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IRON HILL FORM CHART CHARTIRON IRON HILL MD January 30 Winter Meeting Keystone Racing Association Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Odin Bowie Jr Starter Chas Gould f Q 7 T JFIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt 3t M i M StrFin Jockeys Owners On Cl PI 6310JEWS HARP 108 2 Wt 41 ly IB Zeller O E Docker 441 441Marlborough 6277 LORETTA 103 4 2 Wt 21 21 Kuhn Marlborough Marlborough6315TOM Stbl 2 5 75 6315TOM HARDING 112 3 4 2 SH 36 Neel Pleasant Val Valley S 1 45 out 6257 PRINCESS CORA 103 1 1HALLIE 12 IK 4 4 Coudrier Hill Top Stable 15 20 8 HALLIE GAY 103 6 6SYRACUSE 6665 J Moore G W Deistal 40 50 15 SYRACUSE 108 5 5ROS1TA 5556 Carson Thos Dunn 783 ROS1TA 1077 7777 Mclntyre Jerome Stable 15 20 8 6075 ECLIPSE 10S Left at the post Rigby Manor Stable 30 40 12 12Time Time 24J 50 56K 56KWinner Winner B g 5 by Kyrle Daly Music MusicStart Start poor Won driving and in game fashion Harding was run into the ground beating Cora Harp was the best bestScratched Scratched Tampa 108 Kirkover 108 108Overweights Overweights Tom Harding 4 pounds orro SECOND RACE RAOE34 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses Wt St fc 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6854 HARRY C 115 2 26308LUCETTE 21 33 IH IH Neary Irou Hill Stable 2 2ft 1 6308LUCETTE 110 1 16d05AUNT 11 21 2 2Vi Asburn Pleasant Val Stbl 2 2la 1 6d05AUNT SALLY 110 3 41 IKK 310 36 Kuhn Clover Stable 452 6305 LAWRENCE P 115 5 3 41 42 43 McDermottDunbar Stable 2 2 1 6305 GRACIE 110 6 6655 Houlahan H B AndersonJi 15 20 8 4323 HAPPY BIRD 105 8 8566 Nelson 6352 EDDIE WOLF 10S 7 7777 Brophy Philadelphia Stb 25 30 10 1063t9 63t9 HENRY 105 9 9888 Carson C S Orrisson 562 6093 JOS HAYMAN 109 4 5999 Clare G W Hayman 15 20 8 8By By Salvator Time 252 51M 1 16 16Winner Winner B g 3 by Galore Phoebe Marks MarksStart Start good Won driving The first threo were all hard at it Harry was best ridden Law ¬ rence P ran below his mark markScratched Scratched Gov Gripgi 115 115Overweights Overweights Eddie Wolf 3V pounds Joe Hayman Wt 6379 THIRD RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6 79 FKED MUNCH 112 4 IK 11 Nelson C S Orrisson 452 6258 INTIMIDAD 108 1 1 I1 21 2 McDermott Excelsior Stable 8 10 4 4SNOOKSEY SNOOKSEY 103 2 31 31 3tf 32 Narvaez G C Gray 562 5626225TIDINGS 6225TIDINGS 103 3 2 2 41 42 Mclntyre H Watson 2Yt 3 1 6074 POCAHONTAS 106 7 6665 Carson A Possner 75 85 35 6337 GONCHO 108 5 5556 Neel T N Miller 3 4 85 6276 SCHUSTIE 107 6 7 7 7 7 J Moote M Garrigan 683 6336 HENRY H 108 Left at the post P King S D Jackson 20 25 10 10Time Time 2554 51ij 58 58Winner CalypsoStart Winner Br g 4 by Cholula Calypso Start poor Won handily next three driving hard Schustie had the slows Pocahontas away badly showed little speed Snooksey was closing at end endScratched Scratched Mary B 103 103Ov Ov rweichts Fred Munch 4 pounds Tidings 5 Pocahoutas 3V4 Goncho 5 Scbustie 4 6380 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St K X StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6UU9 BRONSTON 107 7 76 3 IB Narvaez G C Gray 4 5 85 613 SIV 107 2 jltf2iKj2i 22 JMoore Mt Vernon Stable 2 3 45 456306GYPSY 6306GYPSY 102 1 13 11 1 31 Bender WOwen 683 6 KJACK WYNNE 110 3 5 3 Wt 41 Delehauty Jersey Stable 710 1 out 6338 LITTLE DORRITT 99 4 Wt 41 5 5 Kuhn T N Miller 4 585 6312 W T ELLIS 110 8 6866 Rigby Louis Stable 683 6338 LARRISSA lOo 6 3K 5 7 7 Dorsoy W E Schultze 8 10 4 6261 LADY RICHMOND 109 5 6788 Houlahan Dover Stable 12 15 6 6Time Time 25V4 51 J 1 16M 1 3l 3lWinner Winner B g 5 by Hayden Edwards Amelia P PStart Start fair The first four were all driving Bronston ran the best race He was off badly Gypsy hung at the end endScratched Scratched Peep oDay II 108 Queen dOr 102 102Overweights Overweights Lady Richmond 4 pounds 6381 FIFT FIFTInd FIFTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 6335 GRAND PRIX 115 1 13 16 16 ia Heinrichs G Blake 13 25 out 6353 TIOGA 115 2 2119j 2 26 21 21 R King J Castle 3Yt 4 1 6335 JOHNNY 119j 6 5 41 3 3 Hayes C Douglass 562 KING HERO 115 4 31 3 t 41 42 Narvaez M S Smith 8 10 4 44a 6312 COCKADE 115 3 4a 5 5 5 R Bendtr H S Odlkin 8 10 4 6336 HIMYARIC 115 7 6666 Mclntyro R Baker 4 5 75 6313 CLOVERDALE 115 5 7777 Clare G W Hayman 8 10 4 4Time Time 25J4 50M 57 57Winner Winner Br g 8 by Sir Modred Premium PremiumStart Start good Won pulling up next three driving hard Tioga ran a good race Grand Prixs race was too good for his last to have been true trueScratched Scratched Canoba 115 115Overweights Overweights Johnny 4V pounds 6382 O O O SIXTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St 5i StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6335SPbEDX 115 1 in 1 IH IH Andrews River View Stable 562 6311 LADY RANGES 115 2 22 22 21 2 WDavis A Eager 431 6306 L1LL1PUTE 115 3 3 3 32 3 Colemaa G E Coleman 2 2 45 6337 MURRAY 115 4 5 5 4 41 Delehanty T Herald 3 3 1 16352BUS1RUS 6352BUS1RUS 115 5 4tf 4 5 5 RKing H E Apporton S 12 5 6355 MISS BCiVvSER 115 6 6666 AMoore J U Triplett 75 85 35 35formerly formerly Brightw od Time 25 50 57 57Winner Winner Ch g 6 by Blythwood Joy JoyStart Start poor The first three were driving hard Miss Bowser ran a vile race Speedy was the best and gamest gamestScratched Scratched Bert 115 Ruby 115 Chieftain 115 Carraccus 115