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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY August 29 TwentyThird Twenty Day Queen City Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge George Morgau Morgan Starter J P Chmn Hymn 3327 O rr F FIRST RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3 78 LITTLE THORN 102 2 lYz Ely 21 21 22 IKK VIKKI Britton Briton M Wynn 431 3199 CONSTANCE 95 3 3l2 Wz I1 I1 21 Dupee Dupe Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 4 Wz 95 2970 SEABROOKE SHERBROOKE 103 7 6 31 31 31 35 JPerkins Perkins THStevens Hostesses 25115 45 3174 BROWN JEWEL 100 1 2 5 Yz 41 4 Yz Sherrin Sheri Ireland Bros Brows 10 15 6 3280 SPRINGTIME 107 6 7 7 6 51 52 Aker Baker F W Cooper 3 4 55 3251 JERRY MACK 100 5 44 41 4 6 6 Conley Coney W Carter 50 50 15 3306 ELK W PUZZLER 105 456777 CWilliams Williams J F Price 30 15 6 6Time Time 241449 103 116 130 130Winner Winner B c 3 b Fon Fong du Lac Lace Evasion EvasionStart Evasions Start good by machine Won ridden out next two driving Too much use made of Con ¬ stance in early part of race Seabrooke Sherbrooke went to post sore soreScratched Scratched Ramoart Rampart 104 A B C 106 3328 SEC SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yz btrFin brine Jockeys Ownrrs Owners Cl PI 3224 LITTLE NIGGER NIGER 104 1 12 12 12 11 Walker W M Wallace 6 2 3224 HENRY LAUNT AUNT 108 7 51 512U52 31 21 23 FWilliams Williams Spokane Stable 2 35 2U52 CHERRY LEAF 103 2 32 4 4 31 VanKuren Anuran Montrose Farm 65 out 3151 WINKER 10 10 9 9764 CJorico Corsica R McMillan Macmillan 10 4 3171 SIR SIDNEY 108 4 4V 4V2 51 52 52 Britton Briton P Keating Eating 20 8 2629 SALSETTA FALSETTO 105 5 22 22i279 F Russell W C Overton Overtone 6 i279 YICKLIFFE JOH JOHN 3 W Fowler Iroquois Stable 10 320 BARTON 108 8 8 CWilliams Williams T P Jones 15 15A 3281 ORPHA ORPHAN D 100 9 7 9 10 9 A Jones A W Thurman Human 30 3281 SPKINGDAY SPINDLY 105 6 6 641S 667 IO 10 Conley Coney J JWalker Walker Walker 15 1541S 41S AYESHA AYES 100 11 11 ll 11 11 11 Tubbs Tubs F A Schwaniger Changer 30 30Time Time 24 492 102 Wiuuer Weiner B c by Deceiver Kitty H HStart Start Start good by machine Won handily next two driving Salsetta Shasta showed speed ran at impressive race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Three Bars 108 O O f Q THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k 4 l2 M StrFin Strafing Jocki Jock Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3249 BLACK SILK 99 3 ZVt ZYz Vt XYZ 41 4i 41 31 12 C Rei Reid Reiff Riff Horse Haven Fm 3 3 910 3199 LA GASCOGNE GASCONADE 86 2 H U 11 11 2n Depee Epee Bashford Bradford Manor 65 2 45 3049 ONDAGUE BONDAGE 99 1 4 5 5 5 3 Sherri32r3 Sherri Sherrin Sheri Ireland Bros Brows 472 472Argyle 32r3 FRETFUL 86 5 2n 2H 2u 2H 2n 2 42 Thorn Thompson Argyle Stable 6 6 85 3223 RASPER GRASPER 107 4 5 32 3 2 4U 5 Perkins F Perkins 3 ld5 1 1Time Time 24 491 02 1 15Ks 1 29 1 42 42VinnerB VinnerB Vintner c 3 by Sir Dixon Vie VieStart Vista Start good by machine Won easily Bad riding effort at end on La Gascogne Gasconade Silk was best Ondague Bondage was outrun early Fretful had a lot of speed Rasper Grasper ran a bad race FOURTH RACE34 Mile 3yearolds Selling 3330 Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3119 TRIXIE TRIOXIDE C 105 1 li 12 12 12 K Russell Queen City Stbl Stable 65 45 out 3251 BLLEOFFDHM 105 4 31 22 22 22 Thompson A G Weston 2 2 35 3306 MIi Mimi DRED RED D 102 3 41 41 41 32 Britton Briton J A Kelly 12 15 5 52Yz 3051 SWEET MARIE 105 2 2MISS 2Yz 3Yz SYz Soyuz 45 Conley Coney Million Davis 40 40 12 MISS VIC 105 6 6 5Yz 5i K 52 J Jackson Ernespie Heresies Stbl Stable 40 50 15 3251 MISS S 105 8 7886 A Jones Shamrock Stbl Stable 15 20 8 8S 3090 MASSE 105 7 S 6 6 7 JPerkins Perkins A W Thurman Human 8 10 4 3251 HERMINIA HARMONICA 105 5 51 7 7 8 CWilliams Williams Fairmount Falmouth Stbl Stable 12 20 8 3147 KEN THATCHER HATCHERY 102 10 9999 PWilliams Williams Spokane Stbl Stable 12 15 6 3147 SALLIE CURD 105 9 10 10 10 10 CMathews Mathews H J nkius animus nkiusTime Kristine 30 50 15 Time 12 25 50 116 Winner Br f 3 by Pirate of Penzance Penance Mattie D Start good by machine Won in a gallop the next two were going as easily FIF FIFO FIFTH RACE 6 18 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling 3331 Ind Indo Horses Wt Si M Str Star StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3U071LA WANDA 102 2 1 li 12 12 1 12 Britton Briton E M Hilton 3 4 75 3280 ROBINSON 104 1 22 25 28 2 28 C Reiff Riff J M Robinson 85 32 12 ROBINSONOILY ROBINSON OILY GAMIN 107 3 32 35 35 3 33 CMathews Mathews Goodwill Stable 15 20 8 8A 3225STARBEAM 102 4 A 4444 4 4 4 Bolin Olin W A McConnell 10 20 8 8up 3122 KITTY B 102 Pulledup Pulled up F FRussell Russell Russell R RH H Bronaugh Baronage 6 15 6 6the 3253 MOBALASKA MODALS 91 Left at the post Dupee Dupe Ed Corrigan 85 2 45 45Time Time 24 48 I0iy2 114 120M 120MWinner Winner Ch f 3 by Julien Julie Homeward HomewardStart Homewards Start poor by machine Won easily second and third same Mobalaska Modals is a very bad actor Boy pulled Kitty B up at start thinking it was no start startScratched statecraft Scratched Richfield 99 Cerro Cero Gordo Gordon 106 Suspense 103 Willie Louise 100 Long Lee 91 Judith C 89