Windsor Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-09-06


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WINDSOR FORM GHART HART GHARTWINDSOR WINDSOR ONT September 5 Twelfth day Fall Meeting Windsor Racing Association Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge John J Garter Starter Phil Oilman FIRST RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 3505 Ind Indo Horses Wt St K 5S StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op t 01 PI 3376 ONARETTO BONAIRE 98 7 2 K IH 12 is Sherland Shetland E Hanlon Hanson 6 8 83K 3456 SPOKENA SPOKEN 98 11 3K 2K 3 2 K Dunn J W Levy 3 3485 4 4IK 345 HESPERIA HESPERUS 104 SN SN34f6 IK 41 5K 32 Sweeny Sweden S M Williams 12 12 34f6 PETE KELLY 104 8 514 3 K 41 42 Banks M Lynch 8 10 3411 DAMASK 104 2 10 8K 21 52 Randall Schoenfeld Schemed Stable 8 10 3156 IMPOSITION 98 4 13 6 6 6 Healy S Edwards 20 30 10 3379 BOMBARD 98 6 9777 Farnham Farmhand W H Truax Tux 20 30 10 98 LNCSHE LUNCHED WITCH 104 9 8 10 10 8 Dyment Doyen M Dyment Doyen 40 50 15 3113 LADY LILAC 104 5 4999 Strauss Thos Ethos Lavelle Leveled 25 30 10 3458 SPAGHETTI 104 IH 6 11 8 10 J Horton Chas Boyle 752 3411 MARC MARCHA MARCH HA WAY 104 10410 10 7 5l2ll 11 Ross MSHughes Shushes 683 3428 CROCUS 104 12 11 12 12 12 Flint Essex Wessex Stable 4 4 85 3455 GLADYS LEE 98 13 12 13 13 13 BeauchampT Bacchant Cooper 10 12 5 Time 12 242 49 1 Qiy3 Qiy3Winner Winner Blk Balk c 3 by Onondaga Loretto Loretta LorettoStart Loretta Start good Won easily second in a hard drive Imposition off badly made up a lot of ground Onaretto Narrator was full of speed Hesperia Hesperus was used too much Damask showed a lot of ofSPeeScratched SPeeScratched Spacecraft Atalanta Atlanta 98 Willie K 104 Gus Strauss 104 f i m i SECOND RACE 5 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3457 KINNEY 110 4 1 2K INK iy Sherland Shetland P Ryan 32 2K 1 3457 ROCKWOOD ROCKWEED 113 6 66 4K 2K Flint Royal Stable 6 12 5 3318 LOS TRONCOS BRONCOS 110 INK 3K32 51 3 Ham Santa Anita Stbl Stable 6 7 2K 3457 MERRY CHIMES 113 2 K 21K1K 22 42 Lendrum Lender G W BelknapColO Beanpole 12 5 3457 QUANTRELL QUAINTER 113 5 4K 5 SH 51 BeauchampAtkins Bacchanalians LottridgeS Glottides 2K 1 3478 EMILY C HO 3K 51 4K 6 6 Morrison Orison W A McGuigan Michigan 3 4 75 75Time Time 12ls 25M 50 1 02 1 10 10Winner Winner B g by George Kinney Olivette Olivetti OlivetteStart Olivetti Start good Won driving but not all out Second third and fourth hard ridden Rockwood Rockweed ran a good race perhaps the best He was much used and allowed to lag Merry Chimes showed a lot of speed Troncos Broncos is of the improving kind O p f r7 THIRD RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 01 PI 3128LORRANIA 108 lli Elli IK 2 2K 11 UK Hart D Lamasney Lamasery 85 2K 1 3428 VIRGIE VIRILE DIXON 98 2 3n 4K 33 21 22 Sherland Shetland Jefferson Stable 2K 2K 1 3479 LAURETTA LAURENT D 104 3 2 2n liKli litfl1 Lillie 32 32 Randall E Moore 2 2 45 453376FLORCOLVILLE113 453376FLORCOLVILLE113 3376FLORCOLVILLE113 5 5 3 4K ilA 41 42 Flint Ohas Has Boyle 4 4 75 753456JLITTLE 753456LITTLE 1 3456JLITTLE 3456LITTLE SADIE 108 4 4 5 5 5 5 BeauchampOakdale Stable 10 10 3 Time 25 M 50M 1 15 1 28 Winner B f 3 by Midlothian Militia Lorraine LorraineStart Lorraine Start good Won easily and by the best horse Virgie Virile Dxion Dixon ran an excellent race Lau ¬ retta etta D is inclined to cowardice cowardiceScratched cowardice Scratched Alamo 104 Little Tom 104 O prO FOURTH RACE 5 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 01 PI 3320WATHEN 105 VA 12 1 13 H Flint Trenton Stable 35 710 out 3409CANNONADE 108 1 5 2 K 22 23 Hart W Scott 2K 3K 1 3351 LADY JULIET 105 3 2 42 3 3 Randall W J Smith 6 7 2 3375 RIDEAU IDEA 105 5 3K 3 41 42 Healy J C Dixon 8 10 3 3125 i KATIE W 105 4Vi 4K 75Time 41 5 5 5 BeauchampH Beach McCarren Macabre Jr 3K 5 75 Time 12K 5K 50K 103J Winner B f by Bishop Virlein Virulent VirleinStart Virulent Start good Won easily Wathen Watchmen outclassed his field Cannonade ran a good race Scratched Moncreitb Noncredit 118 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 3509 Ind Indo Horses Wt St H Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 31 PI 3 97 PETti Patti K1T HEN 94 31 IH I2y2i3 n Songer Sponger Rimini Riming Stable 2K 4 Hf 3427 MIS MISS PERKINS 104 2K 5K 51 41 33 21 Hart J W Levy 483 3410 HELEN H II 97 4 41 4 22 21 315 Valentine J H Valentine 6 10 4 3410 STARK 104 6 7 61 6 41 42 Hoaley Haley Clyde Lye Stable 10 15 6 2130 LIN LING NETTE NETTED 104 7 6 7 52 6 5 Vandusen Bandsmen 0 Tilles Tiles 8 8 2K 3317 SAUTEUR SAUNTER HO IK 22 2K 3 5K 6 Overton Overtone Schoenfeld Schemed Stable 75 65 out 3413 MY HEBE HEBREW 104 5 3 3K 7 7 7 Sherland Shetland L S Williams 67 2 Time 26 51K 1 04 1 18K 1 46 46Winner Winner Blk Balk ff 3 by Folsetto Falsetto Rebellis Embellish RebellisStart Reenlist Start good Won galloping second with something to spare third all out Pete Kitchen was much the best and showed it Sauteur Saunter ran a queer race He had speed for a short way only Scratched onlyScratched Belle Boyd 107 Lady Clyde Lye 94 SIXTH RACE 5 Furlongs 3yearolds Selling 351OInd 351O Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 01 E 3408 LOYAL PRINCE RINCE RICE 105 12 12CORANELLA 1 12 isi2i2 j Horton J H Valentine 531 531jLA CORANELLA CORNELL jLA LA 105 31 23 210 25 22 BeauchampJ Beach E Brown 2 2K 1 1LLBIA 3379 QUEEN LLBIA ALBIA ELBA ALBA 105 2N 2NK S N 32 33 36 Sherland Shetland C Scanlan Canaan 7 10 4 1556 NOVER OVER 105 4 4K 41 42 43 Healey Haley S Edwards 548 3408 INSP INS MEADE 1ADE 5481ADE 105 5 o 5 5K 5K 52 Souger Gouger Clyde Lye Stable 10 12 5 2352 SIDDEOLUS IDEALS US 105 6 6666 Vandusen Bandsmen C C OFallon Fallen 2K 3 1 3455 BUTTRESS iS 105 7 7777 Farnham Farmhand W J Vaughan 10 10 4 Time 12 25 50M 1 04K 1 12 j g 3 by Loyalist Tiara Start bad Won galloping second handily It was a bad lot and the race out of it a mere mereprocession procession Scratched Hilda 105 Twonett Twinjet 105 j

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Local Identifier: drf1896090601_1_2
Library of Congress Record: