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BRIGHTON BBAGH BAG FORM GHART HART GHARTBRIGHTON HARBORING BRIGHTON BEACH N Y July 31 Ninth Day Brighton Beach Racing Association Sum ¬ mer mere meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge C McDowell Starter Thomas Flynn 2662 FIRS1 FIRST RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 V4 StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 1 Pi 2496 MARSHALL 113 2 6 3 3K K 32 IK l2 Doggett Doge T W Stears Stearns 2H 4 65 2591 CHUGNUT CHUNG 99 5 514 51 4i 41 21 Powers R Bradley 6 12 5 2591 AGITATOR 119 4 2 2142 32 32 TSloan Sloan J H McCormick 1 45 out 2591 ILLUSION 113 1 114 1K 1 22 41 Gardner J McLear CLear 3 314 1 2191 VAN BRUNT 111 3 41 42 51 5V2 52 J Hill 1023S7 DALGRETTI 116 7 7 7 6 6 6 Barbee Barbered WHFleming Whitening 10 30 10 23S7 HERMIA HERNIA 93 6 31 5 7 7 7 Hirsch Jas Jabs Donahue Danaher 30 30 10 2306 RESTRAINT 105 8 8 10Time 8 8 8 8 Colmei Cole W C Daly Dally 20 30 10 Time 262 SS1 118 143 Winner TellStart Tells B h 6 by Voltiguer Voltage Hard to Tell Start good Won driving Marshall stood a long drive gamely in stretch Agitator was hard ridden throughout is stale staleScratched statecraft Scratched Sir Dixon Jr 115 Find Out 113 Vrir Friar SECOND RACE RACI GRACIE 5 8 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S Vz X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 2550 FLY SQUADRON 1U5 5 3sK INK 11 12 Simms Sims J RFPKeene Ripen 65 85 35 35W 2577 FLORIAN FLORIN 105 1 41 2i 211423 Keefe Keene W C Daly Dally 8 10 4 4WJDonahue 2573 SALAIRE SALARIED 105 4 51 42 3 31 J Hill WJDonahue 3 135 1 1Trowbridge 2586 McCALL Mecca 108 7 6 6 41 42 Hart Trowbridge Co 20 8 3 2604 VALOROUS 105 2 2NK 51 51 5n2 A Clayton Brookdale Boodle Stable 5 5 2586 OLIVIA L 105 3 32J66 INK 3 6 6 Harris A Lakeland 683 6832J66 2J66 FORTUNE 103 6 7777 Doggett Doge A Clasou Lasso 10 10 4 2586 SECOND CHANCE 105 8 8888 Ballard R Bradley 862 Time 862Time 1214 25 50 1 034 034Winner Winner Ch f by Saraband Sylva Sylvan Belle BelleStart Belles Start good Won driving Squadron was all out at end Florian Florin swung wide on stretch turn and swerved again at eighth pole else she might have won Olivia L quit early Second Chance pulled up just as flag fell Could never get up Scratched upScratched unscratched Burlesque 108 Cardinal 108 Trayant Rayon 105 Successful 105 Lady Mottle 105 2664 r THIRD RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds Maidens Selling i Strtin Starting Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2510 DO LAN DO 98 3 3ANNA 12 li iy2 iy2 Gardner R G Westmore Restore 8 10 4 ANNA SWEET 105 1 33 36 36 2H J Hill Wolf Hill Stable 2 135 45 45Sensation 2493 MEDICA MEDIA 96 2 2CAPT 2 21 2ty232 Hirsch Sensation Stable 45 910 out outR outer CAPT APT RUSSELL 98 S 9 9 7 42 Powers R Bradley 12 83 83F 1956 SIR RODERICK 98 6 6COLUMBIA 6 7 6 52 Coyle Cole F FScott Scott FScott4i2 Scott 30 30 10 10P COLUMBIA R 96 4 4BELLE 4i2 5i 4L2 61 Coylie Collie P H Ryan 30 30 10 10J BELLE HOYT HOT 102 11 11APPLES 8897 Walker J E Madden 20 30 10 10Jas APPLES 105 9 10 10 10 8 Gifford Jas Jabs Nevins Nevis 20 30 10 2306 BANK CASHIER 10110 11 11 11 9 H Lewis J White 30 30 10 1862 SIR ARLINGTON 104 7 7MURIEL 51 Wz 5 10 C Healy T Clear 30 30 10 MURIEL II 96 5 76811 OLeary O'Leary Cumberld Cumber Val S 6 10 4 Time 12 2514 51 1 032 Winner B g 3 by Powhattan Barbiche Brioche BarbicheStart Brioches Start good Won driving Sweet finished strong and should have won Hill waited too long as usual Medica Medical tired fy ± f ± PZ FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap lud laud Horses Wt St k 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl Pi 2449 PEARL SONG 102 3 3 3 3 IH 13 Keefe Keene W C Daly Dally 8 If out 2605 THE SWAIN 106 1 12 11 2iys3 2 Ballard Covington Coving Kent 3 4 out 2631JDEERSLAYER 112 2 2 21 IH 2 K 3 Doggett Doge Oneck Neck Stable 14 13 out outTime outline 14254Winner Time 26S4 52K l17s 14254 Winner Ch h 5 by Falsetto Pearl Thorn ThornStart Thermostat Start good Won easily Pearl Soug Sough seemed to like the going and romped home after Swain and recordScratched records Doerslayer Desolater had raced themselves to pieces The result was not the truest on record Scratched Gotham Goth 120 Lehman 112 Telegram 90 2666 FIFTHEACE FIFTH SACK 58 Milj Mil 2yearold Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k 14 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 2143 NAiNA NiNA H 9o 3 IH INK IH IN Powers W Haywarcl Hayward 4485 2492 TRAGEDIAN 98 1 12436BRIGIITON 2i Haywarcl2i 22 21 23 T Sloan JRFPKeene 5 5 65 2436BRIGIITON 95 4 4KLEPPER 51 41 31 32 Harrison A Lakeland LakelandWt Lakeland 6 12 5 KLEPPER LEPER 90 6 Wt 3 44 41 Hewitt W H torbes Forbes 15 1 10 4 2577 MEADOWTHORPE MEADOW l7 5 6 6 5 51A Simms Sims E O Pepper 710 1 out 2492 WYALUS1NG 93 7 7776 Hirsch O H P Belmon Belmont 10 1 2573 TEMPESTUOUS 95 10 9887 Miller Brookdale Boodle Stab Stable 4 462 2586 T W W 93 8 998 Gardner W M Wallace 8 10 4 2607 SLEErY LEErY BELLE 90 2 31 5 6 9 Maher P J Dawes Awes 8 10 4 2509 ALTON WOOD 5 9 20Timn 10 10 10 10 Neumeyer Mummery F L Parker 50 CD CJ 2tt 20 Timn Tin 12 24M 37 49Vi 1 01 Winner 01Winner B or br f by Falsetto Vendu Vend VenduStart Vendetta Start good Won driving First two had race between them always Belle fell asleep early Meadowthorpes Meadow race was wretched 2667 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 3yearold Maidens Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jocknys Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2510 ELIZA BELLE 96 2 3n 41 2 114 Lamley Langley L Stuart 452 2510 BEKGEN BERGEN 98 1 114 1 4 114 21 Harris G F Carpenter 883 883KARMA KARMA 99 4 21 2iy24i 314 Walker OAJones Adjoins 2 131012 2585 MIDlAS MIDAS 107 6 41 2 314 41 Simms Sims Oueck Hoecake Stable 431 1614 SEN SEAN MURPHY 93 3 6 514 51 51 T Sloan J E McDonald 5 4 85 2462 LOUISE N 96 9 7766 Hewitt A Nelson 15 20 8 2585 ROCKLEDGE ROCKED 93 8 5J 6 7 7 Keefe Keene W C Daly Dally 4 4 85 85CHAT CHAT 101 7 9888 Coylie Collie G Derrick Id 15 6 2585 TOKADEE STOCKADE 104 5 8999 Sheedy Seedy R A Ashmead Ashamed 12 15 6 Time 1214 2514 37 50 1 02 GlenviewStart Glenview Winner Br f by Iroquois Glenview Start good Won driving Bergen quit when the pinch came Midias Midas ran a fair race Karma will do to watch watchScratched witchcraft Scratched Maximum 110 2668 Horses Wt fat Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI COPYRIGHT 111 2 3 2 I 1 1 Keefe Keene J A Carr 65 45 out LANCER outLANCER outlander 110 3 12 li 22 25 2io Bell R D Leach Co 4 2 out B outB out BROWNING 90 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 Powers Erie Stable 1 1110 out Time outTime outline 28 54 1 21i 1 46i2 1 59i Winner 59iWinner B h 7 by Uncas Uncaps Mimi MimiStart Minstar Start endScratched undistracted good Won easily Copyright was under pull at end Scratched Defender 99