untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1897-02-27


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Turf Exchange Columbia Heights FULL REPORTS RECEIVED BY WIRE ON ALL RACING EVENTS EVENTSSpecial Special Trains leave Polk St Depot Chicago Eastern Illinois RR at 1245 and 115 pm Returning at 500 and 635 pm Round Trip 25 cents centsROUND ROUND TRIP on Special 25 CENTS Turf ExchangeAt Exchange At Roby Ind IndFULL FULL REPORTS Received by Wire on AH AHRacing Racing Events COMBINATION ODDS OFFERED SPECIAL TRAIN on PITTSBUEG FOBT WAYNE EE leaves Union Depot 1 10 pm sto stoping ping at Archer Avo 31st St 41st St and Euglewood Beturning leaves Roby immediately immediatelyafter centsThe after lapt Nw Orleans race arriving in the city at S 45 pm Fare round trip 25 cents The oclockILLINOIS P F W C R R Special will not leave Eoby any evening in future before 517 oclock ILLINOIS CENTRAL Trains leave foot of Randolph St every 40 minutes after 940 am Making amMaking connection with Electric Cars at Ninetythird St StLAKE LAKE SHORE regular train leaves at 1205 pm Returning pmReturning Lake Shore trains leave Roby at 4 30 6 36 and 7 12 pm TAKE ELECTRIC CARS

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897022701/drf1897022701_3_3
Local Identifier: drf1897022701_3_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800