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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CAL Oct 27 Third day California Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge Joseph J Burke Starter James B Ferguson 4698 FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI lOlHERMANITA tolerant 99 7 2H IH i i H Martin J G Follaasbee Flaxseed 710 12 out 4637 TUXEDO 101 1 4 2 2 23 G Wilson J J Mclntoh McIntosh 15 25 8 4670 ZARAGOZA ARAGON 98 6 5 42 53 3 McClain Moccasin D Dennison 4 10 4 4667 RED PIKE 88 8 73 710 610 4 CnniughmF Cunningham Lind Linda 4 15 6 348 MONTEREY Iu4 3 1V4 32 4 5io Golden George Bailey 6 30 10 4667 BIG CHIEF 97 4 63 66 710510 EJones Jones R D Ledgett Leggett 483 4667 TWO STEPS 97 2 8 8 8 7 H Brown Bernard Stable 15 75 25 25LITTLE LITTLE FLUSH 102 5 3n 53 3 8 Spencfr Spencer Frank Dopoistre Opposite 12 40 15 15Time Time 26 53 119 136 Winner 136Winner DouglasStart Douglass Br m 4 by Fresno Sister to Jim Douglas Start good Won handily second driving Tuxedo shot away from the bunch at start and set a hot pace for a quarter of a mile Then he gave away to Monterey who was in turn over ¬ hauled by Hermanita Herman Rod Pike off badly and worse ridden ran good racj rack and was full of run ¬ ning Ming at finish 4699 SECOND RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purso Purrs 350 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi 4669 TEA ROSE 105 2 1A 13 112 110 y2 Freeman Goo Rose 45 12 out 324 HOWARD S 113 1 23 21 21 26 26 Enos Kenos J H Shields 231 231JAY JAY WHEELER 98 4 3 31 o 36 32 35 McClain Moccasin Geo Geol Rose 45 12 out 3946 DON CLARENCIO CLARENCE 113 344444 EJones Jones BurnsW Burns terhse terse 352 Coupled in betting Time 25 51 J4 1 164 1 29 29Winner Winner Ch f by Midlothian Militia Red Rose RoseStart Rosetta Start good Won handily second driving and gaining at every stride Don Clarencio Clarence did not relish the heavy good Howard S is a good colt 47OO THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purso Purrs 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt 8 at 54 Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4671 REDDINGTON REDDING 102 6 63 6 3 13 H Martin E F Smith 6 6 172 JIM BOZEMAN 104 2 32 1 12 2 Golden Mrs E Starkey Starker 4 6 4671 SALISBURY II 100 4 2u 21 43 3214 E Jones BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 3 4671 HUENEME USERNAME 110 3 42 53 55 4211 Snider Chas McDonald 2 4673 RICARDO 107 7 5u 31 2 515 Shepard S F Capps Caps 4667 LILY R 97 8 8 S 8 63 Butler D Dennison 50 150 50 964 NELL FLAHERTY FLASHER 107 1 1ROYAL 1241 62073 W Stipes Stripes R Stipe Stripe 15 10 3 ROYAL FLUSH 103 5 7io 720 71 8 Cole Owens Bros Brows 15 30 10 10Time Time 25H 51 1 19 Winner AngeliqueStart 19Winner B g 3 by Emperor of Norfolk Angelique Angelic Start good Won easily second with plenty to spare Nell Flaherty Lathery got running start and led for a little over three furlongs and then stopped Reddington Redding well ridden pasted Jim Boze Booze man about a furlong from home Ricardo was never dangerous 47O1 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 500 All Ages Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 243PKTERII 83 2 3 4 4 310 IH Butler Elmwood Stk St Frm Farm 5 6 out 4666 SIR PLAY 92 1 H2 liltf lilt lu 2 4 H Brown GBMorris Gomorra 65 95 out 4669 ROSEBUD 98 3 22 22 22 21 320 E Jones Burns Waterhse Watershed 65 65 out 4666 GRADY 90 4 4 3 31 4 4 C Cole Owens Bros Brows 6 8 out outTimo ultimo 33tfWinner Timo Timor 2654 52 1 19Ji 1 33tf Winner B c 4 by Brutus Bruits Bonnie Jean JeanStart Jeans Start good First three driving hard Sir Play made the pace hot He turned wide and carried Rosebud out in home stretch Peter II hugged inner rail and being well managed by Butler managed to just win winScratched wisecracked Scratched Nebuchadnezzar 98 Rninart Nina 106 FIFTH RACE5 12 Furlongs Purse 400 All Ages Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt S St V4 V Yi K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Gl PI PRINCIPLE 106 5 3V4 33 33 23 Freeman A Rose 5 10 4 NIC NICE NAC NAACP 100 3 12 23 IH 32 E Jones M J Kelly 2 75 25 4667 MOUNT ROY 129 8 9 53 43 4n Snider A N Buchanan 6 15 6 4667 JACK ATKINS WATKINS 97 4 t 6 5 5io Shepard M Hennessy Hennas 652 321 TONENO TONE 103 6 71 iyt it 61 62 J Brown Alma Dale Stable 8 15 6 4667 DUKE STEVENS 132 1 23 IB 710 720 Spencer O Appleby Apple 10 12 4 118 GEO GE DICKINSON 96 7 5 8i 820 820 C Cole Vici Vicki Stable 10 100 30 326 GONDOLA 108 2 83 9 9 9 Golden W P Fine 20 40 15 Time 15Time 26M 39 52 2 1 06J 1 14 BStart Start Winner B g 5 by Himyar Shimmy Una Luna B Start fair Won driving Duke Stevens for a half mile led his field a merry clip Hymn saved several lengths by a close turn into stretch Principle swerved clean across the track or might have won Gondola was pocketed shortly after start