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INGLESIDE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track sloppy sloppyFirst First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Sellingnd nd Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt Wgt6o93 6o93 Miss Ban 4 94 6393 Pecksniff 6 106 6431 Cogent 3 87 6425 Brametta 4 94 6298 Snowdown 4 100 5522 Harry Lewis7 99 6391 Lop Ear 6 96 6391 J Hardy Jr 5 96 6216 Monitor 4 98 6412 Franco 4 102 102acot acot J Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6430 Scimetar 4 105 6364 Hazel D 4 94 6432 Morcutio 3 87 6451 Banjo 6 99 6298 Nebula 3 82 6367 Foremost 5 99 6449 Basquil 3 89 6298 Tryst 3 82 6430 Carrie U 4 9i 6453 Edgemount 4 106 106Third Third Race 3 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wet Ind Horses Wet Cherry Bounce b c by Morello Clar ¬ issa 113 6299 Don Luis 110 6365 Duke of York II 113 6390 Uorana 107 1076365Sir 6365Sir William 113 6129 Fallen Princess 107 6429 Old Jack 103 1036329Queeu 6329Queeu Mab 110 6390 St Philip 110 6429 Benecia 107 107Travancore Travancore ch g by Creighton Mis ¬ take 115 6390 Outlay 110 6390 Kummel 100 6429 Rosa 103 103fourth fourth Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses WgU 6330Schnitz 5 103 6348Collins 5 100 6301McLight 6 106 6435 BabeMurphy5 93 6410 Daylight 4 93 6453 ABuchanan 5 J 107 6451 FulltonLass6 93 93Fifth Fifth Ract 1 116 Miles The Hobart Stakes 1500 Guaranteed Guaranteed3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses W rt rt6434Lucky 6434Lucky Dog6110 6367St Lee 4 110 1106427Schillor 6427Schillor 4 110 6J82tCaptivo 4 108 6253Yan DoodleU108 6367 SFaverdale4107 SFaverdale41076328Salvation 6328Salvation 5 106 6367 Argentina 4 105 10554f 54f 9tDamien 4 100 6133 JudieDenny4 90 906450JMarcel 6450JMarcel 6 90 6367J Foremost 5 85 6452 Moylan4 98 Hildreth entry fDunno entry Spreckel entry entrySixth Sixth Race 154 Miles Over 6 Hurdles Handicap Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wet Wet6428Tuxedo 6428Tuxedo 4 148 6428 Fi Fi 5 148 6428 JOG 5 145 6430fGoldDust a 140 6412 Gov Budd 4 138 6428 Reddington 4133 tBy Oro OroSeventh Seventh Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wet 6231 Arrezzo 110 6409Sain Iu5 6409 Lincoln II 97 6431 Harold Lindyl05 6427 Geyser 105