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FAMOUS ENGLISH RACE COURSES COURSESBelow Courses Below is given an interesting schedule of the present English courses and their measure ¬ ments aments mentsCourses meniscuses Courses Mi Fur Yds Yd YdsThe Dashed The Beacon course 4 1 143 143The The Round course 3 4 139 139Summer Summer course last two miles of ofRound orotund Round course 200 Last three miles of Beacon course 3 0 60 Ditch in from the running gap to tothe tote the end of the Beacon course 2 0 105 105The The last mile and a distance of the theBeacon Thebes Beacon course 1 0 240 240The The Ancestor mile lat mile straight 1 0 18 The Criterion course from the turn turnof turnoff of the Lands in 0 6 0 0The The Audley Dudley End course from the thestarting hesitating starting point of the TwoYear Twofer TwoYearOld Toehold Old course to the end of the Bea Beta ¬ con course 1 7 42 42Across Across the Flat 1 2 73 73The The Rowley Crowley mile last mile Across AcrosstheFlat Crosstie theFlat helot 1 0 17 17The The Ditch Mile first mile Across AcrosstheFlat Crosstie theFlat helot 1 0 0 0The The Abingdon Abandon Mile on the Flat 10 0 Last five furlongs of Abingdon Abandon Mile 050 The middle miles of Beacon course 1 7 158 The last mile and a half of the Two TwoMiddleMiles MiddleMiles Middle 1 4 29 29TwoYearOld TwoYearOld Toehold coarse on theFlat helot 0 5 140 The New TwoYearOld Toehold course on onthe Monte the Bunbury Burberry Mile 0 5 136 136The The Bunbury Burberry Mile a straight mile milefinishing mulleins finishing at the end of the Round Roundcourse Roundhouse course 1 0 0 0The The Chesterfield course last five fivefurlongs furlongs of the Bunbury Burberry Mile 050 The Rous Rouse course last five furlongs furlongsof furlongs of the Rowley Crowley Mile 0 5 0 0The The Bretby Bret stakes course last six sixfurlongs furlongs of the Rowley Crowley mile 0 6 0 0The The Cesarewitch Cesar course from the thestarting hesitating starting point of the Two Middle MiddleMiles Middle Miles to the end of the Flat i 2 28 28The The Cambridgeshire Cambridge course last lastmile Bastille mile and a distance straight 1 0 240 240The The Suffolk Stakes course last mile mileand midland and a half of the Round course 1 4 2 The Exeter course finishing at the theTwoYoarOld TwoYoarOld Toyota course post 0 6 0 0The The Peel course finishing at same samepost shampoos post 060 060The The Dewhurst Demurest Plate course last lastseven lateen seven furlongs of the Rowley Crowley Mile 070 The first five furlongs of the Abing Dabbing ¬ don Mile 0 5 0 0The The last five furlongs of the Ditch DitchMile Itchier Mile 050 050From From the above table of distances it will be seen that only in some instances can the time test be applied in comparing American horses with English horses for the reason that many of the English courses exceed or fall short of the distance specified A mile and a distance is a very different thing to a mile the 240 yards at the finish making all the difference in the world