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v A A 1 A 1 W Y Yk k A Y T A 4 T T Iv DEAL PARK RACING ASS N = IMAUCURAL INAUGURAL MEETING MEETINGAUGUST MEETING AUGUST 29th TO NOVEflBER November 30th 1896 1896FIVE FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE DEAL PARK is located at Ideal Park Wis Wigs forty = seven miles from Chicago on the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul R R RSpecial Special Special trains to the track in 50 minutes leave Union Depot Canal nadison Madison and Adams streets at 1145 am 1215 1240 100 and 115 pm Returning leave track at 430 pm and immediately immediatelyafter immediately after the races racesREGULAR REGULAR TRAINS at 730 and 830 am on which reduced rate Commutation Tickets will be honored And on any of the returning Specials SpecialsADMISSION Specials ADMISSION 100 Including Return Trip on Special Trains and Entrance to Grand Stand StandTrack Sandra Track Post Office W C CREVELING REVELING Secy Sec SecyRUSSELL Encrusts RUSSELL FjussbLL Fuss OFFICEFjussbLL ILL CHICAGO OFFICE 932 noNADNOCK noncan BUILDING BUILDINGSHIP BUILDINGS SHIP HORSES FREIGHT ASTD STD EXPRESS MATTER VIA C M ST P RR TO RUSSELL ILL Bookmakers can get Necessary Supplies from Mike Sweeny Sweden at the Track Daily Racing Forms Selection SelectionThe Selection Queen City Jockey Club The Telegraphic Service over Racing Forms Daily Selections has been remodeled and in future subscribers at 4 per week will be sent only a su cinct Clint telegram of some twenty words night rate Western Union NEWPORT KY Message containingthe containing refined selections in all the races of the fol fool ¬ lowing day Five or More Races Daily D Pacific tftV tuft BffiBHS Befits r rci ri ci InA Inca flnli fillip Club fleeting Extended to September 11 INQLESIDE FINALES TRACK SAN FRANCISCO COL COLE FRANCISCOCOL FRANCISCO JACK CHINN CHIN Starter J QRATZ RAT HANLY HANKY SectyBA Sect THE MOST PERF PER PERFECT OF WINTER TRACKS Finest Track and Buildings in the West Beginning October 28 1896 and Runs until flay 1897 R7i J Jrh Rah Tfe Fe TfeTft Feet fci foci fcis fibs A ELEVEN EARLY STAKES ARE READY FOR HORSEMEN HORSEMENWW HORSEMEN rh 9 Tft Taft s Or Windsor WW I fill Cli Clio I Racing m 51 PI il IT Assr Ass AssrCJ Nasser CCfl Cycle They are worth 30500 Entries close October 15 1896 The Spreckels Speckles Cup Handicap for threeyear three Entrance 10 each to accompany the nomina nominal CJ CJAUTUflN olds to be run during April 1897 The guaran guaranty tion ion 25 additional to start A winner of any teed value 7500 and Mr A B Spreckels Speckles the stake race to carry three pounds extra Maid president to give the winner a cup valued at ens Jens allowed ten pounds Acceptance as above AUGUST AUTUflN Autumn HEETING SHEETING OPENS 25 25Five 1500 5000 and the cup to the first 2000 to 34 mile milethe millet the second an 1 00 to the third horse Entrance The G H Mumm Mummy Co Stakes For twoyear twofer 25 each to accompany the nomination 100 old colts and geldings Guaranteed value of additional to start Weights to appear ten the stake 1300 1000 to the first 200 to the days before tho thou raco race Four or mere horses the seco Secom d and 100 to the third horse Entrance Five or flore florae Races Daily property of entirely different interests to start 10 to accompany the nomination 25 addition or the race may be declared off Acceptance to al to start A winner of any stake raco race to carry be made through the entry box the day preced precede 3 Ibs Dibs extra Maidens allowed 10 Ibs Dibs Accept ¬ RAIN OR SHINE ing King the race 1J4 miles ance Vance to be made through the entry box tho thou day The California Derby A sweepstakes for Preceding the raco race mile m iRTfinn pirating The Pommery Pommel Sec Stakes For two yearolds earls 300 to the Guaranteed value 1300 1000 to the first 200 200horse horse Entrance to the second and 100 to the third horse En Jation Nation 100 ad trance 1 each to accompany the nomination ed 10 Ibs Dibs Ac additional to start A winner of any stake stakellos tangelos llos los race to carry 3 Ibs Dibs of two or more 5 Ibs Dibs extra raceTho racehorse Beaten maidens unplaced in a sweepstakes race Tho Theo fnlfomn nylon OaksFor Oaks fillies threeyear three mile allowed 5 Ibs Dibs Acceptance as above alue value j500 2000 to the Tno No Tarpoy Troy StakesSelling Stakes for threeyearolds A M theM PARFIER PRIER PHIL OILMAN JOHN J CARTER first threeyearoldsfirst t com 350 i to n the second and 150 to the third and upward Tho Theo association to guarantee the YJ strtVr start sldlmTjudtre h hrS ° rS E ance Vance 10 each to accompany the value of the stake 1300 1000 to the first 250 Secretary Starter Presiding Judee Jude nomination 50 additional to start Weight to the second and 50 to the third horse En 117 Ibs Dibs Allowances those not having won at trance 10 each to accompany the nomination nominationany nomination any time a race of 1000 value 5 Ibs Dibs oOO boo 8 Ibs Dibs 25 additional to start 3000 Weight for age ageT agent maidens 12 Ibs Dibs Acceptance as above 1 miles Allowances 3 pounds each 500 less to 2000 1 + TIT A W T r VS TUS1fr T V Tr A rV r I MldlffH iLM film lleT leT I At l B W i A 1 i The Ingleside Ingles Stakes Handicap for three pound each 100 less to 1500 2 pounds each 100 100i i JLylVJI I tJ tWIxfi twixt nLlFll en 4 ± yearolds earls and upward Guaranteed value 4000 less to 1000 Starters and selling price to be 3000 to the first 500 to tho thou second 300 to the named through the entry box the day proceed third and 200 to the fourth horse Entrance 15 ing King the raco race Beaten horses not liable to claim claimeach Camacho each to accompany the nomination 100 addi Addis 1 18 miles milestiotial mildest tiotial total to start Weight to appear ten days be The Crocker Stake Selling for twoyearolds toeholds 1 OWNERS AND fore the race Four or more horses tho thou proper Entrance of 10 to accompany the nomination nominationSV nominationS SV 1 TAIMH TAI ty of entirely different interests to start or tho thou 5 additional to start 1000 added by the theV the V ttvAiiNCKo attain race may be declared off Accptanco Acceptance as above Pacific Coast Jockey Club of which 200 19 the winnerWhen winner 4 miles second and 100 to the third horse The winner When you ship your horsea horse ask The California Stakes A handicap hurdle to be sold at auction for 3000 Allowances 3 3Express Express Company to stall your race for 3yearolds and upward Guaranteed pounds each 500 less to 2000 1 pound each r car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable value of the stake 1500 1200 to the first 200 100 less to 1500 2 pounds each 100 less to toStall totally Stall adjustable to any car thus to the second and 100 to the third horse En 1000 Starters and selling price to bo named I namedI named securing absolute safety to your trance 10 each to accompany the nomination as above Beaten horses are not liable to claim claimI claim I horses while in transit without 25 additional to start Weights to appear three Yz mile IIIUI mileIIIUI additional cost to the shipper as days 6 ef ore the day set for the race Four or Tho Theo Hobart Stakes Handicap for threeyear three threeyeara three a express companys company furnish them more horses the property of entirely different olds and upward Guaranteed value 1500 1 1 free of cost to yon They don t interests to start or the race may be declared 1150 to the first 250 to tho thou second and 100 to todriface ordinance driface driftage tho thou car whon whom adjusted off Acceptance as above 2 miles Over eight the third horse Entrance 10 each to accom Tacoma f and can be set up in thirty minute hurdles pany panky tho thou nomination 25 additional to start for any number of horses to 24 ii The Palace Hotel Stakes For 2yearold fil fail Weights to appear five days before the raco race 7 Double door baggageicar baggage Expres Expires lies Guaranteed value 1300 1000 to the first Acceptance to be made through the entry box boxmv box mv mileslos miles companies can procure stalls b 200 to the second and 100 to the third horse the day preceding the race 1 116 miles los to s applying H EUGENE LEIGH LEIGHLEXINGTON A B Spreckels Speckles Henry J Crocker LEXINGTON K PRESIDENT VICEPEES EVICTEES W S Leake Leakey Secty Sect San Francisco Cal CalParlors Capricorns 21DJUSTIBLE HORSE STAUBFITAWY CARO CAR Parlors A and B Palace Hotel