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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO August 22 Nintyflrst Ninety Day Fair Grounds Association Meeting Weather clear track good Judges J A Murphy and Jos Jose J Burke Starter C C Chinn Chin 3182 FIRST RACE 34 Mile All ages Selling Wt St YA Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 3097 KARL BUG 95 5 4H 4uK 51 IH E Jones J D Patton 65111012 2688 DEW DROP 90 4 2xK 651110122xK 3 = 41 21 Reidy Reid M P Mattingly Matting 462 3155 H H GARDNER 90 2 53 58 3YZ 35 Garner D A Honig Hong 3 4 85 3097 CASSA CASA IQt Qt 6 32 21 IKK VIKKI 41 Mayberry Bayberry Al Shore 60 100 40 2428 MAZY 83 7 NTurner Turner John Huffman 60 100 40 3129 BRIDGET 97 1 In INIL FINIAL 2KK 6 Warren B F Ward 3 3 65 3071 KEECHLER KNEEHOLE 95 3 6667 Gilmore G Muldrow Mudflow 80 100 40 3058 LALLA LOLA ROOKH ROOK 90 8 8888 Lanham Lana Prospect Stable SO 100 40 Time 40Time 2134 49Jf 115 BugStart Bustard Winner Br f 3 by Iroquois Gold Bug Start good by machine Won in a mild drive next two driving hard Earl Bug was badly pocketed several times and ran a good game race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Baal Gad 90 3183 SEOON SECOND SOON RACE G Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3059 HILLSBORO HILLS 104 2 2 4 32 U Morse J W Howell 85135 45 3153 CHARLES P 104 6 6 3 2 2 Garner Plattner Platter Bros Brows 2 125 45 3125 THORN 107 3 3 21 IH 31 E Jones Branch Stable 3 165 1 2961 SAN BLAS LAS 107 5 5 51 53 4 E Cochran M J Larrissey Arise 25 30 8 3100 BUSTUP DUSTUP 104 4 4 6 41 51 Lanham Lana Brazos Brazes River Stbl Stable 40 50 12 2903 NELLIE H III 102 1 11 6 6 L Soden Sodden H L Etches 5 4 85 Time 85Time 6 3134 5754 123 WhiteStart Whitest Winner 123Winner B h 5 by Himyar Shimmy Blue and White Start good by machine Won cleverly second driving Hillsboro Hills was lucky in getting through Thorn stopped at the end Charles P revived a lot lotScratched outstretched Scratched Davezac Dave 104 3184 T THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3070 MINERVA 86 B 2ili li12 1 C Combs E A Stringer 2 115 1 31z8 EARL TOCHRAN COCHRAN 88 Gilmore B Schreiber 40 12 5 3095 JACK MARTIN Slaughter J Cochran 3 185 65 3100 LITTLE BILLY 99 1 6i6 6 62 41 L Soden Sodden H T Batchelor Bachelor 12 15 3100 LONGDALE ELONGATE 101 2 8 71 S 71 52 Hart Crescent Stable 5 4 85 3098 FIRST CHANCE 101 7 5 3 K 42 4 61 Morse St Paul Stable 30 30 10 3018 JOHN H1CKEY 104 4 4 8 5 5 7 Warren F M Bloom 2 3 1 2988 STEL TEL WILLIAMS 86 6 I K 4 7188 Reidy Reid J W Schorr Scorer 20 20 8 2416 CONNEMARA COMMEMORATE 101 9 9 9 9 9 9 Kutzleb Klutz A Shore 60 80 30 2959 BIG FELLOW SS 10 10 10 10 10 10 Humes Hues J Humes Hues 60 80 30 30Time 14434Winner Time 25 5034 11834 14434 Winner Ch f 3 by Galore Minnie Me MeStart Restart Start fair by machine Won easily next two driving A lot of ugly bumping on the first turn Nothing but a gallop for the winner Hickey was badly shut off on far turn Scratched turnScratched turncoat Charley McDonald 111 Sammie Young 98 Hickok Hick 88 Paskola Paso 86 3185 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile All ages Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3127 AMELIA MAY 99 4 43127JOHNN 2NK 21 21 IKK VIKKI Slaughter W P Magrane Marianne 3 185 1 1In 3127JOHNN Y MHALE HALE 107 3 In INK 11 22 E Jones T J McHale Chalet 3 185 1 3127 LEADER BAN 108 1 41 41 42 32 Garner Lowery Tanner 2 2 45 2708 MAY THOMPSON 96 5 5 5 5 41 Webster Lakeland Stbl Stable 4 3 1 1728 ALGOL 92 2 31 3 K 3 5 Reidy Reidyl Reid C Weatherford Waterford 782 782Time Time 24 49 11434 11434Winner Winner B m 5 by Jim Gore Bettie Betties West WestStart Wetter Start good by machine Won ridden out second same Algol ran short Leader Ban is going back 3186 FIFTH RACE 138 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 2882 AL ORTH NORTH 106 2 31 2n 32 22 1 Slaughter J H Davis Co 2 2 3014 ZOULIKA OUIJA 99 3 41 42 2 iK ii22 E Cochran Belfast Stable 12 12 3128 HOTSPUR HOTSPURS 97 1 2 5 5K K 42 3 Warren W H McLomore Clamored 4 165 1 3018 GOLDEN CROWN 97 6 62 6 OH 4 Wilhite Iolite Owensboro Owens Stbl Stable 40 50 15 3070 JACK BRADLEY 99 5 7 4H 7 5 Garner Oregon Stable 2 2 1 3169 PRINCE 92 8 8 7 7 32 6 E Jones R R Rice 562 3125 MONTELL MONTE 94 4 11 U 1 6 7 Reidy Reid Timmons Simmons Marksl2 15 6 2961 LBLLE BELLE FRANCE 92 7 5K 8 S S 8 Strode J Bradford 40 50 15 15Time Time 14 39 1 05 1 3i 1 53 2 25 25Winner Winner Ch g 7 by Okema Kea Juliet M MStart Start Start good by machine Won ridden out second driving hard Jack Bradley stumbled in the stretch and nearly fell Hotspur Hotspurs has no speed He is a plodder 3187 SIX SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3127 HESTER 104 3 12 12 1 IKK VIKKI Webster Lakeland Stable 3 165 45 2708 NEUTRAL 101 5 53129ALBERT 3x1 2K 22 ii E Jones P Corrigan 65 1 out 3129ALBERT S 99 2 2NK 2K 31 32 320 Hart Ruby Stable 8 25 8 3125 FRED FOSTER 99 4 42903COURONNEDOR1U1 4i 42 4 43 Garner P Grogan Groan Co 7 6 85 852903COURONNEDOR1U1 2903COURONNEDOR1U1 1 5 5 5 r Strode W Mulkey Mule 6 5 75 75Time Time 24 50 1 15 15Winner Winner Ch f 3 by Midlothian Militia Nana NanaStart Nonstarter Start good by machine Both the leaders were hard driven the length of stretch Hester ran an improved race as compared with her last out Neutral hung a bit on end endScratched undistracted Scratched Swifty Swiftly 101 Addie Caddie Buchanan 97 Damocles 94