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NEWPORT FORM GHART HART GHARTNEWPORT GATEPOST NEWPORT KY August 25 Ninteonth Nineteenth Day Queen City Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge George Morgan Starter J P Chinn Chin Q O 1 FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Sellinglorses Selling lorses loses Wt St M lz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI Is 1V2 1 in Fowler J H Kelly o 2H 2Vi 45 22 23 2 25 FRussell Russell Queen City Stbl Stable 1 65 out 42 4 2 32 32 AThmpsnF Thompson Kelly 20 30 10 7 6 8 41 Britten Bitten GravesGor Graves 3121 ISABEL 103 3 6 3 41 52 C Reiff Riff Fleetwood Stb Stab 6 6 85 3032 KATIE G 104 9 8 8 7 6 F WilliamsScoggan Williams Bros Brows 10 15 6 3092 FOREMAN 101 6 3 51 5 7 Walker J McDonald 15 30 10 3119CE 103119CE RO GORDO GORDON 106 7 9998 CMatthewsNewport Matthews Stbl Stable 10 12 5 1527 TOUGH TIMBER 101 4 51 7 6 9 Sherrin Sheri J E Maddox 6 20 8 Time 24i2 SO 1 03 1 16 Winner 16Winner Ch f 4 by Pontiac Galliard Gallia GalliardStart Gaillardia Start good by machine Won in a gallop next two same Katie G came strong on the end Whyota Whoa could never get near the winner Isabel was messed about shortly after the start startScratched statecraft Scratched Suspense 103 SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3091 MERTIE MARTINE REED 103 5 41 IB IH 12 F Russell Equitable Stable 12 35 out 3200 BELLE OF NILES 101 4 3a out3a iy2 2 2 Sherrin Sheri M Wyuu WY 7 8 212 3013 HENRICA CHEMICAL 101 1 22 3u 31 SH J Perkins T H Stevens 672 3006 CARLOTTA C 101 3 IH 672IH 21 4l2 42 Walker F H Curran Currant 7 8 2li 3091 LADY EON 99 2 6 6 6 52 C Reiff Riff Nihols Nichols Talbot 20 50 20 3094 PRINCESS TECK TACK 95 6 52 53 52 6 Dupee Dupe Scotch Plaid Stbl Stable 8 15 6 3091 HONEY 97 7 7777 Stowers Towers T B Jones 15 50 20 3148 CALLIE COLLIE DOZIER 98 8 8888 20Time Fowler Porter Noel 20 50 20 Time 2412 493s 103 103Winner Winner B f by Chevalier Baracola Arcola BaracolaStart Barclays Start good by machine Won in a gallop next four driving Princess Teck Tack ran an improved race qualityScratched quality Carlotta C showed a little of her old quality Scratched Lady Keith 107 Elaine 101 Carrie F 95 Our Domestic 97 13223 THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jocknys Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 109 8 6 41 41 1 is Perkins Perkins 2 2 45 92 2 32 32 32 212 2 C Reiff Riff Horse Haven Fm 2 135 1 3121 LE BANJO 101 7 7 6 5 42 38 Sherrin Sheri W C Young 2 115 45 3172 JAMBOREE 106 1 1 2 2 3 4 Bntton Benton Apple Stable 8 10 4 3053 LITTLE TOM 93 3 2 IH IH 5 52 Shannon M Wynn 6 10 4 3170 RAMPART 101 5 5 7 7 6 6 W Smith Oriole Stable 30 50 20 3173 SILVER ROLL 98 6 8 8 8 7 7 CWebb Webb Santa Maria Stbl Stable 30 50 20 3170 START 101 10Time 4 Wt Wt 688 Thompson W Flemming Fleming 8 30 10 Time 242 50 1 04 1 17 1 305 1 44M Winner 44MWinner B c 4 by Boulevard High Nun NunStart Nonstarter Start good by machine Won easily next two driving Jamboree ran well for threequarters treasurers Rasper Grasper simply galloped all the way Le Banjo will not do just now Little Tom cannot carry his speed 3224 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S St 54 yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl 2848 TIME MAKER 110 1 1HENRY 13 3 13 13 Thompson O A Pepper 4 7 HENRY LAUNT AUNT 110 10 6 32 2y3 2 Sherrin Sheri Spokane Stable 252 3038 LITTLE NIGGER NIGER 110 5 2y2 21A 35 36 Walker W M Wallace 431 3120 HAML HAL N 110 3 329SO 3K2 5 42 4Vi Perkins J E Madden 462 29SO EL KIN 110 8 10 S 8 51 Ray C B Reid 231 231rishburn 3120 GREY GRAY ELLIPSE 110 4 rishburn Brisbane FKing King 10 15 6 2783 BILLY ARNOLD 110 JS 41 4U26 7 Brittou Briton W C Arnold 6 12 5 3120 BUCK FONSO FONTS 105 2 5 7 51 8 Henley C L Blackburn 20 30 10 3013 KING BOLEYN BOLE 105 9 9999 JMathows Mathews Shamrock Stable 30 50 15 2203 FREMONT 110 7 7 10 10 10 FWilliams Williams Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 10 30 10 10Time Time 24 49 103 Winner StanleyStart Stanley 103Winner B c by Kantaka Kanaka Nellie Stanley Start good by machine Won in a gallop next two driving Henry Launt Aunt ran much the best race Nigger Niger was not screwed up tight enough Elkin Welkin has gone back a lot yet he came fast at end FIFTH RACE 7K Mile 3yearolds Allowances Wt St k V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3202 STARBEAM STARE 105 3 12 U 12 iyz Liz IK Bolin Olin Jefferson Stable 15 50 12 123202JOE 3202JOE CLARK 110 1 43 41 5 3 2 2 A Rav Rave Ernespie Heresies Stable 1 2l2 35 3172 AIMEE 100 5 5 5 41 2 32 C Reiff Riff Goodwill Stable 641 3024 HARRY SHANNON 102 4 3431 2 5 4 Walker T Wood ford 682 3149 FIRST DEAL 105 2 2n 2 3 = 4 5 JMatthewsWLMcDnldCo Matthews 1 65 out 30laWinner Time outTime outline 25 50l2 1 03 1 16M 1 130la 30la Winner LaramintaStart Varmints B f by Day Star Laraminta Claremont Start good by machine Won ridden out Starbeam Stream was the best and boy had sense enough to sit still and let the mare win on her courage