untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1896-08-26


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IDEAL PARK RACING ASSN ASS IfJAUCURAL Bifacial MEETING 1896 AUGUST 29th TO NOVEHBER NOVEMBER 30th 1896 1896FIVE FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE IDEAL PARK is located at Ideal Park Wis Wigs forty = seven miles from Chicago on the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul R R RSpecial Special Special trains to the track in 50 minutes leave Union Depot Canal nadison Madison and Adams streets at 1145 am 1215 1240 100 and 115 pm Returning leave track at 430 pm and immediately after the races REGULAR TRAINS at 730 and 830 am going and 517 pm returning on which reduced rate Commutation Tickets will be honored honoredADMISSION honored ADMISSION 100 Including Return Trip on Special Trains and Entrance to Grand Stand Track SecyRUSSELL Encrusts Post Office W C CREVEL1NQ Secy Sec RUSSELL ILL CHICAGO OFFICE 932 HONADNOCK HONDO BUILDING BUILDINGSHIP BUILDINGS SHIP HORSES FREIGHT AKD AD EXPRESS MATTER VTA VA C M ST P RR TO RUSSELL A Big Thing TIMESFor Times XHE HE spjiyx spicy op THE TIMES Queen City Jockey Club For Racegoersl Racketeers AND NEWPORT KY NEW YORK SPORTSMAN CONSOLIDATED Five or More Races Daily The Recognized Turf Authority Authorityof Authority of America AmericaAlways Americana Goodwins Godwin Official Always up to Date in Every EveryDepartment Turf Department Guide 16thYearIssued 16thYear 10 GTS GETS PER COPY COPYALL COPAL Issued every two ALL NEWS DKALEBS DALES DKALEBSADDEESS weeks and up to date dateFORH date ADDEESS ADDRESS 400 per year SPIRIT of the TIMES FORH FOR AT A AGLANCE GLANCE 200 6mos n Frankfort St GLANCE 100 3 Box938 NEW YORK 50c a Copy TELEPHONE flAlNai lanai 34 CLOHESEYCO CLOCHES Twelfth and Thomas Streets Streetsr Streets r RacingFull Rainfall ii r JL Received by Wire on All Racing PRINTERS AND BINDERS Full Reports Events EventsChicago Events Chicago Northern Pacific RR runs through Excursion Trains to Harlem stopping at Halsted Halted BOOKMAKERS St Blue Island and Ogden Aves Avers Leaving Grand Central Passenger Station Harrison St SUPPLIES FOK OK SALE BY O U F K L 1 tlO lO and 5th Ave at 12 30 1 30 and 2 00 PM Returning special leaves Harlem at 5 30 PM PMFARE UPMARKET All prominent newsdealers newspapers and race racetracks FARE 5 CENTS CENTSLake Cents tracks Tickets Sheets Slates Cashboxes etc etcPublishers metropolises Lake St Elevated to 52d St connecting with Electric Cars to Thomas and Twelfth Sts SATs Publishers GOODWIN GODWIN BROS BRO Madison St Cable to 40th St connecting with Electric Cars to Thomas and Twelfth Sts SATs 4850 WABASH AVE 1440 Broadway New York Pacific Coast Jockey Club AriERiCAN Agrarian RACING MANUAL INQLESIDE FINALES TRACK SAN FRANCISCO THE MOST PERFECT OF WINTER TRACKS NOW READY LEATHER COVERS FLEXIBLE OF 150 PAGES PAGESIT PAGES IT CONTAINS CONTAINSA CONTAINS A Handicappers Table TableTable Tattletale Runs until flay 1897 Table of Time Comparisions Comparisons for all American Tracks Records of Every American Course to Date Bookmakers Percentage Table TableRacing Abreacting TEN EARLY STAKES ARE READY FOR HORSEMEN HORSEMENSpreckels Horsemen Racing Records to Date An Experience story by the Editor EditorHOW Editor Spreckels Speckles Cup Handicap 3yearolds 7500 Palico Alnico Hotel Stakes 2yearold fillies guar guarand garland and cup at 1500 1 miles anted value 1300 mile mileCalifornia California Derby 3yearolds guaranteed Tarpey Tape Stakes selling 3yearolds and up ¬ HOW NOT TO LOSE ON THE RACES value 5000 1U miles ward guaranteed value 1300 miles milesCalifornia California Oaks 3yearold tillies tallies guaranteed Crockor Crocker Stakes selling 2yearolds 1000 1000value value 2500 1g mites added Yt mile mileIngleside mileages Ingleside Ingles Stakes Handicap 3yearolds and For 2yoarolds guaranteed value 1300 3i 3iupward A Handsome Book 54000 4 miles mile mileCalifornia t upward guarantied value and Tear Made for Wear California Stakes handicap hurdle 3year For 2yearolds IJguaranteed Cigarette value 1300 olds and upward guaranteed value 1500 2 mile Made for the PocketMade Pocket Pocket miles over eight hurdles Made for Winning Ways WaysDAILY Wassail A B Spreckels Speckles eels Henry J Crocker CrockerPRESIDENT Crocker DAILY RACING FORM FORMPRICF PRESIDENT VICEPEES EVICTEES VICEPEESW EVICTEES PRICF PRICE 4E l26 FIFTH AVENUE 00 AVENUEtKJ Avenue E W S Leake Leakey Secty Sect San Francisco Cal tKJ KJ P5UU CHICAGO ILL

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1896082601/drf1896082601_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1896082601_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800