Iron Hill Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-03-09


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IRON HILL FORM CHART CHARTIRON IRON HILL MD March 8 Winter Meeting Keystone Racing Association Weather clear track good O rr I FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St X StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6277 MARGUERITE II 105 2 IH IH 111 12 R Brown SDJackson 4 8 3 6628 MARCH 105 7 7 33 22 2 Patton D Nagle 8 12 5 6224 1t03 GRAMPIAN 105 1 3441 5 3 Lynch Buena Vista Stbl 6 12 3t t03 JO JAP 105 3 2H 2o 3 41 Coudrier T Fagin t TEKO 105 6 5565 Neary J Butler 10 12 5 6593 MIDROSE 105 8 6776 Elli B BBarne Barnes 5485 6720 44856591JERQUET PICKA WAY 15 5 56591JERQUET 4 6 44 7 Brophy W Beckett 4485 6526665VMcINERNY 6591JERQUET 110 9 96665VMcINERNY 9988 Congdon Lilac Stable 652 6665VMcINERNY 105 4 8 8 9 9 R Smith J M Triplett 452 6736 BELOVED 105 10 10 10 10 10 McClusky Hill Top Stable 15 20 8 8Time Time 26 52 100 BoxStart Winner 100Winner Ch m 7 by Algerine Money Box Start fair Won easily Marguorita played with her field Midrose had no speed Mclnerny Jerquet and Beloved had the slows too s 7 V SECON1J EACE 4 1 3 Furlongs Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6568 MEADOWS 108 4 46698JEWS 2141 I I2 Neary Hartford Stable 5 24 1 1Zellor 6698JEWS HARP 105 1 31 34 34 22 Zellor O E Decker 562 562A 6567 GOLD DOLLAR 105 5 44 4 5 3a A Mo Moore Wellwood Stable 8 10 4 6277 HECK JR 105 6 5 5 44 42 Houlahan E Collins 6638 MNNWATER 105 7 6665 C Hueston Jersey Stable 6720 JACK DIVER 110 3 14 24 2 6 Lynch W E Sealock 6697 FOREMAN 105 2 Fletcher Kenton Stable 6736 HIS GRACE 105 9 9888 Ellis Jerome Stable 6722VWEAVER 105 8 S 9 9 9 R Smith F Walker 56 6397 FIRST LIGHT 105 10 10 10 10 10 Knhn Point Breeze Stbl 4 5 Time 25 52 4 59J Winner Ch g 7 by The Jacobite Susie Fuller Start FullerStart fair Won easily Meadows was the best Jews Harp ran a good race and finished strong Jack Diver quit all over Heck Jr could not keep up First Light did not try was off badly r O rr O THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St J4 4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6593 SEBASTIAN 105 3 H41H I3 I6 Patton R Russell 710 1 out 6166 OLD AGE 105 4 3 21 23 24 C HuestonG W Mitchell 3 3 45 6589 TRAITOR 105 7 7 7 6 3 Brewer B Reddington 6734 CONNEMAUGH 108 2 44 41 3 41 Asburn F C OReilly 6721 GONZALES 110 5 5 5 5 5 J Murphy T Fagin 6669 DUTCH BLUSTER 105 1 2431 4 6 Lynch JButler 1102 BUTTONS 105 S 6677 Ellis JFearnoc 12 15 6 6717 MAGGIE K 108 6 8888 Narvaez P Hal ton 10 15 6 Time 274 544 1 224 Winner 224Winner IldicoStart B g 4 by Emperor Ildico Start poor Won in a gallop next three hard driven Traitor should have been second He was off badly and closed a lot of ground groundScratched Scratched Knight of Honor 105 Svengali 105 Overweights 105Overweights Connemaugh 3 pounds Buttons 5 Maggie K 3 6874 F FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 4 1 14 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6697 ION LUCEY 116 1 34 1 IH Donnelly G C Gray 662 6586 BOISTEROUS 12343 24 32 3 2 Ellis C Douglas 441 6586 ARLINE 103 2 1 24 21 32 Kuhn W Duffy 562 6697 MISS LOU 103 5 5 5 6 4 Zeller Odell Stable 35 710 out 6461 COZETTE 103 7 7 6 5 51 H Brown W Barnes 562 6403HRISH 5626403HRISH LASS 103 4 44 44 44 6 McCloskey P J McDermott 683 FRITZ 115 6 6777 Brophy Philadelphia Stbl 12 15 6 6244 C McDONALD 115 8 8 8 8 8 Burns Meirose Stk Farm 562 6732 JEWEL 115 9 9999 Andrews J M Triplett 15 20 8 Time 26452 107 ToeStart Winner 107Winner B g 8 by Ben dOr Heel and Toe Start poor The first three were driving Con Lucey won on sheer gameness He stood a lone speedScratched hard drive with Arline who weakened under pressure Irish Lass had some speed Scratched Chieftain 115 115Overweights Overweights Boisterous 34 pounds O fj K FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt S St J4 4 StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PI ELIZABETH 115 1 21 12 12 11 Lynch Maspeth Stable 3485 6592 MISS ORDWAY 110 4 31 21 23 21 Nelson Winter Stable 683 6733 FRANK FULLER 110 8 5 5 3 3 Delong Stone City Stable 8 10 4 6666 SIR CLIFDEN 115 5 56717TIOGA 6 34 5 41 Houlahan E M Phillips 10 0 10 4 6717TIOGA 110 3 44 41 44 5 R King J Castle 652 6699 JOHN RUDDEN 110 7 7766 Rasuro A Brooks 683 6719 BIG JIM 110 6 8877 Brophy H B Anderson 24 2 45 6695 SALVER 110 9 S 9 8 8 C Hueston G W Mitchell 1 75 12 6699 FERNWOOD 115 2 14 6 9 9 Burns Meirose Stk Frm 12 15 6 3866 SIROCCO 11010 10 1010 10 Ellis W L Maupin 8 10 4 Time 27K 55M 1234 PomonaStart Winnor 1234Winnor Gr m 6 by Rayon dOr Pomona Start fair Won galloping next three hard at it Elizabeth had the foot of the party Miss Ordway ran a good race Fuller wae closing at finish Sirocco had no speed 6876 SIXTH RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6590 OXIA 120 2 12 H41 li Kuhn Homowood St Stable 2 3 45 6396 TAMPA 120 5 55 41 21 Alford R Baker 862 6733 SCIO 115 8 21 24 34 32 A Moore J 862J M Triplott 8 10 4 6695LEONIDAS 115 4 44 3 2 K 44 C Hueston W L Maupin 1 1 oni 6203 BIZARRE 115 1 31 44 5 5 Jerome Stable 683 6733 JOHNNY 115 3 6566 66 Hayes C Douglass 10 15 6 6542GOVINDA 120 6 8777 77 Dorsey F E Schultzo 583 6732HOKACE ARGO 115 7 7888 88 Bloss W Bloss 452 6626MAFIA 103 9 9999 99 Ellis Pleasant Val Stbl 68 6734 DILLON J 115 10 10 10 10 10 Congdon Ashton Stable 8 10 10Time Time 264 53H 101 HeartsStart Winner 101Winner Ch f by Miser Queen of Hearts Start fair Won handily the next four were under pressure Leonidas had less than his usual speed Oxia was full of it Tampa finished very strong

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Local Identifier: drf1897030901_3_1
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