Iron Hill Form., Daily Racing Form, 1897-03-13

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IRON HILL FORM PHILADELPHIA Pa March 12 The form of Saturdays Iron Hill fields is isFirst First Race Prince Potomac Beloved Collu ¬ sion sionSecond Second Race His Grace Jews Harp Gram ¬ pian pianThird Third Race Claurece Candelabra Roller I IFourth Fourth Race Little Jim Jeneola Conne maugh maughFifth Fifth Race Relief Te Ko Tyrone TyroneSixth Sixth Race Baccarat Republic II Jayta Dally Racing Form in San Francisco FranciscoReaders Readers of DAILY RACING FORM in San Fran ¬ cisco can get the paperragularly at the Baldwin Hotel news stand and from Foster Oroar Fnrry Building foot of Market Street

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