 Arian 3 91 2645 Pearson 3 97 2647 Belvour3 101 2674 Stark 4 105 2646 Bill Ellison 5 107 2647 Hulbert Hubert 5 107 2645 Hazlehatch Azalea 5 114 114Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2646 Laura F 3 84 259STippecanoo 5 91 2558fSligo 6 91 2619 Bryan 6 91 2647 Guard a 91 741 Esther Wr 4 96 Turnique Tourniquet 4 97 Birdcatcher Breather 4 98 2295 Fakir a 101 By Voltiguer Voltage fBy By Mr Pickwick Picklock