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ST LOUIS BNTKIBS Probabilities Weather clear track heavy First Ivace 4Ks Furloners Furloners3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances nd Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 5928 Arcadia 14 115 5581 Rapido 5 115 6083 LadyMartin4115 5893 Baggs4 117 5899 Elkhorn 4 117 5843 LitKnight4117 5807 Barney K a 117 4090 FawnKnight5117 5818 Beckton a 117 5767 PJackson 5 117 117StNicholas5117 StNicholas5117 6081 Falcon Jr 4 120 Second Race 4 12 i 10 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6081 Billy W a 106 ftSWJMip B a 100 2820 Tom Miles 5 105 5S42 Babbit a 103 5929 Alex liQampbellafl2Edwin Labold5105 80S2 liQampbellafl2 Edwin 5J115 60 41 OF 116 5884 Venus a 118 Victor B 5 120 6082 H Bennett 4 124 6082 JackDivera 125 By Buck Walton WaltonThird Third Race 58 Mne Mne3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses W rt 5778 Fredonia4115 5543 Minnie S61K 5873 Bick Beauty8115 279i lukorikaas 4 115 5928 Trilbys Slipr4 115 Elmo 4 1J5 1J560SlVoloro4 60SlVoloro4 117 WS8 Connjemara 9n7 9n7Abe Abe Cohn 6 117 1796 Claude Hill4 117 5656 Livingstona 120 120Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds andup fcrd Handicap HandicapInd Ind Horses Wet find Horses Wrt 6083 R OMalley 5 105 M San Benita 3 105 6083 Pacolet6 105 6083 Balsam 4 108 5939 Miss L 15 108 1772 Hassle B 4 IDS IDS60S3 60S3 His Nibs a HO 593P EdBeariian 5 110 6185 Sweetheart 5 110 Smuggler 8 115 5870 Castalia 4 115 Fifth Race 6 14 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horses Wet Ind Horses Wfit 6085 Bill Arp 6 106 6083 Alcibiados 4 106 5588 Trifaciall5108 6084 Cashier II 4 10S 6081 Waverly a 112 60S Benarder 4 112 5S80 Jimmie R 6 115 8085 Aunt Susie45ll8 1837 G W Bailey 5 125 5930 Eechoillee 5 128