New Orleans Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-03-09


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NEW ORLEANS FORM GHART r rNEW NEW ORLEANS LA March 8 Ninetyeighth Day Crescent City Jockey Club Winter Meet ¬ ing Weather fine track heavy Presiding Judge Col R W Simmons Starter C R Fitzgerald d Q KC FIRST RACE 7 8 Mile Purse 200 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Str Fin Jockeys Op Cl PI 6191 SAUTERNE 102 3 3 3 1 21 1 A Barrett E S Warner Co 85 85 35 6534 JIM HOGG 105 5 5 42 2 1 25 Scherrer H T Batchelor 862 6801 ELEANOR MAC 100 6 6 6 6 42 3 T Burns W A Porter 12 20 8 6821 L WILLOWBRK 105 4 41 22 3452 41 J Fisher Val Fisher 562 6809 TENOCHTITLAN 108 2 2y 52 51 34 510 A Clayton M T Danaher 783 6831 ROUBLE 112 1 12 12 41 6 6 Gatewood C C Campbell 562 56216787FISCHER 16787FISCHER 102 7 7 7 7 7 7 Dorsoy Fred Carter 12 15 6 Time 27 534 12 136J Winner SemaphoreStart B g 4 by Tremont Semaphore Start good Won driving The best won but it was a tight fit Sauterne was a bit short Rouble quit to nothing last quarter Hogg finished strong Eleanor Mac showed some improve ¬ ment mentOverweights Overweights Tenochtitlan 3 pounds 6860 SECOND RACE 12 Mile Purse 200 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6707 SLY FOX 105 1 IH 14 11 Hirsch F Reagan 4 34 1 6502VAN ANTWERP 115 3 32 24 2 RWilliams E L Graves 24 3 1 6S53 35JIM GEO T TODD 105 4 48 410 3 Caywood Stubbs Bros 85 95 35 JIM 85LADY LYLE 110 2 24 34 4 F WilliamsT P Hayes 4 5 85 LADY HANLY 107 5 555 Scherrer A G Weston 10 12 4 Time 13k 254 40 53M Winner Ch c by Silver Fox Astiria AstiriaStart Start good Won easily Fox got much the best of a running start Antwerp ran thebetter race Lylo showed early speed Todd was always outrun outrunSctatched Sctatched Bonnie Nell 107 UKSB Q THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yds Purse 200 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6781 DOMINGO 106 3 12 12 12 114114 Scherrer CFleischinanSon4 4 65 6752JDAVE 656752JDAVE PULSIFER 104 1 22 35 38 28 210 Caywood C Pyle 45 710 out 6787 JACK THE JEW 99 6 6 55 530 410 35 W Dean T D Sullivan 30 20 8 6821 BEAU IDEAL 102 2 34 24 2 = 31 412 Hirsch E H Hanna 34 4 65 6836 DAVEZAC 105 4 43 42 41 51 50 Snell J A Abernathy 25 30 8 6S33 ROYAL PRINCE 96 5 54 6 6 6 6 T Powers C DeWitt 30 40 10 Time 10Time 274 534 1 22 1 515 1 53 Winner 53Winner Blk h 6 by Darebin Gondole GondoleStart Start good Won easily Jack the Jew was closing fast at the end Domingo was much the best His last race looks shabby within the light of this Beau Ideal showed early speed Dave Pnlsifer speedScratched lacked his usual speed Scratched Lizzie Mack 88 Pitfall 101 Alva 101 Dorothy III 101 Samson 105 Helen H IL 95 Renaud 101 Booze 105 Squire G 105 105Overweights Overweights Davezac4 pounds 6862 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horseb Wt St M StrFin Jockeys Owners On Cl PI 6855SHAKON 101 3 24 14 I2 I2 I2 A Barrett WllaceKtlestrg 65 1 out 6783 THE PLUTOCRAT 96 4 31 2 5 3 21 Dorsey SellersCampbell 4 44 1 6822 PALADIN 110 1 1 31 3424 315 Uaywood JMStewart 2 24 35 6822 NECEDAH 94 2 44 5 4a 5 4 Songer W C Fessendon 6 8 f NANNIE LORD 101 5 5 4424445 J Hill Benson Arthur 20 30 i Time 26 52 120 135 Winner 135Winner B c 3 by Esher Heartsease HeartseaseStart Start good Won ridden out The Plutocrat was cut off last eighth Sharon was given the worst of the going in the back stretch stretchScratched Scratched Squire G 96 Albert S 95 6863 FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Vt St M 4 M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6824 LITTLE MATT 106 5 44 34 21 2 1 J Hill C D Sullivan 452 6497 HARRY LEE 106 3 21 1 11 UJ421 TBurns A R Peabody 2 85 35 6786 HARV B 97 8 7 43 43 3 3 Dorsey D Oussett 7 12 5 6835 MITT BOYKEN 97 4 31 21 33 42 414 Songer K D Orr 6 7 25 6819 ZALDIVAR 108 6 6 7 6 53 52 Scherrer C C Rumrill 30 30 10 6811 MAURITIUS 96 7 5 54 52 6 6 A Barrett R Regan 34 3 1 6832 LITTLE BUCK 97 1 1 6 7 7 7 C Combs C J Kelly 8 10 4 6811 MARY CHANCE 92 2 8 8 8 8 8 T Powers R Bradley 40 50 15 6835 SANGUINE 97 9 9 9 9 9 9 Hirsch F Reagan 20 30 10 Time 27 524 1 204 1 364 Winner 364Winner Br h 6 by Vpltiguer Black Gal GalStart Start good Won driving Only Hills desperate drive on the winner at the end landed him Harry faltered in the last few strides Matts was a reversal of form Mauritius ran a bad race So did Little Buck BuckScratched Scratched Ixion 111 Belle of Killarney 97 Overweights 97Overweights Mauritius 4 pounds 6864 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 3yoarolds Selling Ind Horses Wt St 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 6807OLLEAN 99 1 32 38 22 11 T Burns W F Dair 2T 3 1 6786 AL KYRIS 101 4 5 45 45 23 T Powers T P Hayes 8 12 4 5910 MAMIE CALLAN 91 3 15 12 3432 Dorsoy W H Fizer 352 6753 GLEN ALBYN 104 2 23 22 12 410 Scherrer P Kuykendall 6485 6508 DAWN 99 5 44 54 53 510 Hirsch C H Carmichael 3 4 8 5 6808 TERN 96 6 6 6 6 6 A Barrett Gardner Sibloy 24 3 1 Time 25 574 121 SparkleStart Winner 121Winner B f 3 by Kallicrates Sparkle Start good Won driving Al Kyris finished strong Callan showed speed to the head of the stretch dogScratched whore she ran out Glen Albyn quit like a dog Scratched Loyaletta 91 Clymena 96 Sackvillo 101

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Local Identifier: drf1897030901_3_3
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