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BARKSDALE FORM CHART CHARTBARKSDALE BARKSDALE MD February 5 Sixteenth Day Winter Meeting Barksdale Baciug Assn Wr ather cloudy Track heavy Presiding Judge T Wood Martin Starter Mars Cassioiy 46O Ind Horses Wt St K V4 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op CI PI 61 CON LUCEY 112 1 11 1113 I3 Mclntyre G C Gray 1 45 out outb4 b4 5 PO KETPIEOE 112 4 3 31 21 28 Brophv B Harris A 3 45 64 M LADY RICHMOND 110 3 2 2 3 32 AMoore Dover Stable 68 3 6 10 LITTLE JIM 112 5 4K 41 42 48 Hayes Potomac Stable 30 40 15 15fixS fixS KEECHLER 115 2 5555 Narvaez F Maddox 15 20 8 6437 FOXGLOVE 115 6 7766 Andrews West Lynn Stable 8 10 4 46d77 6d77 ECLIPSE 115 7 6677 Ford Manor Stable 15 20 8 8Time 12134Winner Time 27 543 12134 Winner B g 8 by Bon dOr Heel and Toe ToeStart Start poor Won easily second and third same Lucey ran to the line Ho is real good nowadays speedScratched Eclipse is of no account Keechler had no speed Scratched Dulcie Larondie HO Little Alice 110 Bank Cashier 115 6461 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St M V StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6 97BARYTONE II 126 1 163iHHARRY Iiyl2 is 12 Ellis W L Maupin 25 12 o 63iHHARRY C 110 4 3 t 2 210 250 Nnary Iron Hill Stable 21A 3 7 5769 JIM SWAINE US 2 2FLAKEWOOD 4 u 4 4 32 Rasuro A Brooks 25 30 10 FLAKEWOOD 118 7 7 7 3 4 Jenkins Flakewood Stable 50 60 20 3092 COZETTE 101 3 3 fell H Brophy W Barnes 683 68369H 69 69H NORFOLK 106 6 66 fell McGuirk Parkville Stable 20 30 10 6156 MARIE LOVELL 119 5 55 fell Cook Wm Lovell 562 562Time 108KWinner Time 265K 53 108K Winner Ch c 4 by Falsetto Pearl Thorn ThornStart Start fair Won easily second eased up Barytone is in rare fettle just now Harry C ran an honest race Flakewood was closing at end endScratched Scratched Princess Alix 116 116Overweights Overweights Harry C 4 pounds Marie Lovell 4 1 J O THIRD HACK 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Maidens OiOZ Selling Ind Horses Wt St M X M StrFiu Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 634u ORPHAN 122 2 4 4 14 I2 Brophy R P Watts S 10 4 6357 MONTROSE 112 3 5 32 22 2 R King J Castle 10 15 6 6BABY BABY M 112 6 Z 2 41 3 McDermottA Brooks 2 2yt 1 5216 McCALL 112 5 655 4Kz Burns Wm Duffy 562 4963 VALLEY GIRL 112 1 21 Itf 3 5 Rigby W H House 4 2 1 6274 KERPLUNK 112 7 7666 Sheehan M T Harrott 10 15 6 64 1 ESTELLE J 122 8 8777 Parsons R G Fitzsimmons 4 5 2 6441 bYT A 112 4 IH Fell Narvaez A B Clear 562 562Time Time 27Vi 553K 101 101Winner Winner B g 5 by Monticello Guberlunzie GuberlunzieStart Start fair Won driving next four were just as hard at it Orphan was the best and was never bothered Estelle J ran a bad race 6463 g FOURTH RACE 13 Furlongs Purse 150 4yearolds and upward belling Ind Horses Wt St K Vt fc StrFiu Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI I B37 GOLD DOLLAE 112 5 2 11 li l1 54 Ellis Wellwood Stable 35 45 out outb4u5 b4u5 RAMA 112 4 5 2 2 26 Nelson Famous Stable 20 25 8 6397 BRONSTON 112 1 1V4 3io 330 380 Ri by G C Gray 2tf 3 45 6 97 JOHN RUDDEN 112 2 3 5 4 41 Easure A Brooks 25 30 10 6314 VENUSBURG 110 3 4H 4J 5 5 WMorris Philadelphia Stbl 5 6 2 2JIM JIM DONLEN 115 Left at the post Fletcher Butler Bloss 10 15 6 6639nNAVAHOE 639nNAVAHOE 115 Loft at the post Dorsey Monte Belle Stbl 683 683Time Time 28M 57 1 23H 31 31Winner Winner Oh g 9 by Sir Modred Trade Dollar DollarStart Start poor Won easily second and third eased up after long drives to get up Bronston ran below standard f 1 C ± A F1F lfl RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Maidens OdtO b Selling Ind Horses Wt St M M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6356 MAFIA 112 1 21 IH 13 is Ellis Pleasant Val Stbl 85 2 45 PADDY TRAINOR 112 3 363f3 31 31 31 2 Nelson Jerome Stable 3 2 1 63f3 BETTIE HILL 122 5 5 2 23 31 Fletcher Louis Stable 6357 MARY LARSON 112 4 4 6 6 41 Dorsey East Chester Stbl 68 6157 GLOVER VENDIG 122 2 12 4VS 4sK 5 Ford H B Anderson 8 10 6o57 HELEN T 112 6 6 5 5 6 A Dorsey T Welch 8 10 4 62 5 EDNA BENNETT 122 7 7777 Patton A Mullanoy 10 12 5 6356 FRANK HOUGH 112 Left at the post Rigby G E Colernan 452 452Time Time 27 56M 104 Winner B f 3 by Exile Vendetta VendettaStart Start fair Won galloping next four driving Vendig stopped badly Bennett is of no noaccount account Trainor ran a good race 1 C ± K SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse f 150 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St 34 Vi X StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6dU4J LAUKKCE 109 3 l l ie is 16 Brophy AThompson 95 2 45 45T 64u2 MURRAY 106 2 3 K 3 41 42 2s Ellis T Herald 683 683R 62021CANDELABRA 114 4 5 5 2n 22 315 Nelson R B Dunbar 3 4 85 85West 64U5 VENT 111 6 6 6 6 6 P Dorsey West Phila StablelO 12 5 5644U 644U GIMME 104 5 4i4 4z 5 5 5 A Moore J M Triplett 95 2 1 64u6 QUEEN DOR 109 1 22 26 32 36 fell Rigby C Smith 10 12 5 5Time Time 285 58H 1 26fc 1 53 53Winner Winner B f 5 by The Bard Blossom BlossomStart Start fair Won galloping next two driven out Gimme ran a vile race Candelabra can do better