untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1897-01-15


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Weal Park Racing Assi AssiIdeal Ideal Park Wis WisMeeting Meeting of 1897 Entries Close March 11 89 89NINETEEN NINETEEN STAKES GUARANTEED NOMINAL ENTRANCE FEES y Ideal Park Handicap 3yearolds and up Fond Du LaciStakee Selling 3yearoldg non Vord guaranteed v i 6 OQQ I 316 miles milesWisconsin winners of 750 guaranteed value 1000 3 mile mileManitowoc Wisconsin Handicap All ages guaranteed Manitowoc Stakes Selling 3yearolds and value 2500 milo miloWaulJeaha upward nonwinners of 750 guaranteed value WaulJeaha Stakes Selling 3yearolds and 1000 1 mile mileRussell upward guaranteed value SI 300 1 miles milesBan Russell Stakes 2yearold colts and geldings Ban Plaine Handicap 3yearolds and up ¬ guaranteed value 1000 4V4 furlongs furlongsBlossom ward guaranteed value 1200 1 mile mileChicago Blossom Stakes 2 yearold fillies guaranteed Chicago Stakes 3yearolds and upward value 1000 V4 mile mileUnity guaranteed value 1000 1 116 miles Unity Stakes 2 yearolds guaranteed value Winnebago Stakes Selling 3yearolds and 1000 mile mileRush npward guaranteed guaranteedvalue value 1000 GYi furlongs furlongsKenoeha Rush Stakes 2yearolds guaranteed value Kenoeha StakesSyeaiolds guaranteed value 1000 1A mile mileBadger 1 11A S1500 1116 miles Badger State Handicap 2yearolds guaran ¬ Pleasant Prairie Handicap 3 yearolds guar ¬ teed value 1000 ft mile mileRaciuo anteed value 51000 1 mile mileGreen Raciuo Stakes selling 2yearolds guaran ¬ Green Bay stakes 3yearolds guaranteed teed value 1000 W furlongs furlongsOzaukee value 1000 mile Ozaukee Stakes selling 2yearolds guaran ¬ heboygan Stakes Selling 3yearolds guar ¬ teed value 1000 X mile anteed value 31000 1 mile MEETING BEGINS MAY 3 1897 1897Liberal Liberal Purses New Stables Pull conditions and entry blanks will be forwarded on application to toM M Nathansfcffl Secy 932 flonadnock Bldg Chicago

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897011501/drf1897011501_4_2
Local Identifier: drf1897011501_4_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800