Ingleside Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-12-03


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INGLBS1DE FORM CHARJ CHAR CHARJSAN CHARS SAN FRANCISCO CAL December 2 Eighteenth Day Pacific Coast Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Jas Jabs H Rees Starter B Havey Harvey KA HA FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 35U 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St HtrFin Trine Jockoyo Jockey Owners Op Cl Pi 5061 HORATIO ORATION lOi loci 1 12 12 iiU ii flhaw flaw H Dimond Diamond 6 30 10 iJiO Fiji OSRIC OSTRICH II 101 3 2 3V 32 2 E Jones BurnsWatorhse 3 3 65 I43S 65I43S SUGAR fOOT 98 2 3 23 23 32 Clawson Lawson B Schreiber 4 8 2 4606GOOD TIMES 105 11 11 86 6 41 J Gardner H E Leigh 452 4611 331GREYHURST HANETTA ANNETTE 106 6 53 5 52 52 T Murphy A J Stemler Steamer 331 GREYHURST GREYHOUNDS 102 8 7666 Freeman George Rose 10 12 5 NONCHALANCE 101 9 9977 Golden Louis Ezell Bezel 30 40 12 5298 883S351 DEY DE DEL TIERRA107 4 44 8 8 Coady Cody Cambridge Stbl Stable 883 S351 1254361ALAZAN FORTUNATE 101 5 6799 HMartin Martin McNghtonMuir 30 40 12 54361ALAZAN 105 7 8 10 10 10 Shepherd CFSanders Cofounders Co30 40 12 5061 GEO GE PALMER 9810 10 11 11 11 R Isom Ism A B Sprockets 672 4956 REEL 98 12 12 12 12 12 Reidy Reid W H McLemoro Clamor 40 50 15 Time 15Time 12 25 49 10254 Winner Ch c by Midlothian Militia Lurline Urine LurlineStart Burliest Start good Won easily second third and fourth driving hard Osric Ostrich was cut off twice Good Times under a bad ride finished strong Sugar Foot ran a smart race Alazan Alaskan was in his own way wayScratched Scratched Roltaire Voltaire 101 Loulou Lolo R 98 Torpedo 101 Sonirb Stonier 100 Gordon 101 5475 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 All Ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 31 PI 5078 HOWARD S 97 2 5 3 1 H E Jones J H Shields 883 5079 LIBERTINE 115 3 1 1 22 2 Mackliu Mack J G Brown Co 1110 65 out 5440 Me LIGHT 100 1 22 23 3i33 HMartin Martin McAvoy Cavy Dale 10 20 8 4177 AQUINAS 90 6 4 4 42 41 AThompsnB Thompson Schreider Schreiber 2 3 45 5459 IN3TALLATOR 105 4 3 52 51 52 Shaw W Boots Son 4 5 85 20ARNETTE MISS 85MISS ROSS 99 5 6666 Barringor Barring J Williams 50 60 20 ARNETTE ANNETTE 106 7 7777 Freeman George Rose 30 40 12 Time 12Time 24 49 101 1 14 Winner Br c 2 by Whistle Jacket Zelica Celia ZelicaStart Elicitor Start fair Won rather handily second and third driving hard McLight Cling beat the gate Aquinas was vilely ridden and unnecessarily flogged last three furlongs Libertine had his speed but could never get clear of his field Howard S is a roal royal good colt Scratched coltScratched crosshatched Tempestuous 90 Altauera Althaea 90 Caesarian 105 Roselle 98 Toano Tango 102 Cant Dance 102 Santa Bella Ella 99 Preston 112 112Overweights Overweights Overweighs Howard S 4 pounds Arnette Annette 4 KA r f THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 500 All Ages Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 31 PI 5459 THE DRAGON 98 1 12 11 11 U 11 E Jones H T Griffin 4 4 65 5439NEBCHADNEZR 102 3 21 22 22 23 2 R Isom Ism W Boots Son 65 45 but 5459 LINCOLN II 96 2 3 31 32 32 33 AThompsnS Thompson C Hildreth Children 3 1S5 1 5439 GRADY 87 4 4 4 4 4 4 Cole Owen Bros Brows S 6 85 85Time Time 25 51M 1 16M 1 41 41Winner Winner Br c 3 by St George Bideawee Idea Start good Won easily second driving The Dragon got a running start and was not catch able Lincoln overweighted overweighed was never able to get up Scratched upScratched unscratched Damien 100 Geyser 97 5477 m PXURTH SPURT RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 400 Hurdle Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 31 143 2 2 22 IB iy2 11 Stanford Ed Corrigan 6 15 6 134 1 31 51045 3 2 Martinus Martins Matt Storu Store 15 30 10 BURMAH BURMA 143 5 1 IH 2 2n 35 Blakely Blackly BrnsWterhuse Barnstorms 2 65 12 5424 MONTALVO MENTAL 150 6 7 7 7 4 42 GCochran Cochran J Cochran 2 2 45 455376J 5376J O C 145 8 8 6 6 5 53 Lloyd H J Jones 683 5376 HELLO 143 4 5 4 3 6 6 T Murphy FarrarTberville Fayetteville 15 20 8 4999 ARTEMU3 143 3 43 3x 5 7 7 J Owens D Miller 672 6724787HERMAN 4787HERMAN 158 7 6 Fell Higgins Lone Star Stable 12 15 6 Time 203 203Winner Winner Ch g 4 by Rossington Crossing Ada Adam Reese ReeseStart Resistant Start good Won easily second and third driving hard Roes finished very strong and smothered Burmah Burma in the home run Burmah Burma was short J O 3 ran a queer race Montalvo Mental finished strong Rees is improving over his fences Budd Buddy threatens to be a real good jumper jumperscratched jumpers scratched Silverado Silvered 157 f A rj Q FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 35U 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5459 GK ATI AI FY 108 2 21 1V2 1 IH VV Martin J A Colonian Colombian 65 1 out 5022 BRAMETTA BARNETT 104 1 li23 2 25 E Jones D A Honig Hong 4 3 65 5461 M CUNNINGHAM 104 7 42 31 32 36 Coady Cody W M Murry Murray 562 5064 BROAD BILLOW 99 4 5f 52 51 42 Maxey Mae C FSandersCo Sanders 40 60 20 5460 CAMELIA AMELIA 104 9 766 51 T Murphy EdCorrigan Hectoring 862 5313 CARDWELL CALDWELL 107 8 8776 Freeman W Earp 10 12 5 5437 EXAMINER 109 3 31A 41 4 7 Thorpe Vici Vicki Stable 10 12 5 5063TOBY 109 6 9988 Hazlett Haslet EHRoland Hartland 15 20 8 5064 MASEORO MASER 99 5 6899 Shephard Shepard G Pacheco Paycheck 15 20 8 5084 FRANCO 90 10 10 10 10 10 Cole D J Fitzgerald 40 60 20 20Time Time 25 51 1 03 1 i6 L S Winner Ch g 3 by Farandole Farad Satisfaction SatisfactionStart Satisfactions Start good Won handily second and third doing their best Cunningham ran a good race Examiner had some speed but not enough enoughScratched Scratched Johnny McHale Chalet 109 May Jones 104 Duktf Deut Stevens 112 Rajah 99 Overweights Overweighs Gratify 4 pounds 5479 SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 400 All Ages Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5422PALOMACITA 97 1 U 12 3 2 1 E Jones BurnsVVaterhse 115 11 710 5377 THELMA HELM 95 3 3 3 IH IH 2 EDennisonJ Weenies N Burk Burke 4 3 45 5377 LITTLE CRIPPLE 95 4 41 42 4 41 32 H Brpwn Brown JCHumphreys Chump 872 5440 TRAPPEAN TAPPAN 93 6 2 2 2a 3 41 Davidson R E Downing 12 15 6 240 FOREMOST 95 5 5 5 5 5 5 11 Isom Ism A B Spreckels Speckles 20 30 10 5458RED 8RED GLENN 95 2 12Time Fell Clawson Lawson Cambridge Stable 75 85 12 Time 26 51 116 4 141 148 Winner Ch f 3 by Surinam Paloma Palma Start good Won easily second and third driving hard Glenn was jammed to the rail at the start Clawson Lawson thrown with him was unconscious and remained so a long time Paloma Palma cita cia was the best and a speed marvel Thelma Helm ran a good race Cripple was merely outrun outrunScratched outruns Scratched Semper Simper Lex Alex 110 Tenacity 93 Alvarado Allargando 93 Ouantrell Courante 85 Instierator Integrator 105

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Local Identifier: drf1896120301_1_2
Library of Congress Record: