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CLUB DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTSPRING SPRING SUMMER AND FALL MEETING 1891 1891Stakes Stakes to Close Jan 15 97 THE INAUGURAL INAUGURALA THE GOLDEN ROD RODA A handicap sweepstakes for 3yearolds and A handicap sweepstakes for all ages 5 to ac ¬ upward Weights to bo announced March 27 company nomination 50 additi nal to start 10 to accompany the nomination 15 to be The Club to add an amount sufficient to make paid on acceptance of weights which accept the value of the stake 1500 of which 1200 to anco must be made by April 10 and 50 addi ¬ the winner 200 to second and 100 to third tional to start The Club to add an amount Weights to bo announced three days prior to sufficient to make the value of the stake 2000 the race A winner of a race after weights are of which 1500 to the wiunor 350 to second and announced to carry 5 Ibs extra 6 furlongs 150 to third A winner of a race after publica ¬ THE LAUREL LAURELA tion of weights the total advertised value of A handicap sweepstakes for 3yearolds and which is 1000 more to carry 5 Ibs extra upward 5 to accompany the nomination 50 1 mile mileTHE additional to start The Club to add an amount THE DEBUTANTE DEBUTANTEFor sufficient to make tho value of the stake 1500 For 2yearold fillies foals of 1895 5 to ac ¬ of which 1200 to the winner 200 to second at d company the nomination 50 additional to start 100 to third Weights to bo announced three The Club to add an amount sufficient to make days prior to the race A winner of a race after the value of the stake 1500 of which 1200 to weights are announced to carry 5 Ibs extra the winner 200 to second and 100 to third mile Winners of a sweepstake the total advertised value of which is 1000 or more to carry 3 Ibs THE MISSOURI MISSOURIA of two such 5 Ibs of three or more such 7 Ibs A selling sweepstakes for 2yearolds foals of 1895 5 to accompany the nomination 50 ad ¬ extra maidens allowed 5 Ibs 4Vj furlongs furlongsTHE ditional to start Tho Association to guarantee THE KINDERGARTEN the value of tho stake 1500 of which 1200 to For 2yearold colts and geidiu s foals of the winner 200 to second and 100 to third 1895 55 to accompany the nomination 50 ad ¬ Those entered to be sold for 2500 weight for ditional to start The Club to add an amount age 3 Ibs allowed for each 300 to 1200 1 Ib sufficient to mako the value of the stake 1500 for each 100 less Starters with selling price of which 1200 to the winner 200 to second and to be named through the entry box the day be ¬ 100 to third Winners of a sweepstake the fore tho race More than two can be named by total advertised value of which is 1000 or more the same owner but only two can start but the to carry 3 Ibs of two such 5 Ibs of three or starting fees must bo paid for all named 2 more such 7 Ibs extra maidens allowed 5 Ibs mile mileTHE mile mileTHE THE INDEPENDENCE THE TWOYEAROLD CHAMPIONSHIP A handicap sweepstakes tur 3yearolds and For 2yearolds ifoals of 1895 J10 to accom ¬ upward 5 to accompany the nomination 50 pany the nomination 65 additional to start additional to start The Club to add an amount The Club to add an amount sufficient to make sufficient to make the value of the stake 1500 the value of the stake 2000 of which 1500 to of which 1200 to the winner 200 to second and winner 350 to second and 150 to third Win ¬ 100 to third Weights to be announced three ners of a sweepstake the total advertised value days prior to the race A winner of a race after of which is 1000 or more t s carry 3 Ibs of two weights are announced to carry 5 Ibs oxtra such 5 Ibs of three or more sweepstakes of 1M miles milesTHE any value 7 Ibs extra maidens allowed 5 Ibs maidens that have started in a sweepstake and THE MOUND CITY CITYA have not been placed 7 Ibs 5 furlongs furlongsTHE A selling sweepstakes for 3 yearolds and up ¬ ward The Association to guarantee the value THE MEMORIAL MEMORIALA of the stake 1500 of which 1200 to the winner A handicap sweepstakes for threeyearolds 200 to second and 100 to third 5 to accom ¬ andupward 110 to accompany the nomination50 pany the nomination 50 additional to start additional to start The Club to add an amount 3000 weight for age 3 Ibs allowance for each sufficient to mako the value of the stake 1800 500 less to 2000 i Ib for each 100 less to 1500 of which 1500 to the winner 200 to second and Starters with selling price to be named through 100 to third Weights to bo announced three the entry box the day preceding the race days before the race A winner of a race after More than two can bo named by the same weights are announced to carry 5 Ibs extra owner but only two can start but the starting 1H miles milesTHE fees must bo paid for all named 1 miles milesTHEO2ARK THE CLUB MEMBERS HANDICAP THEO2ARK THEO2ARKFor A handicap sweepstakes for 3yearoids and For 2yearold colts aud geldings foals of upward Weights to be announced May 1 10 1895 5 to accompany the nomination 50 ad ¬ to accompany the nominations 20 on accept ¬ ditional to start The Club to add an amount ance of weights which acceptance must be sufficient to make the value of the stako 1500 made by May 15 and 70 additional to start of which 1200 to the winner 200 to second and The Club to add an amount sufficient to make 100 to third Winners of a sweepstakes of the the value of the stake 3000 of which 2200 to advertised value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two the winner 500 to second and 300 to third A such 5 Ibs of three or more such 7 Ibs extra winner of a sweepstake after publication of Horses not having won a sweepstakes of the weights the total advertised value of which is value of 700 allowed 5 Ibs maidens 10 Ibs 1000 or mote to carry 3 Ibs of two such or M mile mileTHE one of the total advertised value of 2000 or more 5 Ibs penalty 1 4 miles milesTHE THE ISABELLA ISABELLAFor For 2yearold allies foais of 1895 5 to ac ¬ THE BREWERS BREWERSA company the nomination 50 additional to start A handicap sweepstakes for 2yearolds foals The Club to add an amount sufficient to make of 1895 5 to accompany the nomination 50 the value of the stako 1500 of which 1200 to additional to start The Club to add an amount the winner 200 to second and 100 to third sufficient to mako the value of the stake 1500 Winners of a sweepstakes of tho advertised of which 1200 to the winner 200 to second and value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two such 5 Ibs S100 to third Weights to be announced three of three or more such 7 Ibs extra Horses not days prior to the race A winner of a race after having won a sweepstakes of the value of 700 weights are announced to carry 5 Ibs extra allowed 5 Ibs maidens 10 Ibs 5 A furlongs furlongsTHE 34 mile mileTHE THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY VALLEYA THE CRYSANTHEMUM A selling sweepstakes for 3yearolds and up ¬ A Handicap sweepstakes for 4yearolds foals ward 5 to accompany the nomination 50 ad ¬ of 1895 5 to accompany the nomination 50 ditional to start The Club to add an amount additional to start The Club to add an a i ount sufficient to make the value of the stake 1500 sufficient to make the value of tho stako 1500 of which 1200 to the winner 200 to secondand of which 1200 to the winner 200 to second and 5100 to third Those entered not to bo sold to 103 to third Weights to bo announced three days prior to tho race The winner of a race carry 7 Ibs oxtra Those entered to bo sold for after weights are announced to carry 5 Ibs 4000 to carry weight for age for 3000 al ¬ lowed 5 Ibs with 2 Ibs allowance for each 5CO extra 1 mile mileFIXED to 2090 1 Ib for each 100 below 2000 Start ¬ FIXED EVENT EVENTThe ers with selling price to bo named through The St Louis Derby for 1 898 entry box by twelve oclock on the day prior to A sweepstakes for ayearulds foals of 1895 the race More than two may bo named by the 50 each half forfeit or only 10 if declared by same owner but only two can start but the January 1 1898 j 100 additional to start Tho starting foe must bo paid for all earned 1 mile mileTHE Association to add 5000 of which 1000 to sec ¬ THE MERAMEC MERAMECA ond 500 to third and the fourth to save its A selling sweepstakes for ail ages 5 to ac ¬ stake Winners of a stake of 5000 in 1898 or company the nomination 50 additional to start one of 10000 in 1897 to carry 3 Ibs penalty Tho Club to add an amount sufficient to make winners of a stako of 10000 or three of any value the value of the stake 1 500 of which 1200 to in 1898 to carry 5 Ibs penalty Allowances Non tho winner 200 to second and 100 to third winners of two stakes of any value in 1893 3 Ibs Those entered not to bo sold to carry 7 Ibs of one stake 7 Ibs nonwinners of four races in extra those entered to be sold for 4000 to 1898 10 Ibs three races 12 Ibs two races 15 carry weight for age for 3000 allowed 5 Ibs Ibs one race 20 Ibs maidnns 25 Ibs Selling with 2 Ibs allowance for each 00 to 3000 1 purse races not counted in figuring allowances Ib for each 100 below 2000 Starters with sell ¬ No horse that has incurred either of tho penal ¬ ing price to bo named through entry box by 12 ties shall be entitled to any of tho allowances oclock on the day prior to tho race More than and no horse which is not entitled to the first two may bo named by tho same owner but only two allowances can claim any of the subsequent two can start but the starting fees must be ones Allowances and penalties not cumulative paid for all named 1 mile VA miles In addition to the above Stakes the St Louis Derby for 1897 5000 added will be run some time in June JuneENTRY ENTRY BLANKS WILL BE FORWARDED ON APPLICATION ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO TOROBERT ROBERT AULL SECY SECYFAIR FAIR GROUNDS ST LOUIS HO