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MILWAUKEE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track slow slowFirst loftiest First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2965 Ferryman II 3 94 3112Semele 5 96 963161The 3161The Rook 5 96 2741Hulbert 5 98 983162Alelody 3162Alelody 5 99 3050 Lucinda 3 99 3079 JudgoBaker3100 3108Samson 4 101 3160 Begue Beget 4 101 3079 The Sculptor6101 3108 Tim Murphya101 3110 Freddie L T 5104 51043l38Bitnboa 3l38Bitnboa 104 3046 Bryan 6 104 2915 Cossack 6 110 3034 Simmons 6 110 110Second Second Race 5S Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Hoi es Wgt Wt 3137 Collateral 105 3194Cynthia H105 H1053l96Terrific 3l96Terrific 105 3159 Lonely 105 3137 Rosinante Obstinate 105 3111 Cogmoosey Compose 105 2942 Domitor Dormitory 108 Moscow 108 2753 Incetatus Dictates 108 Sir Erroll Enroll 108 3195 Gaston 103 103Third Third Race 1 18 Miles MilesHurdle Miles Hurdle Handicap HandicapEnd Handicapped End Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2295 Cunarder5 130 3047f Ashland 5 132 2862 Uncle Jim 6 127 3162 WavelariU Alveolar 6 127 3047 Tambio Ambo 5 135 3198 Zaldivar Salivary a 155 155fBy fBy By Springbok SpringbokFourth Springbok Fourth Race78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapInd Handicapping Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 3160 Oualaska Koalas 3 90 3138 Bill Ellison 5 93 3161 The Rook 5 94 3048 Horence Horace P 5 93 3160 Orinda Rind 5 104 3139 Crevasse 5 108 3139 M Monarcha116 2956Mirage 4 Ill 3194 Forum 3 93 93Harlem Harlem stable entry entryFitth interfaith Fitth Faith Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 3032 GeorgieSmith380 3140 Laura Cotta3 90 3036 Aria n 3 94 3162 DadsDghter396 3140 Nel Neal Osborne4 97 3079 Dominico Dominic 4 100 2112 War Point3 99 3140 Muriel T 3 100 3080 Minnie W 4j 101 2866 Cerita4 101 3162 Gilhooley Girlhood 5 101 3160 Lancer4 105 3161 Roy Lochiel Cloche a106 2558 tSligo sling 6 109 3161 Teeta Tetra May 5 109 3108 Encoria Encomia 4 109 2997 Birdcatcher4109 Birdcatcher4109fBy fBy By Mr Pickwick Picklock PickwickSixth Picklocks Sixth Race34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wet I ml Horses Wfft Waft 2471 May Rose 4 99 3162 Billy Kinuey3 91 1302 Inverlike Fingerlike 3 95 3162 Esther W 4 96 3112 Rondeau Rhonda o 96 2736 JasVCarterS Associates 98 3162 King Henry 5 98 3112 Floreanna Foramina 5 99 3050 Fuero Ferro 5 101 3198Spendoline a104 a10431H8 31H8 Whiff 4 107